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Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:12 pm
by Daniyal
How Would You Feel If You Found Out That The Ancient Egyptians Had Helicopters , Flying Saucers And Other Flying Machines ? Then How Would It Make You Feel To Know That Your Government Knew This . But Never Told You . That Man In Flight Had Existed For Many Thousands Of Years Before The Modern Days Government That Misuse These Science Ever Existed . Well , Don'r Be Shocked , For It Has Been Proven Beyond A Shadow Of A Doubt That The Ancient Egyptian Who Taught The Mayans And The AztecsFlew In Craft , Had Electricity , Gold Plated . Wore Glasses . Brewed Beer . It Has Been Found And Confirmed That None Of The Sciences That We Consider ADVANCEMENTS ARE NEW. And In Fact Television Is A Machine That Is Acting The Part Of Clairvoyance , Or What's Called Remote Viewing . And That Radio Communication Is No More Than The Ability Of A Mystic Or An Egyptian.

Priest To Tap In To An Indivual's Etheric Wavelength And Receive Messages . The Present Day Media Has Saturated The Television With Psychics . In Every Religion They Are Mentioning SORCERERS , SEERS , TAROT READERS , SOOTHSAYERS , They Constantly Repeat On Many Programs Human Beings , With What They Refer To As Supernatural Abilities . Unsolved Mysteries , Sightings, UFO Diaries , Just To Name A Few, Where They Daily Cover The Media With Incidents That They Can't Explain . Example , Awoman GetsIn A Car Accident With Her Child Beside Her , The Child Is Thrown From The Car . Hits The Pavement , The Vehicle Is Thrown Over . , AndLandOn The Child , The Mother In Panic , Doesn't

Know What To Do . She Has No Cell Phone And No OneTo Help Her . She Taps In To A Latent Power And Literally Lifts . The Vehicle From Her Child . This Has Been Done Over And Over Again . How She Does It , Modern Day Scientists Don't Know . A Person Falls From A Six Story Building . Hits The Ground , Get Up AndWalks Away Without A Bruise , How? Scientists Can't Explian It . A Man In New York Working On An Electrical Pole . All Of The Sudden He Received A Tremendous Shock . He's Taken To The Hospital . To Find That He'sBeen Hit With High Voltage , Check The Pole That He Was Working On . Find No Fault Or Error . Later It's Discovered That He's A Twin , That He Never Knew Anything About , Who Also Happens To Grow Up And Become An Electrician , Who's Working On An Electrical Pole At The Exact Same Time , And He Is Electrocuted . These Are Actual Stories . I Can Go On , But Those Who Control Or Seek To Control The Minds Of People . So That They Would Conform To Accepting An Inferiority Position In Life . So That They Would Conform To Being Just A Mortal And Not Seek To Develop Their Laten Powers . Being

Related Directly To Supernatural Beings Who May Have Come From Beyond The Stars To This Planet And Bred With Humans , Returned And Left The Humans Gods, Who Possess Superior Powers To The Normal . They May Portray This To You In A Movie , Like Superman To Take Your Attention Off The Possibility Of It Being Real . But As The The Tablets Of Sumeria Are Being Translated And The Writing On The Walls Of Egypt , The Truth Is Coming Out , That Many Human Being Who Walk The Earth Today Are Direct Descendants Of The Egyptian Deities And That These Powers Are There , Merely Waiting To Be Tapped Into .

They Can't Explain How The Pyramids Were Built And What They Were Used For . Then You Have The Great Lines Of Nazea That Can Only Be Seen By Crafys Flying Above . This Also Can Go On . They Do Not Want You To Peak Into The Realities Of Your Mind AndReddevelop Your Divine Consciousness Or Bring Your Powers To The Forefront Of Your Mind . Which Will Reflect In Your Body And Through Your Body . Thus , Revealing Your Superiority . This Is One Reason Why They Fear Voo - Doo , And Yoruba Of Africa . They Know That The Ancient Africans Were Able To Tap In Through Their Blood To Their Ancestors Who Have By Western Standards Died And ..

Gone . But This Does Not Apply To The People Of Soul . They Never Die And Are Capable Of Being Contacted As Easily As Knowing The Right Telephone Number For Communication For Some One From America And Australia . Re-ligion ; Be It . Judaism . Christianity , Or Islam Is Bent On Cutting Off This Connection By Giving You A False Connection . Its Beent On Having You Throw Mental Powers Off Into Space At Nothingness , Rather Than Learning To Mind Link With Your Great Ancestors Of Ancient Egypt Are Re-herit The Secrets Best Kept Sacred From The Human Beast For So Long . They Will Not Be Able To Keep This From You Any Longer . For The Ancient Once Are Manifesting Facts Undisputtable Daily . And They Will Not Be Able To End Thewir Programs In Success With The Simple Statement . We Will Never Know . Implementing Us With Themselves , When In Fact You Will Know And Are Learning Right Now . This Heliopter Discovered In The Pyramids On The Wall Is Just One More Confirmation Of Your Ancestor's Divinity . How Can Anyone Who Has Been To Egypt And Seen The Wonderful Intrcately Detailed Hieroglyphics Cut With Amazing Precision In Granite And Diorite Statues , That Tower 15ft . Above An Average Man . Propose That This Work Done By Bashing

The Granite With A Round Ball ? This Is What They Would Like You To Believe . When In Fact They Don't Believe That Themselfs . They Next To Never Ask The Advice Of A Stone Cutter . Or A Quarried , About The Pyramids . In Egypt . The Hieroglyphics Are Amaazingly Precise With Grooves That Are Square And Deeeper Than They Are Wide . They Follow Precise Contours And Some Have Grooves That Run Paralled To Each Others With Only .030 Inch Wide Wall Between The Grooves .

Throughout History There Have Been Many Common Myths And Legends Of Flying Machines Or Devices , The Familar Flying Carpets Of Ancient Arabia ;Biblical Figures Such As Ezekie And Solomon Flying From Place To Place , And The Magical Chariots Etc .. These Myths And Legends Would Have Probably Remained As Such In The Minds Of Many ; But Not For Long . In South Cairo In Abydos , At The Seti 1 Ancient Egyptian Temple , Scientist And Archeologist Have Discovered Wall Carving Of GUESS WHAT ? ..There A Pictures On The Wall's In Egypt That LQQk Like Modern Military Helicopters . Tanks Jets Aircrafts And What Some Suggest -A Satelite Dish , And Submarine All Existed In Ancient

Egypt Which Makes The Mind Bolter Of Today A FACT ! Yes There Were Helicopters In Ancient Egypt . So Much For The Legends !

If God Is The First And The Last , Who Established His Time Zone & What Was It Base Upon ? To Address It Based O The Alpha Omega Theory , If Believers Believe

Their God , Be It Jehovah , Allah , Or Theos To Be The First And The Last , This Would Be The Foundation For Their Laws Of Time . Even Though Your Holy Book Establishes . Time After Their God Was Already Here When It States In Genesis 1;14 And I Quote '' And GodSaid , Let There Be Light In The Firmament Of The Heaven To Divide The Day From TheNight ; And Let Be For Signs, And For Seasons , And For Days And Years ;

At This Point In The Bible , Time Is Being Established By Lights In The Firmament . The Hebrew Word Used For Firmament Is Raqeeya / Raw - Kee -Ah Meaning ''' The Skies '' . They Are Moon , And The Stars . As It States In Genesis 1 ; 16 And I Quote ; And God Made Two Great Lights ; The Greater Light To Rule The Day , And The Lesser Light To Rule The Night ; He Made The Stars Also '' , So It Is Plain To See That Time Existed Before The Creation Of Time In The Bible , And Even Genesis 4 ; 3 Adds The Word Time , When In Fact In The Hebrew , The Word Yowm Is There For Day . What I Am Saying Is Based On The Bible . There Is No Accurate Calculation Of Time .


Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:44 pm
by Oscar Namechange
It was even before Christ that Greeks took a keen interest in the culture and history of people living on the banks of the Nile River. In 1848, one of numerous archeological expeditions working in Egypt discovered strange hieroglyphs at the height of about ten meters right above the entrance to the Seti Temple in Abydos. The walls were covered with the strange signs that greatly puzzled researchers. The only thing the researchers realized at once was that they had discovered some images of strange mechanisms that nobody ever saw before.

It is still unknown what exactly an artist living about 3,gu000 years ago engraved on the walls. The archeological expedition carefully copied the mysterious signs on the temple walls, and the hieroglyphs gave rise to endless disputes and heated debates among Egyptologists. As a result, majority of Egyptologists arrived at a conclusion that there were just four strange objects drawn in different variations. Unfortunately, researchers of the 19th century failed to understand what ancient Egyptians actually drew on the temple walls. Like any sensation the mysterious Abydos hieroglyphs were absolutely forgotten some time later.

In about 150 years, the respectable Arab newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat published several sensational photos taken in the Amon Ra Temple in Karnak. At that, the newspaper asked its readers whether they believed that ancient Egyptians knew about battle aviation. The question would have seriously puzzled readers under some different conditions. But the photos the newspaper published demonstrated the bas-reliefs of an ancient temple built under Seti I who ruled 3,000 years ago; and on the bas-reliefs an ancient artist engraved a battle helicopter with a distinct rotor and a tail unit. Nearby, the artist depicted several other aircrafts astonishingly resembling contemporary supersonic fighters and heavy strategic bombers!

After the sensational publication of the photos it became clear why Egyptologists of the 19th century could not tell what was depicted on the walls of the temple in Abydos. Indeed, the researchers did not know how helicopters and aircrafts look.

Pharaoh Seti I was always known as the most famous and successful regents in Ancient Egypt who actively expanded his estates and had to repulse attacks of enemies. Do the published sensational pictures mean that the Pharaoh even employed battle aviation to fight enemies?

Well-known Egyptologist Alan Alford left to the Nile banks to study the Abydos mystery. The researcher studied the mysterious hieroglyphs and made sure that what seemed absolutely incredible was in fact quite real. Alford told journalists that ancient Egyptians had depicted a real helicopter model as if they made the engravings from life.

So, researchers got two almost identical sets of drawings from Karnak and Abydos which seemed be not accidental at all. Skeptics recollected that “Bee” was one of the names of Pharaoh Seti I and stated that the mysterious drawings were in fact attempts of an ancient artist to draw a bee. They would not believe that Egyptians might know about helicopters.

At the same time, world-famous ufologist Richard Hogland declared that the mysterious drawings just proved his theory saying Egyptians descended from Martians who had once visited this planet. The researcher explains that Martians chose Ancient Egypt for landing because of its landscape wonderfully resembling the Martian one.

