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Where's The Red Card?

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 8:41 am
by Ahso!
Where's the red card? Really? My question is: what's happening to the females of our species?

if we're going to insist on raising our girls as boys and continue to portray them as ass-kickers on the big screen, why would we expect any different?

Some commentary worth considering in a Huffington Post article. It's short.

Petiola Manu, Salt Lake High School Soccer Player, Brutally Knees Opponent In The Face (VIDEO)

Where's The Red Card?

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 10:04 am
by koan
Raising our girls as boys? I don't see why either gender should be raised to be violent.

Where's The Red Card?

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 10:19 am
by Ahso!
Male on male competition is natural within the species; we do it to perform for the opposite sex in order to gain permission for reproductive (sex) rights.

Where's The Red Card?

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 10:22 am
by Ahso!
Violence, as the way humans and chimps express it, is an interesting behavior.

Where's The Red Card?

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 1:43 pm
by AnneBoleyn
koan;1408395 wrote: Raising our girls as boys? I don't see why either gender should be raised to be violent.
I am unanimous in that. :yh_peace

Where's The Red Card?

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:36 pm
by flopstock
Ahso!;1408396 wrote: Male on male competition is natural within the species; we do it to perform for the opposite sex in order to gain permission for reproductive (sex) rights.

You've just described the female population, dear.:wah:

Where's The Red Card?

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 5:38 am
by Ahso!
What would you say is the ultimate goal of a female? IOW - what drives them and why?

Please don't be suspicious that I'm baiting or setting you up. I'm genuinely interested in your thoughts and perspective.

It would be nice to respectfully explore both our statements.

Where's The Red Card?

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 5:47 am
by Ahso!
And, of course, anyone's input is welcome.

Where's The Red Card?

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:06 am
by gmc
Ahso!;1408388 wrote: Where's the red card? Really? My question is: what's happening to the females of our species?

if we're going to insist on raising our girls as boys and continue to portray them as ass-kickers on the big screen, why would we expect any different?

Some commentary worth considering in a Huffington Post article. It's short.

Petiola Manu, Salt Lake High School Soccer Player, Brutally Knees Opponent In The Face (VIDEO)

That was assault - at least in this country it would be. The sex of the perpetrator is irrelevant and if you really think it is only recently women have become capable of tghat kind of violence I have to ask what planet are you living on?

Where's The Red Card?

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:54 am
by LarsMac
Most animals seem to prefer posturing to actual violence, and only take to violence as a last resort.

I doubt that young lady could actually put to words why she kneed the other girl.

Where's The Red Card?

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 9:52 am
With men, that would have just been the beginning of the video.

Where's The Red Card?

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:24 am
by fuzzywuzzy
Ahso!;1408396 wrote: Male on male competition is natural within the species; we do it to perform for the opposite sex in order to gain permission for reproductive (sex) rights.

Really????? cause that turns me right off both ...*shrugs* ...maybe I evolved?

Where's The Red Card?

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 6:08 am
by Ahso!
fuzzywuzzy;1408530 wrote: Really????? cause that turns me right off both ...*shrugs* ...maybe I evolved?Or perhaps you're a mutant. :)

Seriously though, [1]arena sports isn't the only method of competition men engage in for reproductive rights permission. There's our use of language, music and the arts; how we present ourselves; and then there's the physical aspect, which is your weakness. Any one or combination of theses may be displayed in order to gain entry. Hell, we might even shout out of a car window as we pass - coz ya never know. :)

[1]In the arena sports area, if the performance itself doesn't get you, the money or fame we acquire might.

The complexity of mating is rather sophisticated, actually.

Where's The Red Card?

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 6:04 pm
by K.Snyder
Ahso!;1408535 wrote: Or perhaps you're a mutant. :)

Seriously though, [1]arena sports isn't the only method of competition men engage in for reproductive rights permission. There's our use of language, music and the arts; how we present ourselves; and then there's the physical aspect, which is your weakness. Any one or combination of theses may be displayed in order to gain entry. Hell, we might even shout out of a car window as we pass - coz ya never know. :)

[1]In the arena sports area, if the performance itself doesn't get you, the money or fame we acquire might.

The complexity of mating is rather sophisticated, actually.Or perhaps aggressiveness is the result of being unable to relate to human beings. Perhaps this is what leads many to assume that if some people act aggressively then this is sufficient reason to claim that all human beings "prove nasty, poor, brutish, and short."

Perhaps by aggressiveness not being as prevalent in women than men, which has led to your surprise, suggests that women are more human than men(Of course there are other non human traits to be considered as well - although some may disagree with that).

Where's The Red Card?

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 9:04 pm
by koan
Ahso, I think you need to stop and consider something most men seem to miss when talking about how women "are": you have no f-ing clue. Seriously, dude. I would like to hear what you think women are "naturally" like so we women can all snicker then let you continue to believe it. We have ways of hurting people that men have never even dreamed of yet.

