The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by caesar777 »


Please answer the question for us.

Everyone else,

Please stop insulting each other over use of capitals and other minor issues and hear what he/she has to say.

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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by spot »

I am, quite truly, not insulting anyone over the use of capitalization, I'm genuinely interested in why it's used. It's applied to every word, so the information content seems to be zero as far as I can tell. It's applied by Dr. Malachi Z. York to everything pedagogic which he authors, I'm hoping at some stage to find out the reason for it.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by RedGlitter »

What he or she "has to say' appears to be nothing more than the irrational spewings of a religious zealot/crackpot. Nope, nothing I need to read.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by TerahEl »

Before we go any Further I would like to make a point about the word '' Jew '' The point is that the first use of the word '' Jew '' was in the year 1514 A.D. So when you read any books that are making reference to past meaning before 1514 A.D. and you see the word '' Jew '' or Jewish '' Know that it is not the word that is really there .

When you read in The Holy Bible , which were long before the year 1514 A.D. And You See The Word '' Jew '' or Jewish '' Know that you are being Deceived and that the word '' Jew or Jewish '' Is really not there , So the question is who who put , the word '' Jew '' in The Holy Bible and why ? The First Time You Read The Word '' Jew '' in The Holy Bible Is In Esther 2 ; 5 ;... Now there was a Jew in Susa the capital whose name was Mor'decai, the son of Ja'ir, son of Shim'e-i, son of Kish, a Benjaminite

They called Mordecai a '' Jew '' and a Benjamite '' But this was a mistranslation because if you LQQK up the Strong's number , O3064 for the word '' Jew '' You Get Yahudi in Modern Hebrew Yeh - Hoo - Dee ' AndIt Means '' Judah '' This is an obvious plot of deception so that you will think that theHoly Bible is Referring To The So - Called Jews You See Today That Have Infiltrated Israel And Are Now Calling Themselves Israeli Of The State Of Israel The Land And Claiming Descendancy From Judah . Ezra 2; 59 ( In Part )

... But They Could Not Shew Their Father's House , And Their Seed , Whether They Were Of Israel .''< Proves that people were always trying to claim that they are descendant of Israel . The fact always trying to claim that they are descendant of Israel . The fact is that they are Khayzar's from Russia , calling themselves Ashkenazim one of the two major groups of Jews by geographical origin and the corresponding cultural tradition .
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by TerahEl »

The other major group , the Spandyard calling themselves Sephardim from Spain who just wrote themselves into Our Original History . Both after conversion . they adopted the Hebraic Faith As A Religion Then In Time It Became Their Way Of Life . Ashkenazim And Sephardim Differ In Their Laws , Customs , Liturgy , And Language , Yiddish ( Judeo - German ) is the traditional vernacular of the Ashkenazim The language of the Sephardim Is Latino ( Judeo - Castilian ) . Today About 85% Of So - Called Jews , Are Ashkenazim .

They Are Not The Original Judeans . But They Are Our Brothers In Faith , The Original Judean Were And Are Moorish '' Nubian / Black - Skinned '' People Who Are Now Residing In Ethiopia Called Falasha . AndFrom There , Spread All Over Africa From East To West From South To North . And New Finding , Mention The Lemba And Nubians / Blacks / Negroids And Most Lations Throughout The World And Throughout Africa Who Are From The Lost Tribe Of The House Of Israel , Which Will Be Explain Later In This Book .

So there are also Pale Jews , Called Called Jebusites or Jacobites, Frauds Who Are Devils In Disguise As In All Other Faith , Religion And Beliefs As Will Be Proven In This E mail , Working For The Serpet's Seed Genesis 3 ; 15 ...... I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel." < The Tribe Of Naphillims Or Giborim , The Reptillian's Satan's Children , As Stated By Yashua , Isa , Jesus Himself In , Revelation 3 ; 9 '' Behold , I Will Make Them Of The Synagogue Of Satan Which Say They Are Jew , And Are Not But Do Lie '' Behold I Will

Make Them To Come And Worship Before Thy Feet And To Know That I Have Loved Thee , ( This Is Also Mentioned In Revelation 2 ; 9 ) . So According To Yashua , Isa , Jesus , Satan The Snake Man Will Have Synagogues . They Just Change That Also To Church , As A Matter Of Fact , The Language That These Pale Jews Are Speaking Today Is No Hebrew But Yiddish , According To The American Heritage Dictionary ,
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by TerahEl »

Yiddish is '' The language historically of Ashkenazic Jews of Central and Eastern Europe , resulting from a Fusion of elements derived principally from medieval German dialects andsecondarily from Hebrew and Aramaic , various Slavic languages and Old French and Old Italian , And The Pale Gentile Churches Admit To Worshipping The Image Of A Pale Jew They Call Christ Jesus So As You Can See , These People Who Saying They Are The Bloodline To The Pure Seed Of The House Of Israel , Are Not

And it was only 488 years ago when the word '' Jew '' Itself Came Into Existence . So again , WhenEver you see the word '' Jew '' Added in literature written before the year 1514 A.D. You know that the word was not really there . But are they Jews ? Yes , they are and many have Mixed Their Seed With Ours . So they are our children and we respect their beliefs. But Not The Ones Who Work For Leviathan The Lizard People , And Have Made Their Lord Baal , Which Jews Today Use For Husband And Revelation 21 ; 2 ...And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband;

Calls Yashua , Isa , Jesus The Groom '' HusbanD = Baal '' According To Online , Bible Strong 's # 01167 Ba'al Bah - al , Baal meaning '' Husband , owener . ; lord ''

Isaiah 54 ; 5 .. For your Maker is your husband, the LORD of hosts is his name; and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, the God of the whole earth he is called. Proverbs 12 ; 7 ...The wicked are overthrown and are no more, but the house of the righteous will stand.

Malachi 3 ; 11 ...I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of your soil; and your vine in the field shall not fail to bear, says the LORD of hosts

Isaiah 54 ; 5 , Malachi 3 ; 11 . Proverbs12 ; 4 .... Makes it clean by using '' Married '' For Baal as us Nubians / Blacks / Negroids , Marrying Their God ( El

So They Trick You Genesis 14 ; 13 ...Then one who had escaped came, and told Abram the Hebrew, who was living by the oaks of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol and of Aner; these were allies of Abram.

And the word '' Comferatate '' is Strong's # 1167 ba'al bah . Allies '' Baal '' Amorites , So you see how they trick you who worshiped Baal . It means Allies with Canaanires , meaning you're married to Baal , not the Lamb but the Ram . So when they call you the Bride that makes their Jesus your Husband ''' Baal '' You have this Mixed Seed Of People Who Were From Shelomoh , Sulaiman , Solomon's sin of mixing his seed with Cainite Reptillians Of

Nod Or Canaanite , Canine Beast . All Of This Race Mixing Almost Destroyed The Pure Or Holy Seed Of Judah , The Original Seed Jeremiah 14 ; 2 ;... "Judah mourns and her gates languish; her people lament on the ground, and the cry of Jerusalem goes up. ;... Wrongly Called Negroes / Blacks Coloreds , Should Be Called Maur , Muur , or Moor , Thisis where Saul . Shaool , Paul , Father who mixed his seed resided before becoming a resident of the city of Tarsus , Which lies in the vicinity of Rome ..

Acts 22 ; 3 ... I am a Jew, born at Tarsus in Cili'cia, but brought up in this city at the feet of Gama'li-el, educated according to the strict manner of the law of our fathers, being zealous for God as you all are this day. ;...Nechemiah 13 ; 3 ;...When the people heard the law, they separated from Israel all those of foreign descent. ;...He Was Mixed . Saul , Shaool . Paul's, Father , From The Benjaminite Tribe , Became A Pharisee According To Acts 23;6 ..But when Paul perceived that one part were Sad'ducees and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, "Brethren, I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees; with respect to the hope and the resurrection of the dead I am on trial." ;....

