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New Business Endeavour for me

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:41 am
by minks
Holy cow batman I dunno what I have got myself into.... my nerves are tighter than those of a cat stuck in the toilet... yoiks!!

I have had the pleasure of being asked to join 2 other co-workers in a new business venture. We will be taking on a small niche market that is in dire need of a quality product.

I dont' want to put much info out there because this so far is a very covert operation and I do not believe the internet is so vast ahahahaha And do not want to jeaopardize any of us 3's current jobs.

One of us has the knowledge and experience to manufacture a superior product, has past client contacts (good solid contacts), 2 of us have great supplier contacts and awesome purchasing skills, 1 of us has unlimited knowledge of product delivery, 1 of us has outstanding admin skills, 1 of us has superior financial backing, and all 3 of us have over the top knowledge of this field.

Crikey guys this could be the coolest, biggest thing I have ever attempted in my life WOW!

I have never experienced start up before and it's a bit daunting and we are in the very infant stages but our plan is coming together.

I was so darn shocked when I was asked to join these people honored as well. I have been asked if I want to be a co-owner as well.

This comes at a very good time as my current job has shifted hugely in a not so pleasant direction.

I am soooooooooo excited.

Please keep fingers crossed for us you guys we want to kick some serious butt out there :)

New Business Endeavour for me

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:08 am
by minks
rjwould;894578 wrote: Would you be willing to consider adopting me?

ahahahaha Oh I think that would be scandalous ahahahaha unless it means you would come work for us and help make our millions ahahahaha

New Business Endeavour for me

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:32 am
by Betty Boop
Wow, good luck and wishing you all the best Minks! You go girl!! :-4

New Business Endeavour for me

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:36 am
by minks
Betty Boop;894618 wrote: Wow, good luck and wishing you all the best Minks! You go girl!! :-4

Thanks Boops, I can't wait to be a player in the big boys world and I can't wait to tell you guys about it all when we are up an running... and no more secrets to protect ahahahaha

New Business Endeavour for me

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:49 am
by Betty Boop
minks;894619 wrote: Thanks Boops, I can't wait to be a player in the big boys world and I can't wait to tell you guys about it all when we are up an running... and no more secrets to protect ahahahaha

Wonder if we're still running parallel, if so woohooo for me :wah:

New Business Endeavour for me

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:39 am
by spot
It sounds exciting minksie, a bit like a roller-coaster. Putting a lot of work in on your own behalf makes so much more sense than doing it for someone else on a fixed salary. The other two are lucky to have you in the team.

New Business Endeavour for me

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:57 am
by minks
Betty Boop;894627 wrote: Wonder if we're still running parallel, if so woohooo for me :wah:

Oh B Boop here's hoping eh.... go buy yer lotto ticket will ya :-4

New Business Endeavour for me

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:59 am
by minks
spot;894657 wrote: It sounds exciting minksie, a bit like a roller-coaster. Putting a lot of work in on your own behalf makes so much more sense than doing it for someone else on a fixed salary. The other two are lucky to have you in the team.

Oh spot why thank you that means a hell of a lot coming from you again thank you.

Yess I am looking forward to good honest hard work and good rewards.

New Business Endeavour for me

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:33 pm
by WonderWendy3
Congratulations Minksy!! I'm so happy for you, I look forward to hearing more when you won't have to shoot me to tell me!!:wah::wah:


New Business Endeavour for me

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:35 pm
by buttercup
Go girl :-4

Best move i ever made was working for myself.

New Business Endeavour for me

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:51 pm
by minks
WonderWendy3;894695 wrote: Congratulations Minksy!! I'm so happy for you, I look forward to hearing more when you won't have to shoot me to tell me!!:wah::wah:


oh i will be a braggin when the time comes... maybe finally I will be able to afford a bike my big dream hehehe

Thanks BCups :)

New Business Endeavour for me

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 5:02 pm
by chonsigirl
Wow, good luck minks! This is great!

New Business Endeavour for me

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:34 pm
Very exciting Minks you will be your own boss imagine that. I wish you all the best luck and good fortune will be coming your way soon. :cool:

New Business Endeavour for me

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:01 pm
by mrsK
Good luck with it all:-6

New Business Endeavour for me

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:35 pm
by K.Snyder
I personally would suggest that you perhaps set aside a savings account in doing so...I'm not trying to question your competence or anything and obviously if your only real shot at making your new business endeavor work relies upon your lack of hesitancy then obviously I would say to go for it...

But would just like to remind you that sometimes these things just don't work as initially expected...Again I'm quite sure you're very intuitive...

New Business Endeavour for me

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:47 pm
by minks
K.Snyder;894845 wrote: I personally would suggest that you perhaps set aside a savings account in doing so...I'm not trying to question your competence or anything and obviously if your only real shot at making your new business endeavor work relies upon your lack of hesitancy then obviously I would say to go for it...

But would just like to remind you that sometimes these things just don't work as initially expected...Again I'm quite sure you're very intuitive...

Aw K have you been talking to my dad ahahaha I have about 5 months worth of living expense savings, set aside in case things fail.

Thank you everybody I can't wait to tell you about it when all the dust settles.

New Business Endeavour for me

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 9:37 am
by hotsauce
Oh good luck! I have my fingers crossed. I actually just turned down two friends that wanted to do the same. They went from 2 clients to 30 clients in a matter of months! Argh! I may still join up with them next year. I'm way too cautious and wish I had your guts. GOOD LUCK!

New Business Endeavour for me

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 1:35 am
by nurvepc
I believe every business can be successfull. Its all about, determination, better product or service, and knowing your competitors.

It sounds like your energized, and ready to go.

Its easy in this economy to build a business from my experience... People have turned away from inferior products. there tired of taking home a product that doesnt do what it says it will.. or breaks... you know what i meant.

Best of luck to you!

Going into business is an excitting adventure.. I quickly learned however.. that being your own boss isnt necessarily true... Your new boss is the customers... which i totally didnt expect, but it happened. But at the end of the day, its all worth it. And you meet amazing people too!