Pie in the Sky, Heck There is a Whole Bakery up There

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Pie in the Sky, Heck There is a Whole Bakery up There


Democrats are going to raise taxes, and John McCain is going to cut them, maybe. “McCain Tax Cuts Would Bloat Deficit or Take Huge Spending Curbs” WSJ April 22

Raising taxes will only increase government and squash economic growth in the long term making the US less and less competitive in the world. Cutting taxes without the ability to pay for them, really pay for them, will increase an already huge deficit.

What to do, what to do? :-5

We are in the proverbial pickle you see, we have borrowed from our future, we have set up programs we cannot afford, we are spending money we don’t have and we are burying our heads in the sand (I am being kind).

McCain is going to save money to divert to tax breaks by cutting federal spending [laugh extremely loudly right here]. That has never happened where the cuts stayed in place. What would your friendly politician use to buy your votes if he or she didn’t have something to spend that you want?

Hillary is going to expand heath care by cutting administrative waste from Medicare…you mean there is waste that has not already been cut for some other spending scheme?

Americans are over taxed and America overspends, not unlike a sub prime mortgage with an adjustable interest rate. In this case the rest of the world is the bank. Government assumptions and spending projections are historically inaccurate and during political campaigns the numbers thrown about are based on day care math, yet people still vote based in part on this bakery in the sky forecasting.

Just as Barack is not going to change the way government and Congress works, John McCain is not going to change the way government and Congress spends, especially with a Congress using high interest credit cards with abandon.

Hey, I am all for lower taxes and certainly opposed to higher taxes, but let’s get real and deal with the problems we are facing, let’s tell Americans the truth. Let’s do the math. I was going to suggest letting Wall Street wizards help with the finances and risks, but on second thought. :confused:

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Pie in the Sky, Heck There is a Whole Bakery up There

Post by Nomad »

When you die, if you get a choice between going to regular heaven or pie heaven, choose pie heaven. It might be a trick, but if not…mmmmm, boy!
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Pie in the Sky, Heck There is a Whole Bakery up There

Post by flopstock »

Do you really think the american public is not to be trusted with an entire paycheck?

Forget flat tax. Let's make it strictly sales tax. And no fair taxing either food or gas.... just everything else. And the food you get at the movie theater or at a baseball game or even a restaurant, don't count as exempt. Only food you buy in the grocery story.

Oh and interest rates can only be 1% above the annual inflation rate. :thinking:
I expressly forbid the use of any of my posts anywhere outside of FG (with the exception of the incredibly witty 'get a room already' )posted recently.

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Pie in the Sky, Heck There is a Whole Bakery up There

Post by Accountable »

flopstock;862543 wrote: Do you really think the american public is not to be trusted with an entire paycheck?

Forget flat tax. Let's make it strictly sales tax. And no fair taxing either food or gas.... just everything else. And the food you get at the movie theater or at a baseball game or even a restaurant, don't count as exempt. Only food you buy in the grocery story.

Oh and interest rates can only be 1% above the annual inflation rate. :thinking:
With ya up to this point. Let the market dictate interest rates.
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Pie in the Sky, Heck There is a Whole Bakery up There

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Jester;862519 wrote: OK lets do the flat tax, everyone pays the same percent... no exceptions.

We make it 3-4%.

Illiminate all hand outs, intitlements etc including foriegn aide.

Rebuild america stariting with nuclear power plants to generate cheap electricty and move towards an standard of recheargeable batterypacks instead of fossil fuels.

We can even build the bakery in the sky if ya want.

Jester;862547 wrote: No way! I'm tired of multiplying 7 3/4% for sales tax, NO TAXES except the flat rate for anything!

No specialized tax at all. That ends these doo gooder social sympathizers in thebig cities robbing my service dollars to give it to the street urchins who dont work.

That will stop them politicians from using the specialized taxes to discriminate on fat smokers and suv drivers!!!

No sales tax and a flat income tax of 4%?

How will you pay for the army? The nuclear power stations? The FBI? All of the US Embassies overseas? Servicing the national debt? All of the other functions and trappings of government?
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