But the ufologist failed to explain the origin of a submarine which was also engraved nearby the battle helicopter on the walls of the temple in Abydos. And the drawing was incredibly detailed. And researchers had to confess they were still too far from solving the mystery of the hieroglyphs and the frescos. It is perfectly clear that there are no seas on Mars, and the drawings of a submarine thus could not be made by “descendants of Martians” as Hogland called Egyptians as they had no notion what a submarine may be.

Click on this link to see a photo galery of Egyptian mysteries

In the past years of the 20th century, many of Mars researchers actively supported Hogland's theory. They believed that failures of automated interplanetary space stations to land on Mars were closely connected with the mysterious hieroglyphs discovered on the walls of ancient temples. The researchers stated that millions of years ago a unique anti-missile shield was created around Mars for safe protection from curious and aggressive unwanted guests. When ufologists are told that some automated vehicles actually landed Mars and even took photos revealing there is no civilization on the planet, they say that terrestrials will be able to see only what Martians want and let us know about them.

Famous Egyptologist Bruce Rowles gives another interesting hypothesis about the origin of the strange hieroglyphs. He says there were no interplanetary expeditions from other star systems to this planet in the old times. He supposes that Egyptian pagan priests knew many of nature secrets. It is a proven fact that 3,000 years ago Egyptians made the first batteries and generated electricity. Bruce Rowles also supposes that pagan priests in Ancient Egypt could look to the future where they quite probably saw battle helicopters, aircrafts and submarines. But Rowles' hypothesis is as unstable as the theory of Hogland.

Today, the disputes about the mysterious hieroglyphs are still heated. Some researchers believe that Egyptians knew aeronautics secrets and could fly but later the secrets were lost. But others insist that enthusiasts are too imaginative if they see modern helicopters, aircrafts and submarines in Egyptian engravings and bas-reliefs. Let us forget the heated disputes and see what history says on the issue.

Popular scientific literature says that Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen died 3,300 years ago as a result of an air crash. Historian William Deutch made the sensational statement and also said that ancient Egyptians could go up to the clouds with balloons inflated with hot air and with primitive gliders. Such flights were available for the royal family and nobility only. Deutch says that many of the royal family in Ancient Egypt including Tutankhamun himself died with their legs broken and numerous wounds as if they tragically died as a result of an aircraft crash. The researcher is sure that strange objects depicted in discovered ancient engravings and drawings were in fact the first flying devices. Deutch even made many models of such aircrafts and found out that many of them could soar in the air. William Deutch says that aeronautics first appeared in Egypt and then spread to the territories currently known as Tibet, India, Mexico, Turkey, China and Guatemala, in other words those territories where air flows could hold aircrafts in the skies.

An elegant 4-centimeter item which was obviously used as an amulet or a pendant made not later than the first millennium B.C. is known as “the Columbia gold airplane”. As of today, researchers have found 33 items of the type on the territories of Columbia, Peru, Costa Rica and Venezuela. All of them are different on the outside but have the same principle of airplane construction with the horizontal and vertical keel empennage. Ancient artists often made them look like creatures covered with scales and with glowing eyes. But biologists of the world admit that the gold items cannot be identified with any known creature of fossil or contemporary fauna on the planet.

Contemporary aerotechnics experts believe that “the gold airplane” might be a model of an aerospace aircraft with an opening cockpit; a model of a freight aircraft for landing water for one-time use only and even a model of a sub-aquaplane. But in fact, experts could discern an airplane in the gold model long ago.

In 1956, “the gold airplane” was among exhibits of the Pre-Columbian Gold exhibition in Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. The deltoid wing and the vertical plane of the tail unit atypical of birds drew attention of American aircraft designers. The directors of the exhibition allowed testing the ancient “aircraft” in a wind tunnel. It turned out that the gold model could soar at supersonic speed, the issue which was widely studied in that epoch. The ancient model helped aircraft designers of Lockheed create a supersonic plane, the world's best for that period

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:14 pm
by Galbally
Hey guys, its me again, here I go! Now don't take this as a personal insult, I am just going to make a few points from my own perspective.

If the Egyptians had access to battle helicopters, submarines, and other weapons of 20th century warfare, why did they not take over the entire Mediterannian basin? In fact why not the world, who could have stopped them? The phonecians? The Babylonians? How were they defeated in the 2nd Millenium BC by the Hittites (was it perhaps because the hittites had iron swords as opposed to the Egyptians' who only used bronze ones).

You would imagine that if your facing an army armed with iron swords, bows, and sling shots somewhere on a plain in Syria, and you had ability to create attack helicopters and submarines, (as well as all the other weapons that such technology would provide you with) that battle wouldn't last very long, would it?

As well of course for a civilization to posses such things, they would also have needed to had known how to power them, been able to source all the exotic materials for them, and be able to design them based on the principals of powered flight, fabricate them industrially in helicopter factories, and submarine shipyards. That would have taken a level of scientific and industrial power that Europe did not develop until it had already conquered the world and gained access to most of its resources.

Essentially they would have needed to have had an industrial/technological and scientific revolution in the same way that Europe did from the 16th century onwards. Even at that it took 300 years to go from Newton to Kitty hawk, a period during which with just cannon, muskets, and wooden sailing ships, Europeans took over the entire planet. But Egyptians somehow had these technologically advanced weapons but decided for the most part to remain Bronze age farmers in every other respect, and never use them against anyone else.

They didn't have compasses, clocks, pens, iron weapons, paper, coal, oil, or even the arch, yet they had submarines? They couldn't navigate their tiny wooden ships out of the sight of shorelines and did not have a navy, but they had submarines? They could fabricate produce Iron swords yet they could build and maintain aluminium attack helicopters 4,000 years ago??

The Egyptians had an incredible civilization, but it was a bronze age one, that was wiped out by later Iron age ones. This would not have happened if they had the same technological prowess as modern day Europe. They would have been invunerable, to anything and anyone else.

Again, please look at the historical evidence in its entirety, not the allure of the mystery of 4 strange hieroglyphs on a stone. If the Egyptians had had such things 4,500 years ago, the whole world would now speak a version of Ancient Egyptian and there would be Egyptian style pyramids in every corner of the globe.

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:15 pm
by Daniyal
oscar;1140241 wrote: It was even before Christ that Greeks took a keen interest in the culture and history of people living on the banks of the Nile River. In 1848, one of numerous archeological expeditions working in Egypt discovered strange hieroglyphs at the height of about ten meters right above the entrance to the Seti Temple in Abydos. The walls were covered with the strange signs that greatly puzzled researchers. The only thing the researchers realized at once was that they had discovered some images of strange mechanisms that nobody ever saw before.

Pharaoh's Helicopter?

Egyptian Pyramids Alien Gods UFOs Connection

It is still unknown what exactly an artist living about 3,gu000 years ago engraved on the walls. The archeological expedition carefully copied the mysterious signs on the temple walls, and the hieroglyphs gave rise to endless disputes and heated debates among Egyptologists. As a result, majority of Egyptologists arrived at a conclusion that there were just four strange objects drawn in different variations. Unfortunately, researchers of the 19th century failed to understand what ancient Egyptians actually drew on the temple walls. Like any sensation the mysterious Abydos hieroglyphs were absolutely forgotten some time later.

In about 150 years, the respectable Arab newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat published several sensational photos taken in the Amon Ra Temple in Karnak. At that, the newspaper asked its readers whether they believed that ancient Egyptians knew about battle aviation. The question would have seriously puzzled readers under some different conditions. But the photos the newspaper published demonstrated the bas-reliefs of an ancient temple built under Seti I who ruled 3,000 years ago; and on the bas-reliefs an ancient artist engraved a battle helicopter with a distinct rotor and a tail unit. Nearby, the artist depicted several other aircrafts astonishingly resembling contemporary supersonic fighters and heavy strategic bombers!

After the sensational publication of the photos it became clear why Egyptologists of the 19th century could not tell what was depicted on the walls of the temple in Abydos. Indeed, the researchers did not know how helicopters and aircrafts look.

Pharaoh Seti I was always known as the most famous and successful regents in Ancient Egypt who actively expanded his estates and had to repulse attacks of enemies. Do the published sensational pictures mean that the Pharaoh even employed battle aviation to fight enemies?

Well-known Egyptologist Alan Alford left to the Nile banks to study the Abydos mystery. The researcher studied the mysterious hieroglyphs and made sure that what seemed absolutely incredible was in fact quite real. Alford told journalists that ancient Egyptians had depicted a real helicopter model as if they made the engravings from life.

So, researchers got two almost identical sets of drawings from Karnak and Abydos which seemed be not accidental at all. Skeptics recollected that “Bee” was one of the names of Pharaoh Seti I and stated that the mysterious drawings were in fact attempts of an ancient artist to draw a bee. They would not believe that Egyptians might know about helicopters.

At the same time, world-famous ufologist Richard Hogland declared that the mysterious drawings just proved his theory saying Egyptians descended from Martians who had once visited this planet. The researcher explains that Martians chose Ancient Egypt for landing because of its landscape wonderfully resembling the Martian one.

But the ufologist failed to explain the origin of a submarine which was also engraved nearby the battle helicopter on the walls of the temple in Abydos. And the drawing was incredibly detailed. And researchers had to confess they were still too far from solving the mystery of the hieroglyphs and the frescos. It is perfectly clear that there are no seas on Mars, and the drawings of a submarine thus could not be made by “descendants of Martians” as Hogland called Egyptians as they had no notion what a submarine may be.

Click on this link to see a photo galery of Egyptian mysteries

In the past years of the 20th century, many of Mars researchers actively supported Hogland's theory. They believed that failures of automated interplanetary space stations to land on Mars were closely connected with the mysterious hieroglyphs discovered on the walls of ancient temples. The researchers stated that millions of years ago a unique anti-missile shield was created around Mars for safe protection from curious and aggressive unwanted guests. When ufologists are told that some automated vehicles actually landed Mars and even took photos revealing there is no civilization on the planet, they say that terrestrials will be able to see only what Martians want and let us know about them.

Famous Egyptologist Bruce Rowles gives another interesting hypothesis about the origin of the strange hieroglyphs. He says there were no interplanetary expeditions from other star systems to this planet in the old times. He supposes that Egyptian pagan priests knew many of nature secrets. It is a proven fact that 3,000 years ago Egyptians made the first batteries and generated electricity. Bruce Rowles also supposes that pagan priests in Ancient Egypt could look to the future where they quite probably saw battle helicopters, aircrafts and submarines. But Rowles' hypothesis is as unstable as the theory of Hogland.

Today, the disputes about the mysterious hieroglyphs are still heated. Some researchers believe that Egyptians knew aeronautics secrets and could fly but later the secrets were lost. But others insist that enthusiasts are too imaginative if they see modern helicopters, aircrafts and submarines in Egyptian engravings and bas-reliefs. Let us forget the heated disputes and see what history says on the issue.

