time travel ???

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time travel ???

Post by Carl44 »

ok i knew i should not have but i did i watched a programme on time travel eeek .. is it possible i think not if it were time travellers would be here right :thinking:

ok keep it simple for jimbo is a moron at best

but if you have to time traval you have to move at the speed of light ok so far i'm still with ya

so if your in a rocket traveling at half the speed of light and someone turns on a torch behind you at what speed does the light go past you??? at half the speed of light i hear you say but no you would be wrong for as you speed up you move more slowly through time so the light comes past you at yes still the speed of light .... sooo if you speed up any faster and time stands still how the hell are you spozed to travell at the speed of light ? ???

jimbo has a head ache .. dr g or some other meat head over to you but keep it simple :-5 :-5 please
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Uncle Kram
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time travel ???

Post by Uncle Kram »

I have travelled forwards 46 years in time since I was born if that's any help......no?........ok, toodle pip :D

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time travel ???

Post by Marie5656 »

Time travel is an interesting concept. I am not sure it is possible...but what do I know? Thing is, would you want to do it if you could, and which way would you want to go?
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time travel ???

Post by Carl44 »

Uncle Kram;511462 wrote: I have travelled forwards 46 years in time since I was born if that's any help......no?........ok, toodle pip :D

i believe now that time travel is now possible all your jokes come from the last century mate :wah: :wah:

just kidding they are still funny mate :D
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time travel ???

Post by Carl44 »

Marie5656;511465 wrote: Time travel is an interesting concept. I am not sure it is possible...but what do I know? Thing is, would you want to do it if you could, and which way would you want to go?

i could go back in time to when i had a healthy liver and drink :thinking:

oh no i'd be dead now if i did that :o

but in this programme it says you could only travell back in time to the moment the first time port whole became operational so you cant go forward just back so when they invent one the people of the futer can tell us what to do

hang on what if we are killing the earth and there are no people in the futer and thats why they are not here :(

i really scare myself sometimes honestly i do :confused:
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time travel ???

Post by WonderWendy3 »

I think it would be awesome to go BACK in time...but my fear would be returning to life as I know it....as discussed wouldn't the future change...or have I watched Back to the future 1 too many times??:D
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time travel ???

Post by minks »

I read a funny quote once about travelling back in time... it went something like this

"Remember if you travel back in time, they may not have had anesthetic"
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time travel ???

Post by YZGI »

Pinky;511483 wrote: I think if people could travel through time, I think we'd have to be wise enough to try and 'blend in' so as not to freak the locals out or get ourselves hung or something like that. We'd also have to not cause any waves. However tempting it might be to go kick Adolf in the gonads because we've spotted him doing a bit of sunbathing in between dictating:thinking:

So what do you think. Am I blending in ok?
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time travel ???

Post by chonsigirl »

so if your in a rocket traveling at half the speed of light and someone turns on a torch behind you at what speed does the light go past you???

Jimbo, if someone is torching me, I'm going really fast.......................
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time travel ???

Post by Carl44 »

Pinky;511483 wrote: I think if people could travel through time, I think we'd have to be wise enough to try and 'blend in' so as not to freak the locals out or get ourselves hung or something like that. We'd also have to not cause any waves. However tempting it might be to go kick Adolf in the gonads because we've spotted him doing a bit of sunbathing in between dictating:thinking:
pinky i think you have dropped a bollock the song says he has only one the other being in the albert hall :sneaky:

if you really want a head ache try this


go straight to the conclusion bit ouch
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time travel ???

Post by YZGI »

Pinky;511507 wrote: Well, those antenna sticking out of your head kind of give it away!:wah:
Those arent antenna's those are my feelers.
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time travel ???

Post by Marie5656 »

I would be afraid I would go back, inadvertently do something stupid and screw up the time line.
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time travel ???

Post by Bryn Mawr »

jimbo;511525 wrote: pinky i think you have dropped a bollock the song says he has only one the other being in the albert hall :sneaky:

if you really want a head ache try this


go straight to the conclusion bit ouch

From the New Scientist :-

THE title of Heinrich Päs's latest paper might not mean much to you. To those who know their theoretical physics, however, "Closed timelike curves in asymmetrically warped brane universes" contains a revelation. It suggests that time machines might be far more common than we ever thought possible.

http://www.newscientist.com/channel/fun ... ravel.html
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time travel ???

