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Yup ! Another Poll

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:24 pm
by Nomad
Were you in a position to allow or deny asylum to Bin Ladens son how would you choose ?

Thank You


MADRID, Spain (CNN) -- One of Osama bin Laden's sons has left Spain after he was denied asylum in the country, an Interior Ministry spokeswoman told CNN Saturday.

Omar bin Laden pictured earlier this year during a television interview in Rome, Italy.

Omar bin Laden left Madrid Saturday afternoon en route to Cairo, Egypt, she said. The ministry did not divulge why his request was denied.

Spain's decision came after bin Laden appealed the country's initial decision Wednesday to deny him asylum. The man, who is married to a British citizen, previously was denied asylum in Britain. He holds a Saudi passport.

Bin Laden, who is in his late 20s, stepped off a plane from Cairo at Madrid's Barajas International Airport during a stopover late Monday and informed authorities that he planned to request asylum, the spokeswoman said.

He was taken to a secure area of the airport for asylum seekers while his request was processed.

He prepared his formal asylum request Tuesday at the airport with the help of a translator, the spokeswoman said. It was not known on what grounds bin Laden based his request.

He has publicly called on his father -- who is the leader of al Qaeda and the world's most-wanted man -- to abandon terrorism.

Last year, 7,664 people requested asylum in Spain. The government granted that status to only 570, the spokeswoman said.

Yup ! Another Poll

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:25 pm
by Nomad
Seems I forgot the poll part.

Do the best you can.

Yup ! Another Poll

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:28 pm
by wildhorses
Nomad;1051401 wrote: Were you in a position to allow or deny asylum to Bin Ladens son how would you choose ?

Thank You


MADRID, Spain (CNN) -- One of Osama bin Laden's sons has left Spain after he was denied asylum in the country, an Interior Ministry spokeswoman told CNN Saturday.

Omar bin Laden pictured earlier this year during a television interview in Rome, Italy.

Omar bin Laden left Madrid Saturday afternoon en route to Cairo, Egypt, she said. The ministry did not divulge why his request was denied.

Spain's decision came after bin Laden appealed the country's initial decision Wednesday to deny him asylum. The man, who is married to a British citizen, previously was denied asylum in Britain. He holds a Saudi passport.

Bin Laden, who is in his late 20s, stepped off a plane from Cairo at Madrid's Barajas International Airport during a stopover late Monday and informed authorities that he planned to request asylum, the spokeswoman said.

He was taken to a secure area of the airport for asylum seekers while his request was processed.

He prepared his formal asylum request Tuesday at the airport with the help of a translator, the spokeswoman said. It was not known on what grounds bin Laden based his request.

He has publicly called on his father -- who is the leader of al Qaeda and the world's most-wanted man -- to abandon terrorism.

Last year, 7,664 people requested asylum in Spain. The government granted that status to only 570, the spokeswoman said.

I dont know enough about him. Sometimes a son can be at the other end of the ideological spectrum from his father. Why is he seeking asylum? Is he in danger in his country? I would have to know more specifics. But I would be very careful with this guy.

Yup ! Another Poll

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:45 pm
by Nomad
wildhorses;1051405 wrote: I dont know enough about him. Sometimes a son can be at the other end of the ideological spectrum from his father. Why is he seeking asylum? Is he in danger in his country? I would have to know more specifics. But I would be very careful with this guy.

I believe Ive read in the past hes publicly denounced his fathers evilness. Im going on the assumption hes never shared the same ideology with his father.

Yup ! Another Poll

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:51 pm
by wildhorses
Nomad;1051415 wrote: I believe Ive read in the past hes publicly denounced his fathers evilness. Im going on the assumption hes never shared the same ideology with his father.

Well if I could be sure that was true and he was really in danger in his own country...then I would give him aylum...but I would watch is every move.

Yup ! Another Poll

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 12:14 am
by Lon
I don't remember the entire quote, something like "the sins of the father---------", at any rate. The son may be a perfectly fine gentleman. I don't know anything about him, but I would not ban him or discriminate solely on the basis of who his father is.

Yup ! Another Poll

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:07 am
by BTS
Nomad;1051415 wrote: I believe Ive read in the past hes publicly denounced his fathers evilness. Im going on the assumption hes never shared the same ideology with his father.

I think that is the assumtion he want's you to have, just my assumption.

But he does believe in his old mans idealogy:

This article (below) is typical of the international coverage he has received lately: it focuses on his rejection of his father's methods, without ever questioning whether or not he holds to his father's goals, and is trying to accomplish them through different means. This is, unfortunately, yet another manifestation of the superficiality and lack of understanding that mars so much of the media and government/law enforcement analysis of the jihad threat. Omar still supports his fathers goals and Salafist worldview, but according to what the public is being told that is okay so long as these Islamist goals are persued by peaceful means.