Popular scientific literature says that Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen died 3,300 years ago as a result of an air crash. Historian William Deutch made the sensational statement and also said that ancient Egyptians could go up to the clouds with balloons inflated with hot air and with primitive gliders. Such flights were available for the royal family and nobility only. Deutch says that many of the royal family in Ancient Egypt including Tutankhamun himself died with their legs broken and numerous wounds as if they tragically died as a result of an aircraft crash. The researcher is sure that strange objects depicted in discovered ancient engravings and drawings were in fact the first flying devices. Deutch even made many models of such aircrafts and found out that many of them could soar in the air. William Deutch says that aeronautics first appeared in Egypt and then spread to the territories currently known as Tibet, India, Mexico, Turkey, China and Guatemala, in other words those territories where air flows could hold aircrafts in the skies.

An elegant 4-centimeter item which was obviously used as an amulet or a pendant made not later than the first millennium B.C. is known as “the Columbia gold airplane”. As of today, researchers have found 33 items of the type on the territories of Columbia, Peru, Costa Rica and Venezuela. All of them are different on the outside but have the same principle of airplane construction with the horizontal and vertical keel empennage. Ancient artists often made them look like creatures covered with scales and with glowing eyes. But biologists of the world admit that the gold items cannot be identified with any known creature of fossil or contemporary fauna on the planet.

Contemporary aerotechnics experts believe that “the gold airplane” might be a model of an aerospace aircraft with an opening cockpit; a model of a freight aircraft for landing water for one-time use only and even a model of a sub-aquaplane. But in fact, experts could discern an airplane in the gold model long ago.

In 1956, “the gold airplane” was among exhibits of the Pre-Columbian Gold exhibition in Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. The deltoid wing and the vertical plane of the tail unit atypical of birds drew attention of American aircraft designers. The directors of the exhibition allowed testing the ancient “aircraft” in a wind tunnel. It turned out that the gold model could soar at supersonic speed, the issue which was widely studied in that epoch. The ancient model helped aircraft designers of Lockheed create a supersonic plane, the world's best for that period

Nefer Mensher ~ Miss O ~

Veryyyyy Good

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:33 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Daniyal;1140319 wrote: Nefer Mensher ~ Miss O ~

Veryyyyy Good

Nefer- Muhl Yawum Danny.

Galbally is a number 4 ;););)

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:39 pm
by Oscar Namechange
In 1898 a curious winged object was discovered in the tomb of Pa-di-Imen in north Saqqara, Egypt dated to about 200 BC. Because the birth of modern aviation was still several years away, when the strange artifact was sent to the Cairo Museum, it was catalogued and then shelved among other miscellaneous items to gather dust.

Seventy years later, Dr. Kahlil Messiha, an Egyptologist and archaeologist, was examining a Museum display labeled bird figurines. While most of the display were indeed bird sculptures, the Saqqara artifact was certainly not. It possessed characteristics never found on birds, yet which are part of modern aircraft design. Dr. Messiha, a former model plane enthusiast, immediately recognized the aircraft features and persuaded the Egyptian Ministry of Culture to investigate.

Made of very light sycamore the craft weighs 0.5 oz. with straight and aerodynamically shaped wings, spanning about 7 inches. A separate slotted piece fits onto the tail precisely like the back tail wing on a modern plane.

A full-scale version could have flown carrying heavy loads, but at low speeds, between 45 and 65 miles per hour. What is not known, however, is what the power source was. The model makes a perfect glider as it is. Even though over 2,000 years old, it will soar a considerable distance with only a slight jerk of the hand. Fully restored balsa replicas travel even farther.

Messiha notes that the ancient Egyptians often built scale models of everything familiar in their daily lives and placed them in their tombs, temples, ships, chariots, servants, animals and so forth. Now that we have found a model plane, Messiha wonders if perhaps somewhere under the desert sands there may yet be unearthed the remains of life-sized gliders.

The 15 February 1998 issue of The Augusta Chronicle featured an article by Randall Floyd titled "Flight may have begun before Wrights:"

In 1969, while sorting through a box of old exhibits in the basement of the Cairo museum, Egyptologist Khalil Messiha found what appeared to be a 2,200-year-old model airplane, complete with wings, landing gear and an aerodynamically designed body.

The object had been found in a 2,000-year-old tomb near Saqqara in 1898. The archaeologist was stunned. What would a perfectly scaled model of an airplane be doing in a tomb of such antiquity?

His conclusion: "Apparently the ancients possessed long-forgotten technologies," he said. Egypt's Ministry of Culture agreed. A committee set up to investigate the matter concluded that the 7-inch-long model, built of light sycamore wood and weighing only 1.11 ounces, seemed to incorporate principles of aircraft design that had taken modern engineers decades of experimentation to discover and perfect.

Moreover, they found, the glider worked. More than two millennia after its construction, it still sailed easily through the air at only the slightest flick of the hand.

The above articles assert that the model is the pinnacle of flightworthiness. But is it? Martin Gregorie of Harlow, Essex, a designer, builder, and flyer of Free Flight model gliders with more than 30 years experience, thinks not:

The requirements for a Free Flight model glider to be automatically stable in flight are that it should:

Balance somewhere between 25% and 60% of the wing chord back from the leading edge. The wing chord is the average width of the wing, measured from front to back. A glance at the bird shows that the body is made from a single piece of wood whose proportions are such that the balance point is at or behind the trailing edge of the wing. The bird's head region has clearly never had a weight attached to it or buried within it. Such a weight would be needed to bring the balance point forward into the range given above.

Have a horizontal tail surface of around 20 - 25% of the wing area. Despite some claims to the contrary, no such tail surface currently exists and there are no traces of a tail plane's attachment point on the bird's fin or rear body. The fin is the vertical tail surface that forms the rear of the bird's body.

Be shaped to provide spiral stability. The presence of a large fin at the rear of the body must be balanced by a dihedralled wing if the bird is to glide without tipping over sideways into an terminal spiral dive. A dihedralled wing is one with the tips raised above the center of the wing like virtually all passenger planes and model aircraft. The bird has the opposite wing arrangement. Its wing tips are drooped to give anhedral, which would only serve to increase the bird's spiral instability.

As can be easily seen, the bird meets none of these requirements for flight, so it is quite unlikely that it ever flew or that accurate replicas could fly.

Is the Saqqara artifact meant to represent an airplane? This seems unlikely especially in view of the absence of any evidence of the considerable support technology that would of necessity be associated with flight industry (such as wheels, engine machinery, parts manufacture, fuel production, etc.) It would seem strange indeed if the Egyptians flew around in high-tech aircraft and left only a single wooden model (and, some would claim, a few glyphs carved above a temple doorway) as evidence of their airborne activities. What, then, might the model actually represent?

Most Egyptologists think that the artifact is a bird with outstretched wings, though the tail is quite dissimilar to any known bird's tail. Though it is not apparent in the accompanying photographs, painted details of the eyes and beak are still observable on the model. There also remains a bit of paint on the upper edge of the tail, and it is possible that more detail was originally provided but has worn away over time. There is also a graceful curve on the bottom of the model delineating the anatomical transition of the body to the head and the tail, very much in the manner of a bird in flight. But there is still the matter of the peculiar shape of the tail.

Below are details of the tops of the masts from three reliefs depicting boats, all used in the Opet festivals. The first is the masthead of a boat of Ramesses III, the second is the mast of a boat in the reign of Herihor, and the third is the masthead of the ship of state Mery Amun. All of these reliefs are found in the Temple of Khonsu at Karnak and date to the late New Kingdom.

Could the Saqqara artifact have served as a sort of weathervane to indicate wind direction on a boat, practical or ceremonial? The vane-like tail might suggest such a use. Given its size, it appears unlikely that it would have been set atop a mainmast, however, as the reliefs above depict. It is also possible that the artifact served as a child's toy, though its design would not allow it to glide like a bird if hurled through the air.

In any case, of the two theories that the artifact is intended to represent either a bird or an aircraft, the former is the only one tenable based on the corpus of evidence that is known to exist.

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:46 pm
by Daniyal
Scientist For Years, Have Been Trying To Figure Out And Find Out:

» Exactly How And Why Were The Pyramids Built?

» How Did The Ancient Egyptians Carry The Blocks Of Stones,

With Some Weighing Over 15 Tons To The Pyramid Site?

» What Tools Were Used To Build The Pyramid?

* How Was It Possible For Our Ancient Ancestors To Align The

Pyramids Cardinal Points To True West, East, North And South?

All Of This Was Done, Which Baffled The Modern Scientists, Archaeologists, And Engineers

Who Still To This Very Day And Trust Me, All Of Them Have Tried With All Of Their So-Called

High Technologies And They Still Can't Duplicate The Techniques Of The Great Pyramid Of

Khufu At Giza. Countless Authors Have Written Books About The Pyramid, One Of The Best,

Is A Book Called "The Orion Mystery" Unlocking The Secret Of The Pyramid, Written By

Robert Bauval And Adrian Gilbert By Crown Publishers, Inc. In New York City And "The

Message Of The Sphinx," A Quest For The Hidden Legacy Of Mankind, By Graham

Hancock And Robert Bauval.

Ques: What Is A Pyramid?

Ans: That Is Where We Will Begin, By Defining The Word Pyramid Which According To The

American Heritage Dictionary Means:

Pyr-A-Mid (PiR's-MiD) N. 1. A. A Solid Figure With A Polygonal Base And Triangular

Faces That Meet At A Common Point. B. Something Shaped Like This Polyhedron. 2.A. A

Massive Monument Of Ancient Egypt Having A Rectangular Base And Four Triangular

Faces Culminating In A Single Apex, Built Over Or Around A Crypt Or Tomb. B. Any Of

Various Similar Constructions, Especially A Four-Sided Mayan Temple Having Stepped

Sides And A Flat Top Surmounted By Ceremonial Chambers. 3. The Transactions Involved

In Pyramiding Stock. 4. Anatomy. A Structure Or T^art Suggestive Of A Pyramid In Shape.

[Latin Pyramis, Pyramid-, From Greek Puramis, Probably From Egyptian Pimar.}

The Word Pyramid Comes From The Greek Pyramis (Plural Pyramides); Thought To Have Been

Derived From The Ancient Egyptian Per-Em-Us, A Term Used In A Mathematical Papyrus To

Denote The Vertical Height Of A Pyramid. In The Greek Language, The Word Pyra (repot)

Means "Fire" Or "In Darkness" Or "Illumination That Reveals Something Or Makes Things

Visible In Darkness". Midos (ntSoq) Means "Measures". The Greeks Had Derived These

Words From The Phoenician Word Purim-Middoh, Which Meant "Light-Measures."

Therefore, The Pyramids Themselves Mean Something That Constitute Measured Revelations Or

Revelations Through Measurements. The Name Pyramid As Given To These Great Structures In

Egypt Was Symbolic, Because The Word Is Really Greek And Not Egyptian As I Have Shown.

