A Historic Day for the US

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A Historic Day for the US

Post by AussiePam »

You've made your feelings abundantly clear, Jester. Your country is moving on! And maybe we all should.

It's a historic day for the US! A renewal of hope.
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by Clodhopper »

Dear Jester, I disagree with you about almost everything we've talked about , but the sincerity of your beliefs has always moved me and I am sorry for your distress at the moment.

Obama will not fulfil the expectations people have. I doubt that it is possible for a human being to do so.

But he looks like someone who believes what he says - as much as a working politician can - and I hope and even occasionally dare to believe that he's the leader America and the whole world needs.
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by Omni_Skittles »

I'm not sold into the whole socialistic ideals... so i'm kind of bleh today but i still love my country!!!! :-6
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by wildhorses »

Chezzie;1114642 wrote: Congratulations for America and the American people..

I am wishing for good times ahead for us all...

My kids watched the speech and were in awe, they know who he is and why he has made history today....

Best wishes to you all my friends:-4

Thank you for sending your positive wishes Chezzie...and all others...bez, pam, galbally, odie, bryn and others. I hope this is the beginning of a new page for our country. It will be kind of rocky at first, but I am hopeful that all will smooth out over the long haul.
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by Galbally »

I listened to the inauguration live on the radio, and listened to the speech, I have to say it was an extraordinary speech, he is of course a very powerful orator and is able to outline complicated and universal ideas in a way that is sophisticated and not simplistic, but that everyone can understand clearly.

I though his affirmation of basic American ideals and his declaration that they would not be undermined any more for the sake of expediency was an incredibly powerful moment, even as a non-American I was very moved by that.

As a foreigner I can tell you that your new President is almost single-handedly reforging the entire image and perception of America across much of the world, from a very negative into a very positive one once more, that can only be a good thing for the nation.

The rest of the free world, America's allies, are definetly ready for America to take up the lead again and happy with the new man in charge. Of course there is a lot more that needs to be done than fine rhetoric and pagentry, but it was good start yesterday, lets hope he can deliver on his promise. :yh_flag:yh_flag:yh_flag

Oh he also mentioned that the US government were going to stop undermining science from here on in, and embrace it again instead, and that also made me very happy. Thank you Mr Obama, you made my day with that one.
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by gmc »

That americans can progress from the years of segregation and the civil rights movement to the point where they can elect a president whose colour is not an issue is a remarkable achievement. maybe the much vaunted liberal ideals and dreams of the founding fathers mean something to you after all.

You should be proud of yourselves, it almost made me wish I was an american.:eek:There's not a hell of lot to be proud about in our politicians that's for sure, what a depressing contrast they make.

posted by jester

I can tell you what he's thinking-

My US flag flies inverted as a sign my nation is in distress, the US constitution has been set aside by weak elected leaders not willing to ensure the basics of the US Constitution is enforced.

I weep for my nation, my heart is just about torn out over it, and I know not what to do.

I cannot in good conscience embrace Obama, or accept him as POTUS. I have done all I can do as a citizen to legally bring my objections to my elected leaders I can do nothing else but continue my objections through my elected leaders.

I have done all I can to not contribute to this government, of both my time and my money and my personal service.

Mostly I am just very saddened that Barack himself refuses to clear the matter up, it speaks of his lack of personal character, to evasion of the turth instead of transparency, which was a promise of him seeking public office.

Surely that he , as the half caste son of a single parent white woman can raise himself to such high office speaks of a remarkable strength of character?

That he had the strength of character to speak out against the iraq war when the easy option would have been to just go with the flow also surely speaks to considerable strength of character. Weakness in strength of character is not something I think you can accuse him of

Under Bush you have seen the fundamental protections of your constitution treated as if they are nothing. He lied to you systematically and pilloried those who weren't taken in as unamerican and somehow unpatriotic fopr daring to dissent. Right wing politics have almost bankrupted your nation and destroyed you standing in the world. After all that any change is surely for the better.

Must admit though, i quite like Bush. I think he acted in what he thought were america's best interests. F--- knows what Tony Blair was up to.

posted by Omni_skittles

I'm not sold into the whole socialistic ideals... so i'm kind of bleh today but i still love my country!!!!

