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Peter's Anomaly

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:30 am
by LilacDragon
Has anyone here heard of or had any experience with Peter's Anomaly? My SIL - who lives in Florida, had a baby girl last week and she has been diagnosed with this. So far, all I really know is that she had surgery today, but I don't know if it was one eye or both or what.

Any information would be greatly appreciated. Since we all live so far away (she is the only family member that lives in Fl.) we are not getting much information at this point.

Peter's Anomaly

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 4:51 am
by Accountable
I've never heard of the disease. It is a disease, right? Is this your husband's sister?

Peter's Anomaly

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 6:59 am
by LilacDragon
Accountable wrote: I've never heard of the disease. It is a disease, right? Is this your husband's sister?

Yes, this is my husband's baby sister.

Peter's Anomaly is a genetic defect. From what I can gather, it is VERY rare and I am wishing I had gone to medical school so that I could understand half of what I googled last night.

MrsK - thank you so much for the link - will be checking it out.

Peter's Anomaly

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:03 am
by Accountable
LilacDragon wrote: Yes, this is my husband's baby sister.

Peter's Anomaly is a genetic defect. From what I can gather, it is VERY rare and I am wishing I had gone to medical school so that I could understand half of what I googled last night.

MrsK - thank you so much for the link - will be checking it out.
Crap! He has enough on his plate, as do you all. Our prayers are with her. :yh_flower

Peter's Anomaly

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:09 am
by LilacDragon
Accountable wrote: Crap! He has enough on his plate, as do you all. Our prayers are with her. :yh_flower

Thanks for the prayers, Accountable. Little Addison can use them.

For a split second, I thought about not telling DH about it. He would have been furious. I talked to him online last night and told him all I know. He is a pretty level headed guy so I am sure that he will "keep his head in the game" and concentrate on keeping his head down.

Peter's Anomaly

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 12:59 pm
Hi my daughter was diagnosed with peter's anomaly in the center of her right eye with borderline glaucoma in Sept 2003. We were told that she was going to be blind from that eye and if we wanted we could do a corneal transplant. There were to many risks so we decided to let her be. At two weeks old we began dialating her eye and when we were told to stop we noticed her eye had remained dialated. Till this day her eye is still dialated which allows light to enter. The only drawback from that is that bright light makes her squint. We patch her good eye everyday for about 4 hrs a day to excerise the bad. So far we know that she can see out of that eye but do not know how much. When she turns 5 we are going to get her eye corrected due to her having a lazy eye. I have read some success stories on the coreal transplant but along with really bad outcomes. Is it in both eyes? Does the cloudiness cover the whole eye?

My prayers are with you.

Peter's Anomaly

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:06 pm
by cherandbuster
Mommy of Amaris -- How nice of you to share that with us. Thank you :-6

Lilac Dragon -- Only my VERY best wishes are being sent to your family and your newest niece Addison :-4

Peter's Anomaly

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:18 pm
by LilacDragon
Thank you Mommy, for sharing.

Addison had a corneal transplant in one eye at the end of June. She lives in Florida, so I haven't seen her. I get all of my information through my MIL. DH and MIL aren't talking right now, so I am not sure about Addison's other eye. I am pretty sure that she is scheduled for (or was scheduled for) surgery on the other eye this summer.

Pssstt - Cher - it's a niece! ;)

Peter's Anomaly

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 6:00 am
by cherandbuster
LilacDragon wrote: Pssstt - Cher - it's a niece! ;)


just changed it

but the sentiment is the same :-4