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Cross-border economic migrant limitation

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 2:34 am
by spot
K.Snyder;979007 wrote: I do not believe in borders.

It readily expresses a peoples' willingness to kill to preserve them. If said peoples were not ready to kill other human beings to preserve those borders there wouldn't be any.
Does that include the defences being erected on the US/Mexico border?

Cross-border economic migrant limitation

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 12:40 am
by K.Snyder
spot;979309 wrote: Does that include the defences being erected on the US/Mexico border?

It includes the philosophical belief whereas I'd treat the threat of overpopulation as defined by the integrity of said countries' economical structure as a police action.

Cross-border economic migrant limitation

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 12:44 am
by spot
K.Snyder;980425 wrote: It includes the philosophical belief whereas I'd treat the threat of overpopulation as defined by the integrity of said countries' economical structure as a police action.

Either the resources of the world are the world's, or the resources of a country are the country's. A philosophy of no borders argues for the first, police action against economic migrants argues for the second. They're incompatible.