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Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 1:05 pm
by tude dog
Saint_;1519363 wrote: I also agree with Tude Dog. Hamas sucks. They seize on every opportunity to cause trouble. Which is even another reason not to stir the pot and move the embassy.



Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 8:16 am
by gmc
The thing is perhaps to ask yourself what to do if you were palestinian. Let's say you were taking part in a peaceful deonstration and israeli snipers opened fire killing women and children. Do you think you might become radicalised or just suck it up because realistically there is nothing you can do against a heavily armed military.

It should be obvious that the move of the embassy has no effect on Gaza or West Bank Arabs, but just an excuse to cause problems and play the victim card.

How about if the mexicans reclaim california as soon as the population is overwhelmingly spanish american and they all decide they would rather be mexican - after all the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was not exactly an amicable agreement. Do you think that would be reasonable? Arguably california doesn't need the rest of the states who knows another trump presidency might shift the balance..


Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 9:49 am
by tude dog
gmc;1519383 wrote: The thing is perhaps to ask yourself what to do if you were palestinian.

An Arab living in what use to be called Palestine.

gmc;1519383 wrote: Let's say you were taking part in a peaceful deonstration and israeli snipers opened fire killing women and children. Do you think you might become radicalised or just suck it up because realistically there is nothing you can do against a heavily armed military.

We could talk about this if such a thing happened.

gmc;1519383 wrote: How about if the mexicans reclaim california as soon as the population is overwhelmingly spanish american and they all decide they would rather be mexican - after all the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was not exactly an amicable agreement. Do you think that would be reasonable? Arguably california doesn't need the rest of the states who knows another trump presidency might shift the balance..

Dude, they are already doing that.