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The Tea Party

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:34 am
by flopstock
There was a brief moment when they looked good to me and a lot of other Americans. They could have been an answer. Instead what we got was actually a pretty good strategy played out on them.

They weren't fought. They were co-opted. And they were so grateful for the attention and being taken seriously finally that they didn't even see it coming. ... c_ev=click

The Tea Party

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:44 am
by yaaarrrgg
The GOP is just rebranding itself. It's the same dog food, just in a packaged to look like tea. Fortunately, all those corporate lobbyists have access to a great marketing department. By the time people figure out the tea tastes like dogfood, they'll start selling something else.

The Tea Party

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:52 am
by along-for-the-ride
It's called "jumping on the band wagon". That's all.

The Tea Party

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 11:18 am
by recovering conservative
yaaarrrgg;1339020 wrote: The GOP is just rebranding itself. It's the same dog food, just in a packaged to look like tea. Fortunately, all those corporate lobbyists have access to a great marketing department. By the time people figure out the tea tastes like dogfood, they'll start selling something else.

I don't think it was specifically the Republican Party that got this whole Tea Party thing going; it was more the people who finance the GOP, who came up with the initial strategy. The launch of this odious, so called populist movement is usually given to Rick Santelli's self-serving rant calling for a "Chicago Tea Party" on CNBC in Feb. of last year. Santelli didn't do a rant about the TARP bailout of the Wall Street banks that he and his employer have to kiss the asses of! No, it was the Stimulus Plan and Mortgage Bailout Plan, that might focus on the needs of lesser beings than the super-rich. This was an obvious staged event, since Dick Armey and Tea Party Express were organizing and renting buses for rallies the next day.

But, the super rich can't control the Tea Party anymore; and now there are several, conflicting Tea Party movements -- all with their own agendas. Dick Armey and Karl Rove, and other early organizers are strictly libertarians, who wanted all of the focus on taxes and reducing government spending, and they only call on religion to help cement the deal by getting the church folk out to march for them. But something really interesting has happened in the last few months -- the craziest of crazy religionists are now leading the parade, and have turned the usually boring mid-term elections into the best live comedy show on television.

Once things settle down a little, and the goofiest tea baggers like Christine O'Donnell, Sharon Angle, Rich Iott, Rand Paul, and Queen Sarah herself are shut out from political office, a saner, more ruthless bunch of theocrats, led by smart Christian extremists, like Jim DeMint, will be leading this movement in the future, and solidifying the Republican Party as the Christian Nationalist Party......and if the economy continues to spiral downward, and the wars drag on, I see a future of outright fascism in America, like Noam Chomsky and Chris Hedges have been warning about for the last ten years.

The Tea Party

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 3:54 pm
by Bryn Mawr
Saw a wonderful photo' in one of our national broadsheets today of one of the new Republican / Tea Party candidates (and his son) dressed up in full SS uniform - apparently his fantasy is that he's on the Eastern Front fighting against Communism :wah:

The Tea Party

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:33 pm
by Accountable
flopstock;1339017 wrote: There was a brief moment when they looked good to me and a lot of other Americans. They could have been an answer. Instead what we got was actually a pretty good strategy played out on them.

They weren't fought. They were co-opted. And they were so grateful for the attention and being taken seriously finally that they didn't even see it coming. ... c_ev=click
Excellent analysis. As you can see, this poor grass took root in the busy sidewalk of blind partisanship and got trampled. This thread is a good example.

The Tea Party

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 9:41 am
by yaaarrrgg
Manufactured "grass roots" is also known as "astroturfing."

Dick Army and other high ranking GOP operatives have been pulling the strings from day one. Since otherwise, the Tea Party can't articulate what it stands for, and is just incoherent anger. It is the anti-masturbation candidate O'Donnell, or the SS storm trooper guy, or the anti-gay-marriage-wife-cheater in New York? What's the platform?

As far as being concerned with the deficit, these guys should be bashing the GOP, not joining forces with them. While the Dems are blasted as "tax and spend." the GOP is merely "not-tax and spend." While one may disagree with the Dems, at least they have a half way coherent platform. The GOP is nothing but a bunch of corporate lobbyists.

