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Toddlers aggression

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 4:17 am
by Katy1
Right, please let me know that it's all really normal.

My 2yr old can be so sweet, he's bright and affectionate and often a pleasure to be around but he's recently started to get pretty vicious with his 1yr old brother. I seem to spend most of my day nursing bite wounds and dragging him off his brother for hair pulling or face scratching etc. Today when I was getting them in the double buggy he was really hurting his brother so I sternly told him 'no' and looked him in the eyes but he just got worse and more animated. Then he started kicking me in the chest really hard and trying to grab out at my face. My attempts at stopping him getting like this are fruitless. Sometimes I can see that he knows that he has done wrong and will come up to me and try and get on my lap or kiss me. He is 2 later on this month but is the size of a 3 or 4 yr old and very strong. I can't really pick him up easily which means that when he really fights me sometimes I end up dropping him! Our household is a really fun and loving one, my husband and I very rarely even have a stern word with each other so he hasn't picked any aggression from us. Any TV he watches is monitored by me.

I suppose I just need reassurance from parents who have been through it and any methods that you may have found effective.


Toddlers aggression

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 4:33 am
by Betty Boop
I used the time out principle too, but my two had to sit on 'naughty bean bags' a minute for each year of their age. The beanbags are still here and now the threat of them is enough to deter either of my two! I found timeout in their own room wasn't really a punishment as they just got on and played with their toys instead. :wah:

Toddlers aggression

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 4:42 am
by Katy1
thanks all,

We do have a corridor which connects the front door to the stairs and I do sometimes remove him from the situation and sit him at the end of it away from everything. Sometimes he looks guilty and sits there, sometimes he just runs back in an carries on being horrid and others he'll just start playing happily where he is! Maybe I should do that every single time it happens but it's difficult when you're just ready to go out (which takes sooo long with two little ones) or if you're bathing them or out somewhere. It's good to know that it's 'normal' though.

One of the things that makes me feel guilty is that on more than one occasion I have seen my youngest interfering with my eldest playing happily and then he reacts. I'd hate to be punishing my eldest for something that wasn't really his fault, that must give him mixed messages but you can't keep an eye on them every minute...... The problem is that my eldest is so big he could really do damage, he goes for the eyes and bitten my youngest little toe so hard at drew a lot of blood. Even if he is just reacting to my youngest being naughty the outcome can be way more severe!

Katy:-5 :wah:

Toddlers aggression

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:53 am
by Mystery
Well, I'm glad to read this thread, although it is a frustrating matter, because my toddler is this way as well over recent months. He is an only child however. I've previously suspected, and this thread makes me believe it more, that it's possibly a desire/demand for more attention, and that's a problem I have. I work very long hours on two days, and then two days of 8-hours, so time during the week is very scarce. I end up feeling guilty about that, and consistency with discipline (time out, etc.) falls to the wayside at times, which is totally my fault. It's so difficult to deal with the aggression though!

I hope yours works out quickly :)

Toddlers aggression

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:08 am
by Lulu2
You've had some excellent advice here, Katy! Just do your best to hang'll pass. Some days might SEEM endless, but it'll pass! Get a sitter & join us for the RETAIL THERAPY we're having for Minks!

Toddlers aggression

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:19 am
by Lulu2
And I'll just bet you'd deserve it, too! ;)

Toddlers aggression

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:24 am
by minks
ArnoldLayne wrote: You would put me on a naughty-bean-bag for a whole 50 minutes ? :thinking:

To Your Room!

Toddlers aggression

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:26 am
by minks
Katy1 wrote: Right, please let me know that it's all really normal.

My 2yr old can be so sweet, he's bright and affectionate and often a pleasure to be around but he's recently started to get pretty vicious with his 1yr old brother. I seem to spend most of my day nursing bite wounds and dragging him off his brother for hair pulling or face scratching etc. Today when I was getting them in the double buggy he was really hurting his brother so I sternly told him 'no' and looked him in the eyes but he just got worse and more animated. Then he started kicking me in the chest really hard and trying to grab out at my face. My attempts at stopping him getting like this are fruitless. Sometimes I can see that he knows that he has done wrong and will come up to me and try and get on my lap or kiss me. He is 2 later on this month but is the size of a 3 or 4 yr old and very strong. I can't really pick him up easily which means that when he really fights me sometimes I end up dropping him! Our household is a really fun and loving one, my husband and I very rarely even have a stern word with each other so he hasn't picked any aggression from us. Any TV he watches is monitored by me.

I suppose I just need reassurance from parents who have been through it and any methods that you may have found effective.


Oh Gracious welcome to the Terrible Twos.

It is a vie for your attention, to children Negative attention is still attention. Yes like others said put them on Time out, a complete removal from the "hot spot" also if you can reward both highly for good behaviour when you see it.

I hate to quote myself with this but

"Raising kids is much like raising dogs, Repeat, Reinforce and Reward."

Gosh I have memories of BB acting like this at age 16 ahahaha honest it does get better


Toddlers aggression

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:06 am
by Katy1
Thank you everyone.

I have been trying to look carefully at what triggers his aggression and I think it is jealousy to a greater extent. It's funny really (not ha ha), you get so caught up in things when you stand back from a situation (and listen to others of course:) ) it all becomes glaringly obvious!

I've decided that I'm going to set aside more 1 to 1 (time reading or playing) with Jack even if it means putting Harry in his high chair. What is it about motherhood that makes me feel so guilty all the time?! I just wish that I could split in two and be two separate Mums sometimes!

Thanks again...

Katy x