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I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:11 am
by Uncle Kram
I met Lee in the first week of September 1971, the week after her 11th birthday. It was the day that we both started Secondary school and we ended up in the same class.

We didn't really get to know each other for a while but in 1973, for a brief time she was my girlfriend. This was when "going out" with someone was a) asking them if they'd "go out" with you and then b) putting your arm around them in the playground, so yes, at the height of Glam rock, we were going out even though we never got to....well y'know...go out.

After this brief eclipse, we sort of drifted apart and never had much to do with each other.

When I left school, I heard that she was with a guy a couple of years older than us and strangely, he had the same surname as me and the same initial.

I didn't see Lee until about 1985 when I was doing some shopping and pushing my son around in his pushchair. We had a brief chat where I learned that she, like me, was married and we now had the same surname.

I didn't see her again until 5 years ago. It was while I was in the store where my son worked at the retail park by Fort Dunlop in Birmingham, waiting to pick him up. We had another chat and I discovered that she had been married for 10 years and was now divorced.

The next time I saw her was 2 years later and strangely, it was in the next store along at the same retail park. This time we were both divorced and we had another chat and she told me the road that she lived in.

Afterwards, I thought about her a lot and regretted not asking her if she fancied getting together just for a coffee or something. I figured she wouldn't be interested but almost to exorcise the regret, I found out her house number using a tip which appears as early as page 3 in Stalking for Dummies. Yes, I headed to the city centre to trawl the electoral roll. To be honest I thought it was a bit creepy, but I sent her a letter anyway giving her my number if she ever wanted a chat. I said that I didn't expect to hear from her, so maybe we could just bump into each other again in another 2 years at the next store along from the previous 2 encounters.

Of course I heard nothing, but thought about her occasionally.

2 years later, I found myself at the retail park again and had an unbelievably overwhelming feeling that she was going to be there in the store I had mentioned. As I headed there the feeling got stronger and when I got there it was unbelievable. She was nowhere to be seen.

I drove home thinking of the letter I sent 2 years before and I was listening to something on the radio in the car about marriage. The guy was saying that people only get married so that they can have the same name. He suggested that people should only go out with each other if they had the same surname to save on the paperwork. As Lee had the same surname as me, it made me think of her again.

About 10 seconds later, my phone went, and after 2 years, there was Lee on the phone asking if I was still up for going out sometime. I couldn't believe it. We had only just missed each other at the store as she had been there around the same time. It seemed a bit weird. I told my daughter about it and all she kept saying for the rest of the journey was "Omens!"

About 10 days later, we went out for the first time and haven't looked back since. It's like it was meant to be.

And so I found myself dazzling Lee up the Eiffel Tower in Paris on Valentines day with a diamond ring.

But you'd already guessed there'd be a happy ending hadn't you?

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:13 am
by chonsigirl
Oh my gosh, what a story Uncle! Blessing and happiness to you both!:-4

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:23 am
by Sheryl
Congrat's Uncle Kram! :-6

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:24 am
by spot
There aren't many like you, that's certain.

We all insist on invites to the wedding.

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:32 am
by Pheasy
It sounds like it was just meant to be. Congratulations to you and Lee. :-6:-6

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:33 am
by Imladris
Krammie!!! All the ladies at FG's hearts just broke!

I'm really, really pleased for you and Lee, she's a lucky woman to have those knees of yours on a permanent basis.


When's the wedding???

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:36 am
by Kathy Ellen
WOW Kram:-4

I'm soooo happy for you and deserve the best....


I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:09 am
by Jerry

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:56 am
by Chezzie
Oh Wow, fabulous story which gave me goosebumps and made my heart do one of them skippetybumps..:-4

Truly is Fate that your going to get married and I wish you both all the best of luck and happiness in the world x:-4

