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is it just me ?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:49 pm
by scholle-kid
I have a 51/2 year old granddaughter that spends part of the summer here with her dad ,my son, and the rest of the year 300 miles away with her mom,

This afternoon i ask her to go with me to see her great grandma in town ,

when we got there she went bonkers , she would't stay out of stuff, she refused to listen and she tried to argue with her other grandma about weather the kids she saw waiking across the street went to her school,,,

at one point her great grandma and me decided we all would be happier outside,, the kid took off like a bullet down the side walk and when I 'told'

her to get back here and don't run" she stumbled while looking over her shoulder at me as she speeded up,,

she was not hurt she had no injury at all all she had to show for her stumble was a dusty spot on her arm ,she screamed "I'm bleeding" we looked her over dusted her off and made sure no one need call 911,, she crossed her arms looked at me like I had pissed in her cheerios and demanded an explanation as to " why I hadn't chased her to stop her running and so let her get hurt",,I said "huh" the kid told us two horrible neglectful grandma's that 'her mom would have chased her and stopped her from running to keep her from being hurt"

I understand the pure spoiled brat from :rolleyes: 5 year old child,,,

the question " It just me ? ,,, Where am I missing the logic or sense to her statement ? What is a mom thinking when she allows her child to run off down a public a street with cars and dogs and neighbors ect. what happens when the mom 'chases the kid into street of moving cars ??.. If someone can explain in small easy to understand words to this horrible neglectful grandma I'd sure listen real carefully ,,,

is it just me ?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:54 pm
by minks
scholle-kid;898802 wrote: I have a 51/2 year old granddaughter that spends part of the summer here with her dad ,my son, and the rest of the year 300 miles away with her mom,

This afternoon i ask her to go with me to see her great grandma in town ,

when we got there she went bonkers , she would't stay out of stuff, she refused to listen and she tried to argue with her other grandma about weather the kids she saw waiking across the street went to her school,,,

at one point her great grandma and me decided we all would be happier outside,, the kid took off like a bullet down the side walk and when I 'told'

her to get back here and don't run" she stumbled while looking over her shoulder at me as she speeded up,,

she was not hurt she had no injury at all all she had to show for her stumble was a dusty spot on her arm ,she screamed "I'm bleeding" we looked her over dusted her off and made sure no one need call 911,, she crossed her arms looked at me like I had pissed in her cheerios and demanded an explanation as to " why I hadn't chased her to stop her running and so let her get hurt",,I said "huh" the kid told us two horrible neglectful grandma's that 'her mom would have chased her and stopped her from running to keep her from being hurt"

I understand the pure spoiled brat from :rolleyes: 5 year old child,,,

the question " It just me ? ,,, Where am I missing the logic or sense to her statement ? What is a mom thinking when she allows her child to run off down a public a street with cars and dogs and neighbors ect. what happens when the mom 'chases the kid into street of moving cars ??.. If someone can explain in small easy to understand words to this horrible neglectful grandma I'd sure listen real carefully ,,,

nope not just you I would be shaking my head at that in disbelief too

is it just me ?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:59 pm
by scholle-kid
fuzzy butt;898806 wrote: she's five she doesn't need logic . she sounds like she's a very intelligent child and is acting out , (seeing how far she can push it ) It's not deliberate and she's not goading you in the way an adult would . she's just five and it's normal .............the question is how the adult handles the situation.

The adults handeled in this way her great grandma handed me a couple of dollars told us to get a soda for the ride home ny grandaughter and me got in my pick up went to he store a soda each and 15 miles down the road I walked her into her dady's house hug her hug my grand son and came home, and not one word was said out loud to the kid about her mothers logic on the subject

is it just me ?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:03 pm
by scholle-kid
minks;898808 wrote: nope not just you I would be shaking my head at that in disbelief too
Thank you ,,

I just can't wrap my head around the idea that a parent would'nt train a child to 'listen' " for the childs own safety " :-3

is it just me ?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:10 pm
by scholle-kid
fuzzy butt;898806 wrote: she's five she doesn't need logic . she sounds like she's a very intelligent child and is acting out , (seeing how far she can push it ) It's not deliberate and she's not goading you in the way an adult would . she's just five and it's normal .............the question is how the adult handles the situation.

Edited to add.

She's testing to see how protected she is in your presence. She's also showing embarrassment in the five year old way . Children will do something silly (but to themselves independent) and when something goes wrong sometimes they'll lash out at a sister or brother.,,(blame them although they may not even be around at the time) ..............In this case you replaced the sister and brother scenario. Again she's five and will act like ka five year old , it's the logic of a five year old. She's becoming independent but still craves the protection of the three year old brain ........Absolutely normal .

Have fun .
I totally vagree with her being a child and her need to 'push the envelope ' seeing how far or protected lashing out ,even will go as far as knowing the excitement of the start of her visit with daddy etc... here is the cruz of my delema with the missing logic,,,

" understand the pure spoiled brat from :rolleyes: 5 year old child,,,

the question " It just me ? ,,, Where am I missing the logic or sense to her statement ? What is a mom thinking when she allows her child to run off down a public a street with cars and dogs and neighbors ect. what happens when the mom 'chases the kid into street of moving cars ??.."

is it just me ?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:29 pm
by scholle-kid
This is not one of those "well back in my day " deals, but I do know that my kids was taught to 'listen' to me and my brothers and me was taught to 'listen' when our grandpa or grandma ma spoke ,, not the" kids should be seen and not heard" 'crap ' but when told to do or not do by our caregivers we listened and if we did'nt 'ilsten then we either got hurt by 'stumbling ' or the adult would ' get our attention' and explaine what and why they said 'don't run in the street' etc... I totally miss your point when you say 'she's five and has no logic'

because the child has been taught that it's ok to ' run down a street ' to see if someone is gonna protect her "

but that being said , i have a different way to study the afternoon and the whole deal ,, maybe it;s just been to long since i've had bratty little pre school pushing my buttons ,,, I'm going to re read your posts and think about the whole deal , thanks