Post by Wolverine »

dude! what are you smoking? and can i have some?


Get your mind out of the gutter - it's blocking my view

Mind like a steel trap - Rusty and Illegal in 37 states.

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time travel ???

Post by Carl44 »

Bryn Mawr;511648 wrote: From the New Scientist :-

THE title of Heinrich Päs's latest paper might not mean much to you. To those who know their theoretical physics, however, "Closed timelike curves in asymmetrically warped brane universes" contains a revelation. It suggests that time machines might be far more common than we ever thought possible.

http://www.newscientist.com/channel/fun ... ravel.html

very interesting bryn thanks for that :-6
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time travel ???

Post by K.Snyder »

Carl44;511457 wrote: ok i knew i should not have but i did i watched a programme on time travel eeek .. is it possible i think not if it were time travellers would be here right :thinking:

ok keep it simple for jimbo is a moron at best

but if you have to time traval you have to move at the speed of light ok so far i'm still with ya

so if your in a rocket traveling at half the speed of light and someone turns on a torch behind you at what speed does the light go past you??? at half the speed of light i hear you say but no you would be wrong for as you speed up you move more slowly through time so the light comes past you at yes still the speed of light .... sooo if you speed up any faster and time stands still how the hell are you spozed to travell at the speed of light ? ???

jimbo has a head ache .. dr g or some other meat head over to you but keep it simple :-5 :-5 please

Traveling at the fastest speed known to the universe without the knowledge as to whether or not the universe has an end to it makes the concept of "time travel" moot...Think of it like a square...Draw a square on a piece of paper...The square represents the end of the universe as defined by it's borders...Take a line and begin to draw that line from one side of the square to the other...The line represents the fastest known element of speed by virtue of divine truth...You've reached the end of the square...Because there's an end it's impossible to go outside of that square...If you could that end point from which you're at wouldn't be the end...Which means that line would have to start from the beginning again on the side from which you've started...Then and only then is time travel possible...As I've said making the concept of "time travel" moot...

Hypothetically speaking let's take the fastest ever recorded element in the universe and say it's X...If there were no end to the universe traveling at X would only get you at a select destination faster than if you were to travel by Y(Slower)...If there were an end of the universe and you'd started back at the point from which you've started then that would make you someone to whom has time traveled...And upon such an instance it wouldn't matter at what speed you'd traveled at rather it would just be differential in at what time you got there...

I'd explained my theory in another thread...

K.Snyder;950826 wrote: A time machine only begins to be plausible upon the discovering if there's an end to the universe...If there isn't, then time travel is not possible...Time as we know it can only be determined by distance traveled based primarily on human perception...It's a man made invention to accommodate society...All it is is the association of needed outcomes based off of a scale that consists utterly on the Earths' rotation around the Sun...Meaning that when the planet Earth revolved around the Sun at a much faster rate the days were shorter in contrast to now, as well as in the future where the gradient becomes more exclusive...Ultimately in itself rendering the entire concept of "time" based upon the humans perspective inconclusive...This doesn't mean the philosophical sense of "time" does not exist"...The philosophical sense of time becomes pragmatic in that time in this instance is related to the break down of individual moments throughout a single persons' existence on this planet,..or however system you'd like to use but that doesn't change the fact that all of us as humans are mortal...The philosophical viewpoint of time is irrelevant though because we're looking for scientific probability in "time travel"...

Because no one knows if there's an end to space there's no possible way of basing a time structure within it...Therefore the hypothetical scenario of the universe being infinite renders the entire concept of time void by default...

It's not possible as I see it...

http://www.forumgarden.com/forums/showp ... stcount=30
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time travel ???

Post by Nomad »

Yes I time travel. Not as much as I used to but I do enjoy going back to the disco era from time to time.

And 2047...what a year that turned out to be ! :lips:
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time travel ???

Post by K.Snyder »

Nomad;955575 wrote: Yes I time travel. Not as much as I used to but I do enjoy going back to the disco era from time to time.

And 2047...what a year that turned out to be ! :lips:

Passed out from over indulgence of alcoholic beverage is or is not time travel?...

The one to whom was passed out would have to prove that everyone else were passed out as well...
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time travel ???

Post by Nomad »

K.Snyder;956309 wrote: Passed out from over indulgence of alcoholic beverage is or is not time travel?...

The one to whom was passed out would have to prove that everyone else were passed out as well...

Ill retire to my lab and work up some equations
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