Pharisee were one of the many religious group of that time created in Babylon to rule thetribe in bondage under Nebuchandnezzar
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by spot »

TerahEl;604284 wrote: Before we go any Further I would like to make a point about the word '' Jew '' The point is that the first use of the word '' Jew '' was in the year 1514 A.D. So when you read any books that are making reference to past meaning before 1514 A.D. and you see the word '' Jew '' or Jewish '' Know that it is not the word that is really there .
The spelling of many words only settled into modern usage in the 17th and 18th centuries. Here's some examples from earlier years. I have no problem interpreting the language. Do you think the references are not to Jews? The quotes are all from the Oxford English Dictionary, which is authorititive at least to the extent that they've not invented the quotes.

1387: John deTrevisa, Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden, VI. 385: Charles Grossus was i-poysoned of a Iewe.

c1340 Cursor M. 4532 (Trin.) {Th}erynne a iewes childe we fonde.

c1310 in Wright Lyric Poems, 100: Ich holde me vilore then a Gyw.

c1275 Passion our Lord, 351 in OE. Misc. 47: Pilates hym onswerede, am ich Gyv {th}enne?
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
Who has a spare two minutes to play in this month's FG Trivia game! ... My other OS is Slackware.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by TerahEl »

spot;604310 wrote: The spelling of many words only settled into modern usage in the 17th and 18th centuries. Here's some examples from earlier years. I have no problem interpreting the language. Do you think the references are not to Jews? The quotes are all from the Oxford English Dictionary, which is authorititive at least to the extent that they've not invented the quotes.

1387: John deTrevisa, Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden, VI. 385: Charles Grossus was i-poysoned of a Iewe.

c1340 Cursor M. 4532 (Trin.) {Th}erynne a iewes childe we fonde.

c1310 in Wright Lyric Poems, 100: Ich holde me vilore then a Gyw.

c1275 Passion our Lord, 351 in OE. Misc. 47: Pilates hym onswerede, am ich Gyv {th}enne?

Bull S###.. You have to come better then that :driving:
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by spot »

TerahEl;604314 wrote: Bull S###.. You have to come better then that :driving:

Perhaps if you tell me what's bullshit about it we might get further.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
Who has a spare two minutes to play in this month's FG Trivia game! ... My other OS is Slackware.
Richard Bell
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Richard Bell »

TerahEl;604284 wrote: The fact always trying to claim that they are descendant of Israel . The fact is that they are Khayzar's (sic) from Russia , calling themselves Ashkenazim one of the two major groups of Jews by geographical origin and the corresponding cultural tradition .

This is just a big schmeer of "Identity Christian" mishigas.

From Wikipedia :

Christian Identity's key commonality is British Israelism theology, which teaches that white Europeans are the literal descendants of the Israelites through the ten tribes that were taken away into captivity by the armies of Assyria. Furthermore, the teaching holds that these (White European) Israelites are still God's Chosen People, that Jesus was an Israelite of the tribe of Judah, and that modern Jews are not at all Israelites nor Hebrews but are instead descended from Turco-Mongolian blood, or Khazars and are descendants of the Biblical Esau-Edom who traded his birthrights for a bowl of porridge.

It's nothing more than the ramblings and rantings of a non-Yeti Pink who is sadly devoid of Slackness, as we would describe him in my faith . :D
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Richard Bell »

magenta flame;604390 wrote: devoid of slackness . I like that, I like that a lot.

It has been said that an eternity of Nirvana is akin to having your eyes poked out by white hot needles compared to a fleeting moment of True Slack TM.

but tell why you guys are egging him on?

'Cuz my tenets and beliefs are nearly as silly as his, yet exceedingly more fun !
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Ted »

All that I can see is that TerahEl is playing silly word games. The English translation of the word that the Greeks wrote as Iesou is the word Joshua a very common name back then. All the rest is simply a play on words and may have some interest for those interested in etymology. It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the Christian faith.

Paul the "anti-Christ??!! LOL.


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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by TerahEl »

Ted;608003 wrote: All that I can see is that TerahEl is playing silly word games. The English translation of the word that the Greeks wrote as Iesou is the word Joshua a very common name back then. All the rest is simply a play on words and may have some interest for those interested in etymology. It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the Christian faith.

Paul the "anti-Christ??!! LOL.



Your more then welcome to try to disprove anything I have posted Ok . Or you can be like the rest here lock in a zone of lies .
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by TerahEl »

Upon researching the teaching of Paul The Self Appointed Apostle it is found that Paul The Self Appointed Apostle was ministering and preaching the gospel and the spirit of another Jesus 2Corinthians 11;14 , And I Quote ; And no marvel ; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light ;.... A satanic angel of light that he said appeared to him on the roadside , Another Jesus .

However , upon further research we find that it's not Jesus of Nazareth that Paul The Self Appointed Apostle is ministering about Paul The Self Appointed Apostle was one of Jesus worst persecutors , '' And Paul The Self Appointed Apostle was consenting unto his death . And at that time there was which was at Jerusalem , And they were all

scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria , except the apostles ( Acts 8;1 ) . He says himself in ( Acts 26;9 ) , that he thought to do things contrary to that of Jesus of Nazareth ,

According to the < American Heritage Dictionary Contrary mean;

con-trar'y ( K i/4 '' trur ) adj . 1. Opposed , as in character or purpose ; contrary opinions ; act that are contrary to our code of ethic , 2. Opposite in direction or position ; playing scales in contrary motion . 3 . Adverse ; unfavorable ; A contrary wind .

Act 26;9 And I Quote ; '' I verily thought with myself , that I ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth , ;.....Notice that Paul The Self Appointed Apostle said that he opposed , and was unfavorable to Jesus of Nazareth . He actually makes a distinction to which Jesus he's opposing , Paul The Self Appointed Apostle was following another Jesus !

That bring us to the point that Paul The Self Appointed Apostle was against the Jesus of Nazareth and must have been teaching about another Jesus , another gospel and another spirit as it reads in ( Acts 22;8 , 26;9 , 2Corithians 11;4 ) .

2Corinthians 11;4 And I Quote ; For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus , whom we have not preached . or of ye reveive another spirit , which ye have not received , or another gospel . which ye have not accepted , ye might well bear with him . ;.... Paul The Self Appointed Apostle is ministering ( stirring a menace ) or preaching about another Jesus , another spirit and another gospel . You know this by his feeling and action against Jesus and his disciples as he himself describes further in Acts 9;1 , 22;3-4 ..

Acts 9;1 And I Quote ; And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest,

Acts 22;3-4 And I Quote ; I am verily a man which am a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, yet brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers, and was zealous toward God, as ye all are this day.4And I persecuted this way unto the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women.

So here is Paul The Self Appointed Apostle feeling about Jesus and his disciples . The same Jesus whom is the way the truth and the life whom none with get to the father except by way of him ( John 14;6 And I Quote ; 6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. ;....But Paul The Self Appointed Apostle has another Jesus that he is saying is Christ that others are calling strange gods as you will read ,

Acts 17;3 And I Quote ; Opening and alleging, that Christ must needs have suffered, and risen again from the dead; and that this Jesus, whom I preach unto you, is Christ. ;..... Paul The Self Appointed Apostle say that this Jesus , whom he preaches about , is the Christ . NOTICE the word '' THIS '' in front of Jesus .

