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Morning After Pill for Rape Victims

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 4:53 pm
by Accountable
I thought the morning after pill prevented pregnancy, not caused spontaneous abortions. Am I wrong?

Also, how can the state force these actions on private hospitals?

Massachusetts Gov. Romney Won't Issue Morning After Pill Exemption

by Steven Ertelt Editor

December 8, 2005

Boston, MA ( -- Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has reversed himself on whether he will issue an exemption for Catholic and private hospitals that don't want to be forced to distribute the morning after pill to rape victims. The state legislature approved a bill backed by abortion advocates mandating that all state hospitals must make the Plan B drugs, which sometimes cause an abortion, available to women who have been raped.

Catholic and other religious and private hospitals that have moral beliefs against the drug, objected.

Romney on Wednesday indicated the state health department would issue an exemption to such hospitals because state law also mandates that they can't be forced to perform abortions or distribute contraception.

But Romney said Thursday that his legal advisors reviewed the matter after his idea came under attack from lawmakers and pro-abortion groups. He said is legal counsel told him the new law supersedes the old one.

"On that basis I have instructed the Department of Public Health to follow the conclusion of my own legal counsel and to adopt that sounder view," Romney said, according to an AP report.

The new law will go into effect on December 14 and Attorney General Tom Reilly, a Democrat who is running for governor next year, said he would make sure it's strongly enforced against all hospitals.

Romney spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom previously said the governor supports exempting Catholic and private hospitals because it "respects the views of health care facilities that are guided by moral principles on this issue."

Seven other states that have laws forcing hospitals to dispense the Plan B drugs do not have exemptions for religious facilities.

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Morning After Pill for Rape Victims

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 5:58 pm
by nvalleyvee
The morning after pill prevents conception from implanting in the uterus. Basically it makes the uterus TOXIC. Rape victims of all kinds should be allowed this pill - THEY HAD NO CHOICE IN CONCEPTION!!!!!!!!!!!

Morning After Pill for Rape Victims

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 5:19 am
by Accountable
JAB wrote: The same way the state says that certain sects of the Mormon Church cannot practice poligamy. They are in essence, disallowing the belief in order to enforce whatever law is on the books.Not the same thing. Polygamy has been declared illegal; opposition to abortion has not.

I'm not from MA (too cold) but I would expect that there aren't many, if any, private hospitals not within driving distance of a public hospital. To force them to spend money on something against their doctrine, when there are options ....

Morning After Pill for Rape Victims

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 11:59 am
by abbey
I dont know about the States, but here in the UK the morning after pill can be bought over the counter.

If the chemist does'nt agree with it, ie religious beliefs, then he does'nt have to sell itor administor it on prescription, he'll re-direct you to another chemist.

Morning After Pill for Rape Victims

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 1:48 pm
by Valerie100
When I was a teenager, I knew an 18-year-old who was gang raped. She ended up having a baby boy from the ordeal. This was back in the 80's. She said that once she felt the baby growing inside of her, she couldn't part with it. Her biggest concern and issue that she was dealing with was how was she going to tell her son that he was the product of a gang rape.

I'm all for the Morning After Pill for rape victims, but I think that it should be up to the woman if she wants to take it, or not.

Morning After Pill for Rape Victims

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:27 pm
by czar
I think this is a great emergency treatment and all woman should have the option to use it. I'm not sure but I think that it has to be taken within 48hrs it happens. If a hospital gets funding from the government than I think that they should be made to carry it if they want you to, if they don't want to than I guess they don't want the government funding.

Morning After Pill for Rape Victims

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 7:42 pm
by Accountable
czar wrote: I think this is a great emergency treatment and all woman should have the option to use it. I'm not sure but I think that it has to be taken within 48hrs it happens. If a hospital gets funding from the government than I think that they should be made to carry it if they want you to, if they don't want to than I guess they don't want the government funding.I'm comfortable with that. I'm not comfortable with forcing a private hospital to provide it anyway. However, I will grudgingly allow that private hospitals in remote areas can't have that protection, and can be required to provide the drug.

Welcome, Czar. Give us an Intro thread.

Morning After Pill for Rape Victims

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 3:07 pm
by czar
If they are all private then I guess they shouldn't be made to have it on hand. You are right though about the ones that are in remote areas because women would have no fast choice in their decision. It would be either abortion or have it. It would be nice if they had another option.