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Is There Eternal Life After Death ?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 10:38 pm
by Daniyal
Ans ; There is a link or a connection between the two lives the life on earth and the life after death . Death does not end life , But instead opens the door , Or is the door to higher forms of life for those Selected . Knowledge of the Seven Hevens will increase The Overstanding Of Life And Death . From the moment of birth , The essence of you , The Hayaat meaning '' Life Force '' Is traveling the road to the doorway of death . Every individual must live his life with the knowledge that He / She too will someday face death .

It is a common saying , '' Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life , '' Take Heed ! It is never too late to clean up your life ; To prepare for the life to come . It is easy to imagine birth and death at opposite ends of A String ; The String Being Life . Birth ( The Breath Of Life ) Is a gift from The Angelic Being also known as The Heavenly Hosts so that you might prove worthiness of being in the image and after the likeness of The Angelic Beings again , And enter into their presence . The Aramic ( Hebrew ) word for '' Life '' Is chay , The same as The Arabic word for '' Life '' Hayyat , And the word for '' Life '' In Greek is Zoe Life , meaning the time ..

You spend on this Planet Earth in Your Physical Body . At any point from birth , The String may be broken and ypu will return To A Spiritual State ; And no matter how long The String Is , Each person must someday taste death as it states in The Noble Koran 2 ; 38 , And I Quote ; How Can You Conceal Your Belief In Allah , When You Were Dead So He Gave You Life , Then You Died Again , Then He Brought You To Life Again , Then You Shall Return To Him ?

Death is simply the removal of The Angelic Beings . When a person dies , The Soul And The Breath Of Life Is Last Thing To Leave The Physical Body . What you do during your life determies what will happen to your Essence After Death . Were You Thankful or Unthankful ? Did You Help or Hinder ? Did You Build or Destroy ? Did You Give or Always Take ? Are You Truly In The Image Of The Good Angelic - Beings Or Are You In The Image Of The Evil Angelic - Beings ?

You can solve the riddle of Life and Death . There are six stage of Life and Death which include ;

( 1 ) Without Life ;

( Before The Sperm Was Used To Fertilize The Ovum )

The Noble Koran 76 ; 1 , '' Didn't The Human Being ( Insaan ) Go Through A Period Of Time When He Was Nothing To Be Remember ? '' ( Job 31 ; 15 , Jer 1 ; 5 , Ps 139 ; 15 - 16 )

( 2 ) Life ;

( The Sperm Was Mixed With Ovum , Equals Fetus )

The Noble Koran 76 ; 2 - 3 ; '' Very , we created humans from semen mixed ( with ovum ) we were testing him ( experimenting with cloning ) ; and we gave him the ability to hear and see , ( Deut 29 ; 4 , Job 10 ; 9 - 12 , Matt 13 ; 16 ) Verily we guided him in the way , it is up to him to either be grateful or ungrateful .

( 3 ) Die ;

( In The Womb Of The Mother You Are Not Your Own Provider )

The Noble Koran 2 ; 28 ; How can you conceal your belief in Allah when you were dead so he gave you life , then you died again , then he brought you to life again , the you shall return to him ? ( Ps 104 ; 29 , Matt 22 ; 31 , Luk 20 ; 27 - 36 )

( 4 ) Birth

( Lifetime On Earth )

The Noble Koran 76 ; 2 - 3 , Very , we created humans from semen mixed ( with ovum ) we were testing him ( experimenting with cloning ) ; and we gave him the ability to hear and see , ( Deut 29 ; 4 , Job 10 ; 9 - 12 , Matt 13 ; 16 ) Verily we guided him in the way , it is up to him to either be grateful or ungrateful .

The Noble Koran 2; 28 , Then You Died Again , Then He Brought You To Life Again .

( 5 ) Death ;

( Loss Of '' Breath Of Life ) .

