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Salisbury to Bournemouth, how do i ask spirit if I am making the right decision?

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:27 am
by Aura
I don't know if this is the right forum, if not please feel free to put it in the right place? I am not very good with words, so I will have a go.

I live in Salisbury in Wiltshire, and would like to move to Bournemouth in Dorset. I want to leave Salisbury because it's too quiet with not much going on, and a lot of people who used to bully me at school because I was quiet still think it's OK to victimise me. I never used to speak very much, and because of that people at school thought I was a snob. I have a reputation in Salisbury of being a bit odd because of my quietness, but I'm not like that at all.

I go to Bournemouth spiritualist church (I'm Wiccan and they are OK with that). I would like to do more things there, but I can't because I have to get the bus back as I don't drive; the last one is 8pm for me. My heart is telling me to move to the coast, but my brain (logical self) is telling me otherwise. I tried a dousing test with a ladies crsytal the other day, I waited patiently but it didn't move. So she did it over my hand and it swung backwards and forwards in front of me for yes, and side to side for no. Is this right?

Also I went to a carnival yesterday and stopped at a mans tent who was doing body massage and he pulled out his Rune bag, I picked two Runes with my left hand (Raidho first, and then Thurisaz). He said it was a sign I shouldn't move. is this right please? :-3

I am very confused now as I would like to move to Bournemouth, but my head is saying no. Can you advise me please? Many thanks.

Salisbury to Bournemouth, how do i ask spirit if I am making the right decision?

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 10:14 am
by Oscar Namechange
I don't really know what to say Aura other than go with your gut Instinct.

When I've been faced with something like this In the past and just couldn't decide, I've divided a piece of paper Into two marked benefits and disadvantages. The see what outweighs each other.

Salisbury to Bournemouth, how do i ask spirit if I am making the right decision?

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 10:22 am
by Betty Boop
Aura;1399720 wrote: I don't know if this is the right forum, if not please feel free to put it in the right place? I am not very good with words, so I will have a go.

I live in Salisbury in Wiltshire, and would like to move to Bournemouth in Dorset. I want to leave Salisbury because it's too quiet with not much going on, and a lot of people who used to bully me at school because I was quiet still think it's OK to victimise me. I never used to speak very much, and because of that people at school thought I was a snob. I have a reputation in Salisbury of being a bit odd because of my quietness, but I'm not like that at all.

I go to Bournemouth spiritualist church (I'm Wiccan and they are OK with that). I would like to do more things there, but I can't because I have to get the bus back as I don't drive; the last one is 8pm for me. My heart is telling me to move to the coast, but my brain (logical self) is telling me otherwise. I tried a dousing test with a ladies crsytal the other day, I waited patiently but it didn't move. So she did it over my hand and it swung backwards and forwards in front of me for yes, and side to side for no. Is this right?

Also I went to a carnival yesterday and stopped at a mans tent who was doing body massage and he pulled out his Rune bag, I picked two Runes with my left hand (Raidho first, and then Thurisaz). He said it was a sign I shouldn't move. is this right please? :-3

I am very confused now as I would like to move to Bournemouth, but my head is saying no. Can you advise me please? Many thanks.

You should have your own crystal for dousing not use someone else's. It's quite ok for her to douse for you and every crystal is different, there is no set rule for a yes and a no from a crystal. She should know what movement her crystal makes for no and which movement for yes.

Whilst some people love to douse and get some success from it you'd be far better off making lists as Oscar suggests, maybe put your 'reasons to stay' and 'reasons to go' here in the thread then leave the subject matter alone for 48 hours come back and think about it again, see if you're any clearer then.

Salisbury to Bournemouth, how do i ask spirit if I am making the right decision?

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 11:18 am
by Aura
oscar;1399723 wrote: I don't really know what to say Aura other than go with your gut Instinct.

When I've been faced with something like this In the past and just couldn't decide, I've divided a piece of paper Into two marked benefits and disadvantages. The see what outweighs each other.

Thanks for your replies. I will do a list and see what happens. Can call it pros or cons or reasons to stay or go (should I stay or should I go, da da da..)