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Employer of Choice or Employer From Hell?

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 2:21 pm
by !ronic
6 weeks ago I applied for a job with a health care company that calls itself "the employer of choice" for the region.

The steps I went through:

week 1 - email resume

week 2 - handwritten application form, handwritten cover letter and references

week 3 - no contact

week 4 - telephone orientation, at 6pm, with other applicants

week 5 - career assessment/aptitude testing - 1 hour

week 5 - video conference job interview - 1 hour

week 6 - 2 hour handwritten "essay" of my goals, values, etc.

week 6 - call saying "sorry, not selected"

Turns out my friend got the job and she was told they don't even have any hours available, they are working on obtaining new clients and "should" have hours starting in about 2 weeks.

The employer says their process shows how thorough and caring they are, and that most applicants appreicate this - it seems to me like a lot of hoops to jump through with very little pay-off.

Are they an "employer of choice" or really just an "employer from hell"?

Employer of Choice or Employer From Hell?

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:58 pm
by Omni_Skittles
Ya'll make me want to start my own company... like... umm idk i will think of something... I hope things work out for you... :)

Employer of Choice or Employer From Hell?

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:01 pm
by moonpie
First of all welcome to FG. Ironic, this is one of those questions that may stir up a lot of conflict - but here goes. I am an employee, but the crap that employers expect potential employees to go through is just that to me "crap" you may have all the qualifications and all the skills, but what this employer did to you and your friend is not very fair for the time you spent trying for this job. You say only for a couple of hours, etc., that is even less fair. They should have been more up front in their ad in the first place. I would say this is an employer you want to stay away from, because they obviously don't have any respect for anybody elses time, except their own. Good luck in your job hunt.

Employer of Choice or Employer From Hell?

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:06 pm
by moonpie
Omni_Skittles;786094 wrote: Ya'll make me want to start my own company... like... umm idk i will think of something... I hope things work out for you... :)

Omni, years ago like in 1980 or 1981 I bowled in your bowling alley. We (my best buddy and her husband bowled out there from Dallas, I never expected ever to see someone from Waxahachie, TX on this forum). Funny, huh?

Sorry, do not mean to derail the thread.

Employer of Choice or Employer From Hell?

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:05 am
by !ronic
I don't mind jumping through some hoops for a job - but to find out there isn't actually a job at the end of the job interview, just the potential for a job - that seems big time wrong to me.:lips:

Employer of Choice or Employer From Hell?

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:39 am
by Sheryl
Your not the only one who feels their time has been wasted. My husband gave up going skiing with us to stay home to do a second round of interviews. The interview lasted from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. He even was called back for a 3rd interview. They told him he would hear within a week if he had a job or not. Two weeks went by and he hadn't heard a thing. I finally told him to send an email to HR. He didn't get that job, but was on the waiting list. So if anymore jobs in that area came open, he would be reviewed for the position again. :-5