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Are they breaking the law

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:01 pm
by kensloft
Before I read your message I was thinking that I am being hard on you and you don't deserve it. It is not you personally. I know from reading your posts that you are, inherently, a good, hard working person who believes in what they are doing.

Forgive me if I seem a little strident at times.

That being said I will now address your perspective.

Funnily enough it is not the govenment who sees these kids, diagnosis them or treats them. They also don't tell us what we see with our own eyes.

Drug induced psychosis is a perminant thing, and as I said most do go home again within a week, they have done things that have caused their families, police, doctors or someone to bring them into hospital.

Some have had problems that may or may not have surfaced before the use of drugs, no one can tell.

What you describe to me is unlike what I have obseved for the last umpteen years. As you are describing the patient's condition it sounds more like they may have believed that they had smoked pot but it was probably laced with something else such as PCP (phencyclidine). It is known as a horse tranquilizer and the results seem more as to what you are describing than smoking pot. Another similar drug is belladonna. Try this site for more info. ... onna.shtml

Kids don't need to be put in prison if they have just been using drugs in social situations or trying things out, and if that is what you do in America then that is far worse... I'm sure a prison record is worse than a mental health record!

I can only agree with this sentiment but, as I have said, there are people that truly believe that they are doing the right thing but they are merely mouthpieces for the people that want to keep it illegal. The profits are massive. We are talking trillions of dollars that have been accumulated over the past 30 to 40 years alone.

Much of the moneys have gone into legitimate businesses but their legitmacy is always used as a means to launder money from other things such as gambling, prostitution etc.

Are they breaking the law

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:30 pm
by persephone
Right, but you have heard how much tax the normal tabacco smoker pays in the UK, 20 B&H is about £5 (sorry can't convert into dollars). Now people travel to France where tabbaco prices are drastically lower and buy in bulk, bring it back and sell it with no tax, make a profit and it's still a darn site cheaper than the shops. Also illegal.

If canabis was decriminalised here, then the govenment would put tax on it. How much revenue do you think they will make? Tabbaco is a huge source of revenue (sorry no figures and I can't be bothered to search for them).

The same thing is going to happen the dealers will still exist, and they will be selling it cheaper just because they don't add the tax, they still make the profit, and with the only risk of being caught, it's not them that carry it into the country so what?

Having come from a fishing town and lived with a dealer I know it's not difficult to bring it into the country.

Also that when you are talking weed and still see the psychotic tendencies, there's nothing in there but pure canabis... Tulips don't even have tabbaco in them and rizzla don't have chemicals to keep them alight.

Are they breaking the law

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 7:02 pm
by kensloft
Governments making money through the taxation of goods and services is how they keep themselves in existence. There is this need to control whatever is within their boundaries because they want to use the resources for the , alleged, betterment of the people. For the most part this is true.

In the case of pot there is an extenuating circumstance. That circumstance is that it is a weed and as a weed it can be grown for free. There is no need, such as with tobacco, to cure it. Like any herb it can be gathered, tied in a bunch and set out or hung up to dry. There is no cost to it except when people want to control the distribution of it to the users.

If governments were to just not tax it then there would be no dealers to make money off it. There would be no incentive to make it available by the drug pushers because, theoretically, under these conditions you could pick it as it grew by the road and take it home.

Then there are the industrial aspects that marijauana provides. One example is the textiles that can be made from the fibre which can help inthe clothing industries. These could be taxed and the labour(machine) intensive aspects could provide jobs to the citizenry. Another is paper which could be made from this product, thereby, saving trees for other things such as furniture etc..

When you are talking weed and see the psychotic tendencies... . It could be that these tendencies were there prior to the pot ingestion. The weed is not going to hide these tendencies.

Are they breaking the law

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 7:49 pm
by koan
There is quite the debate going on here.

I, personally, have never met a troubled person who was in that state purely from marijauna use. It is often a combination of drugs and/or a history of unresolved trauma and/or a history of mental instability that puts people out of control and in need of medical care. From what I have experienced, a person who feels the need to do a drug is best off choosing weed than any other known illegal drug if they must. "Best off" is if they figure out how to deal with the problem they are using the drug to escape from...but if they are not capable of that at the time weed does seem less likely to produce the harsh side effects I have witnessed with many prescription drugs.

As far as profits go. It is all supply and demand. Making it illegal allows a limited few to supply and draws the greedy, less moral folk to make a "killing" at it.