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America’s Trojan Horse Of Immigration

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:04 am
by CVX
By Frosty Wooldridge

"When will the fighting end?" Persaeus, niece of the king of Troy asked Achilles as they sat in their tent.

"It never ends!" the Greek warrior, played by Brad Pitt replied, in last year’s hit movie, "TROY."

War wages throughout human history. Tyrants come and go. Great nations rise and fall. As was said in the movie, soldiers die with no remembrance.

Today, our soldiers die in Iraq for a country that does not want us in its land. As Achilles said 3,200 years ago about war, "It never ends."

Another kind of invasion ‘never ends’ by accelerating into the United States of America today. It’s the Trojan Horse of immigration. While our soldiers give their lives in order to free a nation that smells more like the futility of Vietnam, we lose our freedom by the day via a pernicious invasion of unending humanity.

Unrestricted illegal and unending legal immigration at 4.1 million annually inundates America with a betrayal that will prove more horrific than 9/11 and equally as devastating as the vandals that overran Rome.

We possess the greatest army in the world, yet while our soldiers die 10,000 miles away, our borders buckle with enemy combatants more deliberate than "The Last Samurai." In the Washington Times, February 3, 2005, "Snipers Target U.S. Border Patrol Agents," illustrates Mexican drug smugglers blasting away at our officers.

"Douglas station agents in Arizona’s southeastern corner have been fired upon on six occasions," writes Jerry Seper for the Times. "Border patrol officers have been assaulted 80 times, nine involving shootings."

In the meantime, Mexico’s President Fox injected 55 consulates (more Trojan Horses) into our top cities which serve 9.2 illegal aliens from his country now residing in our nation. Fox, who runs one of the most mercenary governments in the Americas, implants his Third World corruption right up our nostrils. How bought off is the Bush administration by corporations pulling the strings on our president as if he was another Pinocchio? You be the judge.

Our danger is more imminent than Hector’s death by Achilles. Our King Bush stands at the gates of the White House (Troy) oblivious that the Trojan Horse is unleashed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our citizens are massacred by--losing their jobs, schools, medical facilities, language and communities. Diseases we had vanquished in First World America sicken us—16,000 new cases of tuberculosis, 7,000 cases of leprosy and thousands of cases of hepatitis—for starters.

Pareus, Hector’s brother, when seeing the Trojan Horse, said, "Burn it here on the beach." But their father, King of Troy, (played by Peter O’Toole) listened to his counsel who said, "Bring it into the city as a tribute to the gods." In present-day America, Karl Rove, Bush’s counsel, advises with similar arrogance.

Trojans pulled the wooden horse into the city. Greeks jumped out of its bowels in the dead of night and opened the gates. More Greeks entered.

They lit fires that burned Troy. Karl Rove will prove the man who invited the burning of America. He advises Bush that mass immigration is good and Bush vacantly takes Rove’s advice.

If you examine America today, immigration is our Trojan Horse. It’s killing our country as surely as the Greeks burned Troy. Immigration will add 250 million people to this country by mid century. It will prove our undoing if allowed further countenance in our nation.

Just as Achilles brought more of his warriors into Troy--the more we bring people from the Middle East, China, India and Mexico--the more they enclave their own. That is how Al-Qaeda thrust a sword into our World Trade Towers. Where are they planning their next attack? Be assured they are patient, very patient, and they have one prime directive, which they shall not abandon. Does anyone realize that hundreds if not thousands of Middle Eastern Muslim Mosques have popped up all over our nation—built with Saudi Arabia’s oil money? If you think they are all benign, think again.

Below us, the opportunist Mexican government sends its own illiterate masses who ‘colonize’ our country in ever increasing numbers. More than 9.2 Mexicans transplanted themselves into our country. They bleed us by sending back $15 billion to their mother country annually. Illegals from South America and Asia send $40 more billion annually back to their home countries. Does that sound like loyal American immigrants? NO! They represent Trojan Horses! This does not include the billions of dollars we spend to educate their young, housing assistance or medical services provided at our cost.

How fast are they colonizing us? Mario Obledo, founding member of the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), (the most anti-American group in the US today), and former California Secretary of Health/Welfare, speaking on the Tom Leikus radio talk show said, "We're going to take over all the political institutions in California. In five years the Hispanics are going to be the majority population of this state." Caller: "You also made the statement that California is going to become a Hispanic state and if anyone doesn't like it they should leave - did you say that?" Obledo: "I did. They ought to go back to Europe." He belongs to a growing group of Mexicans, Reconquista Aztlan (re-conquest), that demands California, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona be brought under Mexican rule.

At this critical juncture in history, will the Hector’s, Persaeus’ and King of Troy or even our own ‘King’ of the United States wake up in time to close the gates of Troy? Will we stop the Trojan Horse of immigration from entering? Will Bush’s main counsel, Karl Rove, wisely advise our vacant-eyed president before it’s too late? Will Americans wave flags for our boys in Iraq while our own country burns in chaos and becomes yet more kindling on the ash heap of history with this immigration invasion?

Will we capture Osama bin Laden (Achilles) and his band of Al-Qaeda agents before he torches us?

The people of Troy made their worst mistake by giving blind faith to their king and leaders trusting they would protect and save them. They were wrong. They died and Troy was lost.

