An Investment You Can't Miss

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An Investment You Can't Miss


I have a hot investment for you. In these troubled times who doesn’t need a sure thing. There is a new car company starting up. They seem to have the solution to auto related pollution, an extended range electric car. Now is the time to get in on the ground floor. Here’s the deal, the car has a battery that when fully charged will take you a whopping 40 miles before the battery is drained. Don’t laugh, that will take 75 percent of Americans to and from work each day and when you get home just plug it in.

You say you have to go more than 40 miles, no problem the gasoline engine will charge the battery as you go for longer trips.

The new company will sell the car for about $40,000 which seems to mean that you will have a return on your investment in about 400 years, but saving gas and avoiding pollution is a good thing is it not? :rolleyes:

The prospectus for this new car company interestingly reveals that they cannot make money selling the car at $40,000, a small detail that no doubt will be corrected as millions and millions of Americans rush to buy these vehicles. ;)

What a deal, so, are you in? Are you ready to plunk down some cash for this investment? Com’on take a chance, Nancy Pelosi has…oh wait she is going to invest your money, not hers. The Chevy Volt is on the way and you are a big investor, so if you want a return on your money start saving for your new Volt, you may be in for a shock. :o
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