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Fix the Child Alert Program

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:35 am
by teramiabullfrog
According to the instructions for the annual federal funded, national, help find missing children Program (the "Child Alert Program"): "...Within 24 hours of receipt of a facsimile Missing Children poster, district coordinators should distribute copies to all Postal Service facilities in their districts. Missing Children posters are to be displayed for 30 days in Post Office lobbies, workroom floor areas, and other Postal facilities...". If this program was managed at the level of efficiency it's intended, instructed, and funded the potential for finding a missing child would be greatly improved. These programs are in place and functioning; however, they are not being managed properly and are under-utilized. Missing Child "Postal Bulletin" notices are being printed monthly (with up to 60 missing children featured), the notices are being faxed to Postal Service regional Post Masters; however, they are not being displayed in every Post Office lobby, workroom floor area, and other postal facilities, as directed. In one study of 2,000 post offices (in nine states), only five had any "Postal Bulletin" missing child notices displayed. And, the notices they had displayed were months old and all the children featured had already been found. when the hell is someone going to do something about this?