The Noble Koran 10 ; 56 ; '' He Gives Life And He Causes Death And To Him , You All Shall Return

( 6 ) Life After Death ;

Yawm Al Qiyaamah ( The Day Of Standing )

Yawm Al Diyn ( Day Of Judgment )

Yawm Al Ahkiri ( Last Day ; Walk The Filament )

Heaven , Which is with God , Is Everlasting and all Eternal . The Earth is only A Temporary Abode for Man And Woman as a means of Redemption ( Psalms 111; 9 ) . However , The Devil Whispers Into The Hearts Of Man and Woman , Continuously Trying To Seduce Him / Her With Things Of This World , Causing Man / Woman to believe that this is the beginning and the end of all things , And that the physical world is permanent . Yashu'a , Isa , Jesus Christ Warned us about the material things of this world and being attached to them .

Bible - New Testament , Matthew 6 ; 19 - 20 ( with Greek Insers )

'' Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth , where moth and rust doth corrupt , and where thieves break through and steal ; But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven , where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt , and where thieves do not break through not steal .

Many people doubt as to the reality of Life After Death . It is even taught by some that one must enjoy the pleasure of this life to the fullest while He or She as the chance . However , That is part of The Devil's Plan , To take your mind off your purpose and away from The Lord '' Yahweh '' And his Commandments ( Exodus 20 ; 3 - 17 ) . The Lord '' Yahweh '' Tells Us To Keep His Commandments In Proverb 7 ; 2 , And I Quote ; '' Keep my commandments and live ; and ny law as the Apple of thine eye , '' And In Ecclesiastes 12 ; 13 , It tells us that our only purpose as man is to keep God's '' Eloheem '' Commandments And I Quote ; '' Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter ; Fear God , and keep his commandments ; for this is the whole duty of man .

All the devil cares about is winning your soul over to his side , To his army , And then deceiving you at the end . Remember , What happen to you after you take the last breat of life , is up to you and how you spend your Lifetime .

Bible - New Testament , Matthew 16 ; 26 ( With Greek Inserts ) And I Quote ; '' For What Is Man Profited , If He Shall Gain The Whole World , And Lose His Own Soul ? Or What Shall A Man Give In Exchange For His Soul ?

This quote describes those who sell their souls for worldly gains and desires , Desire , Being The Longing For , Or Withing For Something That May Never Come Or Be Acquired , Only '' Leads To Suffering '' , Like Siddhartha Guatama Buddha has been quoted as saying for years , Not Having Control Over Desire Can Be As Detriment As Losing Your Life , And Furthmore Your Soul , Desire Is The Most Powerful Force And Factor Ruining Many People's Lives And Talking Control Of Their Emotions , How Have People Like Michael Jackson Really Profited , Who Was Once A Jehovah's Witness ? He Gave Up His Religious Teaching For Worldly Desires .

1Timothy 6 ; 9 - 10 , And I Quote ; But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare . and into many foolish and hurtful lusts . which drown men in destruction and perdition , Verse 10 , For the love of money is the root of all evil ; which while some coveted after , they have erred from the faith , and pierced themselves through with many sorrows .

When he did the video '' Thriller '' , It had demons and all sorts of Terrifying things in it . Now LQQk At Him , He Gave Up His Soul For Material Things Of This World . His Very Soul Is Gone All For Naught , He May Have Money , Fame , And Fortune But LQQk At What He Had To Do To SELL HIS SOUL . The Things Of This World Are Perishable , Think About It . The Cares Of This Would And The Deceitfulness . Of Riches And The Lust Of Other Things Are Things That Bind People's Soul To This World . When You Die Your Body Eventually Decays And Goes Back Into The Earth ( Genesis 20 ; 7 , The Noble Koran 21 ; 35 ) ,

All The Riches You Gained , All The Prestige , And All Your Popularity , You Can't Take It With You , For As 1Timothy 6 ; 7 , States ; '' For we brought nothing into this world , and it is certain we can carry nothing out , ''

Even If All Your Riches Were Place In The Casket By Your Side , You Could Not Enjoy Them , For The Part Of You , Which Belonged To The Source The Heavenly Father Has Been Reclaimed . Psalms 49 ; 17 - 18 , '' For When He Dies He Will Carry Nothing Away ; His Glory Will Not Go Down After Him , '' Though , While He Lives , He Counts Himself Happy , And Through A Man Gets Praise When He Does Well For Himself ,

In The Physical Realm Of Man , Material Things Are Abundant , And Financial Systems Are Set Up So That You Can Get All The Material Things You Want Not , And You Pay Later , '' Get Now Pay Later '' , This Saying Goes Much Deeper Than It Sounds . This Is Done In Hopes That You Will Get So Involved In Your Worldly Pursuits That Your Thoughts Becaome , Like I Mentioned Earlier , Void Of The Most High . The Devil Goes To Any Extreme To Keep You From The Truth ; And Any Desire You Have Can Be Fulfilled . This Is Why They Tell You That You Can Have Heaven On Earth .

