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Outlash of ME3

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:46 am
by littleCJelkton
I am not sure how many here have Mass effect 3 I heard rumors some european distributors were not going to carry in in protest to EA, but more over there is a massive protest on the games ending which gives you 3 endings all of which lead to the idea that the games hero has been a slave of the enemy you have been fighting since the first game. Which has many in an uproar and demanding a new ending

Mass Effect 3 gamers campaign for new ending - Telegraph

Outlash of ME3

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:12 am
by ohsnapitstez
I know this is super late, but I just beat the game. Out of the 16 different PROMISED endings by the game developer, there are only 3, and they are all about the same. There is no resolution at all. Its the most non-ending to anything. I can see why people would be mad. I mean really. But the buildup to that point was AMAZING!

Outlash of ME3

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:22 pm
by littleCJelkton
ohsnapitstez;1398826 wrote: I know this is super late, but I just beat the game. Out of the 16 different PROMISED endings by the game developer, there are only 3, and they are all about the same. There is no resolution at all. Its the most non-ending to anything. I can see why people would be mad. I mean really. But the buildup to that point was AMAZING!

That is what makes the Ending so bad. It is like the video game version of the Meat Loaf song " I would do anything for love". Build up, Build up, Build up, and...... no conclusion

Outlash of ME3

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:02 pm
by ohsnapitstez
You are totally right about that. I haven't even played the DLC extended ending, but I hear it fleshes out the other members and what happened to them. Honestly though, I didn't find myself thinking about what happened to Liara or the rest of my crew. I was much more enamored with my Sheppard and his struggle... but that control the reapers thing? Its like, was there no other way? Couldn't I possibly control them without death, or maybe destroy them without killing all synthetic life?

Outlash of ME3

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:56 pm
by littleCJelkton
An EA is not going to change a thing which is why I no longer buy EA products.

Outlash of ME3

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:30 am
by ohsnapitstez
They have this design by corporate approach to gaming. Does it suck? Maybe, but Activision is much worse. I can tolerate EA more because when they try, they do a great job with resources.