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NRA Applauds Congressional Leaders

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:31 pm
by Captain Ray
NRA Applauds Congressional Leaders for Including Gun Ownership Rights in their "American Values Agenda"

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Fairfax, VA-The National Rifle Association is pleased by Tuesday's announcement by House Congressional leaders to include gun ownership rights as part of their 2006 “American Values Agenda”.


House Republican leaders have put together a package of “pro-freedom” bills slated for votes this summer and fall. Two of those measures are H.R. 5092 and H.R. 5013, bills that are also among NRA’s top legislative priorities.

H.R. 5092 is the "Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) Modernization and Reform Act of 2006." This measure would make critical changes in the way BATFE enforces federal firearms laws. H.R. 5092 was introduced after abuses were exposed in several BATFE oversight hearings by the House Crime Subcommittee held this spring.

H.R. 5013, the “Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act”, would prohibit the confiscation of legal firearms from law-abiding citizens during national emergencies, barring practices by officials in New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. The NRA recently passed a similar measure into state law in Alaska, Idaho, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Virginia and Louisiana.


These seem like two common sense bills. Gun dealers should not be unduly penalized for making honest mistakes (HR-5092), and the government certainly should not attempt to take away a persons only defense in an emergency situation!! (HR-5013).


NRA Applauds Congressional Leaders

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 1:30 am
by BabyRider
OK, I think I get it, but in layman's terms, please. Thanks, Cap'n Ray.

NRA Applauds Congressional Leaders

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 4:51 am
by Captain Ray
My understanding of HR 5092 is that it sets reasonable penalties for FFL dealers who violate BATF (e) (I always forget the e...) rules. Right now, BATFE is given such wide lattitude to use the laws concerning the transfer of fire-arms and the conduct of FFL dealers as to be abusive. HR 5092 is meant to correct the over reaching BATFE.

HR-5013 will ammend the "Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act." As I am sure you have heard, in New Orleans, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina local officials took it upon themselves to disarm law abiding citezens leaving them vulnerable to criminals who roamed the streets armed and ready to kill, rape, rob them. The NRA succesfully sued the city of New Orleans, and the confiscated guns are in the process of being returned. But to disarm the public in the face of an emergency, when there is no civil authority that can protect them is about as un-constitutional as I can imagine.

That's my understanding of the bills...