The Word Pyramid Comes From The Prefix Pyr Meaning "Fire" And A-Mid Meaning

"Surrounded By, In The Middle Of The Ancient Egyptian Term For Pyramid Is Mir

Ques: Why Were The Pyramids Of Ancient Egypt Built?

Ans: The Pyramids Of Ancient Egypt Were Used To Make Connection With The Anunnaqi

Eloheem Or Neteru, Our Ancestors, Who Once Dwelt In The Orion Star Constellation. They

Were Imitating The Civilization That Was Found In Heaven Or Orion, Which In Greek Is

(Ouranos) As Found In (opccvoq). Orion Is Where The Anunnaqi Emigrated To, Because Of The

Dwindling Atmosphere On The Planet Rizq, The 8th Planet In The 19th Galaxy Called Illyuwn.

This Was Due To The Plutonium Bomb Or Shield Depleter That Was Placed There By The

Disagreeable Reptilian Tarnush Or Zuen. (Refer To The Holy Tablets, Chapter One Tablet 4).

That's Why All Of The Great Pyramids Line Up Perfectly With The Stars Of Orion. The Pyramid

Attributed To Pharaoh Khufu Lines Up With Al-Nitak Which Is Known As Zeta Orionis. The

Pyramid Attributed To Pharaoh Khafre Lines With Al-Nilam, Epsilon Orionis And The Pyramid

Attributed To Pharaoh Menkure Pyramid Lines Up With Mintaka Which Is Also Known As

Delta Orionis. All Three Stars Form The Belt Of Orion, Which Is On A Slant And Points To The

Dog Star, Sirius, Which Muhammadans Also Stole And Placed In Their So Called Holy Book

Koran 53:49

The Shaft Or Tunnel Of The Queen's Chamber In The Great Pyramid Aligned Perfectly With The

Sirus Star, Called Sothis By The Greeks. It Was Also Considered The Star Of Aset (Isis), Just As

Orion Was Equated To (Usir) Osiris. The Sirius Star Is Found In The Canis Major Constellation

Just Below Orion, And Is The Brightest Star In The Sky. Also The Rising Of The Sirius Star

Was The Beginning Of The Nile Flood, And Also Coincided With The Summer Soltice In A Past

Epoch, It Was Therefore The New Year For The Egyptians. The Dogons, An African Tribe Of

Mali, Also Recognized This Binary Star, And Perform A Ceremonial Dance Called The Bado

Rite, Which Occurs Every 60 Years Called A Sigui. This Dance Is Symbolic Of The Complete

Rotation Of Sirius B Around Sirius A, As It Rotates On It's Own Axis Around Itself. Every Nine

Thousand Years Sirius A And Sirius B Criss-Cross In Front Of Each Other, Thereupon Sending

Energies To The Planet Earth. The Dogon Knew About This And Tracked The Movement Of

Sirius B, A White Dwarf Star. This Is A Puzzle To Modern Scientist Because It Is Not Visible

By The Naked Eye And Was Just Discovered In 1862 A.D. And Photographed By The Modern

Astronomer Irving Lindenblad In 1970 A.D. With A Very Powerful Telescope, And Still It Was

Barely Visible. The Egyptians Were The Greatest Astronomers Of Ancient Times And Knew

About Sirius C Which Was Linked With Anubus, Even Before The Predynastic Time Of 3200


The Olmecs, Sumerians, And Egyptians, Who Are All Moors, Built Thousands Of Pyramids And

Mounds All Over The World. Most Of Them Lined Up At 33 Degrees, 32 Degrees, The Tropic

Of Cancer, Which Also Lines Up With Orion. This Also Includes The Pyramids And Mounds In

America, Then Called Atlan Or Amexem Built By The Olmecs, Long Before The Five Families Of

Europeans Who Are: The Irish, French, Polish, English, And Scottish Came Here. These

Pyramids Were Used For Many Things Such As: Landing Sites For Our Ancestors, And

Descendants From Beyond The Stars, Called The Anunnaqis, And Also Astronomical Use.

Pyramids Hold Alot Of Power, Which You Will Learn About As You Read On.

What Most People Don't Overstand Is That Pyramids Are Electromagnetic Antennas, That Create

Standing Columnar Waves, To Prevent The Wobbling Of The Earth. After The Destruction Of

Atlan (oik**) The Original Name Of Atlantis, The Lost Continent Of North American, Renamed

By The Greeks, Atlantis. The Earth Needed To Be Balanced. The Pyramids At Giza Were Built

To Balance The Magnetic Fields And Land Masses Of The Earth After The Axis Shift, Of 23

Degrees, Which Takes Place Every 50,000 Years Called An Epoch. The Axis Needle Completes

A Cycle Every 24,000 Years, Called An Equinox, And Every 50,000 Years, The Crust Of The

Earth Shifts, Like The Skin Of A Grape.

Pyramids Are Also A Tool To Help Humans Advance Into A Higher State Of Consciousness.

Around Everybody, There Is An Aura Or In Nuwaubic, Halut (TiLC LTi), An Electromagnetic

Field. The Aura Has A Negative (-) Electrical Charge. If You Study And Advance Into Our

Fraternal Order The Ancient & Mystic Order Of Melchizedek (A.M.O.M) And Overcome

Matter, The Individual Must Change His Or Her Matter, To A More Positive (+) Electrical

Charge. Thus The Pyramid Is Also A Tuning Device To Help Humims Children Of Neteru

(Nature) To Achieve This Change.

Ques: What Is The Light That I See On Top Of The Pyramid?

Ans: The Light That You See Is Actual Energy Emitted From The Top Of The Pyramid, The Cap

Stone Of The Pyramid And Is Called Standard Columnar Wave Or SCW. This Double Helix Is

Generated By The Sides Of The Pyramid Bending Light And Creating A Vortex. This Is The

Energy That Runs The Universe. The Ancient Symbol Was Called Neh-Eh, Meaning "Eternity."

For Additional Information

Nature, Is A Word Taken From Neteru, Ptahite/Egyptian For Beings Of The Skies, Who Had

The Real Truth Of The Knowledge Of The Pyramid And How They Deal With Tachyon Energy.

The Pyramid Refocuses Light Into Its Sub-Atomic Particles Which We Call Tachyon Energy.

The Term Tachyon Energy Is Used Because It Is The Best Term That Describes This Energy.

The Luciferians Will Try To Tell You That Tachyon Is "Hypothetically" A Kind Of Energy, Don't

Be Fooled. When You Hear The Word Tachyon, Phonetically You Hear, Tack On Meaning "To

Stick On." Tachyon Energy Is The Glue Of The Universe. It Is The Bond Between The

Spiritual And Physical Realms Of Reality. If Humans Are To Advance Into The Spiritual World,

Then They Must Learn To Overstand Tachyon Energy. The Pyramids Serves As Antennas, Which

Refocus Light Into The Three Magnetic Fields Of Tachyon Energy, This Gives Humans An

Opportunity To Study This Energy.

With Tachyon Motion, All Motions Have A Path Length Of 240° Degrees. Unlike The Electron

Spin, There Is No Centrifugal Force, Thus No Gravity. Tachyons Are Of Nature Wherefore They

May Pass Through Matter And Or Other Fields Without Being Affected Or Affecting Such Fields

Of Matter. If You Were To Look At The Rain Dance Of The Hopi Native Americans Called

(Indians), They Got This From The Dogon Tribe Of Mali, Their Original Ancestors, Who Got It

From Beings They Call Nommos, Who The Hopis Call Kachina, You Would Find The Same

Clocking Action Of The Tachyon Pairs Is Used In Their Rain Dance And The Dances Of The

Whirling Dervishes. The Native Americans Would Use This Action To Build Standing Columnar

Waves. By Building These Standings Waves We, The Native Americans Could Cause Rain; A

Secret We Got From Our Ancestors From Nuba, Through The Deity Hapi, Same As Hopi, The

Son Of Bar (Horus). The Dogon Of Mali, And The Yoruba Of Nigeria, And Many Others All

Use This Principle.

This Can Also Be Seen With The Sixty Year Dogon Dance Which Was Mentioned Previously.

Its Purpose Is The Renovation Of The World, On Their Clock Of Destiny. When It Is Time For

The Sigui, The Hogon, Elders In The Tana Tono Shelter At Yougo Draw A Symbol On The

Rock With Red Ochre, Which Represents A Kanaga Mask. This In Turn Represents The Deity

A in ma. A Hole Is Made In The Ground Below It Symbolizing The Sigui, And Thus Amma Is

The Egg Of The World, As Ra Was The Primeval Egg. Many Ancient Cultures Speak Of This

Black Egg Or Black Dot.

The Hole Is Also Interpreted As The Hole Which Must Be Dug To Put Seeds In. From This

Viewpoint The Holes Are Arranged In Series Of Three Connoting Three Siguis, Placed Beneath

The Sign Of Three Seeds, After Which They Are Named. Thus The Sigui At The Beginning Of

This Century Was Called The Erne Sigi, The "Sorghum Sigui," The Next One Will Be Called

Yu Sigi, The "Haricot Sigui". There Is Another Figure Painted On The Facade Of The

Sanctuaries Which Reveals Rather More Specific Data It Is Called Sigi Lugu, Meaning

Calculation Of The Sigui, And Consists Of A Line Of Vertical Chevrons; The Notches Of Which

Are Painted Alternately Black, Red, And White. These Are The Secret Colors Of The Dogon,

The Hopi, And The Nuwaubians.

The Results Of The Dancing Is A Charged Column. The Same Standing Wave Column Appears

In A Typical Storm Or In The Electrical Process Used To Produce A Capicator. The Clocking

Motion Of The Dance Pattern, Is Similar To The Motion Of The Clocking Of The

Electromagnetic Fields Of The Atom. What Happens Over The Dancing, Is That A Band Of

Energy Is Formed. This Is The Same Pattern That, It Was Said, Was Used By The Israelites To

Bring Down The Walls Of Jericho, An Event Which Was Never Historically Confirmed.. In The

Seven Days Of Marching Around The Walls, The Israelites Produced A Standing Columnar Wave

That Came Crashing Down On The City When The Trumpets Were Blown. This Is Why The

Walls Of Jericho Were Blown Out, As If There Was A Big Explosion In The City, An

Unconfirmed Story.