So Who Was This OTHER Jesus That Paul The Self Appointed Apostle Was Referring To . Make note that this Jesus , Simon Bar Jesus ( Acts 13;6-7 And I Quote When they had gone through the whole island as far as Paphos, they came upon a certain magician, a Jewish false prophet, named Bar-Jesus. 7 He was with the proconsul, Sergius Paulus, a man of intelligence, who summoned Barnabas and Saul and sought to hear the word of God. ;

Is the Jesus who this Self- Proclaimed Apostle Paul is talking about . Again , he is not to be mistaken with Jesus The Messiah of 2,000 years ago . Self- Proclaimed Apostle Paul was speaking about ANOTHER JESUS , Where did the Self- Proclaimed Apostle Paul get the concept of another Jesus if there was only one that bore that name ? The confusion about the identity of didn't happen while he was here on Earth . It didn't even happen amongst his original disciple . It began with a man using Jesus name , Bar -jesus ; and can be found in Acts 13;6 . Remember , the name Jesus or Yashu'a as it is called in Hebrew was a common name

Acts 13;6 And I Quote ; When they had gone through the whole island as far as Paphos, they came upon a certain magician, a Jewish false prophet, named Bar-Jesus. ;.... Am I Saying There Was Someone That Was Using Yashu'a / Jesus Name During The Time That He Was Teaching . Yes there was someone in Yashu'a / Jesus time who bore the name Bar-jesus . Which In Aramic Translates '' SON OF JESUS ,

Acts 8;9-11 And I Quote ; But there was a man named Simon who had previously practiced magic in the city and amazed the nation of Sama'ria, saying that he himself was somebody great. 10 They all gave heed to him, from the least to the greatest, saying, "This man is that power of God which is called Great." 11 And they gave heed to him, because for a long time he had amazed them with his magic.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by TerahEl »

Can you believe that in the christian bible states that '' The Lord '' had A counselor and was taught . Of course the average christian would try to justify it . But says it according to your own bible in Isaiah 40;13 And I Quote ; Who hath directed the spirit of the lord , Or being ( His Counselor

Hath Taught Him ? ) With whom took he counse ! And who instructed him , And taught him in the path of judgement , And taught him knowledge , And shewed to him the way of UnderStanding ? The following is a clipping from the plain truth magazine according to them there are Alot of contradiction in the bible = the book of the dead .

'' There are claimed contradiction that theologians have not resolved to every Atheists Satisfaction . There are texual difficulties with which scholars are still wrestling , Only A BIBLE ILLITERATE WOULD DENY THESE AND OTHER PROBLEMS ''

( 1 ) . While in Genesis , in chapter 5 & 11 mention 19 generation between Adam and Abraham , Luke adds one more .

( 2 ) . According to 2samuel 24;1 , God provoked David to take A census of Israel . However according to 1Chronicles 21;1 The one who provoke David was Satan not God .

( 3 ) . According to 2Kings 24;8 Jehoiacin was eighteen years old when he became King , But according to 2Chronicles he was only Eight years old .

( 4 ) . According to 1Chronicles 8;36 Ahaz was the father of Jehoaddah , But in the following Chapter . 9;42 Ahaz was the father of Jarah .

( 5 ) . According to Exodus 24;10 the elder of Israel saw the Godof Israel ; However , John 1;15 claims that no man has seen God at any time ; The only begotten Son which is the bosom of the father , He declared him . John's Enthuisiasm to makeJesus an incarnated God makehim contradict the old testament . It isinteresting that the new revised version of King James tries to save John by inserting the magic word '' Actually '' Into the verse and I Quote '' No One Has Actually Seed God ...

( 6 ) According to your biblewhere it states in Mark 3;29 There is an unpardononable sin however , according to Acts 13;9 There is not an unpardonable sin .

( 7 ) . According to Genesis 1;25,26.27 Man was created after theother animals and according to Genesis 2;18,19 Man was created before theother animals ,

( 8 ) . According to Genesis 8;22 seed time andharvest never ceased and according to Genesis 41;54 / Genesis 45;6 Seed time and harvest did ceased for seven years .

( 9 ) . According to Exodus 4;21 / Exodus 9;12 God hardened thepharaoh's heart however , According to Exodus 8;15 , The Pharoah hardened his own heart .

( 10 ) . According to Exodus 9;,3,6 All the cattle and horses in Egypt died but , if you look in Exodus 14;9 , all thecattle and horse of Egypt did not die .

( 11 ) . Moses feared the pharaoh according to Exodus 2 didnot fear pharaoh but Hebrew 11;27 has it as hedid fear the pharoah .

( 12 ) . 1Cor 10;8 states that the plaquekilled 23,000 yet , Num 25;9 has it that the plaquekilled 24,000 .

( 13 ) . John the Baptist was Elias according to Matthew 11;14 But you got based on John's recording in John 1;21 John the Baptist was not Elias ( 14 ) According to Matthew 1;16 The father of Joseph , Mary's husband was Heli However , In Luke 3;23 It States that The Father Of Mary's Husband was Heli .

( 15 ) . Matthew 1;17 Speak of how there were fourteen generation from Abraham to Daivd ,But when you look in Matthew 1;2-6 it speaks of how There were but thirteen generation from Abraham to David Matt 1;2-6.

( 16 ) According to Matt 2;14,15,19,21,23 The infant christ was taken into Egypt but in Luke 2;22,39 The infant christ was not taken into Egypt ( 17 ) . According to 2Sam 24;9 Joan reported the numver of fighting men '' Eight Hundred Thousand In Israel , '' And Five hundred thousand in Judah , But the same repot according to Chronicles 21;5 , '' One million one hundred thousand in Israel and '' Four hundre andseventy thousand in Judah .

( 18 ) . According To 2Kings 8;26 '' Ahaziah Was Twenty - Two Years old when he became King , '' But According to 2Chron 22;2 He was '' Fourty -two years old when he became King . Obviously the latter one is wrong sine Ahaziah'a father was in his 40's When he died ( 2Chro 21;5 ) According to the Chro 22;2 He was two years older than his father when he became king after his father's death .

( 19 ) . According to 2Sam 6;23 '' Michal daughter of Saul had no children to the day of her death . '' However . In 2Sam 21;8 We see Michal had borne five son . Some revised versions tried to get rid of the contradiction by changeing the name of Michal to Merab . Unceremoniously ! You may findthe trace of this in footnote .

( 20 ) . According to Genesis 6;3 , Man can have A maximun of '' A Hundred And Twenty Years '' Life Span . However In Genesis 9;29 We learn that Noah lived 950 years , Andin Genesis 11;13 Arpaxad lived 403 years .

( 21 ) . While Genesis , In Chapter 5 & 11 , mention 19 Generation between Adam And Abraham Luke Adds One more . According to Genesis Shela is the Son of Arphaxad , But to Luke Shea is the Son of Cainan obviously , Either one has added . or The other had dismissedCainan .

According To 2Kings 24;8 '' Ahaz was The Father of Jehoaddah , '' But In The Following Chapter , 9;42 '' Ahaz was the father of Jarah '' .

Question To The Christian Who Was Luke And Was He A Disciples Ja-Zeus ? Some the so-called christian wiil answer he was an Apostle of Ja-Zeus = Jesus , However , Luke never Witnessed the life of Ja-Zeus = Jesus and he was not amongst the original twelve disciple found in Matthew 10;2-4 , And this accounts for all the Inaccuracies And Contradiction Found Throughout His Gospels . .

Luke was A well traveled man with knowledge of Naviation and A great writer . He Served as A mediator between the jewish and the gentiles specifically Roman and Greeks . He went to teach the gentile , In which he was A gentiles also . , Even though Ja-Zeus = Jesus said to stay away from The Gentiles In Matt 10;5 , And I Quote '' GO NOT INTO THE WAY OF THE GENTILES . Luke believe that Ja-Zeus = Jesus was the '' Universal Prophet , Yet Ja-Zeus = Jesus Said In Matthew 15;34 And I Quote ; In Part ; I AM NOT SENT BUT UNTO THE LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL ..

However , You can sense from his two books l The Gospels of Luke and Acts of the apostles that were directed towards the gentiles , that he assumed Ja-Zeus = Jesus to be for the whole world . This book was originally A two volume narrative of the start to Christianity and it Eventually spread from its origin in Jerusalem to Rome . They became sein the 2nd century .When the gosples of the New Testamen were being circulated as '' The Gospel '' In his work he is talking about Anti-Christ Paul and himself . He never claimed to be a disciple but relates events before us and he heard them from The Anti -Christ Paul and other accounts . The Book Of Acts Was Written In 61 A.D. In Achaia Which Is Greece ( Acts 12 , Coloss 4;14 ) .

Question To The Christian , If Luke Was A Disciple Of Ja-Zeus = Jesus As You Christians Have Been Led To Believed , Then Why Are There So Many Contradictions Between The Other Gospels And The Books He Recorded ? The books of Acts was Written by Luke who ( As Previously Stated ) was never A companion oF jA-Zeus = Jesus , But A gentile . The book of Corinthians was written by Thee Anti -Christ Paul . Another So-Called Follower of Ja-Zeus = Jesus , Who Never Met Ja-Zeus = Jesus , But Was An Avid Persecutor Of Him And His Disciple. ( Acts Chapter 8 ) .

