Pope Not Getting The Big Picture

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Pope Not Getting The Big Picture

Post by Nomad »

(CNN) -- Pope Benedict XVI refused Wednesday to soften the Vatican's ban on condom use as he arrived in Africa for his first visit to the continent as pope.

Cameroonian President Paul Biya, left, walks with Pope Benedict XVI at the airport in Yaounde, Tuesday.

He landed in Cameroon, the first stop on a trip that will also take him to Angola.

Sub-Saharan Africa has been hit harder by AIDS and HIV than any other region of the world, according to the United Nations and World Health Organization. There has been fierce debate between those who advocate the use of condoms to help stop the spread of the epidemic and those who oppose it.

The pontiff reiterated the Vatican's policy on condom use as he flew from Rome to Yaounde, the capital of Cameroon, CNN Vatican analyst John Allen said.

Pope Benedict has always made it clear he intends to uphold the traditional Catholic teaching on artificial contraception -- a "clear moral prohibition" -- Allen said. But his remarks Tuesday were among the first times he stated the policy explicitly since he became pope nearly four years ago.

He has, however, assembled a panel of scientists and theologians to consider the narrow question of whether to allow condoms for married couples, one of whom has HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

It is still not clear how the pope will rule on the matter, said Allen, who is also a senior correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter.

The Catholic Church has long been on the front line of HIV care, he said, adding that it is probably the largest private provider of HIV care in the world.

More than 22 million people in sub-Saharan Africa are infected with HIV, according to a 2008 UNAIDS/WHO report. Nine out of 10 children with HIV in the world live in the region, which has 11.4 million orphans because of AIDS, the report said, and 1.5 million people there died of the disease in 2007.
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Pope Not Getting The Big Picture

Post by Victoria »

Yet another prominant figure with no grip on reality.
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Pope Not Getting The Big Picture

Post by Kindle »

Nomad;1159281 wrote: (CNN) -- Pope Benedict XVI refused Wednesday to soften the Vatican's ban on condom use as he arrived in Africa for his first visit to the continent as pope.

Cameroonian President Paul Biya, left, walks with Pope Benedict XVI at the airport in Yaounde, Tuesday.

He landed in Cameroon, the first stop on a trip that will also take him to Angola.

Sub-Saharan Africa has been hit harder by AIDS and HIV than any other region of the world, according to the United Nations and World Health Organization. There has been fierce debate between those who advocate the use of condoms to help stop the spread of the epidemic and those who oppose it.

The pontiff reiterated the Vatican's policy on condom use as he flew from Rome to Yaounde, the capital of Cameroon, CNN Vatican analyst John Allen said.

Pope Benedict has always made it clear he intends to uphold the traditional Catholic teaching on artificial contraception -- a "clear moral prohibition" -- Allen said. But his remarks Tuesday were among the first times he stated the policy explicitly since he became pope nearly four years ago.

He has, however, assembled a panel of scientists and theologians to consider the narrow question of whether to allow condoms for married couples, one of whom has HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

It is still not clear how the pope will rule on the matter, said Allen, who is also a senior correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter.

The Catholic Church has long been on the front line of HIV care, he said, adding that it is probably the largest private provider of HIV care in the world.

More than 22 million people in sub-Saharan Africa are infected with HIV, according to a 2008 UNAIDS/WHO report. Nine out of 10 children with HIV in the world live in the region, which has 11.4 million orphans because of AIDS, the report said, and 1.5 million people there died of the disease in 2007.

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Pope Not Getting The Big Picture

Post by along-for-the-ride »

I will never understand why there is a ban on birth control in the Catholic Church. There is no actual baby involved. Also, some birth control devices can hinder the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
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Pope Not Getting The Big Picture

Post by qsducks »

I'm the typical "Cafeteria Catholic" who doesn't give a shyte what the pope says. Yeah, I believe in birth control, condoms, etc. These priests who I know have a loving relationship with Jesus, etc. and spend their days doing his work, etc.

But on the other hand, as far as I know, they are not allowed to get married which I think is so stupid on the Catholic church end. IMO, if they want more priests to be involved in the church, then let up on the marrige thing. They are b&m over here about it. Even going right down into the grade schools and preaching about "what a great life it is", etc. I don't want my sons to become priests...our my daughters to become nuns. IMO, I actually think the nuns are smarter than the priests.
Richard Bell
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Pope Not Getting The Big Picture

Post by Richard Bell »

Benedict is to Catholicism what Joe Besser was to the Three Stooges... a lame, poor choice of a replacement.

Still, with G.W. Bush off the scene, it's almost good to have a Class 1 Asshat on the international stage to goof on.
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Pope Not Getting The Big Picture

Post by scholle-kid »

My grandpa was a catholic that went to mid night mass on x mas eve .

he said the reason the church says no birth control is that one part in the bible that says some thing about ' go forth and procreate' ,,

how can a church look at the numbers of people and the suffering and not see that condoms would help stop or at least stem the spread of the diseases? I no very little about the church or the bible, it just seems if the church was in any way 'Christ like' in there thinking and actions they could see where birth control may cut down on the number of babies born but for that very same reason there wouldn't the numbers of sick and suffering children. . but I have never been able to understand the thinking of any church leaders ,, i ain't gonna start now.
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Pope Not Getting The Big Picture

Post by Clodhopper »

I believe I have the answer to why the Catholic Church bans contraception:

YouTube - Every Sperm is Sacred {Monty Python's Meaning of Life}
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Pope Not Getting The Big Picture

Post by Daniyal »

Rather The So-called Christians Realize It Or Not The Roman Catholic Are The Real Christian And All Other [ Denomination / Sects Of Christians ] Would Be Called Culit's
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Richard Bell
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Pope Not Getting The Big Picture

Post by Richard Bell »

Daniyal;1161499 wrote: Rather The So-called Christians Realize It Or Not The Roman Catholic Are The Real Christian And All Other [ Denomination / Sects Of Christians ] Would Be Called Culit's

All religions are cults IMO, which I believe is the term you wanted.
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Pope Not Getting The Big Picture

Post by Daniyal »

Richard Bell;1161507 wrote: All religions are cults IMO, which I believe is the term you wanted.

The Correction Police Okkkkkkkkkkk:wah:
Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

When An Elder Passes On To Higher Life , Its Like One Of The Library Have Shut Down

To Desire Security Is A Sign Of Insecurity .

It's Not The Things One Knows That Get Him Or Her In Trouble , Its The Things One Knows That Just Isn't So That Get Them In Trouble

When you can control a man's thinking you don't have to worry about his action ...:driving:
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