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Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:02 am
by tabby
Is anyone here in the path of this hurricane? From all accounts, it's a doozy and has the potential to become one of the "perfect storms" as it wends its way north up the coast. Apparently the potential lies for it to collide with a "nor'easter" as well another storm system coming from the west. If that happens, we could see a truly freak storm causing untold amounts of damage if it touches the coast.

As it stands now, they're telling us in south/central Virginia that sometime on Monday we'll have 35 mph winds and about 3 to 5 inches of rain. That's mild compared to what will hit the coastal regions.

As always with the weather predictions, the only thing certain is that they will change hourly.

Worst Storm in 100 Years Seen for Northeast U.S. - Bloomberg

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:40 am
Sandy...Sounds so, docile. Should be the evil Sandra...

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:43 am
by tabby
True ... but at the rate she's going, she'll be flinging sand everywhere and leaving things very sandy. :-3

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:37 am
by flopstock

I don't remember conditions like this when I was a child out east.

It must be that global warming thing...:thinking:

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:13 pm
by Kathy Ellen
tabby;1409033 wrote: Is anyone here in the path of this hurricane? From all accounts, it's a doozy and has the potential to become one of the "perfect storms" as it wends its way north up the coast. Apparently the potential lies for it to collide with a "nor'easter" as well another storm system coming from the west. If that happens, we could see a truly freak storm causing untold amounts of damage if it touches the coast.

As it stands now, they're telling us in south/central Virginia that sometime on Monday we'll have 35 mph winds and about 3 to 5 inches of rain. That's mild compared to what will hit the coastal regions.

As always with the weather predictions, the only thing certain is that they will change hourly.

Worst Storm in 100 Years Seen for Northeast U.S. - Bloomberg

Yes, I live at the beach in Noo Joisey and will probably have to evacuate. I will evacuate if I have to, but I hate leaving my home. Our gov put a scare into everyone along the coast, and we did evacuate. Nothing really happened in my area, but we weren't allowed to return home for 4 days. That annoyed me as we could have returned sooner. There were no major issues in my town.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:02 pm
by LarsMac
The front that is moving eastward is set to meet up with Sandy, and create some interesting adventures.

Could get messy.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:55 pm
by chonsigirl
I hear surfs up down at the beach, and that little old storm is coming this way. They say 50-80 mph winds, and 6" or more of rain due here.

I just know every leaf in the neighborhood will fall in my back yard.......

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 5:02 am
by along-for-the-ride
I hope this may help somebody:

How to Prepare for 'Frankenstorm' Hurricane Sandy - West End Alexandria, VA Patch

We live about 60 miles from Savannah, Ga. Cloudy and windy here.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:09 pm
by LarsMac
Interesting to find out how Sandy will affect the election.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:58 am
by AnneBoleyn
Yes, I am in the Flood Zone. Last year, my close friend who lives a few streets away, had her home flooded out as she lives in an old fishing cottage on the Bay. She has not even finished getting her whole first floor back to normal. She had to buy all new kitchen appliances, floors, walls, name it. And now again. I live in a six story building on the 4th Floor. Not a bit worried. Last year for Hurricane Irene we kept the electricity, etc.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:05 am
by along-for-the-ride
Sandy to cause havoc over 800-mile area

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:23 am
by chonsigirl
Wind to start in a few hours, but the leaves are already falling everywhere......

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:43 am
by Snooz
Chonsi, remember that old Outer Limits episode with the sentient tumble weeds? That's how I imagine the leaves in your neighborhood, all flocking to your yard.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 2:04 pm
by along-for-the-ride
SnoozeAgain;1409185 wrote: Chonsi, remember that old Outer Limits episode with the sentient tumble weeds? That's how I imagine the leaves in your neighborhood, all flocking to your yard.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:20 pm
by chonsigirl
LOL, love those tumbleweeks!

No school tomorrow, I am going to sleep in, and let those leaves all fall........................

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 5:23 pm
by Oscar Namechange
It must be serious.... It's In the Daily Mail here.

