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City Looking to Buy Cable System.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 9:26 pm
by ChiptBeef
There is a plan afoot for the city of Martinsville, Virginia to buy the local cable system from Adelphia Cable Company. Many area residents are opposed to the move and feel the "city fathers" have their minds made up to that end, no matter what the media spin. "City council: Purchase of cable systems on agenda" in the December 8, 2005 local paper. under "Archive."

Has anyone out there been through a similar event in their city and what was the outcome (good or bad)? :o

City Looking to Buy Cable System.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 4:56 am
by ChiptBeef
From the Thursday, January 19, 2006 Martinsville Bulletin:

"Cable TV resolution on agenda"

By Mickey Powell, Bulletin Staff Writer

"Martinsville City Council, during its retreat Friday, will consider adopting a resolution opposing the transfer of Adelphia's assets to Time Warner Cable. A draft copy of the resolution was not available Wednesday. The resolution will be considered around 1 p.m. Friday. Hankins said the resolution vote probably will be the only vote taken during the event, which is intended for discussions. The council's retreat will be held from noon until 5 p.m. Friday and from 8 a.m. until noon Saturday."

Looks like the city council is pushing the agenda to buy the cable system through at a break-neck speed. It's too bad local government can't handle everything so quickly and with such special attention.

City Looking to Buy Cable System.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:56 pm
by TruthSeekerToo
And what happens to the cable system when the city reverts to a town? I guess the county will have to pick up the tab for that too. As it is, when the city reverts to a town we will be double-taxed. So when the county has to take over the cable system mess, they will raise our taxes agian to pay for it. Why do some politicians always have their hands in our pockets?

City Looking to Buy Cable System.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 6:10 am
by TruthSeekerToo
There was a good letter to the editor in todays paper (1/20/06). Since they aren't posted on the papers web page, I'll type it in here. I don't know about all that technical stuff, but he raised some good points. From the Martinsville Bulletin.

"Buying franchise ridiculaous"

"Purchasing a cable franchise for its broadband netwrok is ridiculous. Who is going to run this city-owned franchise after the city reverts to a town? The city does not have the negoitating power that the larger companies have with content providers. If broadband Internet is all they want, purchase space on the new fiber network currently being contstructed. I truly do not see how they can provide the services now offered by Adelphia, and soon Comcast, when they have actually said the only reason they want it is for the braodband. Cable and broadband are not stagnant industries, there are new technologies arriving almost daily. Currently we have cable, digital cable, premium channels, HDTV, DVR, broadband and On Demand services. We have access to Web mail, personal Web sites, security software, VOIP and other features that require backend hardware and software that are owned by Adelphia but do not reside in the Martinsville franchise. How would this be handled in the purchase of the franchise? The city would have to build a cable compnay from the ground up. Finally, I have one thing to say to everyone on city council: Could everyone that has any experience in operating a cable or telecom company please raise your hand. No hands? So, as a businessman, would you hire yourself to run a telecom company?"

Rocky Wall


City Looking to Buy Cable System.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 7:07 pm
by Accountable
*Bump* in the hopes that Chip has email notifications on. Hey Chip, you still around?

City Looking to Buy Cable System.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:35 am
by skinsguy
I'm glad this deal never happened, although we still need competition with cable companies. I just unhooked from Comcast Cable (they bought Adelphia out in our area.) They gouged me for setting up automatic bill pay! My bill was $112 a month, and then the next month, went up to $158 --- and I had not upgraded! I still have them as my internet service since I can't get DSL at my house yet, but I have went with direct tv. I like it better so far!