The Tea Party

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:39 am
by Saint_
flopstock;1339017 wrote: There was a brief moment when they looked good to me and a lot of other Americans.

I really don't know how you could have had a "moment" like that. Every time I've seen the Tea party in my little community, it has been nothing but ignorant, rude, ranting, racist rednecks with "Impeach the Muslim" on the back of their run-down pickups. They wave guns and the flag and even fly the flag upside down while they talk about "revolution" because they don't like how the election turned out. That's exactly the kind of tactics that fascists used to shut down the German government.

As a matter of fact, I was watching "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" the other day and I was appalled at the similarity of slogans, hate-speeches, and tactics that the Tea party and the nazi Party have in common. I thank the Good Lord that we are a democracy and there are, for now, more intelligent and caring people in the country than uneducated fear-mongers.

The Tea Party

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:45 am
by yaaarrrgg
Saint_;1339202 wrote: I really don't know how you could have had a "moment" like that. Every time I've seen the Tea party in my little community, it has been nothing but ignorant, rude, ranting, racist rednecks with "Impeach the Muslim" on the back of their run-down pickups. They wave guns and the flag and even fly the flag upside down while they talk about "revolution" because they don't like how the election turned out. That's exactly the kind of tactics that fascists used to shut down the German government.

And to add to the incoherence of it all, they claim to love their country and constitution. They completely disrespect both.

The Tea Party

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 1:24 pm
by Accountable
yaaarrrgg;1339171 wrote: While the Dems are blasted as "tax and spend." the GOP is merely "not-tax and spend." Something I can agree with.

yaaarrrgg wrote: The GOP is nothing but a bunch of corporate lobbyists.while the dems are corporate lobbyists ... with a heart. :-4

The Tea Party

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 7:07 pm
by yaaarrrgg
Accountable;1339245 wrote: while the dems are corporate lobbyists ... with a heart. :-4

I would agree with that :)

The Tea Party

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 9:15 pm
by koan
Just found this Existence of Tea Party Candidates Casts Doubt on Evolution


The Tea Party

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 10:14 pm
by Nomad
recovering conservative;1339032 wrote: I don't think it was specifically the Republican Party that got this whole Tea Party thing going; it was more the people who finance the GOP, who came up with the initial strategy. The launch of this odious, so called populist movement is usually given to Rick Santelli's self-serving rant calling for a "Chicago Tea Party" on CNBC in Feb. of last year. Santelli didn't do a rant about the TARP bailout of the Wall Street banks that he and his employer have to kiss the asses of! No, it was the Stimulus Plan and Mortgage Bailout Plan, that might focus on the needs of lesser beings than the super-rich. This was an obvious staged event, since Dick Armey and Tea Party Express were organizing and renting buses for rallies the next day.

But, the super rich can't control the Tea Party anymore; and now there are several, conflicting Tea Party movements -- all with their own agendas. Dick Armey and Karl Rove, and other early organizers are strictly libertarians, who wanted all of the focus on taxes and reducing government spending, and they only call on religion to help cement the deal by getting the church folk out to march for them. But something really interesting has happened in the last few months -- the craziest of crazy religionists are now leading the parade, and have turned the usually boring mid-term elections into the best live comedy show on television.

Once things settle down a little, and the goofiest tea baggers like Christine O'Donnell, Sharon Angle, Rich Iott, Rand Paul, and Queen Sarah herself are shut out from political office, a saner, more ruthless bunch of theocrats, led by smart Christian extremists, like Jim DeMint, will be leading this movement in the future, and solidifying the Republican Party as the Christian Nationalist Party......and if the economy continues to spiral downward, and the wars drag on, I see a future of outright fascism in America, like Noam Chomsky and Chris Hedges have been warning about for the last ten years.

Actually Reverend Phelps came up with the idea of the Tea Party after discovering Lady Gaga.

Here's what Phelps had to say about Our Lady:

"God hates Lady Gaga. ... As much as she'd like to pretend otherwise, there's nothing new or different about this particular hussy's pretentious prancing. Does the simple slut truly think that she can change God's standards by seducing a generation of rebels into joining her in fist-raised, stiffnecked, hard-hearted rebellion against Him? Get real!"

It kind of snowballed after that.