Seriously... I hope you all stay safe.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:33 am
by tabby
We're about 200 miles inland and this morning we're being pelted with heavy rain and winds. It's still dark outside so I can't see the effects but I can hear the howling wind. The prediction for this area is for the heavy rain and wind to continue through today and into tomorrow with tomorrow being the more severe weather.

If it's like this 200 miles from the coast, I can't imagine what it's like for those in its direct path! :-3

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:46 am
by tabby
One amusing aspect to the hurricanes is the intrepid newscaster who either volunteers or is assigned the news reporting of the storm while standing at the ocean front. There's just something comforting about the predictability of seeing the man or woman standing there in a rain slicker being pelted by surf, rain and 100 mph wind while trying to give a serious report on the conditions. It's hard to hear them as they stagger around and try to brace themselves against the wind only to tell the viewer that it's getting ugly out there ... who would have thought?

The incessant flapping of rain slicker hood is my personal favorite of the sound effects.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 4:14 am
by chonsigirl
Rain and rain right now, no school or work today for everyone but emergency workers. What a shame I'll have to miss my dentist appointment this afternoon......:p

Mass transport was shut down last night, up in NYC and here during the night.

Yes tabby, they are showing those newscasters in slickers out on the beach, with the high surf. Silly willy people, we know it is wet out there.......

Now to reach my stash of chocolate I left in the car, to snack on while reading a good book..........

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:02 pm
by Bryn Mawr
Kathy Ellen;1409072 wrote: Yes, I live at the beach in Noo Joisey and will probably have to evacuate. I will evacuate if I have to, but I hate leaving my home. Our gov put a scare into everyone along the coast, and we did evacuate. Nothing really happened in my area, but we weren't allowed to return home for 4 days. That annoyed me as we could have returned sooner. There were no major issues in my town.

I've just seen the reports of the path and intensity and a west coast holiday sounds good right now - if it comes to evacuation run as far and as fast as you can 'cos we really do not want to loose you.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:09 pm
by Bryn Mawr
chonsigirl;1409076 wrote: I hear surfs up down at the beach, and that little old storm is coming this way. They say 50-80 mph winds, and 6" or more of rain due here.

I just know every leaf in the neighborhood will fall in my back yard.......

They're bound to - they just know how much you hate it :p

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:35 pm
by chonsigirl
Yes, those stinky little leaves.

Daughter's power is out, I texted her to come over with hubby for the duration.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:12 pm
by tabby
An Interactive Map of Sandy ~~~~~> Google Crisis Map

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:24 pm
by Bryn Mawr
tabby;1409299 wrote: An Interactive Map of Sandy ~~~~~> Google Crisis Map

Thanks, that helps

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:36 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Just been watching the sea around Noooo Jersey on TV... so worried about Kathy Ellen....

Alerts on my facebook.... the Barking Army are even evacuating the animal shelters.

Just think.... Us Brits moan about a bit of rain...

Hope you all are OK.... If you are, check In here so we know please...

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:48 pm
by southern yankee
been through 5 when i lived in cajunland:-1. no fun at all.:-3 no matter what some jackasses say about hurricane parties. please take care. i was slightly effected by Katrina, a lot more by Rita. the days without water, lights, and in a lot of cases shelter. God bless u all who are effected by her

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 4:57 pm
by tabby
The effects of Hurricane Sandy combined with the cold front coming from the west has resulted in a prediction of 2 feet of snow in the Blue Ridge Mountains tonight & tomorrow.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:16 pm
by LarsMac
We had our share in South Florida. Up here, we don't see much from hurricanes.By the time they get to Colorado, their not much more that a few points on the humidity readings.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:22 pm
by Oscar Namechange
I was alone the night of The Great Storm In 1987

Great Storm of 1987 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I will always remember how frightened I was especially when the power went off and I could hear roof slates smashing to the pavements. There was no street lights and with no power the only sense you had was the noise.