Another Important Reason Why The Pyramids Were Built Was To Help Humans Change Thier

Halut Or Aura To A More Positive Frequency. The Pyramid Is An Electrical Capacitor Designed

To Help The Individual Achieve This. It Is A Tufted-Tank Antenna Acting As An

Interdimensional Communication Device. 1 he Pyramid Refocuses Light Into The Reverse Spiral

Of The Electrons, Which Is The Positive Field. The Pyramid Is An Interdimensional

Communication Device Given To Humans, So That They May Learn Of The Positive Frequency,

And Make Contact With Their Oversoul And Beings. As Mentioned Previously, The Pyramid Is

An Antenna Designed To Refocus Light Into The Two Different Electron Spirals, The Negative

Field Of The Physical, And The Positive Field Of The Spiritual. This Energy Which Is Seen As A

Light, Forms A Double Helix, Which If Commonly Seen As The Caduceus, Or Staff Of Tehuti,

(Thoth) From Whom The Greeks Relate To Their Deity Hermes. Hermes's Staff Is A Winged

Staff With Two Serpents Twined About It. Also The Greek Mythological Deity, Mercury Holds

It, And The Hindus Call It Kundalini. This Staff Was Used By The Brotherhood As A Measure

Of Light. The Staff Is Also Used As The Medical Symbol Of Today, Because It Symbolizes

Healing Power. Moses Used It As Seen In (Exodus 4:3).

It Can Also Be Seen As A Double Helix, Climbing The Sword, Which Has The Wings Of The

Egyptian Deity Isis Or Aset, A Symbol Also Used By Sumerians. In The Past, The Graduates Of

The Pyramid Were Physicians, Dedicated To Balancing The Ailments Of The Earth, Whether

They Were Medical Or Political. History Has Recorded Them As The Alchemists Or Magi,

Alchemists From El-Kham, Or Kemet, In Aramic/Hebrew, The Name For Ham, Son Of Noah

Genesis 5:32, And Egypt. The Name Magi Is Also From Magus Or Magic (Matthew 2:1).

The Caduceus Which Is A Measurement Of Light Shows The Two Directions That Electrons Can

Spiral Around The Nucleus Of The Atom. Its Purpose Is To Show The Degree Of Light In The

Body. Tehuti Says In The Kyballion That There Are Three Great Planes Of Conciousness. The

Pure Energy Fields In Which The Particles Of The Atoms Spiral Are Called Tachyon Pairs. The

Tachyon Pairs Carry Electromagnetic Charges Which Are 1. (+) Positive, And (+) Positive, 2. (+)

Positive (-) Negative, And 3. (-) Negative (-) Negative. These Three Charges Make Up The

Three Great Planes Of Consciousness. In Ancient Egyptian Drawings You Find Pictures Of Men

Holding Coils. These Coils Were Tuned To The Reverse Flow Of Vortex Energy Generated

Between Sites.

The Ancient Ones Knew Of The Knowledge Of Energies And Atoms Long Before Modern

Science Came Onto The Scene. They Knew Enough To Design An Electromagnetic Antenna

Called A Pyramid. This Pyramid Was Used As The House Of Initiation Into The Higher Levels

Of Consciousness,For Thousands Of Years. The System Was The Same As Used In America In

The 1930's A.D. By A Student Of The Mystery System, A Venusian, Named Edward

Leedskalnin, Who Worked With Another Venusian Named Nikola Tesla

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:47 pm
by spot
Instead of copy/pasting stuff you could far more easily link to, thereby providing us with a better hint of where you're getting it from, why not answer the thread's response from Galbally? That would bring your own voice back into play. We're a discussion forum, not an anonymous clippings repository.

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:52 pm
by Oscar Namechange
spot;1140352 wrote: Instead of copy/pasting stuff you could far more easily link to, thereby providing us with a better hint of where you're getting it from, why not answer the thread's response from Galbally? That would bring your own voice back into play. We're a discussion forum, not an anonymous clippings repository. I went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea and i was then about to reply to galbally. You really are chuffy today.:(

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:55 pm
by Daniyal
spot;1140352 wrote: Instead of copy/pasting stuff you could far more easily link to, thereby providing us with a better hint of where you're getting it from, why not answer the thread's response from Galbally? That would bring your own voice back into play. We're a discussion forum, not an anonymous clippings repository.

Like you he like to play words game's , Anyway he trying flip the script . Who copy & paste more then you with you water down link's & word game , Try to learn something , Later for the word game ,

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:00 pm
by spot
Daniyal;1140363 wrote: Like you he like to play words game's , Anyway he trying flip the script . Who copy & paste more then you with you water down link's & word game , Try to learn something , Later for the word game ,

I thought the script was "Helicopters In Ancient Egypt Fact Or Fiction". He's bang on topic.

When I copy/paste it's to illustrate or back up my own words, not to speak for me from anonymity.

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:00 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Galbally;1140317 wrote: Hey guys, its me again, here I go! Now don't take this as a personal insult, I am just going to make a few points from my own perspective.

If the Egyptians had access to battle helicopters, submarines, and other weapons of 20th century warfare, why did they not take over the entire Mediterannian basin? In fact why not the world, who could have stopped them? The phonecians? The Babylonians? How were they defeated in the 2nd Millenium BC by the Hittites (was it perhaps because the hittites had iron swords as opposed to the Egyptians' who only used bronze ones).

You would imagine that if your facing an army armed with iron swords, bows, and sling shots somewhere on a plain in Syria, and you had ability to create attack helicopters and submarines, (as well as all the other weapons that such technology would provide you with) that battle wouldn't last very long, would it?

As well of course for a civilization to posses such things, they would also have needed to had known how to power them, been able to source all the exotic materials for them, and be able to design them based on the principals of powered flight, fabricate them industrially in helicopter factories, and submarine shipyards. That would have taken a level of scientific and industrial power that Europe did not develop until it had already conquered the world and gained access to most of its resources.

Essentially they would have needed to have had an industrial/technological and scientific revolution in the same way that Europe did from the 16th century onwards. Even at that it took 300 years to go from Newton to Kitty hawk, a period during which with just cannon, muskets, and wooden sailing ships, Europeans took over the entire planet. But Egyptians somehow had these technologically advanced weapons but decided for the most part to remain Bronze age farmers in every other respect, and never use them against anyone else.

They didn't have compasses, clocks, pens, iron weapons, paper, coal, oil, or even the arch, yet they had submarines? They couldn't navigate their tiny wooden ships out of the sight of shorelines and did not have a navy, but they had submarines? They could fabricate produce Iron swords yet they could build and maintain aluminium attack helicopters 4,000 years ago??

The Egyptians had an incredible civilization, but it was a bronze age one, that was wiped out by later Iron age ones. This would not have happened if they had the same technological prowess as modern day Europe. They would have been invunerable, to anything and anyone else.

Again, please look at the historical evidence in its entirety, not the allure of the mystery of 4 strange hieroglyphs on a stone. If the Egyptians had had such things 4,500 years ago, the whole world would now speak a version of Ancient Egyptian and there would be Egyptian style pyramids in every corner of the globe.

Hello 'Me again', how are you ? Your logic is correct no doubt. This is a subject i have spent most of my adult life looking into. Funny enough, as my possessions have been boxed up for some months and are about to be re-opened, I asked Mr O only last night to photograph some of my Egyptian possessions so i could show Daniyal.

The whole question of this sounds un-logical but there are more artifacts from that period that show this than just 4 Hieroglyhs as in the plane that was discovered as i just posted.

I'm not saying that i believe it or dis-believe it but there is a striking resemblence to craft in their artifacts. If they are not craft, what are they dipicting? Birds?

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:03 pm
by Daniyal
spot;1140367 wrote: I thought the script was "Helicopters In Ancient Egypt Fact Or Fiction". He's bang on topic.

When I copy/paste it's to illustrate or back up my own words, not to speak for me from anonymity.

Sure you do this is not the first you and I Been through this with your links and word games ,

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:09 pm
by spot
Daniyal;1140371 wrote: Sure you do this is not the first you and I Been through this with your links and word games ,

And, as always, you're quite at liberty to prove me wrong by showing where it's happened. I say you're lying and that there are no such events, you're just sounding off with nothing to back up what you claim.

You see how simple it is to show everyone I'm wrong, just by pointing to where you're right? Go for it, the floor's all yours.

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:14 pm
by Oscar Namechange
spot;1140383 wrote: And, as always, you're quite at liberty to prove me wrong by showing where it's happened. I say you're lying and that there are no such events, you're just sounding off with nothing to back up what you claim.

You see how simple it is to show everyone I'm wrong, just by pointing to where you're right? Go for it, the floor's all yours.

Spot.... Now i must really object. Daniyal has not 'lied' about anything. The title of his thread includes 'Fact or fiction'. From that i glean that he is not stating it is fact.

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:16 pm
by spot
oscar;1140388 wrote: Spot.... Now i must really object. Daniyal has not 'lied' about anything. The title of his thread includes 'Fact or fiction'. From that i glean that he is not stating it is fact.

Go back and see what I called him a liar about, it has nothing to do with helicopters, it's to do with copy/pasting anonymous text.

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:19 pm
by Oscar Namechange
spot;1140392 wrote: Go back and see what I called him a liar about, it has nothing to do with helicopters, it's to do with copy/pasting anonymous text.

Ok but he has said that he copies and pastes to back up his own words.

No, my apologies.... YOU said that.

I'm very tired..... Time for bed.

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:22 pm
by spot
oscar;1140394 wrote: Ok but he has said that he copies and pastes to back up his own words.

No, my apologies.... YOU said that.

I'm very tired..... Time for bed. ... ost1140348 is entirely unsourced and has no words whatever written by Daniyal. It's copy/pasted as though ForumGarden were a hoarding for adverts.

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:25 pm
by Daniyal
oscar;1140368 wrote: Hello 'Me again', how are you ? Your logic is correct no doubt. This is a subject i have spent most of my adult life looking into. Funny enough, as my possessions have been boxed up for some months and are about to be re-opened, I asked Mr O only last night to photograph some of my Egyptian possessions so i could show Daniyal.

The whole question of this sounds un-logical but there are more artifacts from that period that show this than just 4 Hieroglyhs as in the plane that was discovered as i just posted.

I'm not saying that i believe it or dis-believe it but there is a striking resemblence to craft in their artifacts. If they are not craft, what are they dipicting? Birds?

I Overstand But You Do Have A Open Mind , And You Will Check It Out For Yourself

And You Links Are On Point Like Always . I Have Play These Games With spot Before , It Gets Childlish After A While You Know . It's Like He Get Off With These Silly Word Game . I Read Other's Post Where People Have Also Told About His Little Tricks

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:33 pm
by spot
Daniyal;1140399 wrote: I Have Play These Games With spot Before , It Gets Childlish After A While You Know .You haven't written a single word in this thread about the topic. Go back and look. Not one word of it is your own. Just one post acknowledges the author of the post's text.

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:34 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Daniyal;1140399 wrote: I Overstand But You Do Have A Open Mind , And You Will Check It Out For Yourself

And You Links Are On Point Like Always . I Have Play These Games With spot Before , It Gets Childlish After A While You Know . It's Like He Get Off With These Silly Word Game . I Read Other's Post Where People Have Also Told About His Little Tricks

I have studied much about the Ancient egyptians and my main interest is in their embalming techniques and i have a fascination with Royal burial. They were certainly an extremely intelligent race even in their own time. Their intelligence puts them above the crude cave drawings of previous ancestors. I am puzzling as to what they were drawing given their intelligence.