Somebody is getting married

Congratulations on your engagement

An urge en route to a merge

A move to secure love that lasts

Push beyond the crazy past

Get set for an exciting future

To open many new doors

Love indeed is a beautiful thing

It will make the heart happily sing

Take away life's troublesome sting

Fill your heart and blessings bring

Love brings delight to everything

Celebration, joy, and jubilee

Love opens blind eyes to see

Enables you to be all you can be

Makes the weak arise victoriously

Love surpasses lustful sensuality

Lust terrorizes tumultuously

Merely taking gratuitously

Love however beautifully

Gives and enables you to live

It endures and doesn't walk out

Love is is tender and not proud

It's motives pure and never cloud

The concept of selflessness

To yield to love's eternal bliss

As it honors, it breathes new life

Rids relationships of deadly strife

It possesses grace and self-control

True love makes the soul whole

Far more exciting than the Super Bowl

Love never wearies, nor takes a toll

Love resurrects hope deep within

It is honest and truthful without spin

Love makes friends family and kin

It wonderfully welcomes you in

Love is heaven kissing the earth

Love always powerfully gives birth

Love rectifies many evil wrongs

Love revolutionizes and transforms

Love conquers peaceably every storm

Transcending, elevating, and elating

Kind and compassionately suffering

Resting and never smothering

Nurturing, protecting, and mothering

Love is always most encouraging

Therefore this day, I rejoice with you

As you prepare to tie the knot

You have certainly got a lot to do

Don't be concerned or needlessly worry

Amazing love will see you through

Write your love story and comfort you.

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:22 am
by Patsy Warnick
I Love It

Happy in Love is a wonderful feeling Kram - Congrats.

Thanks for Sharing your Story - Loved it..


I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:25 am
by koan

Wonderful news :yh_dance

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:48 am
by WonderWendy3
That brought tears to my eyes Krammy!! :-4:-4

What a wonderful story for a wonderful MAN....Immy is right...I'm one of the heart-broken, but oh so happy for you and Lee!!:-4


I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:52 am
by cherandbuster

with much love

Cher (and Buster is standing on his hind legs, as he, too is very happy for you :p)

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:49 am
by moonpie
Wonderful story, congratulations.:-6

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:59 am
by Betty Boop
Congratulations Mark, I'm so pleased you've found bliss with Lee, you deserve it mate!

What a wonderful story, it puts me in mind of the saying I came across recently:

"Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale" - anon


I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:07 am
Uncle Kram I got goose bumps reading that story. I'm so very happy for you both. It was to be I have no doubt about it. Isn't life grand sometimes such a love story that you only see in movies. :-4

I know you both will live happily ever after. :-4

Betty you got that right. ;)

[QUOTE]"Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale" - anon[/QUOTE]

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:15 am
by theia
Congratulations and love to you both

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:17 am
by minks
Oh Congratulations Kram, all the best to you and your gal, what wonderful news.

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:40 am
by sunny104
Congratulations!!!! :-6

I'm soooooo happy for you and Lee!! :yh_hugs :-4

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:57 am
by cherandbuster
. . . and when is the BIG DAY? :-4

Are you still saving yourself for the wedding night, Krammy? :p

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:03 am
by Carl44
well done buddy :-6:-6

you do know that she is a birmingham city fan right???? :-3:-3

just kidding i'm glad your happy buddy :-6:D

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:42 am
by valerie

Never did I think I'd read "Eiffel Tower","Valentine's Day" and "Diamond

ring" in the same sentence.

Couldn''t happen to a nicer guy, for sure.



I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:41 pm
by kayleneaussie
awwwwwwwwwwww I have tears in my eyes, how beautiful. Congratulations and all the very best for the future.:-4 BUT I want to be flowergirl ok:D

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:48 pm
by flopstock
You just gave the rest of us hope.

thank you and congrats!:-4

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:58 pm
by abbey
What beautiful ending to a lovely story.

Karma :-4

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:49 pm
by mrsK
That is fantastic news Unc.

I am so happy for both of you:-4:-4

Like Val said couldn't happen to a nicer person.

Best wishes to you both:-4:-4:-6

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:53 pm
by pinkchick
Uncle Kram;778829 wrote: I met Lee in the first week of September 1971, the week after her 11th birthday. It was the day that we both started Secondary school and we ended up in the same class.

We didn't really get to know each other for a while but in 1973, for a brief time she was my girlfriend. This was when "going out" with someone was a) asking them if they'd "go out" with you and then b) putting your arm around them in the playground, so yes, at the height of Glam rock, we were going out even though we never got to....well y'know...go out.

After this brief eclipse, we sort of drifted apart and never had much to do with each other.

When I left school, I heard that she was with a guy a couple of years older than us and strangely, he had the same surname as me and the same initial.

I didn't see Lee until about 1985 when I was doing some shopping and pushing my son around in his pushchair. We had a brief chat where I learned that she, like me, was married and we now had the same surname.

I didn't see her again until 5 years ago. It was while I was in the store where my son worked at the retail park by Fort Dunlop in Birmingham, waiting to pick him up. We had another chat and I discovered that she had been married for 10 years and was now divorced.