Where's The Red Card?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:41 am
by Ahso!
What is it you think I've said about women?

Where's The Red Card?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:50 am
by koan
Ahso!;1408622 wrote: What is it you think I've said about women?
Oh, don't be coy. You've said a lot.

Ahso!;1408388 wrote: Where's the red card? Really? My question is: what's happening to the females of our species?

if we're going to insist on raising our girls as boys and continue to portray them as ass-kickers on the big screen, why would we expect any different?

Some commentary worth considering in a Huffington Post article. It's short.

Petiola Manu, Salt Lake High School Soccer Player, Brutally Knees Opponent In The Face (VIDEO)
The OP states that women are being raised like men. That implies that women and men have innate differences in temperament.

Ahso!;1408396 wrote: Male on male competition is natural within the species; we do it to perform for the opposite sex in order to gain permission for reproductive (sex) rights.
You make your comments about what is natural for men as a contrast to women. You don't state what women are, you imply what they aren't. You've eliminated too many things now. I'm saying you don't know what they aren't any more than you know what they are. In either case the other side of the equation is zero.

Where's The Red Card?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:57 am
by koan
Let me simplify my double negatives to say that men only know about women what we want them to know. The physical aggression is becoming more noticable because women's rights have allowed women to be more physically aggressive. Imagine all the aggression you see on that soccer field but with no physical outlet. That is the world of women that men haven't yet sorted out. The aggression isn't new, only the visibility of it. Where men could just punch each other in the head, women have found more subtle ways of producing the same damage.

Where's The Red Card?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:59 am
by Ahso!
I don't think I've said females can't be or aren't violent. It's obvious any member of our species is capable of violence. The evidence does suggest that female violence has been on the rise though. I attribute that, in part, to the fact that females have been being raised and conditioned lately in a way that gives rise to the opportunity to engage in more violent behavior.

As for "innate" differences between the genders: you can't dispute the biological differences between the genders and how each is thus driven biologically/naturally. Most males have a desire and drive to spread their seed while females are in the position to select which males, if any, they're willing to engage in that process with. I've said that process has become sophisticated and offered some examples of ways the biological drive is expressed.

Where's The Red Card?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:17 am
by koan
Of course you haven't said women can't be violent. That would be a foolish thing to say, considering you posted a video of exactly that. I'm not disputing that men and women are biologically different. That would be a foolish thing to say considering the overwhelming proof. What we are trying to discuss is whether or not female and male aggression happens to the same degree but with different outlets, and whether or not women are starting to adopt male type aggression more often. You might also question if men are adopting more relational aggression with the introduction of social media sites.

So why might women start openly displaying more physical violence? Because they can.

In the past, a physically aggressive woman would have been socially murdered so they would go to pains to avoid such acts being seen. Not the case any more. The aggression isn't new, just the outlet. Women's aggression can be tracked to evolutionary behaviour just as easily as men's. It's becoming a hot topic of research lately and the research shows that it is not new, it is not mild, it is intensely dangerous and damaging and it is more insidious because it is harder to detect.

I'd submit that women are more aggressive than men. "Behind every great man is a great woman" substitute the word great with many other adjectives and you'll get a picture of the world women have grown up in. We are far more likely to gain "success" through manipulating men and can only benefit if we also get them to marry us or share the credit in some other way. Sure, that's changing, but only slowly. My daughter assures me that not much has changed. We are either still second class citizens or we are first class through our associations with men.

Where's The Red Card?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:53 am
by koan
I enjoyed this article

The "Bitch" Evolved: Why Girls Are So Cruel to Each Other: Scientific American

And if this little pigtailed girl is anything like the rest of her gender, in just a few years’ time she will unfortunately morph into an eye-rolling, gossiping, ostracizing, sarcastic, dismissive, cliquish ninth-grader, embroiled in the classic cafeteria style bitchery of adolescent female social politics.

What is more violent: Getting into a physical scrap or having your reputation destroyed for years or decades? Both can happen in an instant. Girls opt for the second.

Both go too far at times. A friend from high school reported that last year her teen son had his jaw smashed to fragments by bullies and was having reconstructive surgery. Girls are more likely to kill themselves.

eta: rechecked stats and girls are more likely than boys to try and kill themselves but more boys succeed.

Teen suicide statistics draw a correlation between gender and suicide. It is interesting to note that there are some very clear indications that suicide is different for males and females, attempted and completed suicides alike. For example, males are four times more likely to die from suicide than females. However, teen girls are more likely than teen boys to attempt suicide. So, even though teenage girls make more attempts on their own lives than teenage boys, the boys are more likely to actually complete a suicide attempt. They do not allow for intervention, and are less likely to “call for help” through a suicide attempt, since there is often little opportunity to get males into treatment since their suicide completion rate is higher than that of females.