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:43 pm
by Galbally
The Ancient Egyptians were indeed an amazing race of people that created a magnificent civilization, whose handiwork can still be seen today, nearly 5000 years later. There are indeed also many mysterious aspects of Egyptian life and culture of which we know little now, and I am sure they had many books of knowledge and things from that time that would be wonderful to have, but are lost to us now unfortunately. But I don't think these people had modern technology, nor that they were given it by some race of people from the sky.

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:52 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Galbally;1140415 wrote: The Ancient Egyptians were indeed an amazing race of people that created a magnificent civilization, whose handiwork can still be seen today, nearly 5000 years later. There are indeed also many mysterious aspects of Egyptian life and culture of which we know little now, and I am sure they had many books of knowledge and things from that time that would be wonderful to have, but are lost to us now unfortunately. But I don't think these people had modern technology, nor that they were given it by some race of people from the sky. That's always been the fascination to me.....the mysterious aspects. Just their embalming techniques alone were way way ahead of thier time. If scientists can advance in DNA technique, alot more of the Royal lines could be identified but i'm drifting............. When you say 'modern technology' you are talking present technology. They could have had technology but what we would now consider to be crude efforts. The Balsa plane that was found, ok, it might not have got full scale and carried men but who's to say that was not made as a toy and that they had the idea of a plane?

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:57 pm
by Daniyal
spot;1140392 wrote: Go back and see what I called him a liar about, it has nothing to do with helicopters, it's to do with copy/pasting anonymous text.

Unless your blind I Added M,Z.Y. Name At The Bottom Of The Post You Have Problem With Things That Doesn't / Agree With Your Ego , Meaning If It's Not From One Of Your So-called Link's Etc . Then It Must Be Wrong . It Up To You Try To Prove What I Post Is Wrong . I Stand By What Post Rather If I Got It From M.Z.Y . Or From Reading Book / Research / Other Resources . You Will Never Be Able To Disprove What I Post , Because Your To Scare To Step Of Of You Safe Zone . Not To Bring ( Miss O ) Into This But She Found A Link To Back Up What I Post So That Conformation , Trying To Lay Wait For Me To Make A Mistake You Be Waiting Forever . Trying PICK My Post Apart With Your Weak Word Game Not Going To Get It , Because I Don't Just Throw Anything Together And It's Make One Think . Something Your Not Use To Doing

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:05 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Daniyal;1140433 wrote: Unless your blind I Added M,Z.Y. Name At The Bottom Of The Post You Have Problem With Things That Doesn't / Agree With Your Ego , Meaning If It's Not From One Of Your So-called Link's Etc . Then It Must Be Wrong . It Up To You Try To Prove What I Post Is Wrong . I Stand By What Post Rather If I Got It From M.Z.Y . Or From Reading Book / Research / Other Resources . You Will Never Be Able To Disprove What I Post , Because Your To Scare To Step Of Of You Safe Zone . Not To Bring ( Miss O ) Into This But She Found A Link To Back Up What I Post So That Conformation , Trying To Lay Wait For Me To Make A Mistake You Be Waiting Forever . Trying PICK My Post Apart With Your Weak Word Game Not Going To Get It , Because I Don't Just Throw Anything Together And It's Make One Think . Something Your Not Use To Doing I did find find a link to back you up and i have to say that from everything you have posted, I have always managed to find a link to back it if i've wanted to. Anyone could find the links i find, I don't have special priviges on the net.

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:05 pm
by Daniyal
oscar;1140407 wrote: I have studied much about the Ancient egyptians and my main interest is in their embalming techniques and i have a fascination with Royal burial. They were certainly an extremely intelligent race even in their own time. Their intelligence puts them above the crude cave drawings of previous ancestors. I am puzzling as to what they were drawing given their intelligence.

I Told You Were Deep . I Can Tell When A Person Does Their Homework :)

I'll Give You The Infor On The Embalming And You Can Research It And Compare It Ok kkkkkkk , I'm Home And I'm Doing Two Things At One Time LOLOLOLOL

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:08 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Daniyal;1140440 wrote: I Told You Were Deep . I Can Tell When A Person Does Their Homework :)

I'll Give You The Infor On The Embalming And You Can Research It And Compare It Ok kkkkkkk , I'm Home And I'm Doing Two Things At One Time LOLOLOLOL That would be great Danny and i'd be very interested in anything you can get on the embalming. I have a fabulous Egyptian artifact here that will be put back in the next few days now the work is nearly finished. I'll post a pic of it, you'll love it.

I'm off to bed now so i'll catch you later. have a great day :-6:-6:-6

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:12 pm
by Daniyal
oscar;1140439 wrote: I did find find a link to back you up and i have to say that from everything you have posted, I have always managed to find a link to back it if i've wanted to. Anyone could find the links i find, I don't have special priviges on the net.

No I'm saying you do your homework that all . And I Also no they're links to tell people what that what to hear / read . But most of them have a little truth and a little water added , That why I Rarely Use Them . Overstand something Their Are 1000's upon 1000's of links with socalled Egiptian Knowldge 98% of them are joke .

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:19 pm
by Daniyal
Ans: No, The Egyptians Were Not The Only To Build Pyramids. The Sumerians, Who Are The

Ancestors Of The Ancient Egy,<tians, Were The First People Under The Guidance Of The

Anunnaqi. The Sumerians Built A Replica Of The Pyramids In A Mound Type Called A

Ziggurat, Meaning "The Highest Summit, Or Pinnacle" Which Consisted Of Built Layers That

Gradually Grew Smaller Towards The Top, Giving It A Step Pyramid Resemblance. This Is The

Same Technique That Was Used By Imhotep To Build The Step Pyramid At Saqqara; And

Even Today, The Architects Of The Empire State Building And The Sears Tower Used The Step

Like Recessions, In The Disguise Of These Edifices Called Setbacks. The Ziggurat Were

Developed By Sumerian Architects, And Became The Main Form Of Ancient Mesopotamian

Architecture. The Sumerian Style Of Building Has Influenced Many Civilizations That Came

After It, Namely: The Babylonians, Chaldeans, Egyptians, Aztecs And Mayans

Pyramids Of South America .

The Pyramids In Central And South America Were Built By The Olmec, Maya, Toltec, Inca,

Zapotec And Other Early American People. Let Me Make It Clear, Before I Go Any Further,

The Stone Pyramids In South America Are Thousands Of Years Older Than What "Scientist" Are

Saying. The Fact Is, These Stone Pyramids Were Dated By A European "Scientist" That Never

Actually Visited The Site. These Modern "Archeologist" Have No Kind Of Instruments, Or

Formulas To Date Solid Stone, So Their Dates For These Pyramids, The Stone Olmec Colossal

Heads, Or Even Any Stone Fossil Are Not Accurate. Take For Example, The Pyramid Temple

Of Tikal, Guatemala, Dedicated To The Olmec Jaguar Deity. It Was Dated 600 B.C, And Said

To Be Built By The Mayan, However The Mayan Revered Quetzalcoatl, Not The Jaguar, Who

Was A Deity To Their Ancestors The Olmec, Thousands And Thousands Of Years Before The

Mayans Came On The Scene. Take Note That Most Of The Dates Given By Archeologist Are

Always Said To Be "Roughly Around", Meaning, They Are Not Sure, And Therefore Can Not Be

Taken As Facts.

Pyramids Of The World

Many People Are Ignorant To The Fact, That There Are Many Different Pyramids Throughout

The World. We Will Give You A Look At These Pyramids And The History Behind These

Pyramids In Detail. You Will Be Amazed And Surprised At The Location Of These Findings.

Egyptians Are Portrayed And Always Thought To Be The Only Builders Of The Pyramids,

However This Is Not True, Pyramids Can Be Located All Around The World, Proving That The

Anunnaqi/Eloheem's Influence Reached Every Part Of This Planet. You Will Find In Every

Culture, The People Will Say They Originated With "Star People" Extraterrestrials, "Sons Of

Heaven" Or As In The Bible "Sons Of God". Some Countries Which Have Pyramidal Structures

Are Mexico, Sudan, South America, Rome, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Italy, Western Asia, India, China,

North America, Japan And Pakistan And With Each Comes A "Mythological" History Of These

Supernatural Beings.

By M.Z.York

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:16 pm
by Daniyal
oscar;1140428 wrote: That's always been the fascination to me.....the mysterious aspects. Just their embalming techniques alone were way way ahead of thier time. If scientists can advance in DNA technique, alot more of the Royal lines could be identified but i'm drifting............. When you say 'modern technology' you are talking present technology. They could have had technology but what we would now consider to be crude efforts. The Balsa plane that was found, ok, it might not have got full scale and carried men but who's to say that was not made as a toy and that they had the idea of a plane?

Ques ; What Is The Egyprian Book Of The Dead ?

Ans ; The Egyprian Book Of The Dead is a sacred writeing of inspiration filled with Prayers , Short litanies ( A Form Of Prayer ) , And recitations , That was recited by your Ancient Egyptian Ancestors on behalf of their relatives that had passed on to a future life . For the greatest importance is attached to this composition , In knowing that these recitals will secure for the deceased an unhindered passage into the next world and enable the deceased to overcome the opposition of disagreeable influences . They had protection from various amulets and spells that enabled them to fight off these Malveloent Beings . They had spells that would liberate you from certain labors . for instance the poor person who endured physical labor all his life may have a spell recited or engraved in something that would liberate Him / Her from further physical acts . portions of The Book Of The Dead were everntually incorporated into their funeral ceremonies and A Papyrus copy of The Book Of The Dead was placed near The Sarcophagus ( Stone Coffin ) in every tomb .

Ques ; Why Is It Called The Book Of The Dead ?

Ans ; Many ofthe grave or Tomb Robbers called The Scrolls found with the mimmies The Dead Man's Book which became Katab Al Mayyit - arabic - Meaning The Book Of The Dead Man Or Kitab Al Mayyitun - arabic - Meaning Book Of The Dead . Actually The Book Of The Dead was taken from older texts . There are Texts written on The Walls Of The Pyramids which are referred to as The Pyramid Text . These Texts have been modified because it was feared that they were dangerous because of Their Hieroglyphics Of Scorpions , Snakes , Birds and Humans . However , Because of their potential danger they were replaced with symbols in order to ensure the safety of The Deceased Pharaoh .

In order to preserve the bodies of The Dead Relative , Various processes of Embalming were depending on The status of the deceased and The Wealth of the deceased family . There is a period of time where the people are allowed to publicly voice their opinion about their Pharaoh .

