Im angry yet I am not

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Im angry yet I am not

Post by minks »

This is a most frustrating incident that happened last nite.

While on my way over to my daughters house I get a frantic call from her just bawling her eyes out.... "the police took my baby from the day home" Well there I am in the shoe store with Jr Minks and I have no decorum I blurt out "they took him where" then realized I had to pay for my shoes and get us out of there before I lost control.

This is a new dayhome first time visit for my grandson, and when his uncle went to pick him up last nite the dayhome lady told him, he was removed from her care and was at the local clinic, with the police and child welfare. So Uncle R goes up to my daughters work, tells her, picks her up, they drive to her husbands shop pick him up and head for the clinic. They get to the clinic and are denied entrance to the clinic because the clinic fears there would be a scene (remember at this point neither parent has seen their son) Police take each one of the kids (my daughter, SIL, and his brother) individually and interrogate them about everything to do with their life styles (remember these kids are all under the age of 23). After this they find out the Doctor at this clinic is refusing to deal with "this case". In other words if it goes to trial he does not want to take a stand. Sooooooo the children, the case worker, the police and the baby now have to drive across town (45 minutes) to the childrens hospital. There the 3 kids are put into a segregated room, and given the fast track treatment cause they have a police office with them. Of course there is a waiting period cause nothing to do with hospitals in this freakin city happens fast.

The cause of all this, my grand son has 3 - 4 sores on his body that a) are unexplainable as to how he got them and b) they look very much like cigarette burns c) these kids are young and are plagued with blatant discrimination.

FINALLY the Dr arrives, takes one look at the baby, shakes his head and says I know exactlyl what this is. My poor grandson currently is suffereing from a very common childhood virus called, "Hand, Foot and Mouth Desease" It starts as mouth blisters and then shows up on the feet and hands. Very mild desease. ... se/DS00599

Due to the fact the caregiver initiated this the baby can not return to the dayhome until the police go back and explain the entire situation and assure the caregiver he is a well looked after healthy baby boy. And that there will be no confrontation between her and the kids.

Hereinlies my frustration..... What utter BS to put those parents through.... HOWEVER, sadly this woman at the Dayhome did the right thing.

I had to vent and I apologize to my daughter for splattering this all over FG today, but it just goes to show you how it's a double edged sword being a parent these days.

Bless you my daughter for being an awesome mom and bless your man too regardless of what the public wants to think of you 2 :) XXXX

Your mom
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Im angry yet I am not

Post by kazalala »

What an ordeal that must have been for you all!! I understand what you saying tho, on the one hand you must have been terrified and so worried, thinking about the poor little mite wondering what was going on, but on the other hand, someone saw something they didnt quite understand and decided to err on the side of saftey for the boys welfare. Thank heavens for that doctor eh?


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Im angry yet I am not

Post by WonderWendy3 »

Oh wow!! I had something similar happen to me when my middle son was about 2ish...he had burns on his leg and 'til this day we have NO clue where they came from...but I took him to the night clinic and the doctor on call sent Social Services to my house and of course it was dismissed as soon as the workers walked into my house and I took him to his doctor and she kinda did like the Doctor in your grandsons case...shook her head and said...."he got into something that burned his skin and then he bent his leg"...she prescribed cream and sent me on my way...I was a MENTAL case to think that someone would think that I would hurt my son, and the worse part of it was is that he was home with my husband when this on top of that....thinking that he would hurt him??? He's not the sweetest man on this earth, but he wouldn't hurt his boys...We think he got into chemicals in the shed while Dad was working on the yard outside and Dad didn't pay close attention....

Anyway Minks....I'm glad it all got worked out, my heart goes out to all of you. It is such a shame that there are people that hurt sweet children:-1

Bless ya Sweetie!!:-4
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Im angry yet I am not

Post by Sheryl »

Oh I am sorry. I can understand your frustration with everything that occured. And I'm glad that everything worked out to be ok in the end.
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Im angry yet I am not

Post by crazygal »

Oh my what a horrid thing for you all to have gone through. Thank goodness for the doctor.
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Im angry yet I am not

Post by Hugh Janus »

crazygal;610216 wrote: Oh my what a horrid thing for you all to have gone through. Thank goodness for the doctor.

Which just leaves one burning, unanswered question...

Supposing there wasn't a doctor there who knew what he was looking at?

What would have happened then?
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Im angry yet I am not

Post by minks »

Hugh Janus;610276 wrote: Which just leaves one burning, unanswered question...

Supposing there wasn't a doctor there who knew what he was looking at?

What would have happened then?

Oh please don't even think that :( I do not know what would have happened, likely the baby would have been taken to a safe place and my "kids" investigated.

I have to say I was in tears this morning talking with my daughter as she went over everything with me.

The horror of being denied her baby, the horror of sitting in a cop car watching a stranger come out of the first clinic with her baby and not being able to be the one to carry him, the utter heartbreak hearing her tell me how her husband bolted out of the cop car and ran to his son in tears.. Omg that is where I lost it.

