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Forced Elections upcoming

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 10:55 am
by minks
Im a westerner need I say more??

Boot the liberals NOW

Forced Elections upcoming

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 11:24 am
by minks
tut tut you know not of Canada, gawd we know allllll about you guys hehehehe

Well kiddo were the great frozen north half of North America.

We are kind, gentle, generous, fair, rich, happy, good looking ahahahahaha ok or not hehehe

Our culture is very similar to yours, tough to be different when all our Canadian lives we have been fed american news, views etc.

Plus your young we can fogive you for that hehehehe

Forced Elections upcoming

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 2:00 pm
by minks
Jiperly wrote: Personally, I'm conflicted- I don't want the liberals in power again-allowing them back into office will just send the wrong signal. But then again, the Conservative Party most definately does not represent my beliefs. Last time I voted NDP, but they lost hardcore in my district, so it'd pretty much be like not voting at all- and there isn't a chance in hell I'd vote for the Quebec Separarists........

....So in the end, it looks like I'm left with the choice between people whose beliefs I strongly disagree with, or the people whose ethics are strongly disagree with.....

Go Green party tee hee hee OMG not NDP they ruined BC and now that they are liberal they have one heck of a mess to clear up.

I dunno, I believe all the politicians are of the same beliefs they can't change the country in one term therefore they sit about and stagnate. Look at the liberal term JC had, he promised to get rid of the GST HAH what a farse, it is still there and you can't tell me any other party is going to turf that cash cow.

They are all the same I tell ya

Forced Elections upcoming

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 2:18 pm
by minks
Oh don't get me wrong, I think Harper is as big an idiot as Martin. And yes we need all the facts public before given the chance to make a decision on who to vote for.

Harper seems to be a bit of a glory seeker. Bah not good.

Forced Elections upcoming

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 11:53 am
by freetobeme
Harper is no more of a 'glory seeker' than any of the other PMs especially Paul Martin and so far has proved to be a far better strategist.

Harper can't 'force' an election, it's up to the opposition to decide if they want to co-operate and do what's best for the country - which isn't forcing an election.