That's why I feel for Americans now.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:31 pm
by AussiePam
Kathy Ellen;1409072 wrote: Yes, I live at the beach in Noo Joisey and will probably have to evacuate. I will evacuate if I have to, but I hate leaving my home. Our gov put a scare into everyone along the coast, and we did evacuate. Nothing really happened in my area, but we weren't allowed to return home for 4 days. That annoyed me as we could have returned sooner. There were no major issues in my town.

Kathy - I'm very glad to see that you are okay - at least so far. Please take care. This storm is a bad one!!!

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:01 pm
by Lady J
chonsigirl;1409181 wrote: Wind to start in a few hours, but the leaves are already falling everywhere......

leaves? what leaves? even the ones that have not changed color yet have been stripped from their limbs in these high winds!

Yes, I am in the path of Sandy and bunkered down. I made sure I got Zeus, (my dog) out just before Sandy hit land. The wind driven rain stings when it pelts you in your face and walking standing straight is not possible....there are replies about the reporters ~ well own a dog that needs to be relieved and who finds this all quite fun and exciting ~ even with a slicker I arrive home soaked to my skin.

And Zeus just luvs to be toweled off! Who wouldn't ~ took me three towels to semi-dry him.

it is supposed to get worst as the night goes on and last thru tomorrow night. I am just glad it is not snow and feel those a little north of me.

hoping none of my tall trees in the yard fall onto the house or my neighbors home ~ i watched this afternoon the trees bending and twisting in the winds and it actually gave me vertigo.

Reporting here from Maryland!

be safe!

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:26 am
by tabby
Glad to hear you & Zeus are okay albeit damp, Lady J! I know Maryland was hit hard. It will be interesting to hear what you see when the sun rises this morning. I hope no damage!

We had heavy rain and wind gusts all night and it's supposed to go on through the day like this. What we're experiencing now is the backside of the storm. Every day last week was sunny and hovering around 85F. Yesterday evening the temperature had dropped to 44F.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 4:28 am
by chonsigirl
Lady J, how did you do? I bet your leaves headed my way! :wah:

It was a big one, waiting for the sun to finish coming up to go out to inspect the house and neighborhood for damage.

The wind gusts was so strong, the medium sized trees across the street at the school were going sideways in the gusts, I was watching them out the window last night. If I find anything interesting will post pics. Post some too Lady J.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:48 am
by tabby
We haven't heard from AnneBoleyn in a day or two but hopefully all is well on that end. She wasn't concerned about flooding but there's a better than average chance that she has no electricity.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:25 am
by flopstock
You know, with electrical gone in some areas, folks better have car chargers for their cells. There are so many things we don't think about planning for. :thinking:

I am glad to see folks checking in here. It eases some of the worry.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:06 am
by gmc
flopstock;1409367 wrote: You know, with electrical gone in some areas, folks better have car chargers for their cells. There are so many things we don't think about planning for. :thinking:

I am glad to see folks checking in here. It eases some of the worry.

Just for a few seconds there I was sitting wondering why Americans would be sitting in cells and not have houses like normal people. :-5

Why have a phone that holds so little stand by time? Better have a mobile phone with several days or weeks weeks stand by time and at least ten hours talk time at least then you wouldn't have to worry about it going flat in an emergency - forget the fancy internet stuff have a basic phone that is just that and nothing more as stand by.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:30 am
by LarsMac
If the power is out long enough, the backup power at the cell tower fails, and you no longer even have communications.

I think 48 hours is the usual limit for towers to run without power.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:35 am
by Týr
Has it been a hurricane at any stage over the US landmass? The reports on our news channels give it the courtesy title of Hurricane because it was a hurricane when it was tearing Jamaica apart and rampaging across Cuba but they seem to be implying that over the US it's a widespread storm.

The extent of power outages seems to be a consequence of having such a high proportion of local power distribution by overhead wires rather than buried cabling.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 11:53 am
by tabby
It's my understanding that it was a hurricane at the point that it hit the coast and has since been downgraded to a post-tropical storm as it continues northward over land. It's drenching everyone with rain as it goes along but the wind isn't quite as dangerous although I'm sure it's still severe.

