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How do you REALLY spell Kabbalah?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 4:53 pm
by koan
In my journeys through Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley, and other metaphysical pursuits, I kept coming across Kabala...Cabala...Kabbalah. (An entire philosophy based on a picture-to put it simply) The entire Tarot card system is based on the Tree of Life glyph and it all stems from Jewish mysticism. :yh_whistl

So, anyway.

Aside from the many amazing things in this system, they describe masculine and feminine as, respectively, Force and Form. Of course these are the archtypes of which everyone has both of contained in their person. The masculine, Force, is the potential to be...ANYTHING! The feminine is the Form which creates...SOMETHING. So without the feminine, the masculine can be anything but is NOT. Without the masculine, the feminine can't create because there is no momentum to work with.

There is a theory among some Kabbalists, Cabalists, Kabalists, that the "evil" that has been attributed to women over time is the result of anger for the female having to limit the male. By chosing to be something it eliminates the possibility of being everything else.

I tested this theory out on a male friend who said "My God! I think that' why I'm gay!" :wah:

Any other thoughts?

Has anyone studied Kabbalah?

It is an essential part of many magickal workings.

How do you REALLY spell Kabbalah?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:38 pm
by koan
Crowley in his looney toon book of the law and other comical reliefs

He really was hysterical in a sad, dangerous sort of way.

I forgot about the "Q" version, thanks ;) I went and looked it up: In his Confessions Crowley spells it Qabalah as also does the good rabbi in The Chicken Qabalah although my very complete Western Mysteries volume refers to it as Kabbalah I have seen the other versions too. I am partial to the K spelling with 2 Bs....Gosh you would think all these numerology experts would want to have decided on the correct spelling! :wah:

But, then, being an obsessed numerologist, Crowley probably had it right with a Q.

If you think he's funny...did you read his attempts at poetry? :yh_ttth


How do you REALLY spell Kabbalah?

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 2:40 am
by capt_buzzard
koan wrote: In my journeys through Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley, and other metaphysical pursuits, I kept coming across Kabala...Cabala...Kabbalah. (An entire philosophy based on a picture-to put it simply) The entire Tarot card system is based on the Tree of Life glyph and it all stems from Jewish mysticism. :yh_whistl

So, anyway.

Aside from the many amazing things in this system, they describe masculine and feminine as, respectively, Force and Form. Of course these are the archtypes of which everyone has both of contained in their person. The masculine, Force, is the potential to be...ANYTHING! The feminine is the Form which creates...SOMETHING. So without the feminine, the masculine can be anything but is NOT. Without the masculine, the feminine can't create because there is no momentum to work with.

There is a theory among some Kabbalists, Cabalists, Kabalists, that the "evil" that has been attributed to women over time is the result of anger for the female having to limit the male. By chosing to be something it eliminates the possibility of being everything else.

I tested this theory out on a male friend who said "My God! I think that' why I'm gay!" :wah:

Any other thoughts?

Has anyone studied Kabbalah?

It is an essential part of many magickal workings.Here is something that Koan might find interesting

How do you REALLY spell Kabbalah?

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 3:18 am
by koan
I like the bit about being in the wrong site if you're looking for dancing witches and pentagrams. She seems like an interesting woman. I'm not much into witchcraft, personally, though. Thanks for the link (even though I didn't see the Kabbalah reference) :o