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Marine Biologist (wanna be)

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 3:27 pm
by Freaky Fool
Ok I'll Start by explaning the situation: My younger sister want's to be a marine biologist and so I said I would help her get some contacts and information about that career; and so I was wondering if anyone could post some decent links to other forum sites that would focus more on the topic of biology and it's various specializations. I would also like to talk with anyone on this site that is a marine biologist or are in the making of a marine biologist. Any information would be much appreciated.

Thanks FF

Marine Biologist (wanna be)

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 6:35 pm
by Nomad
I consider myself a marine biologist as well as a variety of other types of biologist. But of course Ive had no training nor acquired a degree in the field. These things only happen in my mind.

Maybe she could try that for starters.

Marine Biologist (wanna be)

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 6:37 pm
by Sheryl
Best bet would be to google. :)

Marine Biologist (wanna be)

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 10:06 pm
by grh
Ya joined in January and your first post is a request for your sister? I have no idea what a marine biologist would do. I expect spot will be along shortly and write an encyclopedia of information for you.. or else something really stupid. To be quite honest with you, it is sometimes hard to tell the difference once the lad gets going..:D

In any case, tell us about you.:-6

Marine Biologist (wanna be)

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 10:29 pm
by drumbunny1
Well I know for starters she has to have atleast a 4 year degree in marine biology...I know some of that requires going out on a boat for sometime to research and study marine life....hopefully she doesn't get sea sick!

Marine Biologist (wanna be)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:00 am
by spot
I don't think I've ever uttered these words on a public forum before but...

How old's your sister?

Marine Biologist (wanna be)

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:17 am
by Freaky Fool
My sister is in her early teens so there is still lots of time for her to change her mind but I promised I would help her any way I can. I am sure how ever that she won't change her mind in the near future so I figured I might as well follow up on my promise and do some of the research for her.

But I was also asked to tell about myself so I'll start by saying that I am young, Male and goe by the name of Freaky Fool on the net. I am a candaian and proud of it. I am hoping to start a business in the next few years and so I may ask questions about various tidbits from time to time.

***Edit: Typo

Marine Biologist (wanna be)

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:47 am
by spot
Your sister has to get adequate school grades to get onto a good Bachelor's science course, and a degree of high enough standard to be accepted into a research team, and when she has her doctorate and goes to work for somewhere like the Scripps Institute in Florida she can call herself a marine biologist.

The real question is what her degree subject should be and what her research thesis should focus on to make her an interesting marine biologist. Her school science teacher will know enough scientists at the local university to introduce her to them and let her talk it over and get an adequate understanding of the edges of the subject. Interesting marine biologists are multi-disciplinary, they bring expert knowledge into the field rather than know all there is to know about marine biology itself. That's why I think she needs her doctorate before she goes into marine biology, up until then she needs to overlap with the subject from outside.

If I were her I'd get her to print this post out and show it to her science teacher and ask if it's possible.