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Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:33 am
by koan
Do you take vitamins every day? A multi, specific ones, herbs...?

If you do, do you remember to take them every day?


Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:43 am
by koan
I prefer to try and eat properly so I get my vitamins from food instead of jars


Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:47 am
by Carl44


Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:57 am
by spot
jimbo;644769 wrote: SUZY LIKES TO GET A ZINC SUPPLIMENT :sneaky: :sneaky:What a galvanizing prospect that would be, I had no idea it even existed.

I'm slowly chewing my way through a bottle of something strawberry-flavoured but I've no idea what it's doing to me.


Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 10:05 am
by JacksDad
Magnesium/Potassium, Chromium, Selenium, Dr. Christophers Hawthorn Berry Heart Syrup, Pure pomegranite juice mixed with black tea.

Ride my Cannondale aimlessly, 2-4 hrs per day the I go home and smoke two packs of cigarretes and drink beer until it's time to take 3 melatonin then pass out.

Wake up, rinse, repeat.


Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 10:09 am
by SlipStream
koan;644752 wrote: Do you take vitamins every day? A multi, specific ones, herbs...?

If you do, do you remember to take them every day?



Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 10:12 am
by Carl44
i take cod liver oil tabs to help with my memory :thinking:

i dont know if they work i cant remember where i put them :)

no its for joints (no nomad just no ) they do seem to help :-6


Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:00 am
by RedGlitter
I own some but can never remember to take them.

Heck, I can't even remember half the time to take my insulin.:thinking:


Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:18 am
by koan
I do take them for short time periods.

I'll get on a health kick and get my system cleaned out.

Or if I get a cold/flu I use them instead of cough medicines.


Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 12:16 pm
by Bill Sikes
koan;644752 wrote: Do you take vitamins every day? A multi, specific ones, herbs...?

I take multivitamins and minerals every day, not "high strength". I ensure that my son has his every day, too. I almost invariably remember mine - however, as I keep his in the car, and somethimes when it's hot I take them out, there may be 5% of times in the Summer when he doesn't get his, as I've forgotten to put them back in the car! Me? Do I notice "a difference"? From what? No. Him? Well, I'm extremely proud to report that he's currently over the 95th. percentile for height, and ditto for weight, despite his genetic characteristics. Is this latter due to my genes, or the vitamins? Hard to say. Remember, in the fairly recent past in the UK average heights attained were less than now. I feel sure that diet (and therefore vitamin intake) plays a part.


Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 4:57 pm
by Joe
RedGlitter;644845 wrote: I own some but can never remember to take them.

Heck, I can't even remember half the time to take my insulin.:thinking:

Didn't know you were diabetic, RedGlitter. I am too. I have spare insulin pens & needles in my car glove compartment (for when I'm away longer than I expect), in my violin case (in case there's food at a gig!), in my briefcase (for meals when at work), & upstairs (so I can do my injections before getting dressed, saves time in the morning rush!).

Running your life round injections can be a real drag, but it's necessary to hold death at bay!!

I don't take any vitamin pills, I've heard lots of rumours that they don't actually do much good (except for the pharmacutical companies making profit out of them). Like others have said here, I think it's best to eat healthily when you can. As a diabetic eating healthily is more of a challenge, but you can get used to it. Healthy eating shouldn't mean buying pills, it's easier to buy fruit & other healthy foods, they're more enjoyable to eat too. If you need to take vitamin pills maybe you need to look at your regular diet & see where vitamins are lacking.

There may be people with medical disorders who NEED to take pills, but sometimes I think people take pills almost like it's a fashion statement, like saying I'm basically OK but I WANT to take pills for something!!


Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 7:28 pm
by RedGlitter
Hi Joe,

Yep I'm a Type 2 diabetic. Here's my thread asking for advice if you have any you would like to give: ... hp?t=28378



Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 7:47 pm
by Accountable
I take a multi every day as well as a cod liver oil pill (thanks Arnold!). I also load up on Vit. C when I get a cold.


Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:55 pm
by BTS
I take Vitamin E, CQ10, Vit. B Complex, Multiple Vitamins (2) plus a assburn a day 4 the ol heart and, oh ya, melatonin at nite (sometimes), DHEA, Vitamin C (1000 mg), Ginco Biloba, St. John’s Wort, Ginseng,

And a few more that escape me now.. Does that make me a HEBAL DRUGGIE??????:)


Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:41 pm
by spot
Accountable;645195 wrote: I take a multi every day as well as a cod liver oil pill (thanks Arnold!). I also load up on Vit. C when I get a cold.

The BBC has a startling comment on that this morning at

Taking the herbal remedy echinacea can more than halve the risk of catching a common cold, US researchers say. They found it decreased the odds of developing a cold by 58% and the duration of colds by a day-and-a-half.

The results in The Lancet Infectious Diseases conflict with other studies that show no beneficial effect.


Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:42 am
by JacksDad
And this is news.:thinking:

Welcome to the world BBC.


Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:44 am
by SpiderSam
I don't now. I did when I was pregnant and breast feeding and I took ProNatal tablets each day, but now I don't bother with anything.


Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:46 am
by sunny104
I take a multi everyday. And sometimes a C if I'm feeling run down or sick.

I also have fish oil, iron and primrose oil pills but I don't remember to take them regularly......


Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 11:19 am
by WonderWendy3
I just recently started taking vitamins again, I prefer to get from food source, but have really bad eating take the vitamins while trying to improve on those bad habits...

I have the vitamins in my desk drawer, so that I take them in the morning with my coffee & pop tart....:wah: <<----eating habit #1 problem!!

Okay, so right now I am taking:

Super B and Complex C


Potassium Gluconate

Ginseng & Gotu Kola with Eleuthero

Kava Kava ( a must have!!)

Glucosamine sulfate with msm (for my joints--not the kind you smoke either)

Vitamin C (2000 a day)


I know I know....need a multi vitamin....:p


Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 12:08 pm
by pinkchick
After my poor mum nagging me for years I have finally got into the way of taking vitamins..........

Primrose oil capsules

Cod liver oil capsules

Glucosamine (for my very old back):-5

Vitamin C

Cranberry Tablets

I think I'm starting to rattle:wah: :wah:


Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:29 am
by The Rob
I take a multi-vitamin and extra calcium each day, along with one aspirin and one omeprasol tablet. Used to take a half-cup of other junk (fish-oil capsules, echinacea, yadayadayada) but last year decided to pare down.


Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 5:33 am
by tedhutchinson
I'm very surprised that no one appears to be taking Vitamin D3.

Most people in the UK are currently Vitamin D3 insufficient. The situation is much the same in the USA and Canada.

Those people who think that eating a healthy diet will ensure an adequate supply of Vitamin d are dangerously misguided. Our main source of Vitamin D3 is primarily sunshine.

Five minutes full body sun exposure when your shadow is shorter than your height creates 1000iu/d3 turn over and a further 1000iu will be made, providing there isn't a hint of your skin going pink, you may safely repeat this process. Up to 25mins of sun exposure daily should meet your daily needs.

To build up stores for the Winter or to rectify a deficiency scenario you cannot simply stay out in the sun for a longer period. Further heat applied to the initial exposure simply destroys the Vitamin D3 your skin has made, it also increases the risk of burning and that is what causes skin cancer. The secret is to wait for an hour or so before having another session. Providing your skin has cooled off and the Vit D has been absorbed, then further sun exposure to raise the daily total to 10,000iu/d will be absolutely safe.

Before anyone complains about sun exposure and skin cancer readers should be aware of the latest science.