( Contradiction Of Luke To The Scriptures ) .

Luke says the most high doesn't dwell in templesmade with heands Acts 7;48 Then he say '' God '' who dwell in his chose teples 11chro 7;12,16..

The lord ( knows ) the hearts of all men Acts 1;24 The lord ( test you to find out ) what is in your hearts Deut 13;3

Sell all you have and give Alms ( meaning ;sell all you belongings and give the money to him Luke12;33 Build you family Proverbs 13;22

Importunity ( persistance ) in prayer commende Luke 11;8 , 18;5,7. Repetitious prayers are condemned Matt 6;7-8

Hate you family in order to be disciple oF Ja-Zeus = Jesus Luke 14;26 Love One Another As Ja-Zeus = Jesus commanded 1John 3;23 .

Women are in subjection to their husbans . 1Peter 3;1 . 1Corin 14;34 Woman Can Prophesy Acts 2;18 , 21;19 ..

If you break thelaw or disobey the holy spirit you are A sinner Mark 3;29 All that believe have sins of the laws of Moses taken away Acts 13;39 .

More than three women came to the sepulcher . Luke 24;10 Just three women came to the sepulcher says Mark . Mark 16;1 ..

Two men stood by the sepulcher says Luke . Luke 24;4 Only one man sat beside the sepulcher says Matt 28;1-3 ..

Luke said that Salah was The son Cainan Luke 3;35,36 Salah was The son of Arphaxad Gen 11;12

The infant christ was not taken into Egypt Luke 2;22,39 The infant christ was taken into Egypt Matt 2;14-15,19,21,23

Christ's first sermons were on the plain Luke 6;17,20 Christ preach his first sermon on the mount Matt 5;1.2

Luke says that it was one blind man who approached Ja-Zeus = Jesus Luke 18;35,38 , Matt reports two blind men approached Ja-Zeus = Jesus Matt 20;30

Holy ghost bestowed the day of pentecost Acts 1;8 , 2;14 Holy ghost bestowed before pentecost John 20;22

Luke says the disciples were instructed to go to Jerusalen and stay there Luke 24;49 The disciples were commanded to go to Galilee immediately after the resurrection Matt 28;10

After the suposssed crucifixion and resurrection of Ja-Zeus = Jesus , Luke say that Ja-Zeus = Jesus first appeared in Jerusalem to The eleven disciples Matt 28;16 After the supposed crucifixion and resurrection of Ja-Zeus , Matthew says Ja-Zeus = Jesus first appeared to the eleven disciple in Galilean on A mountain . Luke 24;33,36,37 .

Christ mission was one of peace only Luke 2;13-14 Not so say Matthew . Matt 10;34 ..

Luke andhis friend Thee Anti - Christ Paul said the promised land never belonged to anyone Acts 7;5 , Hebrew 11;9.13 Abraham's seed did receive the promised land Gen13;14-15,17, 17;8 ..

A good name is A curse says Luke . Luke 6;26 A good name is A blessing Ecc7;1 , Proverbs 22;1

Abraham bought land for sepulcher Acts 7;16 , Jacob Purchased it says Joshua . Joshua 24; 32
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by TerahEl »

Belief & Believe" are two of the most deceptive words in religion. Belief is ignorance. Belief is to ignore the facts, intentionally or ignorantly. If one has to believe, it means he or she does not know, and if one does not know, that is ignorance. Anyone can believe anything and this means that a person can believe, and be 100% wrong. But knowledge is knowing and knowledge is correct information. "To know" gives one confidence, but belief infers doubt.

To believe is to accept things that you do NOT know. Either you know or you don't. Once you know - then you no longer have to believe and belief is the fuel of most religions.

Belief = acceptance of things that you don’t know

Knowledge = correct information which is always logical and reasons out.

Knowledge can be checked out by one or more of three test:

1) Experience

2) Evidence

3) Reason

One can not always use the "experience" test, because the experience test is not practical for all knowledge. The evidence & reason test are those test which are more often practical.
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Post by TerahEl »

Jull sadub karut hazi tathur, full tathur karut hazi sadub, jull-shayu hadut saakum ila ganun, zadurn kalun lakun renun li ganun tern hakurm henaktha katur yaswayaat shil istasdaab, lakun nut't-shayu manus pa ganun."

”Every cause has its effect, every effect has its cause, everything happens according to law, chance is but a name for law not recognised, there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law."

The great sixth Egiptian doctrine, the doctrine of cause and effect, embodies the truth that laws pervade the Lniverse; that nothing happens by chance; that chance is merely a term indicating cause existing but not recognized or perceived that phenomena is continous, without break or exception.

The doctrine of cause and effect underlies all scientific thought, ancient and modern, and was enunciated by the Egiptian teachers in the earliest days. While many and varied disputes between the many schools of thought have since arisen, these disputes have been principally upon the details of the operations of the doctrine, and still more often upon the meaning of certain words. The underlying doctrine of cause and effect has been accepted as correct by practically all the thinkers of the world worthy of the name. To think otherwise would be to take the phenomena of the universe from the domain of law and order, and to relegate it to the control of the imaginary something which men have called chance.

A little consideration will show anyone that there is in reality no such thing as pure chance. The word chance is defined as follows: "A supposed agent or mode of activity other than a force, law or purpose, the operation or activity of such agent, the supposed effect of such an agent, a happening, fortuity, casualty, etc." But a little consideration will show you that there can be no such agent as "chance," In this sense of something outside of law, something outside of Cause and Effect. How could there be a something acting in the phenomenal universe, independent of the laws, order, and continuity of the latter?

Such a something would be entirely independent of the orderly trend of the universe, and therefore superior to it. We can imagine nothing outside of The All being outside of the law, and that only because The All is the law in itself. There is no room in the universe for a something outside of and independent of law. The existence of such a something would render all natural laws ineffective, and would plunge the universe into chaotic disorder and lawlessness.

A careful examination will show that what we call "chance" is merely an expression relating to obscure causes, causes that we cannot perceive, causes that we cannot overstand. The word chance is derived from a word meaning, "to fall"

(as the falling of dice), the idea being that the fall of the dice (and many other happenings) are merely a "happening" unrelated to any cause. And this is the sense in which the term is generally employed. But when the matter is closely examined, it is seen that there is no chance whatsoever about the fall of the dice. Each time a die falls, and displays a certain number, it obeys a law as infallible as that, which governs the revolution of the planets around the sun. Back of the fall of the die are causes, or chains of causes, running back further than the mind can follow. The position of the die in the box, the amount of muscular energy expended in the throw, the condition of the table, etc. all are causes, the effect of which may be seen. But back of these seen causes there are chains of unseen preceding causes, all of which had a bearing upon the number of the die, which fell uppermost.

If a die be cast a great number of times, it will be found that the numbers shown will be about equal, that is, there will be an equal number of one-spot, two-spot, etc. coming uppermost. Toss a penny in the air, and it may come down either "heads" or tails", but make a sufficient number of tosses, and the heads and tails will about even up. This is the operation of the law of average. But both the average and the single toss come under the law of cause and effect, and if we were able to examine into the preceding causes, it would be clearly seen that it was simply impossible for the die to fall other than it did, under the same circumstances and at the same time. Given the same causes, the same results will follow. There is always a "cause" and a "because" to every event. Nothing ever 'happens without a cause, or rather a chain of causes.

Some confusion has arisen in the minds of persons considering the doctrine, from the fact that they were unable to explain how one thing could cause another thing, that is, be the creator, of the second thing. As a matter of fact, no "thing" ever causes or "creates" another "thing". Cause and effect deals merely with events. An event is that Which comes, arrives or happens, as a result or consequent of some preceding event. No event "creates" another event, but is merely a preceding link in the great orderly chain of events flowing from the creative energy of The All.