What you don't think the people should have a say in how things are run? What other socialistic ideas don't you like?
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by Oscar Namechange »

gmc;1114937 wrote: That americans can progress from the years of segregation and the civil rights movement to the point where they can elect a president whose colour is not an issue is a remarkable achievement. maybe the much vaunted liberal ideals and dreams of the founding fathers mean something to you after all.

You should be proud of yourselves, it almost made me wish I was an american.:eek:There's not a hell of lot to be proud about in our politicians that's for sure, what a depressing contrast they make.

posted by jester

Surely that he , as the half caste son of a single parent white woman can raise himself to such high office speaks of a remarkable strength of character?

That he had the strength of character to speak out against the iraq war when the easy option would have been to just go with the flow also surely speaks to considerable strength of character. Weakness in strength of character is not something I think you can accuse him of

Under Bush you have seen the fundamental protections of your constitution treated as if they are nothing. He lied to you systematically and pilloried those who weren't taken in as unamerican and somehow unpatriotic fopr daring to dissent. Right wing politics have almost bankrupted your nation and destroyed you standing in the world. After all that any change is surely for the better.

Must admit though, i quite like Bush. I think he acted in what he thought were america's best interests. F--- knows what Tony Blair was up to.

posted by Omni_skittles

What you don't think the people should have a say in how things are run? What other socialistic ideas don't you like?

Good morning my fine scottish person? How are you today? Us british are all having a spot of tiffin on another thread. care to join us old chap, there's room for a small one.
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by Odie »

I'm not sold on anything, seems like he is pretching, and that usually means its just that, pretching.

-considering what it has cost the US the past several days before even leading up to the inauguration, where does he expect the monies will come from for their debt?

His speech of course was awesome, but..............only time will tell.
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by Sheryl »

I didn't vote for him, but I watched everything yesterday. His speech was good, I will give him that. However, he's not Harry Potter and has a magic wand to wave and change everything overnight. Time will tell on whether or not he's a good president or not.

But did anyone notice that his wife walks like a man? I was watching them as they walked during the parade, and noticed her manly walk. :-2
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Jester;1114735 wrote:

Mostly I am just very saddened that Barack himself refuses to clear the matter up, it speaks of his lack of personal character, to evasion of the turth instead of transparency, which was a promise of him seeking public office.

It is not for him to clear it up.

He is President by virtue of being invested as such - if you believe him to be ineligible for the post then it is up to you to prove your claim.
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Sheryl;1115032 wrote: I didn't vote for him, but I watched everything yesterday. His speech was good, I will give him that. However, he's not Harry Potter and has a magic wand to wave and change everything overnight. Time will tell on whether or not he's a good president or not.

But did anyone notice that his wife walks like a man? I was watching them as they walked during the parade, and noticed her manly walk. :-2

I thought Michelle Obama looked a million dollars and was beautiful.

She has style and grace. She will become an icon with today's modern black woman and could even rival Jackie O.
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by Sheryl »

oscar;1115518 wrote: I thought Michelle Obama looked a million dollars and was beautiful.

She has style and grace. She will become an icon with today's modern black woman and could even rival Jackie O.

:yh_rotfl sorry the gold brocade outfit she wore yesterday looked like something from my dead grandma's closet. And I still think she walks like a man, no poise or grace there.
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Sheryl;1115536 wrote: :yh_rotfl sorry the gold brocade outfit she wore yesterday looked like something from my dead grandma's closet. And I still think she walks like a man, no poise or grace there.

In the photo' of her holding the Bible she was pride personified.
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by AussiePam »

A very fine speech!! And every nation needs an occasional bit of pomp and ceremony to celebrate a joy, and particularly a new chance in dark times. It seems to me churlish to begrudge this need for a bit of inspiring exuberance before we all of us settle back again, to roll up our sleeves and get on with trying to clear up some of the messes our world is in.
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by Kindle »

Sheryl;1115536 wrote: :yh_rotfl sorry the gold brocade outfit she wore yesterday looked like something from my dead grandma's closet. And I still think she walks like a man, no poise or grace there.

The outfit was lemon yellow wool overlaid with white lace. It was lovely on her.

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A Historic Day for the US

Post by BTS »

Clodhopper;1114150 wrote: ...just adding my best wishes for America and all who sail in her. It's a great day!

BTS: No - we handed the torch to you about 100 years ago. If you want rid of it you've probably got to give it to the Chinese... I think I'd rather you kept hold of it a while longer...