Sunlight may be needed to prime T cells to function in skin

This article explains how the skin reacts to sunlight in a way that improves it's ability to deal with cancer cells. Those with an understanding of science may care to read her research paper "DCs metabolize sunlight-induced vitamin D3 to 'program' T cell attraction to the epidermal chemokine CCL27". however others may prefer to hear her discussing her work at Science News Central it does not take more than a few seconds to register to watch the video.

The point you need to understand is that while having a sufficiently high vitamin D status is going to help protect your body from cancer, to protect your skin, you need to activate the protection mechanism right where it's needed. As the sun not only makes Vitamin d on your skin but also processes it to the active substance that does the work, having this occur on your skin is better, more efficient and more effective, than taking a supplement and having to wait for the metabolic product to be processed in the body and then travel out to where it is needed.

For those who are unable to get outside into the sunshine D3 Cholecalciferol is the Vit d to buy. The Case Against Ergocalciferol explains why the form most frequently prescribed is not worth buying. Those using multivits need to check the small print to ensure D3 Cholecalciferol is mentioned. If it simply states Vit d then it's safer to assume it's D2 and as it is less effective constitutes relative to the active form D3 only one quarter of the claimed amount. Everyone living above latitude 40 will have reduced availability of Vitamin D from sunlight between October and March, for much of this time, particularly in the parts furthest from the Equator, UVB rays do not penetrate down to ground level so no Vitamin D is available (irrespective of the fact that it's probably too cold, wet, windy to lay naked (of as near to as possible) in the sunlight.

The Vitamin D Councl have more information about the importance of Vitamin D for cancer, MS, diabetes, heart disease etc risk reduction together with a links page that enables you to source cheap effective strength Vitamin D3.

the absence of toxicity in trials conducted in healthy adults that used vitamin D dose 250 µg/d (10 000 IU vitamin D3) supports the confident selection of this value as the Upper Limit. But in practice you will see from reading this paper, actual physical harm (rectifiable) only occurs above 40,000iu/daily for some months.


Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:06 am
by Lon
koan;644752 wrote: Do you take vitamins every day? A multi, specific ones, herbs...?

If you do, do you remember to take them every day?

I take a daily multi vitamin despite eating well balanced meals. Most old farts like me, do.


Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 5:45 pm
by Accountable
Long time no see, Ted. *waves* :driving:


Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 7:03 pm
by Tan
You gotta take your vitamins! I do daily. Especially if you enjoy the finer things in life (like beer and hot wings) haha. Sometimes I'll go on a detox diet....Vitamins/minerals are essential when youre cleansing.


Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:11 pm
by G-man
Everyday, but only as a supplement...


Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 10:09 pm
by Deep_Respect
Knowing how to take vitamins and supplements is also important for absorption. Some are absorbed better on an empty stomach while others should be taken with a meal or other supplements (ie zinc and copper or iron and calcium). Otherwise the only thing you'll accomplish is peeing bright yellow or orange.


Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:25 am
by tedhutchinson
Deep_Respect;654913 wrote: Knowing how to take vitamins and supplements is also important for absorption. Some are absorbed better on an empty stomach while others should be taken with a meal or other supplements (ie zinc and copper or iron and calcium). Otherwise the only thing you'll accomplish is peeing bright yellow or orange.For those who aren't aware this applies to taking a Vitamin D3 supplement. It is a fat soluble substance so incorporating the contents of a Vitamin D3 capsule/tablet into a meal containing oil or fat will give it a better chance of being absorbed.

Ideally one should obtain most of your vitamin D3 from direct exposure to sunlight. 5 minutes full body prone exposure when your shadow is shorter than your height raises approximately 1000iu, turning over to give the other side a warm will double this amount and, providing there is no evidence of your skin going pink you can safely repeat this exposure to a total of 20mins raising sufficient Vitamin D3 to keep your body supplied for one day.

If you need to raise stores for the winter or rectify a deficiency situation, then it is better to allow your skin to cool & the current Vitamin D3 on/near the skin surface to be absorbed before having another 20minute session.

