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Hyundai QarmaQ’s concept vehicle

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 8:59 am
by K.Snyder
Hyundai QarmaQ’s Plastic Skin: Reduces Weight, Saves Gas

By Jon Alain Guzik, Editor-at-Large, Yahoo! Autos

Any concept vehicle with a name derived from the word the Inuit’s use for their dwellings made of Earth, whalebone, and animal skins is bound to be interesting. Hyundai Europe's Design and Technical Center in Russelsheim, Germany partnered with GE Plastics in the Netherlands to create the QarmaQ – a quirky looking Crossover Coupé concept.

One of the QarmaQ’s key features is its innovative use of recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic bottles to create a large portion of the vehicle’s skin. GE says the use of plastics, instead of more traditional metal and glass, gives the vehicle a 130-pound weight savings. That weight loss equates to 20 gallons a year savings in gas, not to mention fewer plastic bottles clogging up the local landfill. These numbers are nothing to scoff when you think of all the cars on the road.

The Green theme extends further as the vehicle use less paint and other chemicals that create massive amounts of greenhouse gases. Hyundai said some of the production techniques used in the QarmaQ could roll out beginning with the 2008 model year.

“QarmaQ demonstrates our commitment to safety innovation and our determination to bring more environmentally responsible technologies to the market,” said Dr. Kwon Moon-Shik, Hyundai Motors vice president of advanced technology. “QarmaQ will provide Hyundai owners with a safer, more environmentally responsible car and a better driving experience.”

We couldn’t agree more.

What We Think:

Plastic, green, and it looks good – who knew? With its hatch-like doors, oddly compelling design, and a ‘stolen from Logan’s Run’ interior, the clean-burning diesel QarmaQ is a green futurist dream

car. ... -saves-gas

“QarmaQ will provide Hyundai owners with a safer, more environmentally responsible car and a better driving experience.”

I would have to see that first hand before I were to be convinced of buying one...

But all in all, the concept is interesting...

I am against the hunting of whales to support the industry though...Not to mention it's possible affect on what it is they are trying to minimize, which is global warming, in the killing of whales whom feed on Krill, organisms who's primary food source is phytoplankton.

Hyundai QarmaQ’s concept vehicle

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:13 am
by K.Snyder
Soberano;571630 wrote: Looks quite smart, like to see the result of the crash tests before i invested in anything like that . Also being lighter would it be more prone to overturning?

With SUV's it's not so much the weight as it is the height of the center of weight distribution...If a tank were high enough off the ground it would be easier to tip than a Volvo.

But in all retrospect, 130 pounds isn't going to matter one bit. Maybe save someone a 20 here and there, but then again that would all depend on the persons readiness to drive it.

I myself will never own an SUV. Flip way too easy.