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what do I/we really want ???

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 4:27 pm
by Chezzie
fuzzy butt

Senior Member

Join Date: Dec 2007:thinking::sneaky:

Posts: 202 Re: what do I/we really want ???


I go where life takes me Jimbo. that's it a few personal decisions on the way and that's all I need.

Although one of the mysterys of life is getting me a bit ...................How the heck did i join this board on the 01/07/2008? Am I living in a time warp or something?

Local Time: 03:24 PM

Local Date: 01-07-2008 todays date:thinking::wah::wah:


I cant even decide what to have on my sandwiches tomorrow for work never mind what I really want...Just for my kids to have a healthy happy life and live with me forever lol

what do I/we really want ???

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 4:27 pm
by Peg
That's the local date your looking at Fuzzy. :wah:

what do I/we really want ???

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:12 am
by Imladris
At the moment what do I really want? Chocolate or a cream cake with a nice hot chocolate like my friend used to make mmmmm............

In life -to be a bit healthier, for my loved ones to be happy and safe. I'm making steps towards the career change I want so I hope to succeed in that, apart from that I'm happy to see where life takes me.

what do I/we really want ???

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:51 am
by Imladris
jimbo;755141 wrote: so the great immy plan for a happy life ... is not to make any plans :thinking:

so that is what your planning :thinking: which in itself is a plan :thinking:

immy stop messing with my fragile mind


*Immy sits hunched over the computer cackling and hatching wicked plans for the use of Jimbo's mind when it shatters into little peices*

what do I/we really want ???

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:49 am
by weeder
Jim, if your making a living, you have your health, and you do have the woman you love... dont stress so much over what you want. Spend some time understanding who you are, and some of what you want will become clear. It is frustrating to look around us, and see others who seem to have so much more than we do.

Or others who seem so clear in their goals. Your right, people are dying all around us. Its very depressing and sad. It has definately gotten to me. I wanted too many different things. I never focused in on just one. Life was like a big buffet to me. I wanted to taste everything, but I never invested in one full plate. I feel a little scared now because I dont want anything. I dont want to die, but Im not afraid of dying. I dont want too much responsibility or stress on a job. I dont want to be locked in with a partner. Alot of my choices have dissapeared. For most of my life I totally invested myself in whatever I went after. Marriages, businesses, frienships, hobbies. None of the ventures were permanent. I spent valuable time recovering from each dissapointment, until I never fully recovered. My drive was gone, and my brain was tired. All I am left with is myself. My pride, my integrity, my love for my children, and my appreciation for being alive. The big bonus I did get, is that after all of the struggles, the mistakes, the dissapointments, the failures and the heart aches...... I like myself. God knows why. I guess Im

a big nothing. But I do. In the end I think I put the most effort into being an individual. Someone who couldnt and wouldnt be influenced by other peoples agendas. I suceeded in that. And even though Ive left many people scratching their heads, thinking Im odd, Im very happy in my own skin. We might not be here tomorrow. So dont stress. Accept how out of the ordinary you are. Enjoy the love... you lucky devil. Your mission will become clear, when you reach a place where you feel some peace.

what do I/we really want ???

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:34 am
by RedGlitter
Jimbo said:

so guys give me some ideas to what you people want

I want to be happy (meaning content but not *too* content) and I want to know that I was useful. If I can be useful to people, help them, in any way, that makes me feel that I have a purpose in being here. I think we all want to know we served a purpose, that we were here for some kind of worthy reason.

what do I/we really want ???

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:05 am
by WonderWendy3
I want to be happy, and I mean true happiness....I know now how to achieve it and have goals in site.

I'm thankful for every blessing I've received....and will receive in the future...:-6

what do I/we really want ???

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:14 am
by changinglanes
Peace, sanity, the ability to ignore ignorance and rise above those who want to drag me down. Happiness, not just for me but for everyone especially on this board. To help other and make a difference (positive) in the lives of others.

My oldest daughter to realizes she doesn't know it all....or for me to be young again so I do know it all.

what do I/we really want ???

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:38 am
by Imladris
jimbo;755204 wrote: good points :-6:-6

i think i have gotten to the stage in life where i can see whats wrong in the world and i want to change it but i dont have a clue where i could possibly start :thinking::thinking:

I don't think any one person can change the world but we can have influence over small parts.

I try to help improve my own town by being a part of the decision making processes as a town councillor and a school governor.

I like the pay it forward way of doing things, we never know how much effect we have on another's life but we try to make that effect a good one.

what do I/we really want ???

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:19 am
by changinglanes
I think we chose our own battles to better lives. I advocate for children with learning disabilities and pushing "The Mental Health Parity Law" corporations found loop holes around the old law that enabled corporations to put a limit on mental health a person could receive. Imagine having a child who suffered a conditioned needing mental health then mandiated 40 visits per life time.

Now a new law is being pushed to cap those loop holes so people/kids can receive mental health benefits equal to their health benefits. We are 1 step away from passing this bill. Think of all the peoplechildren it would help.

what do I/we really want ???

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:10 am
by changinglanes
Changed my mind.........a sump pump installed ASAP. Husband didn't have time had to catch plane to London will be gone 7 days and I will be damn if I am bailing out any more water. I'm exhausted. I will try installing one myself...haha that should be a site.

what do I/we really want ???

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:14 am
by koan
The root of unhappiness is to want what you do not already have.

To be enigmatic, I want to remember who I really am.

what do I/we really want ???

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:31 pm
by along-for-the-ride
Are there any older people that you know and admire? What is it that you admire about them?

They may not be rich..but they still love life. You enjoy being with them and listening to them talk about their past life. They enjoy the simple pleasures...beautiful flowers, a baby's smile, a cool breeze on a hot day. They are self-effacing, but generous with a genuine compliment. It somehow doesn't matter if they are retired, live on Social Security,volunteer in the community, or are still working.

what do I/we really want ???

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:22 pm
by koan
jimbo;755331 wrote: koan head you are a very wise and clever person :-6

unfortunately i am not

howz about sayin it in english sister

I think that our induction into adulthood is a long cruel process in erasing our memories of what we really are. When I was very young the world was magical and I was connected to everything in it. I'd like to remember why and how.

what do I/we really want ???

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:27 pm
by mrsK
I have everything I want or need.

Guess I am one of the lucky ones.:-6

what do I/we really want ???

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 1:47 am
mrsK;755721 wrote: I have everything I want or need.

Guess I am one of the lucky ones.:-6

Same here MrsK :D

what do I/we really want ???

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:03 am
by theia
Sorry to go off topic, Jimbo, but every time I see the title of this thread it reminds me of the Spice Girls. And today, like yesterday and probably the day before, I shall be annoyingly humming to myself..."now tell me what you want, what you really really want..." :eek:

And the best of it is, I don't know :-5

what do I/we really want ???

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 3:45 am
by mrsK
jimbo;755746 wrote: :wah::wah: me too now

thats the great thing about life though theia ,all the time we are looking for more and wanting to do more we are growing , i'm glad that i dont have a stale mind that just wants to sit there gathering dust

I want to open up my MMA club ,suzy and I want to do so much ,and all the time I look for what i want .... what i really really want ... life is great :wah:

I wish Suzy & yourself all the best with all your endeavours:-6