The Noble Koran 3 ; 185 ( With Arabic Inserts ) , And I Quote ; '' Every Person Shall Taste Death ; And You Shall Only Be Paid Your Reward Upon The Day Of Resurrection . So He Who Is Removed From The Fire And Brought Into The Garden Of Delight , Is Indeed Happy ; And What Is The Life Of This World But A Possession Of Deceit , ''

Inscribed By ;

The Grand Al Mufti '' Divan ''

Noble ; Rev Dr. Malachi Z. York-El 33 / 720

Is There Eternal Life After Death ?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:32 am
by jones jones
say f- ck- -g what?

hey ... is this another droid? :mad:

Is There Eternal Life After Death ?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:35 am
Not sure where is Spot ??? Daniyal had another post liket this yesterday as well.

Is There Eternal Life After Death ?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:38 pm
by OpenMind
Do you know, this is one question we all get to find the answer to in the end. I'll just wait my time but I can't guarantee I'll be back to tell y'all.:D

Is There Eternal Life After Death ?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 7:12 pm
by luciferjohn
i think our energy moves on but our conciousness is lost, we continue on based souly:p on our beliefs;)

Is There Eternal Life After Death ?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:50 pm
by hoppy
I was with him until he started passing judgement on MJ. Not our job.

Is There Eternal Life After Death ?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:56 pm
by Mariposa Traicionera
I think after we die that's it, nothing more.

I wasn't supposed to read that long post, was I? Looked like a lot of rambling to me. :thinking:

Is There Eternal Life After Death ?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:44 pm
by luciferjohn
Mariposa Traicionera;1237651 wrote: I think after we die that's it, nothing more.

I wasn't supposed to read that long post, was I? Looked like a lot of rambling to me. :thinking:

it was and alot of babble about selling souls and stuff.:p

Is There Eternal Life After Death ?

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:07 pm
by Shimon
One of the fundamental beliefs of Judaism is that life does not begin with birth nor end with death.

Is There Eternal Life After Death ?

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 5:27 am
by OpenMind
Life goes on after death. We die, life goes on.

Is There Eternal Life After Death ?

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:42 pm
by JacksDad
I died. There was nothing there.

Is There Eternal Life After Death ?

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:08 am
by K.Snyder
Well, first thing's first, "eternal life" in the same sentence as "death" is just plain stupid let's all agree on that bit

Secondly, this question has no implications other than one of a scientific conclusion. The question of whether or not the Universe is open or closed(Perhaps leaving room for Friedmann's third theory even) is what's necessary in actually bringing this question close to observing an answer. A closed Universe would see time travel being possible only if you were to travel faster than the speed of light but thus far it's generally accepted that this is impossible.

An open Universe would ultimately decrease your chances of ever seeing the atoms within your body being able to synchronize themselves all together again in the exact same manner in which defines yourself at this very moment to such a minimal percentage you might as well consider it 0. Could this be possible then, yes perhaps. Can this remain possible throughout an eternity of time, no.

When you die your chemical makeup evaporates and changes shape(So to speak if you enjoy the belief body is a definitive singularity- which it is not) ultimately defining the very fact that the chemicals within your body are made of the Universe, the Universe is not made of your body. HUGE difference ultimately ending square back at a "yes" for those that accept they are not the center of the Universe and a "no" for those that feel they've the right to play "God". Why else would people resent religion? People in general do not get pi**ed off for no reason at all let alone on occasion.

The scientific community has accepted the fact that Earth is not the center of the Universe after quite a long enough time. Religion is mostly the culprit and is very very indicative in a lack of education both historically and mathematically