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Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:59 pm
I vote yes because why not.

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:11 am
by K.Snyder
JAB;1044750 wrote: Why not; the conversations sure could get lively. :p


Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 2:18 am
by Chezzie
I voted yes as I we have forums on everything else, why not hunting.

Also if it doesn't interest you, like the religion ones don't me, don't go in them:-6

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 2:42 am
by K.Snyder
Chezzie;1044832 wrote: I voted yes as I we have forums on everything else, why not hunting.

Also if it doesn't interest you, like the religion ones don't me, don't go in them:-6

I've always been under the impression that more forums may lead to more bandwidth being used from which one would want to eliminate ones that are scarcely representative...

I could be wrong though...

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:24 am
by Pheasy
I voted yes ... maybe people could post pictures of their latest kill :rolleyes:

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:33 am
by Accountable
I don't get it, but there are 24-hour cable stations dedicated to hunting. Opening such a forum will probably help grow our membership.

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:55 am
Not to worry Hoss TS will determine that and make it happen as I think its a go.

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:59 am
by sunny104
I voted yes, why not we have every other subject. :)

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 8:00 am
by qsducks
I voted yes cuz I know people who hunt and they love it. Personally, I can't get past the idea of sitting in a tree all morning waiting for the "moment":wah:

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 8:20 am
by qsducks
Hoss;1045159 wrote: I'm not a tree stand hunter, I don't get that one either.:-3 I like to get down in there and really hunt. I love getting in the woods and hiking and tracking an animal. I don't care to sit and wait.

I would fall out of the tree from total boredom. Hey, all tree standers, bring your Nintendo DS. They love it though. I would have to agree walking, hiking is a much better option. Hey, when we were at the beach and driving off island we saw a bunch of deer. Sadly, it was August.:wah:

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 2:08 pm
by K.Snyder
Hoss;1045159 wrote: I'm not a tree stand hunter, I don't get that one either.:-3 I like to get down in there and really hunt. I love getting in the woods and hiking and tracking an animal. I don't care to sit and wait.

I take it you don't hunt whitetail much...:thinking:...

I like to hunt in any way that finds me face to face with the animal from which I'm hunting at a preference range of about 35 or less yards...

I am however not partial to sitting in the cold for over 5 hours.

What do you mainly hunt where you live?...

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 2:20 pm
by Kathy Ellen
I just voted "yes" on the poll. We should all be permitted to have a forum to discuss things that really interest us:-6

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 2:25 pm
by K.Snyder
Kathy Ellen;1045617 wrote: I just voted "yes" on the poll. We should all be permitted to have a forum to discuss things that really interest us:-6

Very noble of you Kathy Ellen. :yh_wink...

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 2:43 pm
by K.Snyder
Hoss;1045636 wrote: Here I hunt Quail, Squirrel, Pheasant, Turkey, Duck, Deer and Pig. I fish the delta for Stripper, Catfish, and Sturgeon. I fish the lakes for Trout, Bass, and Crappie. I fish the ocean for Shark, Eel, Cod(s), Halibut, Flounder, Crab, Clams, and dive for Abalone.

The deer here are mule deer, I’ve not seen any other types, back home it’s a fair mix of the two, we don't tree stand hunt back home, we track and shoot from the ground. But there it's our own land and we know it well. We do stop and wait on trails and migratory areas. I do a lot of waiting when we Turkey shoot. But pig hunting is my favorite, and so is quail hunting. I love to go after the Quail they are very difficult to shoot. But I have the dog now so she rousts them up. If I could just keep her from getting me into trouble with the local black bear population I'd be much happier!

I hope to hunt my uncles land in CO in the spring but I’m not sure yet what I can hunt at that time there.

I don't know much about Mule deer...

I know, here, it's not overly easy to hunt whitetails on foot...At least I've never found it to be...

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 3:04 pm
by K.Snyder
Hoss;1045657 wrote: LOL, I don't want it easy, I like it tough!

I want it easy!!!!!...

I don't need to trapes around following a pig for miles to have to shoot it!!!!!!!!...


Walk up next to my barrel and I'm a happy camper...:thinking:...

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:58 pm
by K.Snyder
Hoss;1045670 wrote: LOL, I guess it’s how you learn to hunt, or who teaches you. With my dad it was lessons in tracking and stalking and learning all you can about the animals habits. My quail hunts have been interesting, the covey’s have been difficult to find but I finally found them when they grouped together as the weather turned. Finding their water source was difficult as well. But having located them and reading of their habits I was able to get some clean shots, which was extremely difficult, they are relatively small, stay mostly to ground and are difficult to roust. When they do fly up they are like lightening to shot. I have their pattern down now so I've been able to get 4-6 of them each time I go out. My dog has helped, to roust them up, but, she seems to track down the bigger animals, she brought me right into three big black bears the last time we were out. Thankfully for some reason they are afraid of the dog. I can't figure out why, she's about 12 pounds soak and wet. :wah:

Well I'd rather run into 3 black bears any day as opposed to one Grizzly.

But hunting in Ohio is mainly done throughout the wood lines of crops from which doesn't necessarily make tracking in Ohio a necessity...

