The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by zinkyusa »

RedGlitter;609842 wrote: Ill-mannered Troll.

S'ok Red he's in Troll Time-Out for a month..
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Chookie »

spot;609795 wrote: Good Lord... he's a Vampire,............He sucks blood from ..........virgins. It's how he's meant to look.


Oh wait, I think I remember..............

Yes! I do! 1645, what a bouquet......such flavours.......Ah, fangs for the mammaries.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Chookie »

Damn, I was just getting warmed up.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Ted »

Scholars are fairly well in agreement that the gospels were not written by the names appended to their titles. All of the gospels were written by folks who had never met Jesus. They were writing history remembered and historicized metaphor. I will agree that the author of Acts was the author of Luke. Who that was is unknown.

(Crossan, Borg, Gordon, Spong, O'Murchu, etc)

Once I got to that part I quite reading as it all appears to be cut and paste without due accreditation.


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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Ted »

This so called "Dr" York must be quite the guy. He would seem to know for sure more than anyone else on earth. In my opinion he is delusional or has found a way to bilk a great deal of money out of people.

Good grief there are many things in this universe we cannot know for sure and among them is the spiritual realm. Smacks of Jones Town to me. I believe in Britain they are referred to as nutters. Correct me if I am wrong on that as I've never been to Britain yet. Though on that I still have hopes.

I see no credentials listed, no curriculum vitae, no establishment of credibility.

Then there is the claim that he was convicted by a conspiracy. Not another conspiracy theory. They are a dime a dozen.

If folks want to follow this guy then let them go for it. Talk about being led down the garden path.

Somehow the word "fanatic" comes to mind.


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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Ted »


Since the divine is beyond our mental capabilities to understand or comprehend any name that we give him/her is purely man made.


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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Ted »

TerahEl is like a politician. They are masters at not answering questions and saying nothing in a multitude of words. My questions regarding two simple verses have been ignored.

What a bunch of tripe!


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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Ted »


Right on. TereahEl is the only one here with tunnel vision. I'm beginning to run out of patience with this BS. I really shouldn't waste my time on this crap. There are so many other interesting threads here.

I'll humour myself for a bit longer and then do what I've done with glassyeyes, ignore the garbage.


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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Ted »


I'm not the least bit surprised by the answer. The fact is you have nothing to say in response. Perhaps you have a reading problem?


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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Ted »

This guy comes from the 8th planet out!!! ROFLHO

Psst. I'll let you in on a secret but you have to promise not to tell. Actually I come from the 12th planet out which puts me over the good Dr York.


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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Chookie »

Ted;610038 wrote: I believe in Britain they are referred to as nutters.



Only in polite circles (which obviously does not include me).
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Ted »




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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Baariyual »

The word UFO is an abbbreviation for the words '' Unidentified Flying Object '' The Scientific Definition of UFO , Is simply An Object Which Has A Radar Reading But Refuses To Identify Itself On Ground Or In The Air , Over 133 Countries are experiencing UFO Sighting and in The Last 3 Decades

alone . There have been more than 70,000 Reported Cases , Many UFO Sighting have been written off or Attributed To *Satellites * Atmospheric Illusion * Meteorites * Stars *Planets * High Altitude Weather Balloons Or * Aircrafts . UFO's Have been seen and phptographed by A variety of Different people ; Astronauts , Airline Pilots . Policemen ,

Astronomers , Housewives , Metorologists . Farmers , People Of EveryRace And Religion . They Have Been Photographed By Polaroid Cameras To Still Cameras . To Portable Home Cameras , Caught On Film , Tracked By Radar . And The Question Still Remains ;

* Do UFO's Still Exist ?

*Are There Really Beings Inside These Unidentified Flying Object ?

* Why And Where Did These Crafts And Beings Come From ?

* Are These Extra -Terra - Astral Here To Help You Or Harm You ?