The next time I saw her was 2 years later and strangely, it was in the next store along at the same retail park. This time we were both divorced and we had another chat and she told me the road that she lived in.

Afterwards, I thought about her a lot and regretted not asking her if she fancied getting together just for a coffee or something. I figured she wouldn't be interested but almost to exorcise the regret, I found out her house number using a tip which appears as early as page 3 in Stalking for Dummies. Yes, I headed to the city centre to trawl the electoral roll. To be honest I thought it was a bit creepy, but I sent her a letter anyway giving her my number if she ever wanted a chat. I said that I didn't expect to hear from her, so maybe we could just bump into each other again in another 2 years at the next store along from the previous 2 encounters.

Of course I heard nothing, but thought about her occasionally.

2 years later, I found myself at the retail park again and had an unbelievably overwhelming feeling that she was going to be there in the store I had mentioned. As I headed there the feeling got stronger and when I got there it was unbelievable. She was nowhere to be seen.

I drove home thinking of the letter I sent 2 years before and I was listening to something on the radio in the car about marriage. The guy was saying that people only get married so that they can have the same name. He suggested that people should only go out with each other if they had the same surname to save on the paperwork. As Lee had the same surname as me, it made me think of her again.

About 10 seconds later, my phone went, and after 2 years, there was Lee on the phone asking if I was still up for going out sometime. I couldn't believe it. We had only just missed each other at the store as she had been there around the same time. It seemed a bit weird. I told my daughter about it and all she kept saying for the rest of the journey was "Omens!"

About 10 days later, we went out for the first time and haven't looked back since. It's like it was meant to be.

And so I found myself dazzling Lee up the Eiffel Tower in Paris on Valentines day with a diamond ring.

But you'd already guessed there'd be a happy ending hadn't you?

Uncle Kram - ya just made me cry!:o

There is a match that was meant to be if ever I saw one :D

I wish you both every happiness - I'm chuffed to bits :-4:-4

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:06 pm
by Jerry
Here is a video for the two of you. Enjoy and may God Bless your marriage.

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:25 pm
by along-for-the-ride
Congratulations, Uncle Kram.:)

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:49 pm
by weeder
Wonderful wonderful news Uncle Kram. I know your a very nice man. Lee is a lucky woman. Much love and best wishes to you both. Im glad I was here to read this.

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:35 pm
by Nomad
Im not sure how to word what I feel, Im extremely happy for the both of you of course (well especially you) but theres something else Im feeling I cant quite pinpoint.

Its kind of a calm and serene "knowing" that transcends any words I can put down here.

I guess if I were standing in front of you Id hug you and you would understand. So Ill just leave it there.

I would say good luck but no luck is needed.

I'm getting married !

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:44 pm
by along-for-the-ride
Nomad;779197 wrote: Im not sure how to word what I feel, Im extremely happy for the both of you of course (well especially you) but theres something else Im feeling I cant quite pinpoint.

Its kind of a calm and serene "knowing" that transcends any words I can put down here.

I guess if I were standing in front of you Id hug you and you would understand. So Ill just leave it there.

I would say good luck but no luck is needed.

You big teddy bear.........:)

Now go see about your toe!

I'm getting married !

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:00 am
by Uncle Kram
Thanks guys for all the heartwarming comments. I was quite surprised actually, that considering I'm a bloke, I was very moved by some of them. Oh dear....I've gone all soft :o

First drinks on me Brian

I'm getting married !

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:43 am
by kazalala
Uncle Kram;779639 wrote: Thanks guys for all the heartwarming comments. I was quite surprised actually, that considering I'm a bloke, I was very moved by some of them. Oh dear....I've gone all soft :o

First drinks on me Brian

Congratulations Uncle Kram, i wish you all the happiness in the world, forever!:D:D

I'm getting married !

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:49 am
by WonderWendy3
Uncle Kram;779639 wrote: Thanks guys for all the heartwarming comments. I was quite surprised actually, that considering I'm a bloke, I was very moved by some of them. Oh dear....I've gone all soft :o

First drinks on me Brian

I won't do it....I'll be good.....really I will! :sneaky::)

:-4:-4 to Krammy!!

I'm getting married !

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:04 am
Congratulations, i wish you many many years of happiness :-6:-6

I'm getting married !

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:07 am
by Uncle Kram
cherandbuster;778975 wrote: . . . and when is the BIG DAY? :-4

Are you still saving yourself for the wedding night, Krammy? :p

Haven't decided where or even when - just letting it all sink in after a hectic week.

