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Do you talk to the ex-wife or husband?

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 5:01 pm
by nvalleyvee
What a trip...............You know when you have to talk to the ex because of under 18 year old kids..............and it's the second contact with them. The first conrtact for me and BTS with his ex was his heart attack...........typical snippy remark about BTS. It was ignored. Now I'm making a second attempt for his children. I will always be a illusions here. I will be respected though or they won't be a part of our life,

As far as my T-Gorl and her Dad ............never denegrated him and he paid me the same respect. Result............she loves us both.

Do you talk to the ex-wife or husband?

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 7:41 pm
by nvalleyvee
flopstock wrote: My ex is a great guy, loves his kids a lot. I talk to him when something comes up regarding the kids, we have no problem with it.

His girlfriend is very nice and drives my kids nuts because she doen't shut up. They are used to a more quiet lady sitting next to their dad, but she is a they are willing to make Of course they now realize that kraft mac and cheese is not gormet food, and i struggled long and hard before forgiving her this enlightenment..

But the ex and i, once the divorse was final and he realized i wasn't going through a phase, he got over it and moved on.

Thanks - point taken.