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Death of Amy Winehouse alias Lady Gaga was an illuminati joke about the Death

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 8:46 am
by TruthIsNeverTooHorrible
"Death" of "Amy Winehouse" alias "Lady Gaga" was an illuminati joke about the "Death" of "Osama Bin Laden" alias "Hussein Obama II" alias Barry Soetoro

After focusing on starlet Gabrielle Giffords the cameras focus on "Obama's" last state of the union speech before he self detonates as suicide "Obomber" and is stripped of his 44th title after being "exposed" as a criminal (from forging birth certificate to murdering his "granny") and counterfeit president, leading to the proclamation of Hillary Clinton as the "real" 44th president, or in other words the successor of GW Bush.

A speech where his second statement is "for the first time in two decades Osama Bin Laden is no more a threat to this country".

To begin to understand the role of these illuminati icons (1) in this ritual, get some simple facts:

- "Hussein Obama II" plays "Osama Bin Laden" in all tapes released in the last years; (2)

- "Amy Winehouse" and "Lady Gaga" are also one and the same; (3)

- the Arizona "shootings" 2010 were the first purely virtual (no victims) staged act of this type. The act was repeated in Norway in 2011, while the Germany school massacre 2009 was a repetition of the premiere for the script with a purely virtual shooter but still with real victims, Virginia Tech 2007. (4)


(1) illuminati icons - Google Search

(2) "Obama" was used to impersonate Osama in his videos of the last years.

CIA forced Youtube to remove the best videos showing the faking process. This one still available:

Bin laden and obama are same - YouTube

This "Osama" is Obama, not the original Osama from the seventies.

To understand WHY the illuminati write these kind of scripts:

illuminati religion blogspot - Google Search


Illuminati Religion


3 Nov 2008 – Suicide was not part of the Illuminati religion until shortly before these very last days where suicide bomber "Obama" detonates his bomb. ...

(3) Lady Gaga is Amy Winehouse 100% Proof

(4) How Giffords as the other star of "Obama's" very last state of the union speech fits here: ... -echo.html

From patsy McVeigh to pure virtual characters, 15 years later in Germany (school masscre) and beyond that, 16 years later in the US and Norway ( not only pure virtual character Loughner but also pure virtual massacres of up to "100" later "68 victims").

Death of Amy Winehouse alias Lady Gaga was an illuminati joke about the Death

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 8:59 am
by spot
The "words", combined together in "that sequence", are "simply" meaningless. Perhaps you could "join" a contemplative order?

Death of Amy Winehouse alias Lady Gaga was an illuminati joke about the Death

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 9:30 am
by Snooz
"starlet Gabrielle Giffords"

You're an ass hole.

Death of Amy Winehouse alias Lady Gaga was an illuminati joke about the Death

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:07 am
by LarsMac

Death of Amy Winehouse alias Lady Gaga was an illuminati joke about the Death

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:23 pm
by Richard Bell
mmmm...word salad!

errr, I mean "cool story,bro."

Death of Amy Winehouse alias Lady Gaga was an illuminati joke about the Death

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:51 am
by koan
Thank you for letting us know exactly how dim witted conspiracy theorists can be.

It's best to not underestimate.

Death of Amy Winehouse alias Lady Gaga was an illuminati joke about the Death

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:35 am
Once Dorothy came back to Kansas did she marry and have children?

Death of Amy Winehouse alias Lady Gaga was an illuminati joke about the Death

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:29 pm
by AnneBoleyn
Once Dorothy came back to Kansas did she marry and have children?
Sorry, no. She was so changed by her experience that she moved to NYC looking for OZ & became a drug addict. She is still looking.

Death of Amy Winehouse alias Lady Gaga was an illuminati joke about the Death

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:40 pm
by TruthIsNeverTooHorrible
"Execution" of "Obama" II, alias "Hussein" II sentenced to death penalty by SCOTUS on ...

