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US Sponsors 'Tweet for Democracy' Contest

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:07 am
by Jazzy
(Jan. 7) -- Think you can define the meaning of democracy in 140 characters or less? If so, The U.S. State Department may want to give you a new camcorder.

As part of a global effort to promote an international dialogue about the value of democracy through new forms of technology, the department is opening a two-week contest at 5:30 p.m. ET today. Those with Twitter accounts are encouraged to type a brief, personal definition of what best defines democracy and identify the post using the category #democracyis.

Story Link: U.S. State Department Sponsors 'Tweet for Democracy' Contest - Sphere News

US Sponsors 'Tweet for Democracy' Contest

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:18 pm
by BTS
Jazzy;1280311 wrote: (Jan. 7) -- Think you can define the meaning of democracy in 140 characters or less? If so, The U.S. State Department may want to give you a new camcorder.

As part of a global effort to promote an international dialogue about the value of democracy through new forms of technology, the department is opening a two-week contest at 5:30 p.m. ET today. Those with Twitter accounts are encouraged to type a brief, personal definition of what best defines democracy and identify the post using the category #democracyis.

Story Link: U.S. State Department Sponsors 'Tweet for Democracy' Contest - Sphere News

I thought the US was Republic not a Democracy.

Why not the meaning of a Republic as we are??