Boycott Watching the Detectives...

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Boycott Watching the Detectives...

Post by K.Snyder »

Boycott "Watching the Detectives" on the "bio" Channel.

The more this show is on the more criminals will be informed of detective tactics ultimately creating less confessions from which will directly be the result of not only more crimes potentially being committed, but more heinous crimes potentially being committed to ad to this ignorant greed!

The media serves within the interests of their people to the point of harm!

There, I've done a good deed today!

Perhaps if I do a good deed everyday I can live up to my end of responsibility to better this world as opposed to harming it by virtue of degradation masked by laziness and ill wit!
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Boycott Watching the Detectives...

Post by onlinegadgeteer »

I can also watch this serial "Watching the Detectives" on the "Bio" Channel. Its a interesting serial to about the crime activities. I like it so much and never miss it.
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Boycott Watching the Detectives...

Post by K.Snyder »

onlinegadgeteer;1089407 wrote: I can also watch this serial "Watching the Detectives" on the "Bio" Channel. Its a interesting serial to about the crime activities. I like it so much and never miss it.

Do you mean "series"?...

I'm reminded of a not so unfamiliar truth that criminals become more educated in the art of crime within prison systems. It's enough to make me sick!

Burglars regard jail 'as a school for honing their criminal skills'

Last updated at 08:53 13 June 2007

Burglars regard jail as a school for honing their criminal skills rather than as a deterrent, according to research published today.

Criminologist Professor Martin Gill said house-breakers swap ideas in prison to "improve their technique".

His research for Halifax Home Insurance - which involved in-depth interviews with 13 burglars - also found that in some cases security measures work to a burglar's advantage.

For example, some burglars say security lights provide a "handy light to work by", although others do reposition sensors to avoid triggering the lights.

Prof Gill's report said: "Security measures designed to act as a deterrent were risk-assessed and managed by offenders to reduce the risk of getting caught; the majority were confident that they could commit the crime with no consequences.

"Nevertheless, they very much focused on the easy opportunity. Prison was regarded as a learning school for improving techniques to break into properties and was used to share ideas amongst inmates."

A separate poll of 1,670 householders by Halifax showed that 34 per cent who had a burglar alarm fitted to their home said they rarely activated it.

A further 33 per cent also said they assumed ringing burglar alarms in their neighbourhood to be false.

Homeowners who leave curtains closed when away from home to make the property appear occupied may actually encourage burglars, who take it as a sign that occupants are on holiday, the report said.

Empty packaging left outside a property which indicates a new purchase - such as the plasma TV boxes - also indicates to burglars that there is something expensive in the house worth stealing.

Halifax's Vicky Emmott said: "The report provides a number of frightening insights into how a burglar operates which will hopefully make people think how they might better protect their home." Burglars regard jail 'as a school for honing their criminal skills' | Mail Online

Only we're talking about murder here on public television and it's not the criminals doing the informing it's the detectives ffs!

This is the world we live in!!
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