"Execution" of "Obama" II, alias "Hussein" II (1) of the anti-Bible's Obamanation of Desolation, (after being sentenced to death penalty by Supreme Court) scheduled for --/--/2012 (2) (Genesis 2:2 of anti-Bible).

And "Lady Gaga" alias "Amy Winehouse" will be singing a song about the math that day. (2)


(1) the same type of execution as the actor impersonating "captured" Hussein I of Iraq

Genesis 2:2 of anti-Bible - Google Search

First results

Obama publicly reveals GENESIS 2:2 of Illuminati anti-Bible ...

Obama publicly reveals GENESIS 2:2 of Illuminati anti-Bible, Saturday night, May 9,09 - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The Bible vs the Illuminati anti-Bible: GENESIS 2:2 of Illuminati anti ...

10 May 2009 ... Simultaneously he releases to the audience the lines of GENESIS 2:2 in the

Illuminati anti-Bible, another example that the Illuminati anti-Bible ...

The Bible vs the Illuminati anti-Bible

(2) Hussein I * Hussein II = Osama I * Osama (alias Obama) II

"Death" of "Amy Winehouse" alias "Lady Gaga" was an illuminati joke about the "Death" of "Osama Bin Laden" alias "Hussein Obama II" alias Barry Soetoro

"Death" of "Amy Winehouse" alias "Lady Gaga" was an illuminati joke about the "Death"


"Execution" of "Obama" II, alias "Hussein" II sentenced to death penalty by SCOTUS on

Death of Amy Winehouse alias Lady Gaga was an illuminati joke about the Death

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:17 pm
by spot
Given the effort you're putting into this meaningless material I suspect you may be the Internet's sole random Dadaist poster in which case, press on, good job, neat concept.

Death of Amy Winehouse alias Lady Gaga was an illuminati joke about the Death

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:48 pm
by LarsMac
Wow, after I smoked a couple of joints, and stared at the OP for a while it all started to make sense.

What he is really saying is that Barry O is Abe reincarnate, and that Bin Laden was was Booth.

So now the republic can prevail.

Or,... maybe it was Ellen deGeneres that was Abe, and the girl with the Dragon Tattoo is really Jackie O trying to take the Queen's place.


I think I need another toke


Death of Amy Winehouse alias Lady Gaga was an illuminati joke about the Death

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:03 pm
by TruthIsNeverTooHorrible
"Obama" accused of treason over the Benghazi "attack" that costed the life of fake identity "ambassador Chris Stevens" (1) is nothing in comparison with the next act:

OBAMA LAST OSAMA video to prove he lied on Bin Laden's death

"OBAMA" makes one LAST "OSAMA" video to prove that "Bin Laden's death" is a lie

Last Prophet explained immediately after the illuminati were forced to use plan B for the 2008 "election" and have "Obama" play counterfeit president and have him detonate as fake suicide bomber (like Nixon) later, that illuminati actor "Obama" would be executed the same way (2) as the two greatest sports champions ever, Armstrong and Bolt:

- accused of all sort of crimes (forging birth certificate; murdering "granny", etc);

- stripped of his title, with Hillary Clinton declared 44th president and successor of GW Bush. (2)

But the illuminati religion has a special bomb among the endless array of bombs used during the detonation of "Obama".

The same religion that had "Obama" doing the "Osama" videos has one last special video for "Obama" in that role.

"OBAMA" makes one LAST "OSAMA" video to prove that "Bin Laden's death" is a lie, that "OSAMA" is "still hiding in a cave in Afghanistan" and "OBAMA" faked the death of "OSAMA".


(1) "Chris Stevens" "Dead" US ambassador in Libya lived less than 2 years: how fake folks are created ... folks.html

(2) Full text of 2008 October surprise postponed - minor and major change in script for 2012 ... cript.html

In ... h-lie.html

Death of Amy Winehouse alias Lady Gaga was an illuminati joke about the Death

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:58 am
by pinkypaula
Interesting it just might be I agree!