There is a continuity between all events precedent, consequent and subsequent. There is a relation existing between everything that follows. A stone is dislodged from mountainside and crashes through a roof of a cottage in the valley below. At first sight we regard this as a chance effect, but when we examine the matter we find a great chain of causes behind it. In the first place there was the rain which softened the earth supporting the stone and which allowed it to fall, then back of that was the influence of the sun, other rains, etc., which gradually disintegrated the piece of rock from a larger piece. Then there were the causes, which led to the formation of the mountain, and its upheaval by convulsions of nature, and so on ad infinitum. Then we might follow up the cause behind the rain, etc. Then we might consider the existence of the roof. In short, we would soon find ourselves involved in a mesh of cause and effect, from which we would soon strive to extricate ourselves.
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Post by TerahEl »

Just as a mortal has two parents, and four grandparents, and eight great-grandparents, and sixteen great-great-grandparents, and so on until when, say, forty generations are calculated the numbers of ancestors run into many millions, so it is with the number of causes behind even the most trifling event or phenomena, such as the passage of a tiny speck of soot before your eye. It is not an easy matter to trace the bit of soot back to the early period of the world's history when it formed a part of a massive tree-trunk, which was afterward converted into coal, and so on, until as the speck of soot it now passes before your vision on its way to other adventures. And a mighty chain of events, causes and effects, brought it to its present condition, and the latter is but one of the chain of

events which will go to produce other events hundreds of years from now. One of the series of events arising from the tiny bit of soot was the writing of these lines, which caused the typesetter to perform certain work; the "proofreader to do likewise, and which will arouse certain thoughts in your mind, and that of others, which in turn will affect others, and so on, and on, and on, beyond the ability of mortal to think further, and all from the passage of a tiny bit of soot, all of which shows the relativity and association of things, and the further fact that "there is no great, there is no small, in the mind that causeth all.

Stop to think a moment. If a certain mortal had not met a certain maid, away back in the dim period of time, pre-dynastic period in ancient Egipt, you who are now ,reading these lines would not now be here. And if, perhaps, the same couple had failed to meet, we who now write these lines would not now be here. And the very act of writing, on our part, and the act of reading, on yours, will affect not only the respective lives of yourself and ourselves, but will also have a direct, or indirect, affect upon many other people now living and who will live in the ages to come. Every thought we think, every act we perform, has its direct and indirect results, which fit into the great chain of cause and effect.

We do not wish to enter into a consideration of freewill, or determinism, in this work, for various reasons. Among the many reasons, is the doctrine, one that neither side of the controversy is entirely right, in fact, both sides are partially right, according to the Egiptian teachings. The doctrine of polarity shows that both are but half-truths, the opposing poles of truth. The teachings are that a mortal may be both free and yet bound by necessity, depending upon the meaning of the terms, and the height of truth from which the matter is examined. The ancient writers express the matter thus:
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by TerahEl »

The further the creation is from the center, the more it is bound, the nearer the centre it reaches, the nearer free is it."

The majority of people are more or less the slaves of heredity, environment, etc., and manifest very little freedom. They are swayed by the opinions, customs and thoughts of the outside world, and also by their emotions, feelings, moods, etc. They manifest no mastery, worthy of the name. They indignantly repudiate this assertion, saying, "Why, I certainly am free to act and do as I please, I do just what I want to do," but they fail to explain whence arise the "want to" and "as I please." What makes them "want to" do one thing in preference to another, what makes them "please" to do this, and not do that? Is there no "because" to their "pleasing" and "wanting"? The master can change these "pleases" and "wants" into others at the opposite end of the mental pole. They are able to "will to will," instead of to will because some feeling, mood, emotion, or environmental suggestion arouses a tendency or desire within him so to do.

The majority of people are carried along like the falling stone, obedient to environment, outside influences and internal moods, desires, etc., not to speak of the desires and wills of others stronger than themselves, heredity, environment, and suggestion, carrying them along without resistence on their part, or the exercise of the will. Moved like the pawns on the checkerboard of life, they play their parts and are laid aside after the game is over. But the masters, knowing the rules of the game, rise above the plane of material life, and placing themselves in touch with the higher powers of their nature, dominate their own moods, characters, qualities, and polarity, as well as the environment surrounding them and thus become movers in the game, instead of pawns, causes instead of effects.

The masters do not escape the causation of the higher planes, but fall in with the higher laws, and thus master circumstances on the lower plane. They thus form a conscious part of the law, instead of being mere blind instruments. While they serve on the higher planes, they rule on the material plane.

But, on higher and on lower, the law is always in operation. The blind deity has been abolished by reason. We are able to see now, with eyes made clear by right knowledge, that everything is governed by universal law, that the infinite number of laws are but manifestations of the one great law, the law which is The All. It is true indeed that not a sparrow drops unnoticed by the mind The All, that even the 9 ether wooly hairs on our head are numbered as the Bible and Qur'an, and they both have birth dates. But what about before them? There is nothing outside of law, nothing that happens contrary to it. And yet, do not make the mistake of supposing that mortal is but a blind automaton, far from that. The Egiptian teachings are that mortals may use law to overcome laws, and that the higher will always prevail against the lower, until at last they have reached the stage in which they seek refuge in the law itself, and laughs the phenomenal laws to scorn. Are you able to grasp the inner meaning of this?
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Post by TerahEl »

someone were to ask , why God , The Creator is one , He or she might answer that if there was a creator , a God for this incident on Earth . One could not always design his creation like the other , Neither would they go by the same principles . So we have a creator from many creators that gave you will . In order for one to preside , It would be necessary for the other to perish . In this states , or step down of his leadership making him a supreme . The King of Kings , the angel over all angel he who appointed the Arch angelic beings , the Al Malaa'ikat, God is the Supreme .

The will of one or the other must manifest the wishes of both or neither one would not be possible , And this would be a sign of froustration . And obviously God who is responsible for the intricate creation of all things of this cycle of refilling and replenishing the earth is beyond frustration . And God is alone in his power , as God . Only The All Is The absolute . And all creators are in All Your ,


Rab ,

Hor-us , On '

Jehovah ,

Dios ,

Buddah , Confucius ,

Brahma ,

Shiva , Vishnu ,

Thehos ,

Tammuz ,

Baal , Adonai ,

Om , Osiris ,

And All the others are in ALL .

As it stands , the universe is a very measured place ; Where everything fits within its particular pattern. And in the design of all things is an obvious unity , That could not be possible if more than one Creator took responsibility for all creation . Each creators is assigned by the ALL . to be the Creator , or Creators with one head as the angels with one deity about them all . For there is life beyond Earth . And new forms being discovered everyday . In The Koran 2; 133 , Also Koran 2 ; 163 ,

Koran 2;133 And I Quote ; Were ye witnesses when death appeared before Jacob? Behold, he said to his sons: "What will ye worship after me?" They said: "We shall worship Thy Allah and the Allah of thy fathers, of Abraham, Isma'il and Isaac,- the one (True) Allah. To Him we bow (in Islam)."

Koran 2;183 And I Quote ; O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint,-

Don't make for him any partners Exodus 20;3 , The Koran 3;63, Koran 17 ; 111

Exodus 20;3 And I Quote ; You shall have no other gods before me.

Koran 3;63 And I Quote ; But if they turn back, Allah hath full knowledge of those who do mischief.

Koran 17;111 And I Quote ; Say: "Praise be to Allah, who begets no son, and has no partner in (His) dominion: Nor (needs) He any to protect Him from humiliation: yea, magnify Him for His greatness and glory!"

Or you say you shall have no other gods before me Exodus 20;3 , The Koran 11;50 .

Exodus 20;3 And I Quote ; You shall have no other gods before me..

Koran 11;50 And I Quote ; To the 'Ad People (We sent) Hud, one of their own brethren. He said: "O my people! worship Allah. ye have no other god but Him. (Your other gods) ye do nothing but invent!

Exodus 34;14 And I Quote ; for you shall worship no other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God),

That means there is more than one , and you're not to use but one . If you are a Muslim you use Allah or Rabs . If you are a Hebrew Israelites , or Jew you use Yahweh , Eloheem , Adonai , Or Ha-shem , And if you are a Buddhist you use Buddah , As one deity , you are in ALL . All religion and their one god each are in All ... Therefore , All sincere spiritual , and righteous people know with strong conviction the creator is power , and has no associates in that power . So , he is called '' The Most Powerful '' Koran 22;39 . The Most Gracious , The Most Most Merciful '' Koran 1;3 .