"Bin Laden urged by his son to end explosions," from Xinhua

CAIRO, Jan. 29 (Xinhua) -- Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden was urged by his son to stop explosions as they do no good for anyone, the Egyptian MENA news agency reported on Tuesday.

The 26-year-old Omar bin Laden made the remarks in an interview with an Egyptian TV program broadcast on Monday, the report said.

The killing of civilians contradicts religion, democracy and humanity, Omar was quoted by MENA as saying in the first Arabic television channel interview in Cairo.

Asserting his intention to be an ambassador for peace, Omar also called on his father to try to stop using bombs and weapons and to find another way to reach his goals.

Ah. So.

Have you ever heard of WAMY "World Assembly of Muslim Youth" [WAMY]

Check out their UK site and how peaceful it appears...

A classified F.B.I. file examined by Vanity Fair and marked ‘Secret’ shows that as early as 1996, the bureau had spent nearly nine months investigating Abdullah and Omar bin Laden, who were involved with the American branch of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), a charity that has published writings by Islamic scholar Sayyid Qutb, one of Osama bin Laden’s intellectual influences.”

Abdullah Awad was the US director of WAMY and lived with his brother Omar in Falls Church, Virginia, a suburb of Washington. They are believed to be nephews of Osama bin Laden. (Wrong, they are both his sons of 19 children (by four wives), CNN)

The coding on a leaked FBI document about the case, marked secret, indicates the case related to national security. WAMY’s office address is 5613 Leesburg Pike. It will later be determined that at least two of the 9/11 hijackers lived at 5913 Leesburg Pike for much of 2001 at the same time the two bin Laden brothers were working only three blocks away (see March 2001 and After). WAMY has been banned in Pakistan by this time. [BBC, 11/6/2001; Guardian, 11/7/2001]

The Indian and Philippine governments also will cite WAMY for funding Islamic militancy. The 9/11 Commission later will hear testimony that WAMY “has openly supported Islamic terrorism. There are ties between WAMY and 9/11 hijackers. It is a group that has openly endorsed the notion that Jews must be killed.… [It] has consistently portrayed the United States, Jews, Christians, and other infidels as enemies who have to be defeated or killed. And there is no doubt, according to US intelligence, that WAMY has been tied directly to terrorist attacks.”

So what was the question again? Oh yah that's right.

Something like, Would I give the thug assylum in my country?

Sure as long as it was at "The Gitmo Country Club"

Yup ! Another Poll

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 8:48 am
by Nomad
Nomad rule # 67

No man over the age of 30 should ever wear a baseball cap unless hes actually playing baseball.

Yup ! Another Poll

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 8:58 am
by Oscar Namechange
Nomad;1051658 wrote: Nomad rule # 67

No man over the age of 30 should ever wear a baseball cap unless hes actually playing baseball.

What a co-incidence!! I was with hubby's muslim bosses last night having Turkish tea (So much better than British) and the conversation got round to who the boss would allow to step on his premisis to work for him. He ruled.. no man wearing an earring or long hair. Tis the Turkish law :wah:

Yup ! Another Poll

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 9:09 am
by Oscar Namechange
Without googling and I'm sure Spot will correct me later, I believe we had some nonsense in Britain very recently with another of Bin Laden's son's. He married a British woman so he had a right to be here but there was up roar in the massess and the press due to them claiming huge amounts of benifit and being given a council house. We don't mind them having asylum but when they take the pisse out of our generous benifit system, us Brit's get a little peeved.

We have a number of what we call 'hate Preacher Cleric's' here who use our 'Human Rights' act to avoid being kicked out of Britain. Once they are here, it is very difficult to get them out. One of the most famous being 'Abu Hamza' who is in prison awaiting deportation to USA for links to 9/11. (He funded the bastards.)

As is any-one's British rights, he appeals time and time again to our courts to avoid being handed over to the US government. He knows that depending on which state, he is likely to get the death sentance. (Good!)

Given how destructive these Hate Clerics are to vulnerable young Muslim's, I can see why the British would not allow another son of Bin Laden's into our country especially given the outcry with the last one.

From my memory, I believe Bin laden is rumoured to have something like 12 sons plus some daughters.

I do not believe for one moment that he has denounced his father's evil.

Sorry.. Old British saying.. LIKE FATHER LIKE SON

Yup ! Another Poll

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 9:54 am
by Nomad
Thats why they should loot museums of National Treasures before they come.