So far, Bush can’t see what’s happening from his Temple of Apollo (White House) and his trusted advisor, Karl Rove, lacks the mental acuity of a prairie dog as to history and the current reality invading America. Our Congress stands at the portals of time as defiantly out of touch as was the Council of Troy. So what will save this country from the Trojan Horse of immigration?

You, fellow American! Not your inaction. Your action. Not your complaining. Your planning. Not going it alone. Your banding together.

Not your mumbling. Your raised voice collectively. Not your remote. Your finger on the telephone buttons. Not idle wishing. Your action on the Internet. How many of you have signed up for the coming April 1, 2005? Already, volunteers from 45 states will stand on the Nacho Line proudly planting their state flag along with Old Glory.

Will you be there? Without your response, this country and your children’s future are as surely lost as the residents of Troy 3,200 years ago.

Write for that 28-point action letter to stop this nation-destroying madness. For you West Coast night owls, every Thursday you can catch yours truly in Las Vegas, Nevada on Mark Edwards’ "Wake Up America" talk show on 50,000 watt KDWN-Am-720 10:00 PM to midnight PT, or on the worldwide internet at On the home page, click on heard around the world. Five nights a week, Edwards engages patriots from across the nation to bring you the latest on this nation-destroying invasion.

© 2005 Frosty Wooldridge - All Rights Reserved

Frosty Wooldridge possesses a unique view of the world, cultures and families in that he has bicycled around the globe 100,000 miles, on six continents in the past 26 years.

He has written hundreds of articles (regularly) for 17 national and 2 international magazines. He has had hundreds of editorials published in top national newspapers including the Rocky Mountain News, Denver Post, Albany Herald and Christian Science Monitor.

His first book, "HANDBOOK FOR TOURING BICYCLISTS" by Falcon Press is available nationwide. His second book "STRIKE THREE! TAKE YOUR BASE" by the Brookfield Reader published in January 2002. His bicycle books include "BICYCLING AROUND THE WORLD."


Frosty Wooldridge has guest lectured at Cornell University, teaching creative writing workshops, magazine writing at Michigan State University, and has presented environmental science lectures at the University of Colorado, University of Denver and Regis University. He also lectures on "Religion and Ethics" at Front Range College in Colorado.



America’s Trojan Horse Of Immigration

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 10:39 pm
by David813
ALL RACISTS TO THE SOUTHERN BORDER TO DEFEND OUR GREAT WHITE NATION FROM DEM MEXICANS!!! BRING YER GUNS! BRING YER HUNTIN DOGS!! LET'S KILL SOME MEXICANS!!! Our real enemy is redneck racists who are drooling for violence. Targeting the poorest of the poor shows what true cowards the militiamen movement is. Y'all are bein outbred! Outnumbered and soon outta whiskey! Bring on the Mexican immigrants. Let's deport all the racist chimps.

America’s Trojan Horse Of Immigration

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 3:51 pm
by David813
Border Deputy wrote: You just so elegantey, with your reply gave the real reason why it is so important to secure the Mexican border. We can see it coming, but not enough people have the determination to act on preventing it from happening. Most people are too apathetic to care. Yet, when it is too late to correct it, they will wonder "What Happened" If the Mexicans who are so poor want a better life, why not improve on their country and make the situation much better? Do they want to let others make their life better? Everyone should lace their own shoes!

I came from breathng dust from a peanut picker to a decent paying job from which I retired, this came about from the will to better my situation!! Get the picture yet?
Got the picture real clear. Blame America's problems on helpless Mexicans that have nothing but labor in the fields to offer. It's much easier than looking at ourselves for solutions to our own problems. What US citizen will pick tomatoes for you? All the backbreaking labor that we won't do without high pay? My ancestors came from Sweden and The Netherlands. They immigrated to America, worked hard and have become part of the very fiber that made the US great. Would you have been sportin to gun them down as they got off the boat? Many were. This hateful bigotry flies in the face of what this nation was all about.

America’s Trojan Horse Of Immigration

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 10:33 pm
by David813
Border Deputy wrote: David, no point in bickering over this. I would like to point out a few things I hope you will consider. 1st, your ancesters, and I feel sure mine also came over on ships to America, applied for citizenship, became a hard working citizen, contributing to the welfare of our growing nation. We should be proud for them doing that. Remember, they did all this in a legal fashion. It should only be the way to come into our great nation, legally! 2nd, think about this; with our Mexican

border not being secure, what is to keep some violent terroist sneaking through along with the tomato pickers and do us severe harm! It just makes good common sense to secure the border and screen those who come into our country and eliminate the bad guys. Those who come in to labor in our fields, behave in a civil manner, learn to speak the English lanuage, and help support our system, apply for and receive citizenship, and be willing to protect our freedoms should be accepted as were our ancestors.

I hope we can find some common ground in these points I have made. Again, do you get the picture?
I get the picture again, cautiously. I see some of your points but as someone opposed to vigilantism the project you support will and has drawn violent racists. I can hear David Duke's white horse right now! I have no record of whether my ancestors came here legally or not. Closing US sweatshops in Mexico would be a good start at raising the standard of living there. We've used their cheap labor and imposed horrific working conditions to stretch our almighty dollar. If I were a poor Mexican living near the border with a family to feed I too would do my very best to get into the US. They are human beings! McVeigh came from the US. al-Qaida came from overseas and within. Something tells me if Mexicans were white there would be no problem with the current border patrol system.