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Sandbag is coming home........

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 4:08 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Animal charities unite to help hero dog Sandbag forced to stay in Iraq despite desperate pleas from British troops | Mail Online

After public outrage at Sandbag the mascot dog left behind in Iraq after our troops come home, animal charities ahave secured his safe transfer to the UK.

One very remarkable hero dog :-4:-4

Sandbag is coming home........

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 4:56 pm
by chonsigirl
Good for them. At least the two animals will be on base with the Americans until they can go home to the troops who loved them for so long.

Sandbag is coming home........

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:55 pm
by Odie
Sandbag, good dog!:guitarist:guitarist

so happy to know he is coming home.

Sandbag is coming home........

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 2:26 pm
by Oscar Namechange
I read today that apparently all the problems getting Sandbag home are down to a piffling £3,000 for flight and quantine. I'm happy to pay that. Sandbag has been shot 5 times defending British troops. I'd love to pay for his quantine and flights or contribute to it. I am making enquireys as we speak. :-6:-6

Sandbag is coming home........

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:20 pm
by Odie
oscar;1227429 wrote: I read today that apparently all the problems getting Sandbag home are down to a piffling £3,000 for flight and quantine. I'm happy to pay that. Sandbag has been shot 5 times defending British troops. I'd love to pay for his quantine and flights or contribute to it. I am making enquireys as we speak. :-6:-6

what, so they aren't bringing him home because of the money now?

Sandbag is coming home........

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:26 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Odie;1227497 wrote: what, so they aren't bringing him home because of the money now? Yes, according to a report today. Another report says he is on his way home. I will find out and up-date you :-6

Sandbag is coming home........

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:27 pm
by Odie
oscar;1227504 wrote: Yes, according to a report today. Another report says he is on his way home. I will find out and up-date you :-6

he'd better be on his way home.:-5:-5

Sandbag is coming home........

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:29 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Odie;1227508 wrote: he'd better be on his way home.:-5:-5
I will ring the Daily Mail newspaper who ran the campaign for him and find out exactly. I have a contact in that paper that I have kept in touch with :sneaky:

It said today that 'Hesco' the cat is being left behind in Iraq as the American troops are taking good care of him now our boys are coming home.

Sandbag is coming home........

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:25 pm
by Kathy Ellen
Spectacular news Oscar.....What a wonderful story.....I hope sandbag makes it home:-4

Sandbag is coming home........

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:30 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Kathy Ellen;1227604 wrote: Spectacular news Oscar.....What a wonderful story.....I hope sandbag makes it home:-4
So do I Kathy. I will contact the paper who ran the campaign and speak to my 'Insider' there and see what I can find out. I would love to have him here as I would spoil him but I expect many want to do the same. :-4

Sandbag is coming home........

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:49 am
by Oops
Ive found a site that says he has been moved to Um Qasr naval base and that there will be troops there until 2011. Could be a load of rubbish though.

Sandbag is coming home........

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:54 am
by Oscar Namechange
Oops;1227665 wrote: Ive found a site that says he has been moved to Um Qasr naval base and that there will be troops there until 2011. Could be a load of rubbish though. There are just so many conflicting reports. I'll get hold of the Mail in the morning and try to find out more.

Sandbag is coming home........

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:32 pm
by Odie
Sunday, August 09, 2009

A new home for Sandbag and Hesco

Daily Mail - The Blue Cross is supporting a fundraising appeal to bring Sandbag the 'hero' dog who served with our troops to Britain. After MailOnline drew attention to the mascot's plight, the animal charity has decided to raise the necessary funds needed to transport Sandbag and Hesco, a cat who also bonded with soldiers in Iraq, back to the UK. Judging by the public response to the loveable labrador's situation, securing the funds necessary to arrange for the trip and pay the quarantine costs should be a formality.

......Sandbag had been living with military personnel at their base in Um Qasa, near Basra, and was credited with bringing them good luck on patrols. He is rumoured to have survived being shot five times. However, when the withdrawal of forces was announced, there were fears Sandbag would be put down by the Iraqis or killed by local dogs. More than 6,000 people signed a petition on the Number 10 website calling for the dog to be given refuge in the UK. Sandbag was also given his own Facebook page.

Sorry, no pictures of Hesco. Now would it surprise you, dear reader, that the government of Britain has refused to bring the two back. When it comes to the leftist government of Britain, you be sure that they almost always come down on the side of the vile and will always choose scumbaggery over the right thing. To you and me it's so simple, the troops served their country, they love Sandbag and Hesco and they want Sandbag and Hesco back with them. Well then, come on in, what's all this about petitions and raising funds, first plane out with the troops. A bone for Sandbag and a fresh fish for Hesco, post haste.

But not to the diseased vermin that run that once-fine country, no sir, if it's an illegal immigrant rapist/murderer up for deportation, no way in hell, they'll be facing a grim life back where they came from, so that's a 'no' to deportation and a fast-track to welfare. If it's a muslim hating on Britain, calling for gays to be shot and infidel whores to be beaten, he can stay, no worries, it's all good, welfare for life etc. If it's some evil piece of scum skank that probably helped beat her little baby to death, then new identities and welfare for life. However if it's aging troops who once served Britain loyally or some poor dog and cat that dodged bullets and on their ninth life, F@#$ the petitions, F@#$ the troops, F@#$ the people's wishes, F@#$ the animals, they can hang and swing in the wind.

I remember a long time reading that a blogger in the UK wanted to dance and **** on the graves of the vermin that run Britain, he best get in line, it'll be going around the block and into the next neighborhood at this rate.

Lastly, if anyone hears news that they weren't able to raise enough funds, let us know. Oh and according to the article, the Americans are going to be taking the base over from the Brits, so the Brits better move fast on this. If I know those Americans any well, Sandbag and Hesco will be winning hearts and minds from the first lick and purr respectively.

so are they really bringing them back?