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Priorty Vacation

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 6:36 am
:pVacation, What Vacation?

I am one of those lucky folks who have a vacation home where I spend every possible minute year round, which are far too few. This summer I was on vacation (he said jokingly) for two weeks. For much of that time my sons and daughter and their spouses were with us (along with two children and a 90-pound black Labrador retriever).

This “vacation” home is equipped with a wireless network and during this two-week period the house also had nine cell phones, four Blackberries ®, 4 laptop computers and a printer within its walls. Now that is what I call an American style vacation, relaxation at its best.

One son received a constant barrage of calls and e-mail, another son worked on a new program through his VPN; my contact was limited to a score of phone calls and a dozen or so e-mails each day (down from my usual two hundred or so) perhaps because my out of office message read, “go away and don’t bother me for two weeks,” I wish.

However, I was obliged to deal with the emergency stuff, the really important stuff, the stuff that could not wait for a few more days, the stuff that really, really mattered – what stuff was that again? Oh I remember, some multi-millionaire retired executive just had to know the correct amount of his death benefit no doubt in the event he decided to die before I returned from vacation which is interesting given he has been retired for fourteen years and just realized this was an important question.

My son in law spent two hours on a conference call (sitting on the deck in his bathing suit if that counts) and had to leave vacation before the rest of us because his company had an “important meeting” he could not miss.

I must admit those laptops were vital in our efforts to find a restaurant and to peruse the menus, to get an up to date weather forecast from NOAA (generally wrong) and to pay my bills, but beyond all those vital engagements, not so much.

I am one of those addicted to the “crackberry.” I admit it given that when I e-mailed from Ireland and Italy the last two summers it was too much to hide. And I must say the thing comes in really handy while shopping with my wife, I just find a chair and scan the world of really important stuff – and perhaps play a game or two while she shops.

But back to vacation or the lack thereof, what are we thinking? Are we really all that important? Do the people back in the office holds us in such high regard that they can’t do without us? Is the stuff we do that important or is it that one or two people are simply impatient and without regard to anyone else’s priorities?

I have been working for forty-six years (at the same company would you believe) I know how the games are played; I know how things have changed over the last forty years. I know how screwed up Americans really are so at this stage of my career and life I often reflect on exactly what is important. Guess what, it ain’t in the office, it’s not in the bank and it’s not the next quarterly earnings report or even that fact I lost $20,000 in the stock market during the last week (ok, so it’s on paper so far).

What is important? That is for you to figure out for yourself.

Priorty Vacation

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 6:48 am
by Chezzie
I only take my mobile on holiday, I leave cyber world at home which my family are grateful for because I spend way too much time on the pc...I am not important enough in my job to warrant a call at home, its a 9-5 NHS job..

If you need to downgrade il have your blackberry:D

Priorty Vacation

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 8:54 am
by Patsy Warnick
We go to Hawaii every year for @ 20 days.

No cyber space work - no phone calls - no cell phones

Just a wonderful vacation - wonderful time and we look forward to our trip every year in November - our trip is purchased, and I'm anxious to go..


Priorty Vacation

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 9:00 am
by Chezzie
Patsy Warnick;863416 wrote: We go to Hawaii every year for @ 20 days.

No cyber space work - no phone calls - no cell phones

Just a wonderful vacation - wonderful time and we look forward to our trip every year in November - our trip is purchased, and I'm anxious to go..


Im so jealous, id love to go to Hawaii. Your so lucky Patsy:-6