In some cases , If he was found to be unjust or cruel during his ruling he was denied a decent burial . When one becomes Pharaoh he is like a link between The '' Gods'' Neteru and man , And must rule justly or receive an eternal mocking after his death , with this in mind The Pharaoh is encouraged to rule justly . A Pharaoh that ruled justly and was loved by his people and received A Royal Funeral . His faithful subjects in the entire kingdom offers dirges , A Funeral Hymn , Twice daily . They fast refraining from Wine , Animal Flesh , Wheat And Sacrifices .

All The Temples are closed , There are no sacrifices made nor celebration festivals given . Mud is placed on their heads weeping . No one bathes or applies any kind of oils , lotions , Unguents Etc . All clothing is rent ( Taken Off ) and girdled below the breast in a knot and all refraiend from sexual intercourse . The Engyptians used were various Embalmining Processes . One Process of Embalming was used only by Kings , Nobles and those who could afford it . The first step in this process is a an incision was made in the left side above the groin , From which the Lungs , Stomach , Intestines , And Liver are removed . These organs are washed in Palm Wine and then stuffed and placed in Canopic Jars made from Albaster . The heart is left inside the body to be weighed against The Ostrich Feather of Truth worn by The Egyptian Netert Maat , Goddes Of Truth and justice , The Daughter Of Ra .

The Jars that the organs were put into have the four sons of Har ( Horus ) on it . They are 1 . Hapi ( Guardian Of The Intestines , Represented By A Baboon's Head , And Is Under The Protection Of The Netert Nebthet , Nephthys ) . Mestha , The Lungs Of The Deceased Is Placed Inside With The Netert Aset ( Isis ) Protecting It , 2 . Qebhsennuf , ( Protector Of The Liver Represented By The Falcon Head ) Under The Protection Of The Netert Serqet , 3 . Duamautef ( Tuamautef ) Guardian Of The Stomach Represented By A Jackals Head A Protector ) Under The Protection Of The Netert Neit Who Also Represent The Four Cardinal Point , And 4 . Imset .

The Brain was removed through The Nostril by an Iron Rod Curved at one end and set aside to be dried and is Buried with the body . As each step is done , A Formula or Prayer from The Book Of The Dead is recited over the body of The Deceased . Once all perishable parts have been removed from The Body , The Body of The Pharaoh would be soaked in a Solution Of Natron For 70 Days ; And longer than that would be Unlawful . The Body Had Natron Crystal Packed Around The Body For 40 Days After Which The Decaying Process Would Stop And The Body Would Be Ready For Wrapping . After This 70 Day Period The Body Is Washed And Dried Carefully . The Natron Turns The Color Of Thin To A Greenish - Grey .

The Hair And Nails Stay Intact ; Yet The Flesh Shrinks . The Fleshy Area , Such As The Finger Tips And Thighs And Back Of The Legs , Are Stuffed With A Mixture Of Sweet Spices And Natron Through Small Vertical Incision Which Are Sewn Up Afterwards . The Nails Vertical Incision Which Are Sewn Up Afterwards . The Nails Are Also Stained With Henna . The Cavity Of The Skull Is Filed With A Mixture Of Spices And Powdered Plaster And Natron . Then Nostril Through Which The Brain Was Removed , Is Plugged With Linen Pledgets That Have Been Dipped In An Astringent .

The Breast And Stomach Are Stuffed Through The Small Slit On The Side With Bitumen And Large Quantities Of Gums , Spices And Natron . After This The Body Is Ready To Be Wrapped . A Small Scrab Ring Is Placed On The Pinky Finger Which Is Suppose To Confer Power On The Deceased . The Body Is Covered With Ungents , And One Side Of The Three Inch Linen Strips Were Covered With A Gum . Many Of These Stripes Are Dipped In Water . The Hands And Feet Are Wrapped Separately Before The Body Is Bandage . Once Completed , The Body Is Wrapped , Starting From The Feet Going Upward Towards The Head , And Jewelry And Amulets Are Placed In Between The Layers .

The Bandages Themselves Are Held Together By Smaller Strips , Wound At The Body At Intervals Of Six And Eight Inches That Are Tied In A Double Knot . Thick Pads Of Linen Are Laid Under The Feet Of The Mummy To Protect It From Injury When It Id Made To Stand Up . The Arms Are Then Folded Across The Stomach , And The Embalming Process Is Completed . There Were Many Other Artifacts Found In The Tombs Such As Personal Things Used By The Deceased , And Things They Would Need Once They Reached The Other Side Such As Various Types Of Food , Jewelry , Tools For Their Profession Such As A Scribe Like Ani Would Have Tablets And A Stylus .

In The Case Of A Pharaoh , He May Have A Chair And His Royal Bark Or Boat Used To Sail The Nile During His Reign , Sealed Inside The Burial Along With Him , And Whatever Other Materials Needed To Prepare The Deceased To Enter A New Physical Life . As The Body Is Being Dried For The Forty To Seventy Day Period , The Coffin Makers Finished A Covering That Is Slightly Vaulted And With A Human Face And Beard On It And A Beautifully Painted Collar To Be Layed Directly Over The Mummy And Two Beautiful Coffins . This Type Of Burial Was Given To The Royal Scribe Ani After His Passing. His Near Friends Had Expected His Departure Due To His Illness And Visted Him Frequently For Long Periods Of Time Alternating . One Night His Illness Took Turn For The Worse And Had Passed A Little After Day Break . The Funeral Priest Was Sent For Who Was Familiar With Royal Funerals . Ani , The Royal Scribe , Had Already Had A Tomb Under Construction , Many Years Before His Wife , Tutu's Passing . She Was Already Layed In The Before His Wife , Tutu's Passing . She Was Already Layed In The Incomplete Tomb , And He Would Join Her Body In The Infinished Tomb .

Tutu Was From One Of The Oldest Honorable Families In Thebes And A Member Of The Choir Of Ladies Who Carried The Sistrum And The Tamborine For Amun Ra And A Member Of The College Of Singers . The Scribe Ani Was Loved By Few But Respected By All For His Integrity And Love And Received All The Lamentation , And Praise Of A Pharaoh , And A Lavish Burial He Was Thought To Be With Constant Communion With The Neteru ( Deities ) And His Relatives Made Sure He Would Be Mummified The Best Way Possible . He Was A Very Learnt Man Of Al Kham ( Egypt ) And Was A Tried Servant Of The Pharaoh King Who Loved Him Well . But Loved Amun Ra More . All His Ancestors Were Worshippers In The Temple Of Apts .

People Who Were Either Of Middle Or Lower Class Received A Less Elaborate Ceremony And Embalming . In Some Cases The Poor Person's Organs Were Removed And Stuffed Yet He Was Soaked For A Shorter Period Of Time Than The 70 Days Or Only His Outer Skin Was Rubbed With Natron And Bitumen . He / She Is Then Wrapped In A Shroud Only Without The Bandages And Place In A Cave , A Hole Or Buried In A Shallow Grave Of Open Desert . In Some Cases If The Person Was Indebt , The Deceased Was Buried In Their Former House . A Portrait Mask Was Placed Over The Head By The Chief Embalmer , Who Wore A Jackal Mask To Represent Anubis , The Patron Deity Of Embalment . ... Anubu ( Anubis ) Deity Of The Dead ....

There Are Various Translations From The Hieroglyphics Which Have Existed In Revised Edition That Have Been In Use Amongst The Egyptians From About 4500 B.C. To The Early Centuries Of The Christian Era . The History Of The Great Body Of Compositions Which Form The Ancient Book Of The Dead Of The Ancient Egyptians May Conveniently Be Divided Into Four Periods , Which Are Paresented By Four Versions Of Which Can Be Found In ''Todtenbouch Naville '' , Page 39 .

1 . The Helioplitan Version Was Edited By The Priest Of The College Of Annu . ( The City Name Translates From Greek As Heliopolis Meaning City Of The Sun , And Was The Capotal Of The 13th None Of Lower Egypt ) . The Name Annu Or Anu Is The Cuneiform , Also The Akkadian And Babylonian Name For The Heavenly Father Who To The Ancient Egyptians , Was A Physical Being With Wives And Children , And Whose Other Name Was An , Or En . The Arabs Call Him '' El Ali '' - arabic , The 36th Attribute , Meaning '' The Most High , However . When You Put These Two Words Together '' Ali ' - '' En '' You Get '' Alien '' . This Heliopolitan Version Was Based Upon A Series Of Texts Now Lost , And Based On Hieroglyphic Test Done On Monument Of The 11th , 12th And 13th Dynasty There Is Evidence To Prove That It Had Passed Through A Series Of Revisions Or Editions As Early As The Period Of The Vth Dynasty . This Version Was Known To Be Written In Hieroglyphics . The Heliopolitan Version Is Known From Five Copies Which Are Inscribed Upon The Walls Of The Chambers And Passages In The Pyramids Of Kings Of The 5th And 6th Dynasties Of Sakkara ; Section Of It Are Found Inscribed Upon Tombs , Sarcophagis , Coffins , Stelae And Papyri From The 11th Dynasty To About 200 A.D.

2 . The Theban ( A Poisonous Alkaloid ) Version Was Commonly Written On Papyri In Hieroglyphics And Was Divided Into Sections Or Chapters , Each Of Which Had Its Distinct Title But No Definite Place In The Series . This Version Was Much Used From The 18th To The 20th Dynasty .

3 . A Version Closely Allied To The Preceding Version , Which Is Found Written Of Papyri In The Hieratic ( Designating Or Of The Abridged Form Of Cursive Hieroglyphic Writing Once Used By Egyptians Priest ) Character And Also In Hieroglyphics . In This Version , Which Came Into Use About The 20th Dynasty To The 26th Dynasty ( 1200 - 550 B.C. ) , The Chapters Have No Fixed Order . They Are Written In Lines In The Hieratic Character ; The Rubics , Catchwords , And Certain Names Like That Of Aapep , Apophis , Apep ( A Word Used To Describe The Serpent [ A Human Reptilian ] Ibis Or Nakhash Devil Or Satan ) Are In Red . The Names And Tiles Of The Deceased Are Written In Perpendicular Rows Of Hieroglyphics . The Character Of The Handwriting Changes In Different Periods . Within A Hundred Years , Apparently , The Fine Fllowing Style Disappears And The Writing Becomes Much Smaller And Is Somewhat Cramped . The Process Of Reduction In Size Continues Until The 26th Dynasty , About 550 B.C. When The Small And Coarsely Written Characters Are Frequently Difficult To Decipher .