* Should You Fear Extra -Terra - Astral Or Welcome Them ?
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Baariyual »

What Does Celestial Mean ?
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by The Rob »

ce·les·tial /səˈlɛstʃəl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciatio[suh-les-chuhl] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –adjective 1.pertaining to the sky or visible heaven. 2.pertaining to the spiritual or invisible heaven; heavenly; divine: celestial bliss. 3.of or pertaining to celestial navigation: a celestial fix. 4.(initial capital letter) of or pertaining to the former Chinese Empire or the Chinese people. –noun inhabitant of heaven. 6.(initial capital letter) a citizen of the Celestial Empire.

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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Baariyual »

What Is The African Tide , Or Currents ?
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by RedGlitter »

Baariyual;611538 wrote:

* Do UFO's Still Exist ?

I think they probably do. And the government's in on it. I think they and the people in the space program know a lot more than what they're telling.

*Are There Really Beings Inside These Unidentified Flying Object ?

Probably in many. Maybe some others are just satellites of a sort.

* Why And Where Did These Crafts And Beings Come From ?

Another warp in the galaxy, another dimension.

* Are These Extra -Terra - Astral Here To Help You Or Harm You ?

Any being trying to give me a rectal probe is not here to help me.

* Should You Fear Extra -Terra - Astral Or Welcome Them ?

See the above re: anal probes ^^^

I think fear might be an intelligent response. I don't think I'd welcome them.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by The Rob »

I think it highly unlikely that members of an advanced civilization would travel light-years, at enormous expense, to skulk around what must be to them an anthropological (Xenoanthropological?) backwater. I am uncomfortable with the idea of humanity being observed as if we were animals in a wildlife preserve.

Or a game preserve! :eek:
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Baariyual »

RedGlitter;611559 wrote:

See the above re: anal probes ^^^

I think fear might be an intelligent response. I don't think I'd welcome them.

So your saying UFO's exist yes ?
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by RedGlitter »

I, Rob;611568 wrote: I think it highly unlikely that members of an advanced civilization would travel light-years, at enormous expense, to skulk around what must be to them an anthropological (Xenoanthropological?) backwater.

Rob...aliens sometimes go "slumming" too! :wah:
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by The Rob »

RedGlitter;611570 wrote: Rob...aliens sometimes go "slumming" too! :wah:

Then Oh My Gods, they must be bored!

Unsettling possibility #3: Perhaps we're the ratings dynamo on their home world with "Galaxy's Wackiest Primitives". That would suck out loud. Where's Picard when you need him?
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by RedGlitter »

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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Baariyual »

Celestial pertains to The '' Skies or Heaven '' .

The american heritage dictionary defines clesetial as ;

Ce-les-tial ( S ... - LuS '' cH ... l ) 1 . of or relating to the sky or the heavens ; Planets are celestial bodies . 2 . Of or relating to heaven ; Divine ; Celestial beings . 3 . Supremely good ; Sublime ; Celestial happiness . 4 . Celestaial . of or relating to the chinese people or to the former chinese empire --- Ce - les - tial N. A heavenly being ; A God or angel . ( middle english , From old french , From medieval latin Celseti 'Lis , From latin caelestis , From caelum , Sky ] --- Ce-les''tial -ly Adv .
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Baariyual »

When did all of this IFOs information become so popular ?
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by spot »

Whenever Someone In A Christian Church , Or A Muslim Mosque , Refers To Heavens , They Are Merely Saying '' He Is A Space Being '' . What Does Space Mean ? The Word Space '' Is Middle English , Area , From Old French Espace , From Latin Spatium ] . Meaning The Expanse In Which The Solar System , Stars , And Galaxies Exit ; The Universe . B . The Region Of This Expanse Beyond Earth's Atmosphere .