The ring wasn't the only surprise I had for Lee. I'd spent between 200 & 300 hours since I learned how to use Photoshop last August, producing a 64 page book entitled "Our First Year in Pictures". It looked really good when it arrived and reduced her to tears on Valentines Day. I might save myself for the wedding night being the well-behaved chap that I am. :lips:

I'm getting married !

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:11 am
by Imladris
Krammie, you are such a romantic!!! What a lovely thing to do.

BTW. If holding out for the wedding night becomes a strain I'm compiling a list of willing volunteers to help out...... :sneaky:

I'm getting married !

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:22 am
by Uncle Kram
Imladris;779676 wrote: Krammie, you are such a romantic!!! What a lovely thing to do.

BTW. If holding out for the wedding night becomes a strain I'm compiling a list of willing volunteers to help out...... :sneaky:
Please ensure that Spot and Nomad aren't on the list.

I was once described by my ex as "the least romantic man on the planet". She went crazy when she found out I'd proposed on the Eiffel tower, moaning that I'd never been romantic before etc. She said that she hoped that Lee takes me for everything she can. I thought "Oh, just like you did?" She's also told my daughter that Lee will be "taking all her money" :rolleyes:

5 years on and she's still a spiteful piece of work, but she aint raining on my parade.

She's unhappy that Im happy, and I'm happy that she's unhappy :wah:

I'm getting married !

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:32 am
by Elvira
Stunning story - La Tour Eiffel is one of the most romantic places. particularly when it's all lit up with sparkling lights at night time.


I'm getting married !

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:57 am
by Imladris
Uncle Kram;779686 wrote: Please ensure that Spot and Nomad aren't on the list.

I was once described by my ex as "the least romantic man on the planet". She went crazy when she found out I'd proposed on the Eiffel tower, moaning that I'd never been romantic before etc. She said that she hoped that Lee takes me for everything she can. I thought "Oh, just like you did?" She's also told my daughter that Lee will be "taking all her money" :rolleyes:

5 years on and she's still a spiteful piece of work, but she aint raining on my parade.

She's unhappy that Im happy, and I'm happy that she's unhappy :wah:

It just goes to show that your ex was not the woman for you, Lee brings out the romantic side of you, lucky woman.

I'm glad you've got to a point that your ex can no longer spoil your life.

I'm getting married !

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:37 pm
by mrsK
LOVE IS IN THE AIR (John Paul Young)

Love is in the air

Everywhere I look around

Love is in the air

Every sight and every sound

And I don't know if I'm being foolish

Don't know if I'm being wise

But it's something that I must believe in

And it's there when I look in your eyes

Love is in the air

In the whisper of the trees

Love is in the air

In the thunder of the sea

And I don't know if I'm just dreaming

Don't know if I feel sane

But it's something that I must believe in

And it's there when you call out my name


Love is in the air

Love is in the air

Oh oh oh

Oh oh oh

Love is in the air

In the rising of the sun

Love is in the air

When the day is nearly done

And I don't know if you're an illusion

Don't know if I see it true

But you're something that I must believe in

And you're there when I reach out for you

Love is in the air

Every sight and every sound

And I don't know if I'm being foolish

Don't know if I'm being wise

But it's something that I must believe in

And it's there when I look in your eyes

I'm getting married !

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:30 am
by Tater Tazz

I'm getting married !

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:33 am
by Uncle Kram
Here are the covers and some pages from Lee's book

Attached files

I'm getting married !

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:35 am
by Uncle Kram
....and some more

Attached files

I'm getting married !

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:34 am
by G#Gill
What a lovely story Krammy ! All the very best to you and Lee - such a fairy tale !

You can be rightly very proud of all your efforts in producing such a lovely and very personal book - 'Our first year in pictures' - such a brilliant idea, and something for you both to treasure for the rest of your days !


I'm getting married !

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 12:19 pm
by Bez
What can I say Mark..........I'm just so happy for you both. It's the best news I've heard for months. She's a lucky girl ! :-4:yh_hugs xxx

I'm getting married !

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 3:45 pm
by buttercup
She's pretty hot, way to go Krambo ;)

I'm getting married !

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:59 am
by Uncle Kram
This was taken just a few moments before I popped the question :)

Attached files

I'm getting married !

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 12:42 pm
by chrisb84uk
Ah how wonderful, I'm so delighted for you both!! I truly wish you both many, many happy and fun years to come together! :-6 :-4