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Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:53 pm
by puppgirl
this is amazing i didn't know you guys had this disability thread. OK i do have a disabilty its more of a syndrome its called morhse syndrome my older sister and i have it i have a mild case infact is very rare i think my older sis and i are the only ones who have it that i know of its more common for boys not girls and when my older sister was born they didn't know what was wrong but when i was born they did b/c i was born with extra digits 6 toes on each foot now they're removed when you look at me you can't see anything wrong with me i was born with a hole in my heart which now is fixed i had that surgery at 3 i was born with an extra ring finger on my right hand now that's fixed and now i can do tricks :D and i was born with lobes under my tongue i have had 2 other surgeries on my feet since then i'm SUPPOSED to wear glasses b/c i was born with a weak right eye and all my life in school i've been struggling even now at 23 i've been in and out of rsp (resource specialist program) and mainstream classes i'm supposed to have something congative with my brain but i'm just a little bit slower than most but i do catch up and i don't consider myself disabled b/c i'm borederlined always have been i consider myself "normal" which all disabled people should be and i guess that's it if you have any questions you can ask away


Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:06 pm
by Lulu2
Puppgirl...I've "known" you for years and never knew just what the right WORD was for your "disability." Thanks for explaining it!

What I DO know about you is that you have a big heart, lots of courage and real athletic ability!

What's the deal with the extra fingers and toes? (Maybe you could've given those toes to TANGLES? ;) ) It's interesting that your sister shares the same condition--does anyone in your extended family have it? How about the folks in your Italian family?

How many people are known to have this condition? Was it hard when you were a little kid?


Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 4:26 am
by cherandbuster
Seems like you've been through a lot in your 23 years

You seem like a special person to me

Any friend of Lulu2's is a friend of mine:-6


Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 5:27 am
by DesignerGal
WOW! I have never heard of that. Maybe I will look it up. Are there any complications that could pop up later in life?


Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 6:28 am
by Marie5656
puppgirl wrote: this is amazing i didn't know you guys had this disability thread. i don't consider myself disabled b/c i'm borederlined always have been i consider myself "normal" which all disabled people should be and i guess that's it if you have any questions you can ask away

I work as an assistant to a lady with CP. In her office, where there are several people with disabilities, we often talk about what is "normal". The decision was that everyone is "normal"...there are just degrees to what a person's normal is. What is thier normal...


Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 8:59 am
by puppgirl
lulu i have NO idea how many pple have it and my older sister and i are the only ones in my family b/c its a recesive (sp) gene that both my parents carry and i don't know a whole lot about my contition i know that it effects the face but not my face my older sister is more severe than me and lulu i thought you knew about my older sister b/c you saw my italy pics???


Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:43 am
by Lulu2
Honey...I didn't notice! You're both pretty girls, that's all I saw.


Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 1:00 pm
by Grumpaz
Well Pupp, I have to agree with Lulu. For as long as I've known you I wasn't sure just what your disability was either. I will say you have definitely seemed to have overcome your adversities.

As as for the extra toes.....yeah I could use a couple. Maybe it would inprove my balance. I sometimes feel like a weeble except I wobble and DO fall down LOL


Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 1:42 pm
by puppgirl