Mostly, in Ohio, a deer stand serves typically well about 15-35 yards away from a staged feeder or a crop that "you've" discovered deer have been frequenting...Place the deer stand between their food and their source of water and "you'll" have yourself a winters worth of game meat you'd spend $500-$1000 otherwise all from beef one grows used to.

Venison sausage along with deer jerky, when made right of curse, is nothing shy of excellent along with most of the other meat cuts from a deer.


Thinking about it I will head out to buy my hunting license before the week is out...Hopefully tomorrow!!!!...


Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 5:35 pm
by K.Snyder
Hoss;1045801 wrote: In Kansas we still have lots of open acreage. Here in CA its all BLM land or national forest, which is vast and open. I have seen people hunt from tree stands but not many, seems like most hunters hike in, track and sit and wait for a bit.

Me too! I'd take the black bears over a Grizzly anyday!

Well Ohio has significant population densities even in the rural areas...To an extent...I mean most of it is farmland from which setting up a tree stand is basically all you have to do...Setting up a tree stand in a rural area in Ohio and not seeing a deer all year from my own observances is virtually impossible...:wah:...

All one needs to know how to do is to not wet themselves when they see a deer and to be able to shoot straight from an inclination of no longer than 45 yards...:wah:...

Deer is for dinner.

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 8:50 pm
by Odie
I voted no, if its a need for food fine, but not as a sport, I do not enjoy seeing animals gunned down for trophys.:mad:

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:51 pm
by Odie
fuzzy butt;1048565 wrote: Oh for heavens sakes .....just do it already :wah:

no kidding eh, not for us to decide anyway!:rolleyes:

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:36 pm
by Odie
fuzzy butt;1048573 wrote: LOL that's funny . only someone from a Commonwealth country would say "No kidding eh?' ..................I actually understood you :wah::wah::wah:

silly wrabbit, Canadians have always said eh, and we are not a comenwealth country.....we are your neigbours eh?:wah:

You must watch the movie 'The Great White North' with Doug & Bob to understand us.:-5:D

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:47 pm
by Odie
fuzzy butt;1048579 wrote: uuumm then why are you included in the Commonwealth games? that's a travisty!! You bloody frauds!!!!:wah::wah:

so do Australians' eh!

actually we are a commonwealth country, whatever that means.

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:22 pm
by Accountable
Tyranny of the minority! :wah:

You're right, though. A forum on gun ownership may as well be named "Anti-gun Nut Magnet" forum. :D

There's always suitable options.

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 7:33 am
by qsducks
Hoss;1045636 wrote: Here I hunt Quail, Squirrel, Pheasant, Turkey, Duck, Deer and Pig. I fish the delta for Stripper, Catfish, and Sturgeon. I fish the lakes for Trout, Bass, and Crappie. I fish the ocean for Shark, Eel, Cod(s), Halibut, Flounder, Crab, Clams, and dive for Abalone.

The deer here are mule deer, I’ve not seen any other types, back home it’s a fair mix of the two, we don't tree stand hunt back home, we track and shoot from the ground. But there it's our own land and we know it well. We do stop and wait on trails and migratory areas. I do a lot of waiting when we Turkey shoot. But pig hunting is my favorite, and so is quail hunting. I love to go after the Quail they are very difficult to shoot. But I have the dog now so she rousts them up. If I could just keep her from getting me into trouble with the local black bear population I'd be much happier!

I hope to hunt my uncles land in CO in the spring but I’m not sure yet what I can hunt at that time there.

You hunt Duck? I'm shocked!:wah:

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 9:46 am
by flopstock
Hoss;1050535 wrote: LOL, I went to the gunshop yesterday when a guy came in wearing an Obama Tshirt, he got stared at as though everyone in the place wanted to draw and quarter him right then and there. He walked up to the counter next to me and asked the saleswoman how many rounds of amunition they had sold in the last week and has it been up or down?


I rolled my eyes and walked away and as I turned the saleswoman said to the guy 'this isn't an information shop this is a gun shop, we sell guns and ammo and sportmans supplies, we dont sell information.

Had the guy walked around and looked himself he could have seen the shelves are nearly clear of ammo. Which means nothing more than the fact that hunting season is in full swing.

He was no different then the girl that walks into a bar with her chest hanging out her top and her ass hanging out her skirt... he just wanted the attention.:thinking:

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 9:49 am
by flopstock
Accountable;1050044 wrote: Tyranny of the minority! :wah:

You're right, though. A forum on gun ownership may as well be named "Anti-gun Nut Magnet" forum. :D

There's always suitable options.

Yeah, 16-2... only in America do we feel the need to be PC for the 2. God forbid they just hang out in the forums they enjoy..:rolleyes:

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 10:32 pm
by Nomad
Yes. They should.

A forum such as this needs a place for hunters to gather and discuss.

Should Forum Garden add a Hunter's Forum?

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:20 pm
by Tombstone
Hoss;1044693 wrote: Yes


Just in case you missed it - I added "The Outdoors" forum in the "Hobbies - Special Interests" section of the forum. Discuss all things "Outdoors" there - and if it grows and gains traction, we can break out individual subjects like hunting, hiking, etc.