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Consistency: Ever thought You'd see it in Washington?

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:04 pm
by Accountable
I didn't want to derail the original thread so I started this new one.

Ahso!;1375668 wrote: I personally think Paul is a little wacky on economics, but who knows, perhaps it's me who's wacky on economics. Otherwise I could support Paul because even though he'd be very restricted by the congress, he just might be able to make a significant enough dent in the establishment to cause a little bit of change. Paul may, for all we know, enjoy enough of a groundswell of support from people who occupy the republican party outside of those regularly polled.

Anyway, I don't see voting for Paul in the primary a wasted vote. Voting for any of the other clowns besides him, Huntsman or Johnson is, IMV. I can tell you that I would advocate very strongly for either Paul, Johnson or Huntsman if any of them were to receive the nomination. I enjoy a little bit of political credibility among many of my neighbors and friends because I study the subject intensely. I was pretty influential in a local election of a very entrenched township supervisor being voted out of office two years ago.
The key to Ron Paul, IMO, is his consistency over time. This vid is a little long, but watch the first minute or two.

eta: I see the vid's been removed. The first couple of minutes showed old footage from the '80s where Paul was saying the same things he's saying today, and how he predicted some of our economic problems years in advance.

Consistency: Ever thought You'd see it in Washington?

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:13 pm
by librtyhead
I'm a Ron Paul supporter. He is the only guy that has been consistant. Times may change but the truth never does. he will surprize many this time around, might even win.

Consistency: Ever thought You'd see it in Washington?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 3:50 am
by Accountable
Wouldn't that be awesome! It was in the news that an Iowa poll shows him in the thick of a 4-way dead heat.

Consistency: Ever thought You'd see it in Washington?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:26 am
by K.Snyder
He's damn consistent in losing elections...Maybe this go about it will be his day to shine...Heck he might even win the 2016 election if he's lucky...

After 2020 he might then retire...

Consistency: Ever thought You'd see it in Washington?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:05 pm
by Ahso!
For some reason the video only plays for about 30 seconds and quits, an Adobe problem no doubt. I do get the point, and yes, Paul does seem to have been consistent over the years, but that does not make him right. I'd vote for the guy because I think if elected he'd cause a change in the national debate.

As for Paul's economics: there is no way congress would permit any of what Paul proposes. First, the FED does not print money; second, the FED is a private entity that works with the government on monetary policy, mostly interest rate policy; third, the FED chairman cannot be fired by the president; fourth, the gold standard is too rigid of a currency backup; fifth, there is no way the US is going to forsake Keynesian Economics.

Paul is not electable as a republican candidate for two reasons (besides the financial reasons) First, although Paul is pro-life, he is not willing to, as I recall, support any amendment to support the issue; second, his verbal refusal to continue current US policy of supporting Israel to the tune of paying 18% of the Israeli military budget (that's right, folks, our taxes pay for almost 20% of Israel's defense budget while Israel itself is has been reducing their own finances from that budget. And we do this because many of our lawmakers continue to believe Jesus will one day return).

All that said, I repeat, if you guys can get him nominated, he's got my vote.

Consistency: Ever thought You'd see it in Washington?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:14 pm
by Accountable
Ahso!;1375913 wrote: For some reason the video only plays for about 30 seconds and quits, an Adobe problem no doubt. I do get the point, and yes, Paul does seem to have been consistent over the years, but that does not make him right. I'd vote for the guy because I think if elected he'd cause a change in the national debate.

As for Paul's economics: there is no way congress would permit any of what Paul proposes. First, the FED does not print money; second, the FED is a private entity that works with the government on monetary policy, mostly interest rate policy; third, the FED chairman cannot be fired by the president; fourth, the gold standard is too rigid of a currency backup; fifth, there is no way the US is going to forsake Keynesian Economics.

Paul is not electable as a republican candidate for two reasons (besides the financial reasons) First, although Paul is pro-life, he is not willing to, as I recall, support any amendment to support the issue; second, his verbal refusal to continue current US policy of supporting Israel to the tune of paying 18% of the Israeli military budget (that's right, folks, our taxes pay for almost 20% of Israel's defense budget while Israel itself is has been reducing their own finances from that budget. And we do this because many of our lawmakers continue to believe Jesus will one day return).

All that said, I repeat, if you guys can get him nominated, he's got my vote.
As I recall, even HE acknowledged the Fed thing is a pipe dream & wouldn't get anywhere even if he were president.

You might be right about the abortion issue, since that's the repub side of big government, and big government is only bad when they do things you don't like. :yh_wink

Israel? ........ Yeh, I haven't noticed anybody raising a stink about it because it's not on my radar (not specifically, anyway), but that doesn't mean it won't happen.

Consistency: Ever thought You'd see it in Washington?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:06 pm
by Ahso!
I do think active democracy is a constant conversation as to where government does and doesn't fit into our lives, and it's my opinion the body should be off limits as of this day and age. OTOH, I don't see the government as a referee regarding our economics as a problem if we are going to continue this free market based system. It's the intrusion of business into government more than the other way around that appears to be the problem IMV. Sometime in the distant future when economic fairness has been worked out, then group preference regarding personal issues can be dealt with more honestly, until then, I'm afraid issues such as abortion and euthanasia will remain contentious. Abortion rights people are just too near sighted to understand that economic issues stand in the way of advancing their concerns.

Consistency: Ever thought You'd see it in Washington?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:50 am
by Accountable
Ahso!;1375986 wrote: I do think active democracy is a constant conversation as to where government does and doesn't fit into our lives, and it's my opinion the body should be off limits as of this day and age. OTOH, I don't see the government as a referee regarding our economics as a problem if we are going to continue this free market based system. It's the intrusion of business into government more than the other way around that appears to be the problem IMV. Sometime in the distant future when economic fairness has been worked out, then group preference regarding personal issues can be dealt with more honestly, until then, I'm afraid issues such as abortion and euthanasia will remain contentious. Abortion rights people are just too near sighted to understand that economic issues stand in the way of advancing their concerns.
It's because of intrusion of business into government that we have too much government intrusion into business. That much is clear to me. The bigger the corporation the more involved they become in lobbying congress to (1) set up cumbersome and confusing regulations that make it prohibitively expensive for a new business to enter the market - thus minimizing competition - and (2) reduce or eliminate sensible regulation and insulate them from risk so that they can take ridiculous chances without having to worry about loss. The result is that we don't have a free market based system any more, if we ever had it at all.

This is where Paul might be most valuable in the Oval Office, eliminating some unneeded regulatory agencies and riding herd over the others, while vetoing legislation designed to help the corporate "citizen" at the expense of the real ones.

Consistency: Ever thought You'd see it in Washington?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 6:52 am
by Ahso!
Heres an article from today's NY Times anyone reading this thread may be interested in. I think I'll see if I can come up with a sign advocating for Paul to put in front of the house. Why not. ... f=politics

Consistency: Ever thought You'd see it in Washington?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 6:56 am
by Ahso!
librtyhead;1375841 wrote: I'm a Ron Paul supporter. He is the only guy that has been consistant. Times may change but the truth never does. he will surprize many this time around, might even win.Welcome, Libertyhead, thanks for participating in the discussions you have been.

Consistency: Ever thought You'd see it in Washington?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 8:30 am
by Accountable
Ahso!;1376157 wrote: Heres an article from today's NY Times anyone reading this thread may be interested in. I think I'll see if I can come up with a sign advocating for Paul to put in front of the house. Why not. ... f=politics
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