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My Own Personal Ten Commandments

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:39 pm
by MilkMoon
I didn't find a religion that suited me. Wicca was lovely, but it didn't say all the things I wanted to say. So instead of following one a religion I didn't like just for the sake of it, I made my own. In case anyone here is interested, here are the 'Ten Commandments' I wrote and try to follow (because they make a whole lot more sense that some of the other official religious values I'd read):

Do not treat others in a way you wouldn't like to be treated. Be considerate of other people's feelings. Don't tease people cruelly, be rude, mean, arrogant, spiteful, and such if you don't want the same thing happening to you.

Do not be submissive. Don't let somebody make you do something you feel is wrong, and don't let anybody use you or tell you what to if it doesn't benefit anybody. You deserve to be treated with respect. Everybody does. Nobody but the controllers themselves deserve to be controlled. Don't be afraid to say no. If you find this hard, say no tactfully and politely the first few times, with a smile. If they insist, say NO, firmly. No means no. You shouldn't be pushed around. Only the bullies deserve to be bullied. And do not blindly follow. Use your mind and common sense. You are not a robot. Your opinion counts.

Do not back down. Stand up for yourself and others. Be strong. Do not start fights, but stand firm, even if you do not fight yourself.

Do not be polite or untactful. Be clear and respectful.

Do not be arrogant. Neither is superior over the other, nor inferior. Intelligence, wit, beauty, social standing, wealth, and personalities are all virtues. Do not take pride in anything but your kindness and self control.

Do not be prejudiced. Colors, ethnic groups, sexual orientations, genders, and social groups are not to be stereotyped or degraded. Don't judge somebody without knowing them.

Have respect for all living things. The Earth and all it's creatures are of equal value. Take what you need from the Earth, but try not to take too much more.

Control yourself. It's alright to indulge every now and then, but don't lose yourself. Maintain dignity and self-respect. Do not throw tantrums and lose control. Argue calmly and reasonably, or just remain quiet. Do not excess in anything, as too much of a good thing can be bad. Control your negative thoughts, eyes, emotions, and any other negative thing about yourself that you have the power to tame.

Do not be cruel towards those who do not deserve it. Those you are jealous of, those who are less intelligent, and others like this do not deserve your aggression or anger. Save your anger and violence to those who deserve it, and the only ones who deserve that are the ones who hurt others deliberately, those who slander, those who harm the innocent, and those who violate the rights of others.

Do not be selfish or self centered. It is good to put yourself first sometimes, but don't over do it. If somebody you know is suffering - or even somebody you do not know, help them, but do not shirk your responsibilities. Care for others but do not let yourself go. Spend time with others, but leave some time for yourself. You're not being selfish, just being realistic. You can help people more when you are in a good condition yourself.

My Own Personal Ten Commandments

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:39 pm
by jones jones
Yep ... makes a hell of a lot more sense to me than what was written on them stones Moses brought down offa the mountain! :-6

My Own Personal Ten Commandments

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:18 am
by Chloe_88
I don't follow any kind of religion, I do not believe in God. But I will not force my non-religion on others and expect others will not force their religion on me.

I like your 10 Commandments Milkmoon. But then again I believe that it's just common sense to respect yourself and everything around you. It goes without saying.

My Own Personal Ten Commandments

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:08 pm
by MilkMoon
Chloe_88;1374941 wrote: I like your 10 Commandments Milkmoon. But then again I believe that it's just common sense to respect yourself and everything around you. It goes without saying.

Thank you for taking the time to read and reply to them :). I think it is common sense to respect yourself and others too, but unfortunately, it seems that common sense just isn't that 'common'.

My Own Personal Ten Commandments

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:04 pm
by Chloe_88
MilkMoon;1375370 wrote: I think it is common sense to respect yourself and others too, but unfortunately, it seems that common sense just isn't that 'common'.

common sense seems to be less common these days, I agree.

My Own Personal Ten Commandments

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:41 am
by gmc
Moses was one of the earliest bikers

the roar of Moses' Triumph is heard in the hills

Rumours he was a hell's angel can be ignored as he seems not to have a Harley Davidson.