Besides, we've got the Olympic torch. Two would be greedy.

Nope we quit........

Tyme for you no it alls to step up to the plate and take charge. We fudged it up and need a tyme out.

No more billions $ of aid to the 3rd world counties until we are back on our feet.

You can find another scape goat we are sick of being on the pedastal and getting spit on from all directions. If all goes well maybe we can get back in the sand box in a few years.

I don't count on it but we just might............
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Bryn Mawr;1115544 wrote: In the photo' of her holding the Bible she was pride personified.

Absolutely Bryn and her smile?? :-6:-6:-6
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by Clodhopper »

BTS: Don't think it works that way. You're IT until it's taken away from you. If the crises of the last decade have shown us anything it's that no part of the world can turn its back on the rest any more. Isolation is no longer an option.
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by Kathy Ellen »

Thank you Bez for putting this thread up:-4

I am indeed a proud American and loved the beauty of the day:-4
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by Sheryl »

Kindle;1115552 wrote: The outfit was lemon yellow wool overlaid with white lace. It was lovely on her.

I dunno, it just looked like an outfit an older woman would wear. And the channel I was watching, the commentators was stating it was gold brocade.

V.P' biden's wife was dressed very nice to me.
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by AussiePam »

And you helped make it a very special and wonderful day for your class, Kathy!!! One they will always remember. As I will too !!!
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by Bez »

Apparently the President & Vice President have repeated their 'oaths' today because they 'fluffed it' a bit on 'The Day'.

Seems like they have got down to work very quickly......I think Obama's a bit of a workaholic.

I am just reading his book 'The audacity of hope'. It's quite hard work probably because I'm not familiar with the American Political System...but I'm learning....and enjoying !

I think I'm going to read 'Dreams from my Father' next.....anyone else read these books ?
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by AussiePam »

Not yet, Bez - but soon I hope too. You're an inspiration!!!
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by Bez »

oscar;1114679 wrote: I didn't watch it. There was a far more interesting documentary on JFK on another channel.

I recorded this documentary and watched it yesterday.......it really showed events from the INSIDE .....very very interesting. I was 17 when he was killed and often wonder how he would have fared had he lived.
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by Bez »

AussiePam;1115907 wrote: Not yet, Bez - but soon I hope too. You're an inspiration!!!

When you're retired and the weather's awful.....a good book's the best way to pass the time. Keeps the old brain working Pam ! :-6
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by Bez »

For anyone interested in such things, these are good websites........

Welcome to the White House

USA.gov: The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal



UK Parliament - Parliament Home Page

The Scottish Parliament - Homepage

Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru | The Welsh Assembly Government

Northern Ireland Assembly Home Page
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by WonderWendy3 »

I watched the whole day of events from 8:30am to 5pm...My desk sits right under a TV that is to be turned onto a news channel at all times in the event of another terriorst attack. (that is what I was told when I got hired for the job-honest)

I have to say that I enjoyed watching it all happen, I am not a Obama fan, I didn't vote for him, and to be completely honest...I don't trust him. ....BUT....I did find him to be sincere and humble. I felt bad for him when he didn't repeat the oath right away, and to find out later, the man that was delivering the oath said it wrong and they had to re-do it later....

I liked his speech and he is a very convincing speaker. I just hope that he can live up to all of his promises. I actually wondered how he and Michelle were finding the energy....they had to be tired!

As for Michelle's dress, I thought it was very pretty, it did remind me of curtains at first and I thought of an old Carol Burnette episode where she makes fun a of Gone with the Wind scene....anyway... I was wondering how her feet were feeling at the end of the day!! I would've been whining for sure! She is a very pretty lady, they make a gorgeous couple...of course that isn't a requirment for our Presidency though....:rolleyes:
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A Historic Day for the US

Post by Kindle »

Bez;1115951 wrote: For anyone interested in such things, these are good websites........

Welcome to the White House

USA.gov: The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal



UK Parliament - Parliament Home Page

The Scottish Parliament - Homepage

Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru | The Welsh Assembly Government

Northern Ireland Assembly Home Page

Thanks Bez. I've bookmarked them for quick reference. They'll be a good source for helping to understand some of the posts made on FG.

"Out, damned spot! out, I say!"

- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, 5.1
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