Global warming is a hoax

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Global warming is a hoax

Post by Irmin »

The global warming hysteria is just another means of controlling the people and a method for the government to make money via imposing taxes and fines etc when we break certain rules regarding the environment. I also believe that big buisness palys a major part in this as well. 'What do corporations have to gain from this?' One might ask. Surely reducing fuel consumption, using less electric, washing at lower temperatures adn trying to reduce your carbon footprint altogehter would result in firms losing out on profits, right?

Businesses are not stupid. They like to get positive press and encourage consumers who are concerned about gloabl warming to use their 'green' products and services. More imporatntly however, it keeps government regulation at bay when they are seen as environmentally friendly.

The big hoax is perpetuated to help create the need for a global regulatroy system, taxation and world government. Do not listen to them. Carry on as normal. Global warming is happening and cannot be stopped. As a result the oceans pumping effect will slow and the earth will enter another cooling period. It is a completely natural process, and nothing to do with the actions of man.

Big ice age this way come! :)
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Global warming is a hoax

Post by Carl44 »

Soberano;665629 wrote: I have always thought it is a load of old bollox.

is that glow balls warming buddy :wah::wah:
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Global warming is a hoax

Post by Bored_Wombat »

Irmin;665619 wrote: As a result the oceans pumping effect will slow and the earth will enter another cooling period.
I've not heard of the oceans pumping effect. How does that work?

Irmin;665619 wrote: It is a completely natural process, and nothing to do with the actions of man.
That's not right. The recent (Last 50 years) of warming is due to the greenhouse effect

... which is in turn due to the combustion of fossil fuels. (see these Physics Today or Real Climate articles.)

Since "man" is the only think that burns fossil fuels, we do know that the warming has everything to do with the actions of "man".
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Bryn Mawr
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Global warming is a hoax

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Bored_Wombat;670837 wrote: I've not heard of the oceans pumping effect. How does that work?

Look for the Ocean Conveyor. There is a serious danger that, with the melting of the ice caps due to global warming, the amount of fresh water released into the polar waters will so reduce the density of the water that it will no longer sink as it cools and the ocean conveyor will stop.

This is one of the possible discontinuities we could hit that would catastrophically affect the climate - in this case to cause an Ice Age. There are many other possible discontinuities dependant on where, and how quickly, the temperature rises.

It is not proof that global warming does not exist but one possible effect of it.

Gaia has many feedback loops to maintain stability - but she also has many tricks to kick back when pushed too far.
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