The fact that the cops even had to ask my kids if they wanted to travel in the uncles care behind the cop car or in the cop car with their son... I knew that was a test. The kids were NOT going in any vehicle without their son. The uncle had to follow along as they were not done with him since he lives there. The horror of the fact they kids were denied seeing their son immediately at the first clinic, and the fact they were denied the privledge to call me. My daughter was practically begging them to let her call me and her sister as she knew we were trying to find the clinic.

Lastly imagine how they felt when the second doctor came out and told everyone of his findings and both the cop and case worker were stunned, my daughter said both jaws dropped and they apologiezed all over the place to my kids. Neither the cop or the case worker had seen this disease before and it's not even a disease it's a virus, a common childhood virus as common as chicken pox.

The blessings in this

the team took pictures of the sores on my grandson for their records so they would not put another set of parents through this again.

the team told my kids after that they suspected the baby was in good hands because of their reactions to the questions and being detained from their son, the cop said they have had some parents show up 3-4 hours after cops have removed the child from care or some times not at all.

and lastly the fact that my kids are fully aware that all this happened for the greater good, obvously the team did an excellent job explaining that the whole event was for the concern of the baby.

I can only say I am glad it is over...and everyone is fine and pretty much happy. Just emotionally drained.

Thank you everybody for the kind words I will pass that on to my "kids"

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Im angry yet I am not

Post by spot »

Come on, Minksie. Either the system did what you'd want it to do or it didn't.

Consider whether you'd want the exact same routine adopted for a child which did have cigarette burns. Would you want the daycare attendants to make the judgement call on what they were, or would you want the professional path taken? The one thing your definitely wouldn't want is a blind eye turning to the marks or, worse yet, the child handing back to the parent with a comment that the marks look abusive, maybe a doctor ought to see them.

The assumptions of all the professionals in the chain should be monitored by their employers so that at no stage are the parents made to feel that any inference has been drawn until a proper evaluation has been completed.

It's a dreadful shock to the system when a parent gets swept into the eye of the authorities but at least this happened in an evidence-based setting. It's far more hell, and stays on records as a potential blight, if it's all purely subjective. That's where I'd draw the line and say "no guilt without proof". I have a great mistrust of some social workers, but not of either the police or the medical profession (rogues excepted).
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Im angry yet I am not

Post by minks »

Spot you posted the same time I did, and please note I posted in the original post that I was greatful to the care giver for her call.

Bloody Hell, I do not wish that ordeal on anyone BUT!!! Every mark on a child needs to be accounted for.....

And if we are being over protective so be it, it is for the concern for the children of this world.
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Im angry yet I am not

Post by spot »

It was the "What utter BS to put those parents through" which most caught my eye.

What would be intolerable is for the process to take a couple of weeks before being resolved. They do sound as though they kept the wheels turning all the while.
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Im angry yet I am not

Post by minks »

spot;610324 wrote: It was the "What utter BS to put those parents through" which most caught my eye.

What would be intolerable is for the process to take a couple of weeks before being resolved. They do sound as though they kept the wheels turning all the while.

My daughter said the cop sat her down in the cop van first and said right off the bat... "I have been doing this job for years, I WILL KNOW IF YOU ARE LYING TO ME"

When the case worker came out of the first clinic and the kids were finally able to hold her son, she told them right then and there there was a 98% chance they would get to go home with their son that night.

Also as they all waited at the childrens hospital with the case worker and the cop, the cop told my daughter... all the reactions from all 3 of my kids (mom, dad and uncle) were reactions that were expected of adults who love a child very deeply.

Spot it was just so gut wrenching for these kids to go through, and yess there was even a confession from the cop that because of the 3 kid's ages they were even more suspicious and had more questions to ask them, such as do they grow pot in the house, do they party a lot, does anyone drink, or do drugs around the child, what was the childhood life like for each of my kids.... it was one h-e-l-l of an interrogation for these "kids" to go through when they were so innocent.

Sure it was the right thing to do...
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Im angry yet I am not

Post by Peg »

I want to know what the babysitter had to say when she found out the truth. She did what she felt was best and obviously cares for children. The outcome could have been very different though if they had some inept jackass for a doctor. Everyone did their job, you can't be mad at them for that but I'm not sure most doctors would have known what they were looking at. I'm not so sure I could take the child back to the sitter even though I understand why she did what she did.
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Im angry yet I am not

Post by koan »

My daughter has a birthmark that grew as she did. When it reached the size of a cigarette butt the doctor looked at then did a quick double take and glared at me. I knew immediately what she was thinking and had to remind her that it was a birthmark. She took a moment to decide if I was telling the truth though.

I'm glad they got the baby back quickly... and they found out the infection was there so they can treat it. Hope he is better soon.
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Im angry yet I am not

Post by minks »

I too want to know what the Babysitter has to say, I am sure she is worried the other children will catch the virus and then what will her parents say. It's not a nice situation, I know my daughter had to call the original daycare and let them know her son caught the virus, as the case worker suspects there is where he caught this virus from. I hope the new child care lady is understanding and brings my grandson back into the circle easily and lovingly. I am happy to report today everybody is happier.
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Im angry yet I am not

Post by minks »

It is a shame society has reached this almost paranoia stage yet on the other hand it is good to know there are methods of protecting our children out there because such atrocities happen.

A catch 22, but as my mom always says... better safe than sorry.
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