Koran 22;39 And I Quote ; To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight), because they are wronged;- and verily, Allah is most powerful for their aid;-

Koran 1;3 And I Quote ; Most Gracious, Most Merciful;

To be the most of anything means there is more than one According To Muslims, they say Allah ( God ) is the greatest The Koran 29;45 And I Quote ; Recite what is sent of the Book by inspiration to thee, and establish regular Prayer: for Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds; and remembrance of Allah is the greatest (thing in life) without doubt. And Allah knows the (deeds) that ye do.

Then He Is Greatist Than Others Like Himself , Everything inside of ALL is a servant , Has no eaqual , no consorts , and no partners , ( Because ALL , is in ALL You Cannot Take From It , And You Cannot Add To It . ALL Has Neither Beginning Nor End . ALL Is , ALL , Has Always Existed And Will Exist . Because ALL Is OutSide Of Existence , All Exist In All . The Out Is OutSide Time For Time Exists In ALL , ALL , Did Not Begin , ALL Cannot End .

God is the beginning and the endind . The '' alpha and omega '' Revelation 1;8 , 1;11, 21;6, 22;13 .

Revelation 1;8 And I Quote ; I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.

Revelation 1;11 And I Quote ; saying, "Write what you see in a book and send it to the seven churches, to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to Per'gamum and to Thyati'ra and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to La-odice'a."

Revelation 21;6 And I Quote ; And he said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the fountain of the water of life without payment.

Revelation 22;13 And I Quote ; I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."

( If You Are The Beginning Then You Have A Beginning , And If You Are The Ending Then You Have An Ending ) . The originator of things we see and do not see . The breath that sustains all creations , presence in ALL . God is the only reality and he too is in ALL . EveryThing else is merely an illusion . '' He is one , has been the cry of every news bear-er

( prophet ) for a human had the tendency to stray from God's guidance , our heavenly father . And seek the protection of those that could neither help nor harm Him Or Her .

The appointed one who appointed , and anointed Jesus the Messiah of the New Testament , Tammuz of Ancient Sumeria , who is Haru ( Hor-us ) of ancient Egipt . In the depth of ignorance and Back-Ward-Ness , people sought help from object made by their own Hands , In Ancient Egipt , Khnum , creator of the Ka that yields the Ba and Akh , A human wanted to reduce The Creator to His or Her own LEVEL . But How Could An Object Or A Human Be Responsible For Al, Of Creation ?

So to assert that a human was responsible , Or that the universe accidentally came into being , Thrives on the absence of Logic and the abundance of ignorance . God The Fashioner gave electric charge to the protons and electrons , Designed the minute solar system of the atom like the one in which we live , 76 Trillion Years Ago . Gave Light Its Speed , ( 186,272 Feet Per Second ) , Put A Barrier Around Sound 1100 Feet Per Second , Blessed The Sun With Enough Mass To Create The Gravitation That Keeps The Heavenly Bodies Of This Solar Systerm Orbiting Properly . God Is The Fashioner . There's A Reason Why 75% Of Planet Earth And 70% Of The Human Body Consist Of Water .

The Creator put that balance there can you begin to Overstand It . When the ocens of the world all come rushing towards the shore , Who Synchronizes It ? If The World's Water-Ways Were To Crease Moving , How Would The Fish Breathe ? God -The Fashioners , Started The Water Moving And It Has Yet To Stop On Its Journey Home . Water Is Always Moving Towards Larger Masses Of Water . I Could Tell You Some-Thing That Would Be Real Fascinating But It Is Very Simple ; One Thing That's Unique ; Water Is Unique . Let Me Tell You SomeThing Unique About Water . Water Is Symbol Of Personification .

To Be Con-Tin-ue ------
Sweet Tooth
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

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I am trying to understand what the question is, could you dumb down what you are trying to ask or point out?
Sweet Tooth
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Sweet Tooth »

TerahEl;608123 wrote: 1. Can you believe that in the christian bible states that '' The Lord '' had A counselor and was taught . Of course the average christian would try to justify it . But says it according to your own bible in Isaiah 40;13 And I Quote ; Who hath directed the spirit of the lord , Or being ( His Counselor

Hath Taught Him ? ) With whom took he counse ! And who instructed him , And taught him in the path of judgement , And taught him knowledge , And shewed to him the way of UnderStanding ? The following is a clipping from the plain truth magazine according to them there are Alot of contradiction in the bible = the book of the dead .

'' There are claimed contradiction that theologians have not resolved to every Atheists Satisfaction . There are texual difficulties with which scholars are still wrestling , Only A BIBLE ILLITERATE WOULD DENY THESE AND OTHER PROBLEMS ''

( 1 ) . While in Genesis , in chapter 5 & 11 mention 19 generation between Adam and Abraham , Luke adds one more .

( 2 ) . According to 2samuel 24;1 , God provoked David to take A census of Israel . However according to 1Chronicles 21;1 The one who provoke David was Satan not God .

( 3 ) . According to 2Kings 24;8 Jehoiacin was eighteen years old when he became King , But according to 2Chronicles he was only Eight years old .

( 4 ) . According to 1Chronicles 8;36 Ahaz was the father of Jehoaddah , But in the following Chapter . 9;42 Ahaz was the father of Jarah .

( 5 ) . According to Exodus 24;10 the elder of Israel saw the Godof Israel ; However , John 1;15 claims that no man has seen God at any time ; The only begotten Son which is the bosom of the father , He declared him . John's Enthuisiasm to makeJesus an incarnated God makehim contradict the old testament . It isinteresting that the new revised version of King James tries to save John by inserting the magic word '' Actually '' Into the verse and I Quote '' No One Has Actually Seed God ...

( 6 ) According to your biblewhere it states in Mark 3;29 There is an unpardononable sin however , according to Acts 13;9 There is not an unpardonable sin .

( 7 ) . According to Genesis 1;25,26.27 Man was created after theother animals and according to Genesis 2;18,19 Man was created before theother animals ,

( 8 ) . According to Genesis 8;22 seed time andharvest never ceased and according to Genesis 41;54 / Genesis 45;6 Seed time and harvest did ceased for seven years .

( 9 ) . According to Exodus 4;21 / Exodus 9;12 God hardened thepharaoh's heart however , According to Exodus 8;15 , The Pharoah hardened his own heart .

( 10 ) . According to Exodus 9;,3,6 All the cattle and horses in Egypt died but , if you look in Exodus 14;9 , all thecattle and horse of Egypt did not die .

( 11 ) . Moses feared the pharaoh according to Exodus 2 didnot fear pharaoh but Hebrew 11;27 has it as hedid fear the pharoah .

( 12 ) . 1Cor 10;8 states that the plaquekilled 23,000 yet , Num 25;9 has it that the plaquekilled 24,000 .

( 13 ) . John the Baptist was Elias according to Matthew 11;14 But you got based on John's recording in John 1;21 John the Baptist was not Elias ( 14 ) According to Matthew 1;16 The father of Joseph , Mary's husband was Heli However , In Luke 3;23 It States that The Father Of Mary's Husband was Heli .

( 15 ) . Matthew 1;17 Speak of how there were fourteen generation from Abraham to Daivd ,But when you look in Matthew 1;2-6 it speaks of how There were but thirteen generation from Abraham to David Matt 1;2-6.

( 16 ) According to Matt 2;14,15,19,21,23 The infant christ was taken into Egypt but in Luke 2;22,39 The infant christ was not taken into Egypt ( 17 ) . According to 2Sam 24;9 Joan reported the numver of fighting men '' Eight Hundred Thousand In Israel , '' And Five hundred thousand in Judah , But the same repot according to Chronicles 21;5 , '' One million one hundred thousand in Israel and '' Four hundre andseventy thousand in Judah .