And The Devil Is A Sea Creature Who Came On Land , Made By Your God In Genesis 3;1 And I Quote ; And The Serpent Was More Subtle Than And Beast Of The Field Which The Lord God Had Made ... '' And The Word For ( Made ) Used Here Is '' Awsaw '' Meaning '' To Fashion '' . Again Angels Who Come Here From Above Outer Space , And Beyond The Stars . Space Beings Yes ! Extra -Terra - Astral Yes ! Are They With God Up There With God ? Yes ! Is He One Of Them Of With Them ? Yes ! Because , If You Say '' Where Are The Heavens ? Some Would Say '' Up There '' And You Would Say ''

etc. etc. etc.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Baariyual »

Ok your saying Is God An Extra -Terra - Astral ( Yes ) if so how do you know this to be true ?
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by spot »

I'm saying nothing of the sort, I'm saying you may not raise a duplicate account to get onto the site while under suspension.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by 911 »

When choosing between two evils, I always like to take the one I've never tried before.

Mae West
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Baariyual »

magenta flame;611608 wrote: Ummmmm may I suggest I'm a member there and it's a lovely site for arabs and islamists.

Thanks but no thanks :) not into that sillyness my god better then your god thing that for children who haven't grow up yet .
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Baariyual »

911;611614 wrote: :-2

That's very good , Some just have hate for others .
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Baariyual »

magenta flame;611607 wrote: well.................... what is it then?

Omygoodness no backpack! insult ! let see if someone else has the answer without the insults cool .
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Chookie »

Baariyual;611552 wrote: What Is The African Tide , Or Currents ?

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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by RedGlitter »

Baariyual;611642 wrote: Omygoodness no backpack! insult ! let see if someone else has the answer without the insults cool .

:confused: I don't believe Magenta was trying to insult you at all.

You may have better luck if you do a Google search for African Tide.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Chookie »

Are you TerribleEejit in disguise?
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by 911 »

Baariyual;611621 wrote: That's very good , Some just have hate for others .

That was not hate, that was confusion.

Don't be so quick to jump down peoples throat until they give you cause. Relax. Take it easy. Don't buck for a fight where one is not initiated.

Perhaps this would do better in the religious forum.
When choosing between two evils, I always like to take the one I've never tried before.

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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Baariyual »

RedGlitter;611665 wrote: :confused: I don't believe Magenta was trying to insult you at all.

You may have better luck if you do a Google search for African Tide.

With all do respect I can read between the lines . It's sad how one can believe everything the media puts out . But hey this post isn't about the media it's about history , true !
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by 911 »

When choosing between two evils, I always like to take the one I've never tried before.

Mae West
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Baariyual »

Pinky;611689 wrote: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

They're scary!!!!

Care to explain ?
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Chookie »

Pinky;611694 wrote: Aliens scare the crap out of me!:o

They stick things in your eyes and stuff....yeugh!!!

Have they done nasty things to your broomstick? If so, I know where you can get replacements.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Chookie »

I could possibly get you a discount if you buy in bulk.

My little blister will kill me for this!!
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Chookie »

I'll see if she'll send you a catalogue.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Fibonacci »

* Do UFO's Still Exist ?Yes.*Are There Really Beings Inside These Unidentified Flying Object ?I think it would depend on why They are here. If They just want to observe, Ufos could be nothing more than UAV's that have been launched from a mothership. * Why And Where Did These Crafts And Beings Come From ? I agree with RG on this. They'd probably be from another galaxy.

* Are These Extra -Terra - Astral Here To Help You Or Harm You ? Who Knows?!

* Should You Fear Extra -Terra - Astral Or Welcome Them ?Again, I agree with RG. Fear would be a natural response. But I would be iterested in why They never make Themselves known. They appear from nowhere and disappear just as easily.

Why not stick around?

The poolhall's a great equalizer. In the poolhall, nobody cares how old you are, how young you are, what color your skin is or how much money you've got in your pocket... It's about how you move. I remember this kid once who could move around a pool table like nobody had ever seen. Hour after hour, rack after rack, his shots just went in. The cue was part of his arm and the balls had eyes. And the thing that made him so good was... He thought he could never miss. I know, 'cause that kid was me.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by The Rob »

Pinky;611708 wrote: It's now missing as I panicked and one of the little critters went running back onto the spaceship with it stuck somewhere unmentionable...oh well, at least he swept the floor as he went!:wah: :wah:

Okay, lemonade straight out through my nose. Thanks so much.
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