The sun showed its face here this afternoon for a little while and since we haven't seen it since last Thursday, it was a sight for sore eyes!

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:06 pm
by Lady J
chonsigirl;1409359 wrote: Lady J, how did you do? I bet your leaves headed my way! :wah:

It was a big one, waiting for the sun to finish coming up to go out to inspect the house and neighborhood for damage.

The wind gusts was so strong, the medium sized trees across the street at the school were going sideways in the gusts, I was watching them out the window last night. If I find anything interesting will post pics. Post some too Lady J.

This morning Zeus and I checked out the property and all in all it fared well with only a few down tree limbs ~ chonsigirl I think the leaves did blow your way! :D

I didn't take much in the way of photos but thought you might like these.

The Most Unbelievable but Real Pictures of Sandy's Destruction - National - The Atlantic Wire

I hope AnneBoleyn and Kathy Ellen are doing ok. It was a rough ride!

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:22 pm
by AussiePam
I still have no news of Kathy Ellen. Her beautiful house would have taken a direct hit. I hope at least she wasn't still in it at the time. If anyone gets any info, please post something here. I'll keep checking in.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:45 am
by Snooz
Fingers crossed for our NY and NJ members.

More photos, NJ was hit really hard.

Photos: Superstorm Slams East -

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:56 am
by Bryn Mawr
Lady J;1409401 wrote: This morning Zeus and I checked out the property and all in all it fared well with only a few down tree limbs ~ chonsigirl I think the leaves did blow your way! :D

I didn't take much in the way of photos but thought you might like these.

The Most Unbelievable but Real Pictures of Sandy's Destruction - National - The Atlantic Wire

I hope AnneBoleyn and Kathy Ellen are doing ok. It was a rough ride!

So do I - I'm getting worried that they've not checked in since it hit.

Here's hoping that it's down to a power outage and they're OK.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:37 pm
by Erica Kane
Ah, there you are. Have been thinking of you for days!!!! You and I were both in the bulleye but I think you got hit worse than us..did your house survive cuz I saw pix of your town and it didn't look to good. I'll inbox you.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:43 pm
by Erica Kane
Hello Bryn...I've been trying to locate Kathy Ellen since her town got hit hard by the hurricane. I'm not far from her..about 40 miles west just outside of Philadelphia, PA. We got the wind (75mph), rain, lost electricity, flooding, etc. but I think she got the brunt of it since she lives right on the beach. Parts of her town ended up in the ocean so I'm hoping her's wasn't one of the houses that got lifted right off its foundation and that she's alright.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:46 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Erica Kane;1409451 wrote: Hello Bryn...I've been trying to locate Kathy Ellen since her town got hit hard by the hurricane. I'm not far from her..about 40 miles west just outside of Philadelphia, PA. We got the wind (75mph), rain, lost electricity, flooding, etc. but I think she got the brunt of it since she lives right on the beach. Parts of her town ended up in the ocean so I'm hoping her's wasn't one of the houses that got lifted right off its foundation and that she's alright. I've messaged her and e mailed her but no reply yet... I can only guess that If the power was down, she'd have no Internet connection.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:47 pm
by AussiePam
I have tried to call Kathy Bryn but, not surprisingly, couldn't get through. If I hear from her I'll post a message.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:08 pm
by Bryn Mawr
Many thanks all of you for trying - fingernails gone so I'll chew my thumb

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:25 pm
by chonsigirl
Oh, no news from Kathy yet? I think phone and electricity is still down up there.

Hurricane Sandy

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:40 pm
by Týr
This'll take a bit of repairing before the blank patches get filled back in.

Around a quarter of mobile phone towers in the ten East-coast states hit by Hurricane Sandy have been damaged or destroyed, the Federal Communications Commission has said. The FCC is anticipating continued communication problems as other towers are running on backup power.

Quarter of Eastern cell towers BLOWN down BY SANDY - FCC • The Register