( 18 ) . According To 2Kings 8;26 '' Ahaziah Was Twenty - Two Years old when he became King , '' But According to 2Chron 22;2 He was '' Fourty -two years old when he became King . Obviously the latter one is wrong sine Ahaziah'a father was in his 40's When he died ( 2Chro 21;5 ) According to the Chro 22;2 He was two years older than his father when he became king after his father's death .

( 19 ) . According to 2Sam 6;23 '' Michal daughter of Saul had no children to the day of her death . '' However . In 2Sam 21;8 We see Michal had borne five son . Some revised versions tried to get rid of the contradiction by changeing the name of Michal to Merab . Unceremoniously ! You may findthe trace of this in footnote .

( 20 ) . According to Genesis 6;3 , Man can have A maximun of '' A Hundred And Twenty Years '' Life Span . However In Genesis 9;29 We learn that Noah lived 950 years , Andin Genesis 11;13 Arpaxad lived 403 years .

( 21 ) . While Genesis , In Chapter 5 & 11 , mention 19 Generation between Adam And Abraham Luke Adds One more . According to Genesis Shela is the Son of Arphaxad , But to Luke Shea is the Son of Cainan obviously , Either one has added . or The other had dismissedCainan .

According To 2Kings 24;8 '' Ahaz was The Father of Jehoaddah , '' But In The Following Chapter , 9;42 '' Ahaz was the father of Jarah '' .

Question To The Christian Who Was Luke And Was He A Disciples Ja-Zeus ? Some the so-called christian wiil answer he was an Apostle of Ja-Zeus = Jesus , However , Luke never Witnessed the life of Ja-Zeus = Jesus and he was not amongst the original twelve disciple found in Matthew 10;2-4 , And this accounts for all the Inaccuracies And Contradiction Found Throughout His Gospels . .

Luke was A well traveled man with knowledge of Naviation and A great writer . He Served as A mediator between the jewish and the gentiles specifically Roman and Greeks . He went to teach the gentile , In which he was A gentiles also . , Even though Ja-Zeus = Jesus said to stay away from The Gentiles In Matt 10;5 , And I Quote '' GO NOT INTO THE WAY OF THE GENTILES . Luke believe that Ja-Zeus = Jesus was the '' Universal Prophet , Yet Ja-Zeus = Jesus Said In Matthew 15;34 And I Quote ; In Part ; I AM NOT SENT BUT UNTO THE LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL ..

However , You can sense from his two books l The Gospels of Luke and Acts of the apostles that were directed towards the gentiles , that he assumed Ja-Zeus = Jesus to be for the whole world . This book was originally A two volume narrative of the start to Christianity and it Eventually spread from its origin in Jerusalem to Rome . They became sein the 2nd century .When the gosples of the New Testamen were being circulated as '' The Gospel '' In his work he is talking about Anti-Christ Paul and himself . He never claimed to be a disciple but relates events before us and he heard them from The Anti -Christ Paul and other accounts . The Book Of Acts Was Written In 61 A.D. In Achaia Which Is Greece ( Acts 12 , Coloss 4;14 ) .

Question To The Christian , If Luke Was A Disciple Of Ja-Zeus = Jesus As You Christians Have Been Led To Believed , Then Why Are There So Many Contradictions Between The Other Gospels And The Books He Recorded ? The books of Acts was Written by Luke who ( As Previously Stated ) was never A companion oF jA-Zeus = Jesus , But A gentile . The book of Corinthians was written by Thee Anti -Christ Paul . Another So-Called Follower of Ja-Zeus = Jesus , Who Never Met Ja-Zeus = Jesus , But Was An Avid Persecutor Of Him And His Disciple. ( Acts Chapter 8 ) .

( Contradiction Of Luke To The Scriptures ) .

Luke says the most high doesn't dwell in templesmade with heands Acts 7;48 Then he say '' God '' who dwell in his chose teples 11chro 7;12,16..

The lord ( knows ) the hearts of all men Acts 1;24 The lord ( test you to find out ) what is in your hearts Deut 13;3

Sell all you have and give Alms ( meaning ;sell all you belongings and give the money to him Luke12;33 Build you family Proverbs 13;22

Importunity ( persistance ) in prayer commende Luke 11;8 , 18;5,7. Repetitious prayers are condemned Matt 6;7-8

Hate you family in order to be disciple oF Ja-Zeus = Jesus Luke 14;26 Love One Another As Ja-Zeus = Jesus commanded 1John 3;23 .

Women are in subjection to their husbans . 1Peter 3;1 . 1Corin 14;34 Woman Can Prophesy Acts 2;18 , 21;19 ..

If you break thelaw or disobey the holy spirit you are A sinner Mark 3;29 All that believe have sins of the laws of Moses taken away Acts 13;39 .

More than three women came to the sepulcher . Luke 24;10 Just three women came to the sepulcher says Mark . Mark 16;1 ..

Two men stood by the sepulcher says Luke . Luke 24;4 Only one man sat beside the sepulcher says Matt 28;1-3 ..

Luke said that Salah was The son Cainan Luke 3;35,36 Salah was The son of Arphaxad Gen 11;12

The infant christ was not taken into Egypt Luke 2;22,39 The infant christ was taken into Egypt Matt 2;14-15,19,21,23

Christ's first sermons were on the plain Luke 6;17,20 Christ preach his first sermon on the mount Matt 5;1.2

Luke says that it was one blind man who approached Ja-Zeus = Jesus Luke 18;35,38 , Matt reports two blind men approached Ja-Zeus = Jesus Matt 20;30

Holy ghost bestowed the day of pentecost Acts 1;8 , 2;14 Holy ghost bestowed before pentecost John 20;22

Luke says the disciples were instructed to go to Jerusalen and stay there Luke 24;49 The disciples were commanded to go to Galilee immediately after the resurrection Matt 28;10

After the suposssed crucifixion and resurrection of Ja-Zeus = Jesus , Luke say that Ja-Zeus = Jesus first appeared in Jerusalem to The eleven disciples Matt 28;16 After the supposed crucifixion and resurrection of Ja-Zeus , Matthew says Ja-Zeus = Jesus first appeared to the eleven disciple in Galilean on A mountain . Luke 24;33,36,37 .

Christ mission was one of peace only Luke 2;13-14 Not so say Matthew . Matt 10;34 ..

Luke andhis friend Thee Anti - Christ Paul said the promised land never belonged to anyone Acts 7;5 , Hebrew 11;9.13 Abraham's seed did receive the promised land Gen13;14-15,17, 17;8 ..

A good name is A curse says Luke . Luke 6;26 A good name is A blessing Ecc7;1 , Proverbs 22;1

Abraham bought land for sepulcher Acts 7;16 , Jacob Purchased it says Joshua . Joshua 24; 32

You are taking it out of context- for instance, if you read all of Isaiah 40 you will see that the scripture is saying that there is no one comparibale to God- Isaiah 40:17-18 - maybe you should continue reading the whol story before you pull up things just to make a point- not even valid ones at that!
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by WonderWendy3 »

What is the point you are trying to make? Are you using God's Word for an argument piece? I will not argue about the word of God, but curious of the point you are trying to make?
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by spot »

TerahEl;608123 wrote: The following is a clipping from the plain truth magazine ...This is getting better and better - you're seriously quoting Garner Ted Armstrong? I'm staggered that anyone can still remember the old reprobate. If there were anyone who ever profited financially from religion it was Garner Ted and his insistent demand that his audience tithe their income to him. He ran Ambassador College in California - was it in Pasadena? My memory has every right to have faded on the subject, I haven't heard him broadcast since Radio Caroline was towed into harbour when it ran out of cash.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by RedGlitter »

You presume there is only one God for all people.

I would disagree.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Chookie »

Which specific God were you asking about?

And why?
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Chookie »

And your point is?
An ye harm none, do what ye will....
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Chookie »

Ho ********** hum.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by spot »

Chookie;608341 wrote: And your point is?

Is that me ye're speakin' at, ye foul-tongued bletherskate? I'll have yer lights oot yer heid if'n ah get more o'that, and my brother says he can take on any two o' your brothers, no messing. He's a braw lad, my brother, so take note.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by gmc »

If you are a monotheist yourself it is a stupid question and not one you would be asking. If you are not a monotheist but a polytheist you still would not ask as it assumes the existence of GOD as opposed to the many you believe in.

