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Chronic Illness? Try Reincarnation Therapy

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 9:54 am
by Tombstone

I found this article on the 'Net a few days ago. I thought it would be a good post here. What are your thoughts on it?


KATHMANDU (Indo-Asian News Service) - It is a therapy that involves taking a peep into your previous life to cure chronic illnesses and pains plaguing you now.

Pieter Langedijk, a 72-year-old Dutch psychotherapist, flies from Europe to Asia to practise what he calls as reincarnation therapy -- stuff that could well be meant for films and fiction.

The former chemist at a Philips laboratory in Eindhoven who attended night school and university to study clinical psychology and the paranormal sciences finds nothing incredulous about it.

"People often suffer from pains which have no apparent cause," he says. "These are usually problems associated with their past lives. When they are taken back there, the pain dogging them for years is cured in half an hour."

Like the 50-year-old woman who he says came to him with the complaint of a terrible pain in her right leg.

"Doctor," said the distressed woman, "sometimes I lose use of my leg. I feel I have become a cripple."

"Did you ever have any accident?" he asked her. "Never," she replied.

So he decided to take her back to her past life. It's a combination of hypnotism and relaxation. He intones commands and goes on repeating them, inducing drowsiness. The heartbeat slows down, the brain starts producing slow waves and the patient is open to suggestions.

He asks the patient to see "pictures" and clicks his fingers. The patient sits up straight.

"I am lying on the floor of a hovel," she says dreamily. "I feel younger but am unable to move."

Then she goes into convulsions. "Someone is trying to strangle me," she cries. And the mystery of the strange pain is solved.

"In a past life, she was the 20-year-old crippled daughter of poor parents who could not look after her and had her killed," says Langedijk. "After her moment of fear, she told me she was in a beautiful place with sunshine around her. I commanded her to go back there and imbibe the cosmic energy for healing. And she was cured."

It does not bother the psychotherapist that many people scoff at theories of reincarnation.

"Perhaps it is fantasy but it helps," he says serenely. "I regard past lives as a floppy disk that is the entrance to the hard drive of mind."

Often, he says, incidents from previous life are borne out by hard facts, like in the case of the young teacher who suffered excruciating stomach pain.

Under trance, he went back to 1942 when he was a Roman priest being beaten to death by a Nazi soldier in a concentration camp.

"Three weeks later," Langedijk says, "he went to a border town he had never been to before. Yet he recognised the church there immediately and an old photograph hanging on the wall. The resident priest said it was an old monk killed by the Nazis. Then he looked again at the young man and said, 'Why, you could be his son.'"

Langedijk has practised his reincarnation therapy on himself too.

He says he has been a priest in different cultures. Now on his fourth trip to Nepal, where he has also been holding psychotherapy sessions, he says he had been a priest in a Nepalese town.

His Nepalese acquaintances identified the town from his description as a village 40 km away from Kathmandu.

Langedijk has written 35 books but they are all in Dutch. Five have been translated into English but are yet to be published.

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Chronic Illness? Try Reincarnation Therapy

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 10:53 am
by koan
This is great!

I have a book on past life regression and have regressed a couple of close friends. I would be hesitant to do this with anyone really troubled as I am not a trained therapist but, from my experiences, I can see how this could be helpful. I also think it is the most common reason for fear of heights, flying, small Egypt, people used to be wrapped up and entombed if they were the servant of a royal who died. They were sent with their master to serve them in the next life. Anyone have strange reactions to be confined or waking up with sheets wrapped around you?

There is also a woman named Chris Griscolm who uses accupunture to access the "windows to the soul". She says when these mystical centres are activated, people access their past lives and resolve obstacles that prevent them from happiness or success in their current lives. She has a centre in New Mexico, I believe. Will have to look it up again.

Chronic Illness? Try Reincarnation Therapy

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 11:07 am
by koan
Her name is Chris Griscom. She runs The Light Institute in Galisteo, New Mexico. Part of the therapy in called multi-incarnational, where you access your Higher Self and can heal your past life traumas.

More info at

Chronic Illness? Try Reincarnation Therapy

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 12:26 pm
by Tombstone

How does one rationalize or sync-up reincarnation with a belief in an afterlife?

Do some believe that reincarnation is a type of "purgatory"?

koan wrote: This is great!

I have a book on past life regression and have regressed a couple of close friends. I would be hesitant to do this with anyone really troubled as I am not a trained therapist but, from my experiences, I can see how this could be helpful. I also think it is the most common reason for fear of heights, flying, small Egypt, people used to be wrapped up and entombed if they were the servant of a royal who died. They were sent with their master to serve them in the next life. Anyone have strange reactions to be confined or waking up with sheets wrapped around you?

There is also a woman named Chris Griscolm who uses accupunture to access the "windows to the soul". She says when these mystical centres are activated, people access their past lives and resolve obstacles that prevent them from happiness or success in their current lives. She has a centre in New Mexico, I believe. Will have to look it up again.

Chronic Illness? Try Reincarnation Therapy

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 1:16 pm
by koan
Tombstone wrote: Koan,

How does one rationalize or sync-up reincarnation with a belief in an afterlife?

Do some believe that reincarnation is a type of "purgatory"?

Good questions.

My understanding/belief is that after leaving one's body and entering into the state of Higher Self, one can see more clearly the events of the lifetime. In this state, and with the assistance of other Souls, another life may be planned that will help in the perfection of one's Self. The goal of perfecting one's Self is the same as a goal to reach Heaven. It just means you get more than one chance. I am hoping this is my last time around. I am ready to rest that is why I seek.

Many believe that life in human form is the only meaning of hell or purgatory. That it doesn't get any worse than this. Although purgatory can also be used to mean a place of waiting, which refers to a soul that may be stuck for example as a ghost and unable to make the full transition to its higher state. In this case the spirit must work through unresolved situations from the life it has just left therby completing the lessons it was supposed to learn in that life before moving on. I, personally, believe that hell is best known in human form as having to exist in such a limited form as the body and being so removed from a sense of unity from all other forms of existence...including each other. At the same time, I believe that the body should be respected and appreciated as a vehicle to acheiving enlightenment as a method to appreciate the state of unity that bodily existence causes us to yearn for.

Chronic Illness? Try Reincarnation Therapy

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 3:14 am
by capt_buzzard
What I'd like to know who invented Purgatory? But reincarnation has always been an interest.:-2