If you look at this animated diagram you will see how the warmth on the skin starts the process but if you scroll down the page you will then see what happens when further heat is applied to the Vitamin D3 that has just been created.

This is why it is so important for people to understand Vitamin D3 production in the skin is a self-limiting process, you can never make too much and cause vitamin d3 toxicity by sun exposure and that the natural maximum daily intake via sun exposure is around 10,000iu/d. This is one of the reasons why 10,000iu/d has been selected as the suggested new safe upper limit, when in fact adverse events only occur after 40,000iu/d has been consumed over an extended period.

So at most 50minutes sun exposure daily, broken up into short sessions is the best/cheapest way of getting your Vitamin d3.

If (as most above lat 45 will need to do in the Winter) you have to use supplements then ensuring a total daily intake of 4000iu from all sources(sun+fortified food+ multivit+ cod liver oil =4000iu/d) will keep you with those with optimal vitamin d3 status who enjoy a 50% lower risk of Breast Cancer, lower MS risk. lower heart disease etc. But remember taking Vitamin D3 with food ensures there will be bile about to take up the supplement. It won't turn your pee yellow if you just take it with water,

If you look at the references at the bottom of this article you will see one to The antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin protects the urinary tract against invasive bacterial infection which may be helpful to those who have repeat Urinary tract infections.

For those people having surplus Vitamin D3 passing through the urinary tract may be as helpful to those with colon cancer who also benefit from the passage of Vitamin D via that route. I've been learning about Vitamin D3 for some years now and it's simply amazing how many tissues in the body have VDR that depend on Vit d3 to produce the metabolite they need to function. If you look at diagrams for Vitamin D metabolism most don't point out that only 15% is processed by liver/kidneys, 85% is dealt with by tissues in situ where the product is actually needed.


Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 12:22 pm
by grehamjones
Yes, I can daily take vitamins. Vitamin benefits are many but not with all brands and types of vitamins.The normal tension of day-to-day life, along with deficiencies of essential daily nutrients, put our bodies under a tremendous amount of stress.There are even nutrients for effective and stable weight management, and healthy sexual stamina, as well as formulas for overall men and women's health.


Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:07 am
by thomasmite996
I get vitamins by eating fruits and vegetables.

Vitamins are essential to keep body organs in good conditions.

Fruits and vegetables are the best source of getting vitamins and minerals.


Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:00 pm
by koan
Yes, I agree that the best source is natural food. The delivery system is still intact and most easily absorbed if you plan your vitamin intake from the food you're consuming.


Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:31 pm
by lucasluis
Vitamins is very important for health. All vitamins play different roll in body fitness. it is provide a energy and power for body. These are best foods for provide good vitamins. eat green vegetables, eat fresh fruits, raw foods, sea vegetables. drinking milk.


Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:50 am
by ganeshagro
I prefer to take vitamins from my diet & fruits, salad & dont prefer to take extra supplements. I suggest to take balanced diet & follow proper lifestyle with nutritious diet & exercise.


Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:35 am
by ohsnapitstez
I actually don't get enough vitamins throughout my day so I have to take multivitamins. I used to take One A Day Men's, but that was more for men who were older. Then I took One A Day Men's sport, because being in the Army, we are constantly working out or training or whatever, but I hated the taste and it was HUGE. I saw some gummy multivitamins online, and I have been taking them for almost a year now. I can feel the difference.


Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:54 am
by Adwerd
Here are nice post. I think if you want to stay healthy and keep your body fit, specially for your healthy skin, vitamins are most important. You should take them through food, not from other supplements. I read somewhere that banana milkshake have lot of vitamins. So, must try it.


Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 6:05 pm
by fitbill
I think a fruit salad with yoghurt and honey, is a very good, healthy and delicious meal for everyone, full in vitamins.

No need supplements to receive vitamins. This is my opinion.


Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 11:15 am
by FourPart
Amazing - spammers finding posts to bump from 6 years ago. Gotta give them credit for trying.