Do you believe in god yes or no?

Then choose which way you want to worship him and if you get really enthusiastic you can attack all those who worship in a different way rather than marvelling that you have all come to the same belief that god exists.

If you get really really keen you can declare war on all unbelievers and think up terrific ways to torture them so that they can go to heaven like you.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by Pheasy »

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (sorry didn't get much sleep last night)
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by TerahEl »

Sweet Tooth;608146 wrote: I am trying to understand what the question is, could you dumb down what you are trying to ask or point out?

Your too DUMB to even began to overstand the above post because it way over you small mind . Beside the above question is not a hard one , For those who can read that is . :driving:
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by TerahEl »

gmc;608393 wrote: If you are a monotheist yourself it is a stupid question and not one you would be asking. If you are not a monotheist but a polytheist you still would not ask as it assumes the existence of GOD as opposed to the many you believe in.

Do you believe in god yes or no?

Then choose which way you want to worship him and if you get really enthusiastic you can attack all those who worship in a different way rather than marvelling that you have all come to the same belief that god exists.

If you get really really keen you can declare war on all unbelievers and think up terrific ways to torture them so that they can go to heaven like you.

Belief & Believe" are two of the most deceptive words in religion. Belief is ignorance. Belief is to ignore the facts, intentionally or ignorantly. If one has to believe, it means he or she does not know, and if one does not know, that is ignorance. Anyone can believe anything and this means that a person can believe, and be 100% wrong. But knowledge is knowing and knowledge is correct information. "To know" gives one confidence, but belief infers doubt.

To believe is to accept things that you do NOT know. Either you know or you don't. Once you know - then you no longer have to believe and belief is the fuel of most religions.

Belief = acceptance of things that you don’t know ... :driving:
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by TerahEl »

gmc;608393 wrote: If you are a monotheist yourself it is a stupid question and not one you would be asking. If you are not a monotheist but a polytheist you still would not ask as it assumes the existence of GOD as opposed to the many you believe in.

Do you believe in god yes or no?

Then choose which way you want to worship him and if you get really enthusiastic you can attack all those who worship in a different way rather than marvelling that you have all come to the same belief that god exists.

If you get really really keen you can declare war on all unbelievers and think up terrific ways to torture them so that they can go to heaven like you.

Belief & Believe" are two of the most deceptive words in religion. Belief is ignorance. Belief is to ignore the facts, intentionally or ignorantly. If one has to believe, it means he or she does not know, and if one does not know, that is ignorance. Anyone can believe anything and this means that a person can believe, and be 100% wrong. But knowledge is knowing and knowledge is correct information. "To know" gives one confidence, but belief infers doubt.

To believe is to accept things that you do NOT know. Either you know or you don't. Once you know - then you no longer have to believe and belief is the fuel of most religions.

Belief = acceptance of things that you don’t know ... :driving:
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by TerahEl »

Chookie;608335 wrote: Which specific God were you asking about?

And why?

First you have to prove this God you speak of really exist then we can talk ok .
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by TerahEl »

RedGlitter;608258 wrote: You presume there is only one God for all people.

I would disagree.

When you can prove the socall God of your scriptures exist then we can talk , until then let not waste each other time .
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by spot »

TerahEl;608442 wrote: First you have to prove this God you speak of really exist then we can talk ok .

God's dead. If you're talking about the Supreme Creator Of All Things Without Whose Permission Not Even A Sparrow Falls To The Ground, that is. Long dead, thank God.

I'm not sure why I didn't give you an infraction for talking to Sweet Tooth that way, but I'd appreciate it if you refrained from insulting individual members.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by TerahEl »

Sweet Tooth;608150 wrote: You are taking it out of context- for instance, if you read all of Isaiah 40 you will see that the scripture is saying that there is no one comparibale to God- Isaiah 40:17-18 - maybe you should continue reading the whol story before you pull up things just to make a point- not even valid ones at that!

This post explaing the Contradiction Of Your Scriptures and your to blind to see them , Take your By -Bill out and read the above post ok . :driving:
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by TerahEl »

Chookie;608341 wrote: And your point is?

I do believe I made my point in the above post Canaan :driving:
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by TerahEl »

spot;608163 wrote: This is getting better and better - you're seriously quoting Garner Ted Armstrong? I'm staggered that anyone can still remember the old reprobate. If there were anyone who ever profited financially from religion it was Garner Ted and his insistent demand that his audience tithe their income to him. He ran Ambassador College in California - was it in Pasadena? My memory has every right to have faded on the subject, I haven't heard him broadcast since Radio Caroline was towed into harbour when it ran out of cash.

Truth is Truth :driving:
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by spot »

TerahEl;608448 wrote: This post explaing the Contradiction Of Your Scriptures and your to blind to see them , Take your By -Bill out and read the above post ok . :driving:

I have a principle, Terah-El. My principle is that every post should take more effort to compose than it takes to read.

That's why I particularly dislike people transferring large sections of text, which they haven't composed themselves, into a thread, and then demanding that everyone else read and understand it.

By all means link to the off-site text, and if possible summarise its contents in your own words. Make an effort, in other words.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by TerahEl »

WonderWendy3;608156 wrote: What is the point you are trying to make? Are you using God's Word for an argument piece? I will not argue about the word of God, but curious of the point you are trying to make?

Contradiction The Scriptures :driving:
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by RedGlitter »

TerahEl;608444 wrote: When you can prove the socall God of your scriptures exist then we can talk , until then let not waste each other time .

Listen Fruit Loop,

Speaking of ignorance, I'm seeing a whole lot of it in your attitude. You post reams of illegible unreadable verbosity that you presume we're going to pore over and yet when someone asks you to cut it short and explain yourself you get attitude.

You owe Sweet Tooth an apology.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by TerahEl »

spot;608447 wrote: God's dead. If you're talking about the Supreme Creator Of All Things Without Whose Permission Not Even A Sparrow Falls To The Ground, that is. Long dead, thank God.

I'm not sure why I didn't give you an infraction for talking to Sweet Tooth that way, but I'd appreciate it if you refrained from insulting individual members.

When other know how to talk to me then I'll stop , Until then I'm not takeing their

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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by RedGlitter »

TerahEl;608459 wrote: When other know how to talk to me then I'll stop , Until then I'm not takeing their


Sorry, You haven't been here long enough nor ingratiated yourself to anyone enough to take that angle. Buy another ticket and try your luck again.

Oh yeah.. speaking of Sh##, I'm not reading any more of yours. Until you learn how to talk to people.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by spot »

TerahEl;608123 wrote: Can you believe that in the christian bible states that '' The Lord '' had A counselor and was taught . Of course the average christian would try to justify it . But says it according to your own bible in Isaiah 40;13 And I Quote ; Who hath directed the spirit of the lord , Or being ( His Counselor Hath Taught Him ? ) With whom took he counse ! And who instructed him , And taught him in the path of judgement , And taught him knowledge , And shewed to him the way of UnderStanding ? Most reasonable people, reading Isaiah 40:13-14, would recognize two questions, not a statement.

It doesn't state that '' The Lord '' had A counselor and was taught at all. It asks "Who hath directed the Spirit of the LORD, or being his counsellor hath taught him? With whom took he counsel, and who instructed him, and taught him in the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge, and shewed to him the way of understanding?", the answer to which is a resounding "nobody".
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
Who has a spare two minutes to play in this month's FG Trivia game! ... My other OS is Slackware.
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The Reverend York Enlightenment Thread

Post by TerahEl »

RedGlitter;608458 wrote: Listen Fruit Loop,

Speaking of ignorance, I'm seeing a whole lot of it in your attitude. You post reams of illegible unreadable verbosity that you presume we're going to pore over and yet when someone asks you to cut it short and explain yourself you get attitude.

You owe Sweet Tooth an apology.

Listen RedGlitter Take You Head Out Of Your Sorry Butt And Smell The S### Your Talking . You People Feel You Can Insult Me And Get Away With It . If You Have Thin Skin Then You Should Keep Your Insult To Yourself , And Stop B###ING . :driving:
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