4 . The Saite And Ptolemaic ( Warlike ) Version . In This Version , At Some Period Preceding The 26th Dynasty , The Chapters Have A Fixed And Definite Order . It Seems That A Careful Revision Of The Whole Work Was Carried Out , And That Several Alterations Of An Important Nature We Made In It . A Number Of Chapters Which Are Not Found In The Older Papyri Appear During This Period ; But These Are Not Necessrily New Inventions . It Is Quite Possible That Many Or Most Of The Additional Chapters Are Nothing More Than New Edition Of Extracts From Older Works . Many Copies Of This Version Were Written By Scribes And Even Whole Passages Are Very Common . And These Are Only A Very Few Of The Many Versions Or Revised Copies Of The Book Of The Dead That Were Revised , Edited And Changed In Each Period . The Book Of The Dead Written In The Hieroglyphic And Hieratic Characters Which Belong To The Period Of The Rule Of The Priest - Kings Of The Brotherhood Of Amun Form A Class By Themselves , And Have Relatively Little In Common With The Older Versions .

El Katub Shil El MAawut

( The Book Of The Dead )

Coming Forth By Day

Inscribed By ;

Dr . Malachi Z . York


Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 10:07 pm
by BTS
DAMB...................Why did I just read all this?

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 3:09 am
by Galbally
BTS;1141494 wrote: DAMB...................Why did I just read all this?

BTS, you have true grit if you managed to get through that, that's all I will say. I can't read all the capitalized words, I wish he would use normal fonts, it makes it extremely hard to read his posts.

Dainyal, seriously could you adjust the way your posting those paragraphs, they are very hard to read, honestly, I am not getting at you or anything. Its hard to keep concentrated on the points your making when the lettering is so difficult to read.

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:50 am
by Daniyal
Galbally;1141555 wrote: BTS, you have true grit if you managed to get through that, that's all I will say. I can't read all the capitalized words, I wish he would use normal fonts, it makes it extremely hard to read his posts.

Dainyal, seriously could you adjust the way your posting those paragraphs, they are very hard to read, honestly, I am not getting at you or anything. Its hard to keep concentrated on the points your making when the lettering is so difficult to read.

Do Yourself A Favor By Pass It , You Know You Really Don't Give A Dam One Way Or Another So Stop It .

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:31 pm
by BTS
Daniyal;1141621 wrote: Do Yourself A Favor By Pass It , You Know You Really Don't Give A Dam One Way Or Another So Stop It .

That's what I like about you man.................Your Fast.......NOT!!

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:50 am
by Clodhopper
Honestly Daniyal, this is complete rubbish.

Since you never actually deal with replies such as Galbally's (because you can't) there's not much point saying more.

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:04 am
by Clodhopper
...the thing is, Daniyal is missing out on the true mysteries and real wonders of the Universe - which are far stranger than anything in the fiction she spouts.

She'll never appreciate the reality of the human achievement because she attributes it to little green men and special mind powers.

Whereas the true wonder (though humanity's looking pretty shaky just now, we haven't made ourselves extinct yet!) is that humanity created civilisations of this sophistication by itself. No little green men, no special mind powers involved.

Unless you call good engineering, "magic"!

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 7:03 am
by Daniyal
Clodhopper;1142269 wrote: ...the thing is, Daniyal is missing out on the true mysteries and real wonders of the Universe - which are far stranger than anything in the fiction she spouts.

She'll never appreciate the reality of the human achievement because she attributes it to little green men and special mind powers.

Whereas the true wonder (though humanity's looking pretty shaky just now, we haven't made ourselves extinct yet!) is that humanity created civilisations of this sophistication by itself. No little green men, no special mind powers involved.

Unless you call good engineering, "magic"!

You Know I Have To Laugh Everytime You Call Me A She :wah::wah::wah:, When You Who I Am , But Being Your Mom Was More Man Then You Dad I Guess It Is Hard For You To Know The Different Right .

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 7:31 am
by Daniyal
Clodhopper;1142267 wrote: Honestly Daniyal, this is complete rubbish.

Since you never actually deal with replies such as Galbally's (because you can't) there's not much point saying more.

Ask YourSelf Do You Think I Give A Dam What You And Galbally Think / Say ??? All Your Good For Is Bring Attention To My Post , For Those Who Are Interested Other Then That Your A No-Body .

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:23 am
by Nomad
Daniyal;1140433 wrote: You Have Problem With Things That Doesn't / Agree With Your Ego , Meaning If It's Not From One Of Your So-called Link's Etc . Then It Must Be Wrong . It Up To You Try To Prove What I Post Is Wrong .

That in itself is quite an amazing statement.

You appear to me to have an exceedingly bloated and distorted vision of your own ego and its difficult to not notice that you yourself have huge problems with people that dont agree with you.

Id guess that you are severely introverted by the way you manifesto other peoples ideas that coincide with your own cofused thoughts and then protect them as your own as if contradicting statements will shatter your foundation as if it were made of glass.

If it is other peoples charge to disprove your theories and that is truly the challenge then when someone like Dr Gallbladder presents reasonable and logical rebut why do you not respond ?

I suggest you get outside and greet some people today.

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:35 am
by pinkchick
I looked at the title of this thread and thought .. WHAT????

The mind truely boggles :confused::-2

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:06 am
by Daniyal
Jester;1142369 wrote: I thought you was a girl too- its the name it appears to be female.

It took me a while to realize your name was DE-NI-AL not Danyell? Round these parts Danelle (daniyal) would be a girls name.

I must admit I did do it to bug you after I figured it out.

But that was a long time ago, I aint messed with you since and its because I cant read the font changes when it switches to caps/uncaps on every word, it really is too ditracting, second, your so defensive about what you post that discussion is futile.

Not my intention to rile you here Big D, I'm just being honest.

Hopefully You Wont Take This Personal Ok , Reading Some Of Your Post The First Thing That Come To Mind Is You Don't Know Any Better , You Don't Research Things Your Told To Believe / Accept By The Media Etc . Hey That On You Maybe One Day You Will Wakeup To The Real World .

People Like Galbally's / Ted / Clodhopper And Few Other's Here Feel They Have Right To Tell Me How To Write / What To Say / How To Say It Etc . And That Because They Can't Deal With What I Post , So What They Do Is LQQk For Mistakes Like Caps / Misspell Word / Where I Get My Information From Etc Etc . When The Truth Of The Matter Is If I Were Telling Them What They Want To Read / Feed Their Ego Their Be No Problem At All . But Being I'm Standing My What I Post , They Began Their Childlish Attacks / Name Calling / Insults . Like Children . But Its To Be Expected It Their Nature , Because If They Don't Have No One To Mess With They Have To Fight Amongs Themselves . And Funny Thing About It A Few Call It Playing . But The Truth Is Its In The Blood . :wah::wah:

Bottom Line They're Like Hunter Who Goes Hunting And Use A Shot Gum To Kill A Deer .

But Those Who Are Interested In Reading My Post Will , Those Who Don't Wont .

I See That Gang All Here LOLOLOLOLOL

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:16 am
by Oscar Namechange
Daniyal;1142413 wrote: Hopefully You Wont Take This Personal Ok , Reading Some Of Your Post The First Thing That Come To Mind Is You Don't Know Any Better , You Don't Research Things Your Told To Believe / Accept By The Media Etc . Hey That On You Maybe One Day You Will Wakeup To The Real World .

People Like Galbally's / Ted / Clodhopper And Few Other's Here Feel They Have Right To Tell Me How To Write / What To Say / How To Say It Etc . And That Because They Can't Deal With What I Post , So What They Do Is LQQk For Mistakes Like Caps / Misspell Word / Where I Get My Information From Etc Etc . When The Truth Of The Matter Is If I Were Telling Them What They Want To Read / Feed Their Ego Their Be No Problem At All . But Being I'm Standing My What I Post , They Began Their Childlish Attacks / Name Calling / Insults . Like Children . But Its To Be Expected It Their Nature , Because If They Don't Have No One To Mess With They Have To Fight Amongs Themselves . And Funny Thing About It A Few Call It Playing . But The Truth Is Its In The Blood . :wah::wah:

Bottom Line They're Like Hunter Who Goes Hunting And Use A Shot Gum To Kill A Deer .

But Those Who Are Interested In Reading My Post Will , Those Who Don't Wont .

I See That Gang All Here LOLOLOLOLOL

Nefer Ushat Danny...... Many thanks for the imformation you found for me on the embalming technique of the Ancient Egyptians. It covers some of the books i have on it but always interesting to see other versions.

There is more links on the net about the artifacts that have been found looking like helicopters. I will look through them and post up some for you.

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:16 am
by Daniyal
Nomad;1142379 wrote: That in itself is quite an amazing statement.

You appear to me to have an exceedingly bloated and distorted vision of your own ego and its difficult to not notice that you yourself have huge problems with people that dont agree with you.

Id guess that you are severely introverted by the way you manifesto other peoples ideas that coincide with your own cofused thoughts and then protect them as your own as if contradicting statements will shatter your foundation as if it were made of glass.

If it is other peoples charge to disprove your theories and that is truly the challenge then when someone like Dr Gallbladder presents reasonable and logical rebut why do you not respond ?

I suggest you get outside and greet some people today.

Where Something Goes Wrong , It's Always Someone Else's Fault Right

Dr Gallbladder = Clown

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:21 am
by Oscar Namechange
This is an interesting one Danny

World Mysteries - Strange Artifacts, Ancient Flying Machines

Good diagram of the plane in the Cairo museum.

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:26 am
by Daniyal
oscar;1142420 wrote: Nefer Ushat Danny...... Many thanks for the imformation you found for me on the embalming technique of the Ancient Egyptians. It covers some of the books i have on it but always interesting to see other versions.

There is more links on the net about the artifacts that have been found looking like helicopters. I will look through them and post up some for you.

Tawuh Antut

LQQking forward for more conformation , Like They Say A Picture wroth 1000 words :)

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:29 am
by Daniyal

No offense taken. My belief system is wrapped up n the bible and common sense. My opinions on life are based on the best outcomes Ive seen in my experience in life, what I see politically in the curent form of plitics in my country will hurt people in the long run and rob them of thier ability to think for themselves and steal thier abilty to live independently from the government and thats where I'm coming from. I dont bother to reasearch the obviously insane rhetoric of the world media thats for sure, theres no point in it.

OK you need to get past this point- everyone of the persons, including me, you mentioned above did try at oen point to engage you in discussion, honest up front discussion, but hear this, you dont discuss, you just post and post and post more copied information- if all you care about is dessiminating YOUR view then do it in a journal and not in a discussion forum. You've tapped the wrong media.

Like I said- go to the journal section, or find a place to BLOG.

I do read some of your stuff- but the caps at every word makes it very difficult to read, and thats a matter of housekeeping, if you want your stuff read, make it easy to read.

Ok, no malice in this post, just pure matter of fact observation in the friendliest way i know how to tell you.

You Just Made My Point Thank You .

Helicopters In Ancient Egypt ( Fact Or Fiction ???? )

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:34 am
by Oscar Namechange
Daniyal;1142430 wrote: Tawuh Antut

LQQking forward for more conformation , Like They Say A Picture wroth 1000 words :)

Flying Vehicles in Ancient Egypt