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Just wanted to share.....

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 5:51 pm
by Kathy Ellen astronomy thrill with you:yh_alien2

Just read my email today from NASA letting us know that Discovery and the ISS will be flying

side by side tonight. It's so upsetting for me to know that Discovery is being retired, and NASA is not getting the support from my government to keep space exploration alive...but sadly, that's another thread:-1

At 7:57 P.M. tonight I witnessed a beautiful clear sky, crescent moon, stars twinkling as brilliant as the sun, and two heavenly angels, Discovery and the ISS, flying side by side. They moved from the NNW to the SSE gliding as little angels across the sky.....for the last time.

What a gorgeous sight to see! I felt so blessed to see this event as I know that many people did not witness it. I honestly cried tonight just looking at the beautiful sky so full of stars, a random satellite flying by before the event, and then to see these 2 beautiful objects flying by gracefully like swans.

I was especially happy to read this email from NASA before my kidlets were dismissed for the day. They have the opportunity to view this site tonight and hope they watched it. I'll know tomorrow.

Here's a link to NASA about the event...

Space Weather News for March 7, 2011

DOUBLE FLYBY ALERT: This morning, March 7th, space shuttle Discovery undocked from the International Space Station. This sets the stage for a spectacular series of double flyby sighting opportunities. The station and shuttle will be flying over parts of the United States and Europe tonight and tomorrow, appearing in the night sky as a closely-spaced pair of bright lights. This is also a last chance to see Discovery in flight, because the orbiter will be retired after landing in Florida on Wednesday, March 9th.

Just wanted to share.....

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:17 pm
by spot
Was that just naked-eye? I'm impressed you could pick out both.

Amateur photographer captures space shuttle from back garden - Telegraph is quite a view, I'm startled by what the chap managed with a home telescope and camera.

Just wanted to share.....

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:35 pm
by Bryn Mawr
At a guess, that photo' will do the rounds for years to come - the picture of an age

Just wanted to share.....

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:44 pm
by chonsigirl
Oh, you can see the space station with the naked eye-it flies over here every so often, and we go out to watch it.

Just wanted to share.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:07 pm
by Kathy Ellen
chonsigirl;1355175 wrote: Oh, you can see the space station with the naked eye-it flies over here every so often, and we go out to watch it.

Hey Chonsi,

Jeez...It's really great to see you:-4 Miss talking to you...Hope you and family are great!

I told all of my kidlets to ask their parents to go outside with them and view the ISS and Discover flying together. I wasn't sure what to expect as our parents work late hours or multiple jobs. However, to my delight...ALL of my parents... took their kidlets out and made a big deal of the event. The children and parents spent a delightful evening together watching the stars and satellites. Many parents brought their kids to the beach to watch this event.

I was beyond happiness to hear of this good news. Now, the kids and parents are all thrilled about this event and plan to visit the local college for 'astronomy night' and have bought the family a telescope.

Wooozaaa...think I've created some future scientists here....:-4

Just wanted to share.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:28 pm
by chonsigirl
What a wonderful event for the kids to watch, I'm glad they are thrilled about astronomy!

Just wanted to share.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:24 pm
by Kathy Ellen
chonsigirl;1355386 wrote: What a wonderful event for the kids to watch, I'm glad they are thrilled about astronomy!


Did you ask your kids to watch this event? If so, how did they feel about it?