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Missing daughter-in-law.

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 11:49 am
by binbag
Hi there,

I completely forgot about this thread and would like to take the advantage of posting the following from the prayer request section of the Garden.

*I offer my sincere apologies if anybody is offended by the fact it was initially a prayer request. I'm trying to reach a wider audience, so to speak.


Hi there,

This is a prayer request for my daughter-in-law who receives medication for severe depression.

At times she will skip the medication resulting in her mood fluctuating from fairly stable to sever dark periods.

The last last dark period, a few summers ago, she simply took off one evening. She was eventually discovered the next day sitting in a bus station thirty miles away.

Last night, in bitterly cold weather conditions with snow and ice on the ground, she took off once again.

As I type, there's been no contact from her and we cannot contact the police for twenty four hours from when she was last seen.

At this stage my son is coping very well. My fourteen year old grandson and eleven year old granddaughter are aware of what's happened; they are only just coping.

The younger two grandchildren, a boy and a girl, are not aware of the situation just yet.

This morning my son gave them their breakfast as normal, got them ready and took them to school. However, if she has not made contact or been found before they return from school this afternoon my son will have to tell them something of why mum's not at home.

The youngest boy is still suffering (as do the other three children) from the last episode, but he was the one who took it the hardest.

They all took about a year to get over it.

This is going to effect them for the rest of their lives in one way or another.

Please can I ask you to keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

Thank you, sincerely.



Update regarding the above prayer request for my daughter-in-law.

The 24 hour deadline for contacting the police has passed. They were informed, and came to my son's house, searched it and the garden plus surrounding area.

They took away a recent photograph of her and are passing a copy to all police stations within approx a 50 mile radius.

My eldest granddaughter said to her dad she thinks her mummy is dead.

So sad, please if you read this,and believe in prayer continue to pray for the entire family.


Missing daughter-in-law.

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 12:50 pm
You, your family and your daughter-in-law are in my prayers. This is a tough difficult situation no matter when it happen. I hope she is found soon as the weather isn't in her favor right now. :(

Missing daughter-in-law.

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:15 pm
by Kathy Ellen
Oh Binbag,

I am so sorry to hear this sad news. I don't pray, but I will certainly keep your family in my thoughts. I sincerely hope that your dil is found safe and well.

Keep us posted please.

I'm so sorry xx

Missing daughter-in-law.

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:23 pm
by Peg
Thoughts, prayers, and positive vibes sent to the whole family. Please keep us posted.

Missing daughter-in-law.

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 7:24 pm
BB good vibes and my prayers being sent your way in hopes you have found your Daughter-in-law.

Missing daughter-in-law.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 3:25 am
by Bez
My goodness BB. I can't think of anything worse happening for you and your family. I sincerely hope that everything is resolved soon and my prayers go out to you all. God Bless xx

Missing daughter-in-law.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:55 am
by binbag

This is the first chance I've had to come back in to FG.

My son posted a note in my daughter-in-law's facebook page next to her photo asking her friends to continue to keep a lookout for her.

One of her friend's friend who'd met the d-i-l just a couple of times spotted the message and contacted the friend to say she saw d-i-l pacing up and down inside one of the city's bus stations. The d-i-l 's friend then phoned my son with the news. He in turn contacted his local police station, who were involved in the search, and they informed the city police.

Two city police officers were sent immediately to the bus station, confirmed it actually was her, and took her back to their station.

They contacted my son's local police station who sent out a car to collect her and bring her home.

She arrived home two hours ago, so we're all naturally very relieved.

She hasn't said all that much yet other than to say she had booked herself into a B&B and spent the days wandering around the city.

We discovered she'd not been taking her medication and had not taken any with her.

I was a bit perturbed when she didn't acknowledge the children when she arrived home. I guess it must be her state of mind.

All rather sad, but we're relieved she's safe and home again.

My son incidentally, managed to arrange an emergency appointment with their doctor.

I'll let you know the outcome.

In the meantime I want to thank you all for your replies and your kind words of comfort, I can't tell you how much I appreciate them.

It's refreshing to know how kind and caring some members of FG prove to be.

Missing daughter-in-law.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:03 pm
Wonderful news..!! I hope she stays on her medication going forward they work. Bus stations seem to have some significance for her.

Merry Christmas to your family so glad your daughter-in-law was found. :)

Missing daughter-in-law.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 2:31 pm
by Kathy Ellen
That's great news for sure Binbag:-6

I'm so happy to hear that your dil is back home.

She may have not acknowledged her children because she was probably so confused and didn't recognize them. That happens more often than we realize.

Best wishes to you and family xx

Missing daughter-in-law.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 3:13 pm
by LarsMac
Great news.

Now praying that she gets the help she needs, and can find comfort and security in her family.

Missing daughter-in-law.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 4:12 pm
by Betty Boop
Only just come across this bb, so glad she is finally back and hope the family all recovers soon :):-4